Wednesday, June 21, 2006

A produce boy said the funniest thing today. :)

"sorry, i must be boring you, I'm just really tired."

"no,. I'm just enjoying watching you handle your meat."

*eyebrow raised*

"well it's nice for someone else to do it!"

ba dum CHSHHHHH!

in other news:

awww! I miss you guys too!!

Kaitlyn, you're a Timmies Ho???? WHAT? Aw, sweetie!!! the terrible uniforms, and hovering supervisors, and "would y7ou like a donut to makle that a combo?"! I feel a sisterhood with you, the likes of which have never been witnessed before!!!!!

um...jk. but that's still; cool.

and my cell is dead. I can't find the charger. That's why no one can get ahold of me. Once again, I invite myself to be stalked, and shall post my home number on the internet: 741 0176.

Speaking of phone calls!!! Ace and I hung out the other day and he mentioned talkingto the artistic director of Theatre One who's looking for readers for his workshop in July! Ace gave him my name and #, and he gave me a ring!!! (you know, on the tele?; re reading it, it kinda reads like he proposed or something! lol) I'm meeting with him on Friday!!! :D

And finally, today was the dreaded hell day of work from eight in the morning to nine thirty at night. I. Am. Exhausted. However, my syupervisors at Timmies LOVE me! Seriously, they think I'm the greatest thing since sliced bread, to get down wit ma Brianna self for a minute. And work at the deli There's a hovering produce boy there who gives me smokes and rides home. :) I enjoy him! However, I've decided that if any of you ever enter a grocery store after eight pm ever again for ANYTHING other than to pick me or Barbara up...I'll Kill You. Capiche?

after-eights (as I've begun to call them) are the worst of the worst. They're the cranky customers who are there after work because they couldn't gfet there any earlier, and missed all the bakery staff so they can't order their cake, and what do they do? take it out on the freaking over worked, working alone, BRAND-SPANKING NEW deli girl. BAH. I mean, come on! I sat there from seven, until eight thirty with nothing to do. No customers, no jobs that UI could finish yet, cause they were all closing tasks. not even any meat to fill. I swept and sang opera in a Hindu accent under my breath because there was NOTHING to do. Then I sat there from eight-thirty-two until freaking quarter to doing all the jobs I had to do, until, at fifteen minutes to closing, we had our daily rush of stupid last minute shoppers. I HATE them so much. I always try to start the slicer at eight fifty, JUST to foil their stupid plans! Cause if I clean the slicer...I can't serve any more meat! BO-URNS!

Anyways, I shall take myself and my evil plans elsewhere, and YOU shall comment. ya. that would be fun.


barbara_mary said...

Yes yes yes yes!!! Evil last minute shoppers who come in at 7 to nine and are like, hey, lets fill my shopping cart to the TOP

Anonymous said...

i did call your house phone before I called your cell... no one answered.

Brianna said...

It was like that at Naturlizer, but they were like.. the people who would come in friday at quarter to nine and try on every single pair of shoes we carried. I hated them.

Akiyhrah said...

Oh god, the combos... I had someone order a soup combo today and then said they didn't want the donut or drink and I was like... WTF?? Then it's not a combo you douche!

And DRIVE THRU!! god I wanna smack those people...
me: "Welcome to Tim hortons, can I take your order?"
person: "Yea, I'd like acoffeewithcreamandsugaronthesideandaturkeybaconclubonwholewheatandextratomatos,anda40packoftimbits,10chocolate,10fritters,10cherry,6plainand5honeydipandoh..asteepedteawithhoneyandcream."
me: O_o "uh, what?"
person: "a coffeewithcreamandsugaronthesideandaturkeybaconclubonwholewheatandextratomatos,anda40packoftimbits,10chocolate,10fritters,10cherry,6plainand5honeydipandoh..asteepedteawithhoneyandcream."
me: "um..."
disel engine: "YOU CANT HEAR ANYTHING!!!!!!!!"
me: *dies*

jordanibanez said...

Ahahahahah! Diesel engines *do* say that. That's hilarious. Well put.

Joe Guitar said...

Haha you have my old job Alleah. You will hate customers more and more as you go.

VivaLaPinto said...

hahaha! Kaitlyn, I SO hear ya! Thank goodness, there's always four or five people on drive thru at my Timmies! All of us take orders, and that person punches the order in, another does coffee orders, two are runners, and one more cashes the customer out, and gives them the shiz.

And Jordan, I've ALWAYS hated customers. If I ever have to play a dumb smiley blond, I've got the training down pat just from customer service. :P

Queen of Hearts said...

ALLEAH... join us.... join us

one of us one of us hehehe

Anonymous said...

Late shoppers have an excuse, though. What gets my goat are those fucking wankers who turn up at 10am on Boxing Day or 8am on New Year's to return unwanted Christmas presents. You cunts have two weeks, why the first day?

Pineapple Princess! said...

At least youre not working night shift at tim hortons and doing arts alive during the day. Trust me, that gets draining....

Also,***AFTER 8'S AT RETAIL!!!!!*** Picture this. We have the store all nice and clean, and ready to go, someone comes in at quarter to nine, trys on all the black pants and white shirts in the store (becauew they all look the same and are hard to put away) is still trying on clothes at quarter after, has "no luck" and buys once piece of underwear because she "feels bad for keeping you girls so late, silly me" By the time we sign her up for a membership card its 9:25 and we are supposed to be gone in 5 minutes, after vaccuuming, counting tills, putting away all the clothes that she tryed on and running the deposit to the bank. and we only get paid till the time we're sheduled. and the last bus home leaves at 9:30... exactly. I understand your pain, I really do.

VivaLaPinto said...

aww, Mel, I understand...that must suck so bad! Last night at the deli, it was so dead, adn I was finished completely by five after nine and had twenty five minutes left to sit on my ass...I'm wandering around the store, helping various randoms, when I come across this lady who's STILL in there, looking at MEAT! AFTER I've turned the lights off! I'm not in my uniform anymore, and she ties me up for like fifteen minutes asking me stupid questions that I can't even answer!

She was actually there twenty minutes after we closed. I left before she did. What an annoying person.