Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Funny Things Barbara Said Last Night

Ok, so this post isn't going to completely be about that stuff, but I must mention many of them repeatedly, for tonight was a very very good night!

First of all, I'll tell you the whole story. In the morning, I was working on my Christmas gifts for people when Barba came a callin' on the tele-phone and asked me if I wanted to go shopping with her. So, I said yes because I was desperate to get more things to work on for Christmas. So I went and put away my crafts, and got ready to go, and fought a little bit with my family about how retarded our Christmas tree looks. Wow, I am confrontational. bummer.

Barb got there after sadly missing the convenient bus, so she ended up taking the inconvenient bus which passes much farther from my house than the other one, and THEN taking many detours which furthur slowed her down. This was unfortunate. Then my mum gave me and her a ride down to City Centre bus stop, where we went into Port Place Mall, and got her a day pass, and looked for a certain something that a certain someone needs for his gift. It was not in evidence for a suitable price, so we moved on.

We went into Haven House, because I am super poor and need super cheap things to make my gifts out of. I ended up buying many tea light holders for no more than fifty cents. (most of them were actually twentyfive cents.) and I bought part of my mummy's gift, and I also bought a pillow that I had been jonesing over for fifty cents. I was proud of myself! However, it was heavy and awkward. I didn't enjoy carrying it all day long.

After that, we took a looooong bus to Woodgrove. We saw a cute boy. He was attached. Neither of us paid much attention to him, for we had decided to discuss scandal. Scandal is always so much fun to talk about. Then we got to the mall, and our moods pumped up much more. We walked in through the Avalon, and tried to see if the twins were working (we discussed how if she were to see them, she wouldn't say hi, for she couldn't tell which twin was which and besides which, it's not like they know her, so she'd seem all stalker-like, and be embarrassed. Even though all she does is read their blogs! They lead interesting lives, people! Come on! jeex.

Then we went to EFAD's and I looked for cheap candy canes, but couldn't find any. So I bought part of Gator's gift, and a chocolate bar to ease my pain. My candy-cane-less pain.

Then we went into Wal-Mart to again, look for certain things for certain people. But again, there was nothing. *sigh* so we left.

after that, we wandered a little bit. We went into Silk and Satin where Barbara bought reams of festive panties, and was quite excited about that. We saw Geoff, and Lisa and Erin, and it was a little awkward until I decided to tell Erin about the fact that he tried to kiss me in my dream. He laughed. I actually didn't realize until just now that that was special because he has been in Victoria for many months. But apparently Erin was in town today.

After we randomly walked by Bryan's, and you all know me, that store must have like a magnetic pull to it, or something! I showed her the amazing four hundred dollar prom dress, and tried to show her the cheaper one, but alas, it has been sold out. TRAGEDY! alas, and alck, my life is meaningless. *sigh* but that means that there is a MINUTELY greater chance of me somehow getting the astonishingly amazing beautiful expensive one. Which I covet with all my soul. Oh how sinful of me.

After that, we caught the bus to Gator's for we were going to be late for dinner, which Gator had invited us and others to at her house. We got there, and Beebur was already there. Brianna brought the news that Geoff was going to be there that night, and my heart sank a little in dread of awkwardness to come. Which thankfully was mostly avoided all night long, excpet for a couple touchy spots. The only one I take responsibility for was the last one at the end of the night. The others I will nott ake responsibility for. Geoff is still pissy and ignoring around me for no reason. and don't try to pass it off as he is uncomfortable around me with Sean, for he was more pissy and ignoring before Sean arrived than after he arrived.

ANYWAYS... we talked for a while, and then Geoff showed up. Then Sean called because I had forgotten to call him, adn I felt bad. We arranged that he woud come to dinner instead of missing it as had been previously thought. Then Mel arrived just before dinner, and that was enjoyable. Dinner was fun except for when we got on to a touchy subject of Llowyn thinking that he was a sideshow because he's from Vancouver. Which is totally NOT what we think of him, but of course Geoff just contradicted what we had to say, and then Melly, in her zeal to keep things non-confrontational (which is to be applauded, but was a tad smidgeon stifling), totally shut us down when me and Brianna and Laura were trying to defend our view point. We do not treat Llowyn like a freakshow. We crowd around him and make a fuss when he is here because most of the time he is NOT here. That is a fact. And it offended me that we were not allowed to express ourselves in defence. Because in my (OBJECTIVE) opinion, Geoff point blank accused us of treating Llowyn like that. And then I didn't get a chance to defend myself and I felt shut down, which was not pleasant. But that is my view point, others who were there may have other view points.

