Friday, December 03, 2004


OH man! I am having the BEST two days EVER!!!! freaking AWESOME!

ok, last night kicked a whole lotta ass. Bye Bye Birdie went quite well, the audience was fabulous (well, duh, Sean was in it! lol!). They absolutely LOVED Honestly Sincere. Just went wild, especially at Nolan at the end. And in response, they probably got the best performance of that scene that we've ever done, too.

I got my t-shirt exchanged for a smaller one which gave me much joy, except for the fact that when I changed clothing, it doesn't cover my bum anymore...and last night, I was wearing a thong! *blush* I ended up showing just about the whole cast my bum. But w/e, they're in theatre, they can get used to it.

After the show, just before I left, Mr. A gave me something that made me SO incredibly happy! He had been sent an open casting call for a new YTV television series, by a casting agency that has done shows like Andromeda, and Stargate. And he passed that casting call on to me!!! The role is for a twelve year old girl named Meghan (shut up, my boobs aren't that big, I can play twelve). Filming would commence in February/March, and I would have to leave school for a couple months. I'd be working 8-10 hour days, and I'd be making $540 a DAY! isn't that COOL??? So I have called to make my appointment for the pre-screening, and I am waiting for my callback. Hopefully I won't have to go to Vancouver, but it is totally likely that I'll have to. yucky. but I don't care! If I even get called back to meet with the producers, then I will be OVERJOYED! Life KICKS ASS!

Anyways...after the show, Sean and I waited forever and a half for the bus. We were convinced that we missed it, when luckily we found a bus going the opposite direction, and that driver told us that there was one one more bus headed south for the night. *phew* so that put me in a good mood again. We got to Sean's house, and I *missed the last bus home* URGFH! I absolutely hate doing that. It makes me feel so abandoned and lonely. But luckily, I was not alone, nor was I stranded! Sean allowed me to stay the night at his place in his dad's room, which was very wonderful, except for the whole--GETTING UP AT 6 IN THE MORNING part. That was ucky. But then I cooked him French Toast for breakfast, and helped him make his lunch for work. That made me feel all housewifey and special. And then his buddy Ryan had to show up, and comment on the smell of burning in the kitchen, and I felt that my shoddy cooking skills had been discovered. *shifty eyes* But it's all good.

I caught the bus home, and noticed a man reading the Daily News. A couple days ago, on Wednesday, a photographer from the Daily came in and did a photo op with the cast of Theatre Fever So I notcied this guy looking at a spread of photos under the section "School Performance." I saw one picture that looked like Babel Rap, so I was craning my neck to get a good look at the picture to see if it was or not. I guess the man beside me on the bus noticed me doing that, and I felt a little tap on my arm, and this man offered me another paper! So I took that section out, and returned the rest of the paper to him, and he asked me what I was so interested in, and I kind of laughed and told him that I was in two of the productions featured in the spread! (Dover was in it as well). He was interested, and laughed and asked me about the two productions. I only had time to talk about Bye Bye Birdie, but he said, oh that sounds interesting, maybe I'll come see that! So I might have gotten a man to come and see the show!

Then on my second bus, I got on, and the bus driver had a HUGE thing of Tim Horton's donuts!!! And he was offering them to everybody who got on!!! So I got on the bus, and he says to me, "good morning, take a donut!" freaking AWESOME! And that just gave me such joy!

On my way home from the bus stop, I read an article about a friend of mine, Roger Desprez from the NTG. It was all about set design, and was actually really interesting. So I was happy that I knew lots of people who were in the paper.

Then I got home, and no one was mad at me after I showed them the photo spread, and told them about the open casting call! They were a bit concerned at first about why I didn't come home, but then I told them about all my good news, and they were so happay for me!!!

So after I drank my coffee for the morning, I made my call to Vancouver, and like I said I am now waiting for the call back about a pre-screening appointment. While I was on the computer, and guess what came in the mail??? A letter of thanks from the Febreze/Walmart venture, and my check for FORTY DOLLARS!!!! And you know what's super-funny? I didn't even do it! I was very sick that day, so I didn't go! And they have paid me! Today is a good day to be me!!!!

tty all later! I hope you all have as fantastic a day as I have been having, especially Sean because I LOVE him so!


VivaLaPinto said...

HOO-HAW, BOY!!! I need to go brush my hair. golly-gee, I have Bye Bye Birdie tonight. aw, bummer, I don't feel like shrieking in MuTh voice for two more hours tonight. My voice is starting to die. That's right. DIE.

will others PLEASE post comments? SEAN! I'm alookin at you!

K said...

hooray for fun. I had fun yesterday, but then today I went to school for choir, and no-one was there except some guys from my class catching up on homework & the security guard. My music teacher helpfully called at like 10:00 AM (an hour AFTER it began & 2 hours after I set out) to tell me it was cancelled due to "typhoon" i.e. really wussy rainy weather, which can't by definition be a typhoon according to my first host dad because their season ends in october. plus there's no wind. gar gar nyar argh