Monday, November 06, 2006

where is my Colin Firth? where?

yes, yes, me and the girls had a chick flick night...Jill and Davies joined us. Much laughter ensued...over making fun of Lindsay Lohan, and wishing we had a Colin Firth (or in Amber's case Tuxedo Mask)...OOOOOOOHHHH, Sailor Moon.

gotta love it.

Colin? I wish you were here. I love you Colin.


Bean said...

If the lot of us get to go over to London, us girls will find some suitable Colin Firth types dammit!!! And they will love us and give us awesome British sex with their sexariffic accents!!!

VivaLaPinto said...

soooo jealous of the third year field trip...

sooooooooooo jealous.

Anonymous said...

Colin firth is in my pants,
with tuxedo mask.
in fact were doing it as I type.

<>< mantrain

Anonymous said...


tuxedo kamen... come to me :(