Friday, June 09, 2006

stolen from mel... *EDITED!*

Name 21 people you can think of right off the top of your head..Dont read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 21 people.

1. Brianna
2. Laura
3. Ace
4. Sean
5. Geoff
6. Michelle
7. Biff
8. Becky
9. Kaitlyn
10. Laura McNaught
11. Barbara
12. Mel
13. Kevin Dobson
14. Amber
15. Ted Littlemore
16. Olives
17. Alex
18. Jordan Gregoire
19. Brad Neilsen
20. Jordan Davies
21. Trish

Q: How did you meet 14? the first day of Mal Theatre, she was sitting with the only girl I knew, so we started talking! :)

Q: What would you have to do to see 10? invite her to a party or girls night..I hope we get close enough for me to just call her the heck up, though! :)

Q: What would you do if 20 and 9 dated? give them a love fern, and then...

wet myself...

Q: Would 21 and 12 make a good couple? haha! ...maybe. Though Mel's insecurity might drive Trish up the wall...the way I see it, Trish would be the insecure one, and wouldn';t be able to handle another's insecurity, and vice versa with Mel.

Q: Describe 6:oh well, talented beyond belief. probably the kindest person I've met in my life...sweet and cute as a button...I am determined to adore her as much as she deserves. Which is a whole heck of a lot!

Q: Do you think 19 is attractive? HELLS yes! I would SO do him! mmm...

Q: Tell me something humiliating about 17: are you joking? Alex has nothing humiliating about him. He is smooth embodied.

Q: Do you know any of 4's family members? I almost married the guy, if I didn't what kind of a person would that make me?

Q: When's the last time you talked to 13? he called me, super drunk at Brianna and Barbara's moving out was humourous.

Q: What is 2's favorite band? Honestly... I couldn't tell you. She likes lots of different music. I'm gonna take a stab in the dark and say Leonard Cohen.

Q: Would you ever date 5? not again! lol...I have though, so I guess I have EVER dated him.

Q: Is 11 single? indeed she is! unless you count her fake-y marraige, but I don't cauzse they haven't even consummated it yet! :P

Q: Would you ever want to be in a serious relationship with 16? haha, I know he's going to read this, AWKWARD! yeah, sure...I don't wanna freak him out or anything, or make him think he has a stalker, but I could see dating Kyle. he's Rosie's though. :)

Q: Where does 15 live?HAHAHAHA! How the deuce am I supposed to know? I just want to own the guy as a pet, I don't actually know where the poor guy lives! Contrary to popular belief, I am not a stalker.

Q: Are number 7 & 8 best friends? I do believe so...even after the shiz that went down with Beckies roommate (s)

Q: Do you like 1? quite a lot, though sometimes I wonder if she feels the same. :(

Q: Thoughts on 3? one of the closest friends I'll ever have. I never want to lose touch.

Q. Did you ever have a crush on 5? in the beginning for two straight fucking months! he was oblivious, as usual, though. :P

Q. Do you think 13 is attractive?um...not my type. *shrug*

Q. What's 21's favorite colour? stab in the dark: red?

Q. What would you do if 19 just confessed they liked you? do him. do him SO hard.

Q. What language does 20 speak? I'm pretty sure just the one, unless he's keeping something from me. Matt Damon....!

Q. Who is 15 going out with?beats me...better be no one, cause I don't allow my pets to have girlfriends. :P

Q. Would you ever date 7? would I ever...that opportunity is slipping away from him quickly though if he doesn't stop being such a flake with plans. it's so not cool, anmd is hurting his friendships, and work relationships.

Q. Would you ever date 1? :O NEVER!!! lol! A) WAY too fuckin weird. B) She'd hate me even more after a month, lol! C) I AM STRAIGHT! lol

Q. Do you hate 21?no, for sure fact I see her way too infrequently.

Q. What is 9's last name? O'Neill. she's an Irish Princess. BITCH!

Q. Would you ever want to be in a serious relationship with 2? hahah, NEVER! She's my girl, my Gator!!! And once again, I'M STRAIGHT!

Q. What school does 3 go to? The Ace Martens Academy of Being Cooler Than Thou.

AWW, dude!!! I understand now why eighteen is a pointless number! SUCKS to be eighteen on ANYONE'S list! :P ok, here we go, I shall remedy that with the pure force of my awesemity:

Q: Is eighteen happen to be THE MOST HILARIOUS, FUCKIN AWESOME PERSON YOU'VE EVER KNOWN???? why yes I believe he does. ;D

AMBER!!! write me that fuckin email, whore! (level 6)


Joe Guitar said...

Actually my roommates have determined that I also speak "Techie" because when I talk about anything technical I might as well be speaking Greek.

Olives said...

*tear* I wasn't thought of. lol

Anonymous said...

yup, and you alls cant come to my academy...


Anonymous said...

No worries Olives... niether was I


I have a joke for you!!



(because a vibrator can't mow the lawn)

Olives said...

Oh thats great. though there are some men that work better then a vibrator. But it's a small percentage so I'm sure they just don't count.

jordanibanez said...

Wow, and the award for most pointlessly assigned person to a number goes to... Jordan Gregoire!

Brianna said...

dont be daft Alleah, of course I love you tons. Its my own damn fault that I get mad at you, because im a total bitchface!

VivaLaPinto said...

:O aww, you're not a bitchface. You're just pissy and hormonal because of that boy. :)

Jordan, why pointless?

AMBER! Write me a vent email, and I may include you! :P

Olives, my mind kind of worked associatively...I thought of somebody and then someone who is associated with them in my brain...I was also trying not to put people who other people put, so I avoided Chris Read, and therefore, probably never associated you.
I might just re do this, because I don't like it.

Anonymous said...



Olives said...

Excellent, The post has been edited to Appease me. And other people I'm sure. I retract that single Tear. lol. Now I should go and get gas. So no more comment for this moment.