Monday, December 27, 2004

much to post about!!!


What a FABULOUS past few days!!!! I am entirely contented and happy. I hope you guys are settled in and ready for a marathon read, for there is much to blog about!!!

On Christmas Eve, I was supposed to be with my family all night, but things ended up being wonky with time. The past couple days before X-mas, I had been fitting amazing amounts of stuff into my days, for I had Christmas presents to wrap/make/buy, as well as spend time with Sean, as well as spend time with both of our families. Very busy time, very very busy. Also kind of satisfying, given the amount of work I got done. Christmas Eve, I spent most of the day shopping in Port Place for Sean's family and his dad and the two younger kids, and at my house w/ Sean making gifts (I made a bunch of the gifts I gave this year. I either made pillows, or painted wooden things like birdhouses, or jewelery drawers). Unfortunately, his mom was very late picking us up to go to Sean's house so I could finish sewing my pillows, and whatnot, so I ended up missing dinner at my house, which I had intended on being home for. Instead I went to Sean's and took all night sewing a pillow, which I justify because it's quilted in a crazy fashion, plus the sewing machine kept messing up. If you want to see it, go see Sean Mantta, the best guy in the whole world, because I gave it to him. mostly because the rest of my gift for him sucked so bad! lol! I gave him The pillow, and a picture frame that is made like an easel, with a picture of me during the summer holding one of the puppies in it. My mummy gave him a measurement set for his house design which he is obsessed with now, and a picture frame (whose glass she ended up stepping on and breaking by accident!), and a book about being a Leo. Also, in his stocking from our house, I gave him one of the stockings that I had made. *Man, those things gave me so much grief! I sewed the two sides together before I remembered that I hadn't sewed the top white fuzzy part onto them! URGFH! So, I had to rip the seams at the top apart about two inches, and ended up sewing them on like that. As a result, all my stockings are the gimpiest things you've ever seen! AND YOU ALL BETTER LIKE THEM, CAUSE I BROKE MY BACK OVER THEM!!!* He also got a little stuffed lion, cause he's a Leo. He named it Gunther! He also got a pink lei, a marionette poodle (oh my gifts are so stupid!), um, and other stuff that I cannot remember...wait! He got a pen, I remember that!!! lol!

Anyways...ok, I don't remember what I was saying. Something about X-mas eve, I think! Man, now you know why I blog so much! If I don't, then everything gets muddled in my brain, and I can't think!!! Christmas Eve, I spent most of it sewing Sean's pillow. I ended up staying for Sean's family's X-mas dinner, which was Mexican food. They had missionaries over for dinner, which was fun! I learned that missionaries aren't allowed to refuse food, pretty much, and they're not allowed to hug (within reason), which is crazy!!! Apparently, it's something about temptation, the hugging thing. So that they can concentrate on their mission. Anyways, that was funny, because whether or not me and Sean went caroling with them afterwards pretty much depended on me! So they went on this huge campaign trying to get me to come with them, but unfortunately, I was really behind on my pillow, because the machine kept screwing up. So I stayed home. Bonnie and Ian gave the missionaries gifts, which were scarfs that Ian sewed himself!! lol! It seems everyone is creative this X-mas season! I know Mel, and Devin both made their gifts, as did I.

So eventually, I ended up going home at about one in the morning! We watched Mean Girls, as well, because Sean insisted on watching a movie on Christmas Eve with me, which is why I was so late getting home. After that before I went home, Sean let me open one of the gifts he bought me. It was this beautiful porceline egg that opens up, and according to Gramma, you put your jewelry in it when you're doing the dishes, or showering or whatever. It was so beautiful. Then I went home; it was late. But then I was so sad, because I still wasn't finished my gifts, so I stayed up until THREE IN THE MORNING, painting, wrapping, and placing gifts under the tree. I was so exhausted. It was so funny, cause when I was gathering supplies, I couldn't find any bows, so finally was like, "You know what, fine! No one will even GET bows! URGFH" and slunk up to my room to do my wrapping. It was amusing...

So finally I went to bed in the clothes that I was wearing except for I took off my pants and put on shorts, and with paint on my bedspread. I was tired that I just didn't care. There could have been camel poop on my bed, and I just would have slept around it, cause I just wanted to sleep! The next morning, I was shocked because KEN got up before the kids!!! It was so weird! He came into my room at about eight in the morning with a cup of coffee, urging me out of my nice comfy bed. I dunnok, it was so crazy! Have YOU ever had a Christmas where you opened gifts AFTER daylight??? I know!!! Especially not with little children around! You always get up at three thirty or something ridiculous like that...but not with these kids. That's weird.

Anyways, we got up, and opened our stockings, because Gramma was not up yet, just like every year! The first thing I opened was a package nof toe rings, which is crazy cause my entire family *cough* I mean Santa knows that I don't liek toe rings, and they drive me crazy if I try to wear them. Methinks that SOMEONE didn't read the fine print, and thought they were normal rings. Which is still nice, because, likewise, Santa aka my family also know that I LOVE rings, with a passion. I also got a candle, a pen, candy, a figurine, a porceline head that is a magnet, perfume, an incense burner and incense, and these crazy weird garden things that are glass flowers. I'm not crazy into that, but when Sean saw them, he thought they were pretty, so I may yet use them in my domicile...

