Saturday, November 04, 2006

with a hey ho and the wind and the rain...

I love us. :) Yes, yes I do! crazy SM Kylan, and all us crazy sweet actors, and Michelle, the best costumer ever, and our beautiful booth girls Meghan and Lisa, and Jerry the nicest pro director, with the best fake gay voice EVAR! The Twelfth Night is...(thinking...)....yeah, probably the best, most fun show I've ever been in! For the first time, I love all aspects of this show, from the casting to everything else. I am SO jazzed to be in this show!

The cast party sucked a little though...well opening was pretty ok, but there was two guys I'm interested in there, and somehow, they both got together and had this bizarre conversation about me where they both decided that, although I deserved a nice boy, neither of them was up for a relationship right now...did either of them think to tell ME??? NO! BAH! Well I'm glad THEY'VE got things worked out, but it sure left me a little bummed, thinking I had to make a decision when they'd already made the most important one for me, and together at that!

I ask you, how fucked up is that? So, now once again, I find myself without prospects for a while longer. I have to say, I'm finding this quite irritating. I keep thinking I have something that could be great going, and then it stalls without me even realizing it, and there I am again, back at square one.

I want a relationship again...I miss being someone's. That's pretty much the only thing that is keeping my life from being UTTERLY perfect right now. Is that bad? That even though my life is really going great, I'm still not satisfied? Typical Alleah, wanting it all on a silver platter, and wrapped up with a bow, too. Oh well. If I have to be content with the fact that I'm working at what I want to do...well, I suppose it'll do! ;D

Jk, jk, I LOVE that!!! I am a WORKING actress! Tomorrow is the first rehearsal of Urinetown, and in two weeks, will be the first rehearsal of A Christmas Carol. Levis' show will close in December, and then I'm into full time rehearsals of Urinetown...then in January, I'll be squeaking in at least two shows for the one act soon as that closes, Urinetown goes up for it's run, then as soon as that closes, we start the spring mainstage, and as soon as that closes, I'm in rehearsals for Know Why? and probably cutting my hair...eeek! I am scared and excited for that! So three paying shows, though how much remains to be seen, of course. At any rate, I've made some excellent contacts this year, and you can be sure I'll be auditioning for Jerry like a crazy person! :P I mean, it was the best possible thing, working for Jerry on this mainstage, because he's a professional who knows what I can do, and will recognize me the minute I walk in the audition room...which can only mean that if he HAS a role I could do, I would be a contender for it. (that is, if he doesn't hate me....which I don't think he does, lol!)

I have to say..I really love my life right now...And so what if a tiny little peice is missing? I don't need boys. I just want one because they are cuddly and warm at night! So BAH to them, I say. Watch me rock the socks off these shows and then I'll have a boy if I still want one...they're really just distractions, anyway.

:D Alleah is a fire, and she is going to burn, because goshdarn it, that's what a fire does!!!


Megan said...

I'm so happy that you're happy.

Wanna hear some excellent news? I'm coming to Brianna's birthday party so I get to say HEY. And see your place. I never even saw your other house. Now there's a new house. I can't keep up!

Anonymous said...

hey sweetness, comming for sure for thursday now, I managed to switch my shifts up for it (have to work 9 days in a row, but its worth it to get away for a couple days)

and relationships, ech, lol...j/k I miss being sum1's I just seem to always be the wrong persons someone, ahh if only I didn't live eyonds away, hehe.

Anyways, best of luck kiddo, We will definately party hard for as long as u can hang out.

-one word of advice, don't let your want to be with someone, trap you in with the wrong person (speaking from tons of experience right here)

Ky said...

you should know that boys have there uses....pinto could use some love...just dont pick a jack ass or a loser...pinto could use love

Bean said...

I'm glad to hear you're happy Alleah, you deserve to feel that way. You're amazing in the play and I'm sure you will be fanfuckingtastic in your new roles =)
And as for boys, you deserve someone who thinks the world of you and nothing less because you are fabulous.
<3 Jilly.