Monday, December 13, 2004


well, Mum is at it with the landlord again. she's writing a very pointed letter to go and post in the lodge common room, bitching about how unfair Moni is, and for those of you who have read my mum's (often presumtuous and arrogant, although fundamentally right) writing, you know how that is going to carry over.

you know? I don't feel like posting right now. I am going to do my homework. good bye.

Tika is adorable!


K said...

Homework in high school? That's crazy talking. I mean, very diligent of you. :p

VivaLaPinto said...

Kevin, you butt! I don't do my homework THAT rarely!

K said...

Let me put it this way~ In math 12, 5% of the course mark was for homework (the rest, quizzes & tests) and I got 95% in the course... :P

I'm not making fun of your slacking, it's just that I actually never got used to the idea of doing homework, unless I was DARN sure it was for marks.

VivaLaPinto said...

lol! well, according to my teacher, I could be pulling A's, and I'm trying to at least get my mark up to a B or so by the end of the semester.