The dinner was good, and the night was very funny. Sean arrived just after dinner, and I offered the girls their Sean+Alleah gifts, which Brianna figured out right away! They absolutely LOVED them! Somehow, I picked exactly the right one for both of them, for they both totally loved their surprise cones! They squealed and were happy times a lot, and I felt joyful. Then Mel decided to give out her gifts to me and Beebur. Brianna loved her hat SO MUCH!!! I thought she would. It seemed like such a HER hat! And she absolutely went crazy over it, which was great. Then Melly gave me mine, which was a GORGEOUS blue topaz and I think silver ring! It is absolutely beautiful! I went nuts over it! I am so happy someone bought me a ring, because that's all I really hoped for this Christmas! I love rings so much, any kind of ring, and I was afriad that no one was going to buy me one. But then Melly did, and I was SO WONDERFULLY HAPPY! It is absolutely beautiful, I completely adore it! I went nuts with it!

After that, we played the Romance game, my favorite board game, because I HELPED INVENT IT!!! woo-hoo!!! funnest game ever! Sean got so jealous of my Robert, it was great! I felt so good; I am such an awful person, I actually enjoy it when my boyfriend gets jealous of me! It makes me feel secure and loved...oh that is so unhealthy. But I don't care!

After that, people started leaving, and eventually, it was just me and Gator and Sean. We talked a little teensy bit, and then his mom came. As she drove us home, Sean started nagging for some food on the way home, so she stopped and we got burger king which was very generous of her! We talked for such a long time there, which was enjoyable.

Now I am home and I am exhausted. So allow me to leave you with the high lights of the night, which just happened to be pretty much EVERYTHING that came out of Barbara's mouth. here 'tis!

Funny Things Barbara Said Last Night:

-"If I had a Down Syndrome baby--I'd shoot it"

-"But what if you don't like puppies? What if you're a vegetarian?"

-"Look at my panty jewel!"

-Brianna: "...and I'd steal his boat."
Barbara: "But there'd be so much kiddie porn!"

-"I used to sleep naked, but then I'd find I'd get too distracted."

Other Funny Things from Last Night

-using the word "birth" in place of the word "burn"

-"11:02" becoming the new code word for "love note"

-the word "flaccid." especially when you say it at Mel.

-Brianna saying the word, "sucks-a-daisy"

-the word geekhole. all by itself. geekhole. ...well, at least I found it funny.

Ok, bed now. g'night, all!!!!


Pineapple Princess! said...

WOW! long post-o-rama! ip, I hate that word! I'm glad you two liked your pressies (fyi: white gold, not silver). Sorry you felt repressed, I just REALLY wanted a no-conflict dinner, I was almost in tears.
But overall I had fun. Thank you!

K said...

Sounds like fun in a bucket. But don't let Brianna fret, eventually we'll import some more virgins such as myself back to Nanaimo.

K said...

Also, whenever you need, just ask and I'll change your links more. Brad could easily do it as well, or probably even Foo.

barbara_mary said...

Kevin, does this mean you're NOT going to be hitting up a hot Asian girl? I am appalled. Hrpm. Oh goodness, i forgot all those fun things I said. I had to explain them to mother, who didn't understand them. She now understands, but thinks I'm weird.

VivaLaPinto said...

lol, Barbara, that's awesome! And Mel, I strongly suggest, and I am NOT being vindictive here, that if you wanted a no-conflict dinner, you speak to Geoff. Because he wasn't even speaking to me (ignoring me as usual) he was speaking to Brianna, and I was offended at the tone he took. He was very accusatory, and it felt bad that Brianna or I didn't get to defend ourselves.

Unknown said...

geekhole.... hahaaaaaaaa

amyleigh said...

sucks-a-daisy?!?! I have no words! except, I think I am in danger of stealing it. hey, I'M a virgin!

barbara_mary said...

I'll show YOU virgins, Amay! BEND OVER!

VivaLaPinto said...

LOL! uh-oh, Amay, you are in danger of being exposed to the phenomenon that is Barbara...and jeez, Barba, try and not scar the innocent Mormons TOO badly!!!

VivaLaPinto said...

and PS, Sean doesn't count in that category, scar him all you'd like...;)

amyleigh said...

haha! why...barbara...I didn't know!

VivaLaPinto said...

I like how Gator used to be spokesperson for the passers, and now it's like, "I delight in badness, and failing!"