Saturday, November 18, 2006

The New 15

1) This is goodbye. I loved you very very much, and allowed my life to revolve around your for far too long. You taught me some incredible lessons and for that I thank you. But you have hurt me for the last time. I'll miss you very much, but I'm also going to move on and experience what I've been missing while I was focusing on you.

2) I love you lots, and want the best for you, but sometimes cannot control my temper...especially lately. I'm pretty sure you know this, but just to reaffirm, I value you tons, and want to see you do good with your life, and if I find your little idiosyncracies irritating, I'm sure you find mine just as bad. We're all rooting for you m'dear, so go get 'em!

3) Wowzers, you're damn cool! I think you are super pretty, and I think you and he will have good times together. You;re also a shitload of fun to party with and have been so since the first time I saw you rolling around on my floor at ten in the evening! ;) love ya tons, babe, just no more pantry adventures for you, k?

4) It seem like your life is really pulling've got the girl, the gig, the car. JAWSOME! Now all you have to figure out is where to go from there. And don't forget to bring some porn the next time you stop by AKA House!

5) You're the fuckin BEST! Seriously! You are so much fun, all of the time, and genuinely a really nice person! You always bring the party, and riding your man saddle is always on my mind! ;D Sometimes I wonder though what it's like for you when you're not in the crazy party head space. Don't forget to let a little of that out to, when you need to. much loves, my darling!

6) Wow, confuse me a lot. Is the switch on, or off? Make a decision, or I'm going to move on.

7) I was reading old blog posts the other day and I found a comment from you about how much you missed me during the summer and how seeing me made like your whole week. And that made me realize that, as mean to me as you are, you do still love me, and I'm not silly for trying to be your friend. I love you lots, and I want you to be super happy (even though you burn me all the time, and we don't get along in your crazy SM mode). This is me giving you a super hug right now!

8) I love that you're so involved in my life this year...we were friends last year but I think we have grown so much closer and I love that. I'm sure things about me annoy you, but thanks for being so easy to deal with. It's always really easy to solve problems with you, and I love that! Don't forget you deserve the best my dear, and if certain people aren't treating you like the Irish Princess that you are, kick 'em to the curb and find someone who will. You are entitled to the very best.

9) I don't know what to do about you...I am extremely interested, but I have a dilemma. I don't know why this always happens right when I find a guy I'm really into...but there's another one too. And now I have to choose. You and him are exact opposites and I'm not sure what I need right now...whether to go for the maturity aspect, or the common age aspect. Just know that I am not going to get serious with anyone until I know exactly what I'm going to do.

10) K, you're yucky, I'm sorry. You are so socially incapable, it pains me to be around you. When I heard your tone speaking to *our* director the other day, I nearly fell off my chair. Only you would ever act so rude to someone who was PAYING you for your *ahem* ..."skills." We all know about your fucking award, and don't give a shit about it, so stop thinking it means anything.

11) Sometimes I think you hate me. And sometimes I think I deserve it. But is it so wrong to pursue what I want instead of settling for something for the sake of being nice? I don't think so.

12) You are so tall. Wow. But I like it...and our sign-in switch was the shiz-nit! I hope you and I become good friends in the near future, even with your paint-splattered disease feet!

13) I wasn't planning on letting this become something...and then it did. I don't know if you would be good for me, and I don't even know if it's really what I want. But I am attracted to you. And I can't change that. We'll just have to see what happens.

14) You're so cute! And I always see you having so much fun at the parties! I hope we become closer before the end of the year, because that be cool. Yeah, so damn cool.

15) I have said it for're mentally unstable. .........not really, I just wanted to say that cause it's a Galaxy Quest quote! lol...but you do have some issues you need to work through. You know I;m there for you whenever you need it, the thing I can't understand is why you never think you need it! Accept some help before you lose friends.


Anonymous said...

Oooh, pantry adventures, so much fun, but a little inconvienent ;)

jordanibanez said...

I *heart* you. And that's what painting is for. So grinning right now.

ChaoticEggplantQueen said...

Hahah! We need to make a sign. AKA House, come for the ladies, stay for the pantry sex.

It seemed witty drunk.

VivaLaPinto said...

LOL, Nathan! And Martha, I don't think you are...but what could I say to you that isn't also expressed with a little public HAWT lesbian action??? ;D
what can I say? you turn me on! And you're the cutest evAR! lol!

Anonymous said...

i cant believe you spelled ever "evar"... disturbs me on so many levels

am i on here?

Akiyhrah said...

Awwwww Alleah!!!! *hug*

Ky said...

i know which one i am....dont spread it around that i have a soft spot...i got a*super hug back*

Joe Guitar said...

Everybody who knows you knows about the soft spot Ky...I know which one I am...and no I'm not bringing porn.

VivaLaPinto said...

yes Amber, you are!

:D to all the rest!

-Charlie- said...

I cannot decide if I am on here or not. If I am, I am pretty sure I know which one it is.

Anonymous said...

I wish I could say I was #14 because I do have fun at you guys's parties and I do hope we can be super buddies... but I think it's unlikely that I am...

jordanibanez said...

Okay, I don't know how you've mastered it, but just the way you capitalize and punctuate your typing gives it a whole lot of your personality Alleah. Check out her reply up there a few, it's ridiculous, you can *hear* her exzcited, half-yelling, half-laughing Pinto voice sayign all of that. That's just wicked-fantastic.

Anonymous said...

since you do say im on here alleah... i dont know which i am...

please tell me!

Anonymous said...

it so sad that I read the people who post these things knowing I am not in them...haha.
Oh well! it's still fun.
I swear I am going to do one for all my close friends and and one for all my other friends one day.

<>< mantrain