Tuesday, December 14, 2004

ba dip ba dip BOM

Tonight was the Christmas choir and band concert, and by Joe, it went rather well! I skipped the choir rehearsal this afternoon to go home and wash my uniform, because was it ever rank! I am embarrassed at how disgusting it was. Since the beginning of December, I've used it for two choir concerts, and then Babel Rap, and Mime, which was about a week of rehearsals in costume, plus dress rehearsal, and the show, then two more choir concerts. And I am so revoltingly ucky, I didn't wash it once in all that time! I am the most revolting girl on the planet. But finally, I came home, and handwashed it, because I didn't have time to put it in the washer, took everything of Sherayna's out of the dryer before it was quite ready, and shoved my uniform in. And lo and behold by the time it came out it was all warm, and hand-wahsed, and lovely feeling! Oh how I enjoyed NOT smelling like a cow tonight!

Anyways, on to the concert. Mom and I were a tad bit late getting out the door, but it was all good, by the time we got to the school, the warm up hadn't started yet. We warmed up, and then jazz choir ran our peice, and then the girls and I ran our song, Carol of the Bells. It went ok, and Mrs. Sinclair made us run it through again, pacing ourselves. We rush badly with it. Afterwards, we headed down to the gym, where I discovered my wonderful boy, who had SAID that he wasn't coming, and then did, cause he's adorable and silly and fickle. He sat in the second row, and filmed the choir!

We sat through crappy band after crappy band. It sucked. The Grade Ten Jazz band was actually really good though. I was impressed with them.

The night pretty much picked up with choir. We did four sets, one of two concert choir songs, One Tin Soldier, and The Prayer, then the jazz choir song, Trickle Trickle, then the Collective set, Carol of the Bells, then another Concert Choir set with two of our Christmas peices, Cool Yule, and I'll Be Home For Christmas. The audience clapped politely for the first two concert choir songs. I was happy with them, but One Tin Soldier felt like my voice was going. But then it didn't, and I was happy. Jazz choir, was like, the HIT of the night! We sang Trickle Trickle, and I swear, almost everybody in the audience was bouncing up and down, and everybody had big smiles on their faces! When it was over, we seriously got the hugest cheer from everybody! The parents, the students, even the snooty senior band were all cheering, and it was so incredible! I keep forgetting, THAT'S why I keep performing! After that was Carol of the Bells, with me and the girls, and we sang it, and it totally changed the mood from Jazz Choir. I swear, everybody, including the rude-ass band students were silent while we were singing, and afterwards, WE got huge cheers too!!!! Little old Collective got mad catcalls! Life was good... Mom told me afterwards, that she heard a couple students being all like, "she's so little! she's like five foot nothing, how can she be THAT loud???" Now, it seems pretty likely that they were talking about me, especially since Mom said it happened right after the Collective set.

Anyways, that put the audience in a much more receptive mood for the second concert choir set, and while we didn't get as enormous a round of applause as jazz choir or Collective, the audience still really loved it. The quality of applause after I'll Be Home For Christmas, was absolutely reverant. I love that kind of applause!

After the choral set, it seemed like the night just totally picked up. We had a few really super good combos, and bands after that, and then the senior concert band which was painful as always, and then senior jazz band with Emma Love on vocals which was painful, and yet good, as always...! She's going to the Grammies this year! Can you believe it? Emma Love is going to the freaking Grammies! She's not even signed to a label yet, and yet she's going to be in some kind of special jazz choir at the Grammies. It probably (and I say that with doubt) won't be broadcast, but I may be wrong. And it's not like she's going there to sing solo. And she'll have to start learning how to sing in a choir! burn. burn, I say, for her choir-scorning ways. If she joins choir, I am going to laugh a lot. All of you know my animosity for Emma Love; I believe that she's got money and attitude and that's about it. She didn't get where she is because of her talent.

But enough of that. The rest of the evening was enjoyable, if laden with Mrs. Luvisotto's obsession with Emma Love. Afterwards, the girls, our Moms, and Sean were to go out to Dairy Queen to celebrate, but it was stupidly closed, so we went to Tim Horton's instead, plus Cindy wanted to go home because she started a new job in the morning, so her and Brianna didn't end up coming. There, we saw Foo, Lorenz, and Mrs. Luvisotto, and we drank coffee and talked and laughed, and generally had a good time. I missed Brianna though.

Anyways, I'm tired now, so I think I'll go to bed. I hope you enjoyed my night as much as I did! It was, indeed, a success! (btw, it astounds me how well Emma Love projects her boredom while playing piano; she should be in musical theatre)

(on second thought, shoot me if I ever say that again)


K said...

Hooray for concerts! Incidentally, I have to perform a Christmas song in English at this random assembly at my school, with the possibility of it being accompanied on piano... any suggestions?

Also, the random moderate dislike of people for Emma Love never ceases to amuse me. While I would say that Connor is indeed the cooler of the two & her dad made some good points at the Philosopher's Cafe one time (his name is Dr. Love heehee) there's no reason to be too irked at her just because she is perpetually in the favour of Carmella. or a little nasal-sounding

VivaLaPinto said...

nah, Kevin, it's not because Luvi is in love with her, and it's not because her voice is just a little creepy (even though it is). It's that she has the WORST ATTITUDE EVER about music. And in general. If she ever looked at me or my friends the way she looked at the audience while she sang Skylark (which I didn't actualy like btw, and for objective reasons), than maybe I wouldn't mind her so much. Hell, if she looked at her own friends the way she looked while singing, I might like her more! My point is, you all know my big story of how in Grade Eight, I tried to be friedns with her, ad she totally rubbed my nose in the dirt, and for what? She was a great jazz vocalist, and can't be seen associating with the lower classes? Especially w/out a few thousand dollars in the bank, just waiting to be spent on her pleasure? Fuck her.

No, my opinion comes from her clearly high opinion of herself, an opinion that I don't think she has any right to have claim to, an opinion that only had an opportunity to fester because her family had enough dollars to put her into good voice training, and buy her the equipment, and their contacts bought her her gigs. It seems unlikely that she has worked for very much of her success.

But again, enough of that. n I am trying not to let my bile for that woman come out to play any more than it has to.

And my suggestion for a Christmas song? How about The Christmas Song: Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire? It is crazily me AND Sean's favorite Christmas carol! That's cool...

Anonymous said...

emma love has NO talent. she's a fucking stuck up little bitch.

barbara_mary said...

I agree about the way she looks at her audience. She looks absolutely bored to be there, and as if she has no interest in being there. I've heard from people I know in band that when she sings/competes in Idaho at the Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival there, that she's great. Apparently she gets standing ovations when the proffesionals don't. But meh. I still dislike her as well.

K said...

Yeah I talked to my music teacher (a.k.a. Bigface) & she said she would accompany me & that she had "White Christmas" which I thought was supremely appropriate on many levels. Except I don't know it well so I have to learn it good. :p

Bopomofo is a system for writing down Chinese sounds found only in Taiwan. It's in all the children's books/early elementary texts. Then they use it to teach them new characters throughout high school. But it uses a bunch of little symbos, not letters, so it's different. But really really good. The best I think.

VivaLaPinto said...

That seems kind of weird to me. It kind of makes me glad that I am only interested in learning about certain things, like music, and history, and biology, and religions. NOT creepy Asian language peculiarities.