Sunday, December 19, 2004

apologies, blog-bobs...

my computer's internet connection was fricked up, so I couldn't blog or anything. I was going to blog at Sean's this morning (more details later) but then I got caught up in reading his religious literature. *cough cough*

LOL! oh, that sounds so unbearably dirty! But I did actually read a Mormon publication that was sitting on his coffee table, I did!

so, my past three days have been pretty frickin sweet. except for a small period of time that consisted of about three hours where I was upset with the world, on Friday.

Friday was pretty good. I woke up incredibly early, and caught the very very very first bus to school, the one I haven't caught since September. I had to be at school early, because we had a math test first thing (on the last day of school before X-mas! urgfh!) and Mr. Gordon said we could come in early if we thought we'd need a lot of time, because classes were shorter than usual that Friday. So I got there about eight, and Mr. Gordon was totally thrilled to see me! It was so funny; I guess my teachers actually DO care about whether I fail or not. What a weird notion. So I came in and started the test, and he's just like, "Well, I suppose I'll start a pot of coffee for you, cause I know that's your big thing..." and all was cheery and Christmas-like! Well, long story short, I ended up totally pwning the test! I finished at quarter to nine, and class ended at nine fifteen. So I spent the rest of the class finishing up homework that was due that day that I hadn't quite had time to finish up. So Math was totally sweet.

Socials was just a tad infuriating, but in a trivial sense. We were watching a movie that I was really into, but the bell rang just RIGHT before the end. So we'll never get to finish it, and I was sad...

Peer tutoring, I got a can of pop, and we watched the Santa Clause. Drama, I spent preparing for the afternoon X-mas assembly w/ Devin, and trying to find Brad who was suppose to accomapny us. The assembly was pretty stupid, and I would rather have not been there, but whatever. There were some pretty good parts, like Mike Bui's hip hop peice, and Mrs. Price, and Mr. Arruda dressing up like rappers! The girls and Gareth skipped out fo the assembly to go to Dover. jeex.

Then I went home and puttered around waiting for Sean to get off work. That's when life started getting pretty shitty. I found out that the internet wasn't working, and for some reason, neither was the phone line. Then I found out that the house is out of oil, AGAIN, in spite of having spent MY Christmas gift of a hundred bucks on filling the tank (which turned out to be filling it only a quarter full. Three hundred bucks, and it only filled the tank a qaurter full.) And because all the oil is used up, it means there's no hot water. So I am unable to have showers for an indefinate amount of time. This morning, I showered at Sean's, thank goodness! Now my hair is all Fructis-y and soft! yay! I also found out that the truck has no gas, we have no money to replace that gas, Georgina is leaning on me to get my membership money in for panto, which is twenty dollars, and we are literally broke, as in less than a dollar to our name until the twenty second. Our last rehearsal before showtime is on the twenty first, and if I don't get my membership dues in, I don't go on stage. So, I dunno how that's gonna pan out. And Sean had said that he prolly wasn't going to go to work, so he'd be there right after I got out of school. Well, he decided to go to work after all, so no Sean for me. Which was fine, I didn't have a problem with it. But then I had to keep calling his house to find out when he'd get home, which meant going out in the rain to find a pay phone and call his dad just to find out that he wasn't there yet. So I finally just asked his dad to tell him to head to my house after work. So finally, at seven'o'clock he shows up, and I had already been having a minor freak out because of everything else that was going wrong. So I was pretty upset when he arrived.

Things got better though. We had dinner shortly after he got there, which was chicken, corn, and mashed potatoes. Nicky, my sister's baby boy, seemed bent on giving the world his opinion that night, so as we tried to converse at the table, he bellowed, and shrieked, and opined his little heart away. He made some pretty funny faces, too! It was good entertainment, albeit a little irksome. Our house is small and echoey. It is difficult to listen to loud child for very long in it.

After that, we caught the bus to his mum's house after kissing in the rain romantically for a while! woot! At his mom's, we watched Scrooged, with Bill Murray, and for some reason, I could NOT stay awake! At all! I felt so bad, cause Sean wanted me to watch it, but I couldn't. I literally made a huge effort to just sit there with my eyes open, and watch the movie, but like eight times, I would start watching it, and then the next thing I knew Sean would be shaking me awake again. After a while, I wasn't even conscious of the line between wakefulness, and sleep. It was crazy.

So, being so tired, I ended up sleeping over at his house, which I must say was wonderful. Sean, hostily lent me his bed for the night, which I enjoyed immensely, except for the great noise of the furnace turning on and off. It kept waking me up. And I also had an ENORMOUS urge to get up and pee during the night, and I hate having to get up during the night, so that sucked. Plus bright light, and everything seeming louder than it actually was because it was nighttime, made that whole experience unsavory... anyways, Sean slept upstairs on the couch, for which I felt guilty. In the morning, he came down to wake me, and we spent some time snuggling in his warm, just slept-in bed. Which I loved! Then we went upstairs, and ate a Gator's-house-esque breakfast of McCain chocolate cake, and chocolate milk! (lol, Gator, ice cream for breakfast! good times, Collective has had...)

