Monday, November 27, 2006

you, me, and the windshield

reading everyone's morning after posts has got me thinking...about mortality! Quite the cheery topic on a snow-blanketed, wintry morn.

(yeah, that's right. I said morn. like it bitches!)

Yesterday me and Davies and Kaitlyn and Jill were in a car accident that could have been a whole lot worse if Davies wasn't extremely prepared, and good at driving. Thankfully the only injuries were some cuts on Jill's hands (closest to the shattered window), possibly a little whiplash, and four shocky theatres. Basically, we topped a blind hill, and saw a back ho making its way onto the road, with it's bicket raised. When we realized it wasn't going to stop, Davies braked and the car started drifting. It drifted to the side, but kept coming at the backho straight on. That feeling of complete helplessness and only being able to watch and KNOWING what was going to happen is the worst feeling you could ever have.

Buddy tried to raise the bucket, but the bottom clipped Davies roof anyway...and when I say clipped, I mean crunched the roof inwards, shattered the back right window, and narrowly missed killing Jill. If it had been lower...the force of the impact would have thrown Jill into the bucket when the car hit...

If Davies hadn't swerved, the car would have slid straight on into the bucket, and it would have gone through the windshield, killing or severely injuring me or Davies. What if we'd been going faster? What if the guy hadn't raised the bucket? what if what if what if...

It all comes down to how lucky I feel today that those what ifs didn't happen. It happened the way it did, and everyone is ok. But only a tiny change in the events could have meant huge consequences. We are all so would take such a small thing to change our lives drastically. What if Jill wasn't here anymore? What if Davies wasn't around anymore? What if I wasn't around anymore?

If I ask one thing of all of you this Christmas season, it's to BE CAREFUL! It is so easy to get yourself into a life-changing situation. Please don't leave me one friend short...


Megan said...

Here here about the being careful.

I am glad to hear that you and everyone else in the car is alright. I couldn't imagine...if something had happened...

Joe Guitar said...

exactly what I was thinking last night... and why I couldn't sleep. what if?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the what ifs made me my sleep impossible, and then when I finally managed to pass out, I had nightmares.
I'm so glad we're all ok *hugs to Alleah, Jordan and Kaitlyn*.

Anonymous said...

agreed..soooo glad you guys are all safe everyone!!

VivaLaPinto said...

*hugs, HUGS galore!!!*

Akiyhrah said...

Man, being in a car today freaked me out. Everytime someone passed us or we got too close to someone my heart started to race... :S I'm paranoid now.. lol

VivaLaPinto said...

lol, Kaitlyn, now you know how I felt after my first accident...I couldn't be in a car on the highways without feeling seriously uncomfortable.

Mom changed lanes once going into a turn, and I thought she was just drifting, and not paying attention to her driving, and I freaked out! She made fun of me endlessly for that one...and it was all because going fast in a car freaked me out after my first accident...