After that, we watched some cartoons (lol!) and then ran out to catch the bus. There was a whole bus debacle with him not having enough cash to get all the places we needed to go, and going to one bank to cash his check, and having it be closed, and him not having any more bus money, and that was frustrating, so let's not bother with it! There was one particular bus today that totally put me into the Christmas spirit! I guess it's driver had dressed it up with X-mas lights, and giant cardboard reindeer antlers, an it had a large red light in the shape of a Rudolph nose on the front, and EYES! (which were my favorite part!) And after you got on, SANTA was there, handing out candy canes! It was the coolest part of the day, and afterwards, I just couldn't help myself! I found myself humming Christmas carols under my breath, and it was simply wonderful! I love getting into the spirit!

Finally, we got his check cashed, and ate some lunch. Then we stalked his mom and at work, and finally gave up, and began walking for a bus stop. Ironically, as soon as we reached it, who went driving past, but Bonnie! She stopped, and gave us a ride to Woodgrove.

We did TONS of shopping, and it was all extremely tiring, although Sean was very happy cause he got all his Christmas shopping done, and a bunch of errands done too, like picking up his suit from Tip Top's. I, myself, felt a little queasy from the idea of all the money he spent that day. I couldn't imagine just spending it like that. But then, I'm poor, so my opinion doesn't really count on that perspective, does it? We ate dinner, and saw TONS of people we knew, including Brad, Bethany, Amay, Martha, Steph, another girl from bye bye birdie, who's name I don't remember, Jenn, Shane, Dana, and others. Amay gave me free fudge! How cool is that?! And it was so yummy, too... Oh, yeah, and don't let me forget: I TOTALLY pwned Sean at air hockey, JUST like I said I would, even though the things were weird (you know, the things you use to hit the puck with; they were weird). Anyways, that was SO MUCH FUN! I LOVE air hockey, with a passion! And I can kick anybody's ass at it, too! Even my older brother, who seems to pwn me at everything BUT artsy fartsy stuff (except for saxaphone; Quinn's very talented at saxaphone) can't beat me at air hockey very often. I LOVE that game! I think we should ALL get together sometime, and have an air hockey TOURNAMENT! I would pwn all! And that includes you, Matty Rob of Vancouver, you HOCKEY player, you! What do ya say, all? Loser buys the game?

Anyways, that was great. We also went and finally saw Santa, and got our picture taken with him! It was funny, he asked us if we were doing our last minute Christmas shopping, and he asked us if we were all done, once I told him that Sean was shopping. I of course said, "no way!" because I am not yet, at all! And he pretended to be offended which was funny, but then I told him it was because I was making all my gifts this year, and Santa got all interested. He asked me if I was all artsy and stuff, and I told him mostly performing artsy, and he got REALLY itnerested, and asked if I had an agent, and recommended Jacqui Kease of the Spotlight Academy to me (who I have met, I know she's pretty much the only agent in town, but she is pretty good. She's Cameron Bright's agent. He's the kid from Birth, with Nicole Kidman). I thought that was funny, and then we got our pictures taken. They printed them off right there (they by the way, just HAPPENED to be Martha, and Stephanie from MuTh, who were working as elves! Some black guy hit on Martha during the day! it was hilarious!), so we got to see the picture right away. We got all excited and ran off to buy frames for the pictures right away! It is sitting right beside me this very moment, being all cute, and wonderful!

So we finished up all Sean's shopping, and we even randomly found this dress that I covet with all my tiny Pinto heart. Sean wants me to get it for prom, and it's only a hundred and twenty five, which is pretty good for prom. There's actually a four hundred dollar one that I want more, and if I had it, I'd totally be willing to spend four hundred on that dress. It's gorgeous.

So we took the bus back to his dad's place, an onerous chore, made pleasureable (or at least bearable) by the presence of the one I love. We got there, and decided to wrap all the gifts Sean bought that day. That was a back-breaking effort, but somehow wonderfully satisfying. I love that about wrapping Christmas gifts.

After that, me and Sean, and his dad watched the end of one Star Trek movie, and the beginning of another before Sean's dad decided to take me home. I am SUPER tired now, plus I have church in the morning (oh how odd to say that!) so I should be getting to bed. Also, tomorrow is dress for Babes in the Wood. Funny, how, now that I am proportionately less busy, I just want to give up on Babes in the Wood. I just don't care about it any more, at all. I just want out. Of course, that is mostly the whole membership debacle speaking, and the fact that I think Dean really hates me, but still. I get no pleasure out of this play. What is the point of doing this anymore if I don't enjoy it. My life seems so directionless.

Anyways, enough of that. I must go to bed, for I am a tired Pinto. Merry Christmas to all! And to all, a good night. (or four!)


VivaLaPinto said...

you know,I don't actually think that anybody has even read to the end of this blog entry to even comment on it. jee whisickers, people! what neglect!

barbara_mary said...

I read the whole thing, but hey, no one comments on MY blog, so don't you dare complain.

Unknown said...

Alleah u saw me at the mall too! ( ahah i got linked to here from brads)

K said...

I read to the end of all your posts. They are getting less frequent though, nyurg. Also, I think I might be able to win at Air Hockey. *fistshake*

VivaLaPinto said...

holy, Alana, I didn't know you blogged! And yes, indeed I did see you at the mall as well... dude, Kevin, there is NO WAY you could ever beat me at air hockey. Sean thought he could, too, and he has some base for his thoughts, seeing as how he probably pwn me consistently at anything else physical. But air hockey? no way. Air hockey is MY forte!