Soon, though, Gramma got up, and dressed. Usually she doesn't on X-mas Eve, but it's cold in our house, so it's understandable. So we started passing out gifts. All in all, I got a hair straightener, a blow dryer, a curling iron (goodness, do I seem that shallow to my family??? whatever, I suppose it's an easy gift; everybody knows I needed one), a Faye Kellerman novel that I have already read, but didn't own, crazy random PJ's from my mom (I swear, they're for children...they have BOOTIES for godsakes!!!!) makeup, a magazine that I already have, a matching scarf and gloves, a set of craft trays to paint because I absolutely love painting trays (I think my Mom is trying to foster this whole craft thing that I am getting into; how wholesome!), wonderful-smelling bath products and other stuff that I can't remember right now. I must be maturing...I opened all my gifts before the kids were even halfway through their pile, and in previous years I have been resentful of that, but this year, I was perfectly entertained sitting there playing with bubble wrap and watching the kids, and watching everybody open the gifts that I got them. Gramma and Grampa were delighted with the birdhouse I painted them. It was so expensive to buy (for a craft) but I didn't care, it was so worth it! Sherayna also loved her jewelry box. I was actually really unhappy with it, cause I'd done the detailing at eleven the night before, and it was so uncreative of me. Very disappointing! Mom really liked her planter, and dream catcher, just like I knew she would. You knwo what she bought "The Mattson Family"??? A DVD PLAYER!!!!!! Holy crap! She let me open it, and the noise that came out of my mouth when I saw what it is unparalleled by any other human voice!!! lol! I was so happy with the DVD player.

Afterwards we all ate some food, and watched the kids play with their toys. I took my pile up to my room, and! I took a really wonderful shower, and washed my hair with Fructis that Sean had bought me the day before because he's wonderful! And shaved my legs with pathetically cheap, bad quality man shaving cream, which caused my knees to smell like man-face. uck. And I used my lovely-smelling body wash, and the matching body lotion once I got out. I got all dressed up, adn did my hair with my new blow dryer, and started to straighten it, but I was running late, so I decided not to, and I used the body spray that matches my body wash, and lotion, so I smelled ecstatically wonderful, and I happy about that. I felt very pretty and Christmas-like. Then Sean arrived to pick me up for our Christmas activities, and he was wearing--track pants. and a t-shirt! lol!!! We mismatched terribly, but it's understandable. We went to his dad's house, and opened gifts. I gave his dad his gift from me which was a mug, and Turtles. He seemed to really like it, because he told me how perfect the bottom was for the cup holders on his boat. I told him about how I didn't know which one to get him, so I just got the one that I would have wanted! Sean got his Star Wars thing that he wanted, and apparently he got the ornament he wanted as well! His dad got me the alarm clock that I had whined about wanting! lol! He also got me a DVD of this movie that I hadn't seen but really wanted to because it has adorable tiger cubs in it, and this beautiful tree ornament from copper mines in Salt Lake City. It was gorgeous, and I was so thrilled! Afterwards, we sat and talked for a bit,a dn watched a special on A&E about Santa Claus. Such a geek am I, cause I was totally enraptured by it! I watch WAY too much A&E, I swear...

Sean went to go get dressed, which was amusing cause I was in the room with him, when he went to kick me out. I can't remember what he did, but he said something that I was going to tickle him for, but seeing as how he was kicking me out so he could change, and since he was wearing tear-aways, I decided to aid him in that little endeavor! Or at least, the UNdressing part of that endeavor! I totally ripped his pants off, and ran out into the hall with them, while laughing, and he comes out, all morose in his tighty-whities, and says to his dad, "look what she did to me!" I was laughing so hard by that time!

*stupid gosh-durn sunlight! I can't see my computer screen!!!*

anyways, after that, we got in the car and headed--back to my house! lol! At my house, Sean opened his gift, and seemed really happy with it! Mom was tickled with the fact that he opened up his scarf (it matches mine, except it's white, and mine is red) and put it right on! He seemed really happy with his picture frame(s), and didn't seem very surprised when he opened up the pillow! I didn't think he would be, seeing as how he was there the whole time it was being made, but he liked it, I think which I am happy about.

*HA!! I win! I pwn stupid sunlight of blinding death! I shut a t-shirt into the window, and now I can see my screen again! YAY!*

After that, we hung out in my room a bit, and he saw my ridiculous booties PJ's, and we laughed muchly! We went downstairs after, and Sean fell asleep with his eyes open! lol! it was crazy to watch; he was just not there, and by not there, I mean his mind was somewhere else entirely. It was amusing to watch. He played with the kids a bit, which was adorable, like it always is!

Eventually, we ate dinner, which was so good! I ate tons of mashed potatoes, and great quantities of ENORMOUS black olives, and gulped my wine cause I don't like it very much, and got the tiniest bit of a head from it. I know, I'm such a lightweight!!! Pathetic me! Quinn called after dinner, and I got to introduce him to Sean, which was great! Sean actually handled it really well. If you want my big brothers to respect you, you have to not be afraid of them. ALl my other boyfriends, when they met my big bros, were quiet, and "yessir"-esque, which just doesn't work when you're dealing with my family! But Sean actually responded to him like they were equals, and it comforted me. After that, we called his Mom's house for a ride, and the kids made a mess of the living room floor with paint, which made me crazy. I don't necessarily blame them; they're kids. But I swear their mother can be such an idiot sometimes. You just don't allow a five year old, and a four year old to play with acrylic paints on a hard wood floor with no supervision, and no newspaper, and then put a ten month old baby who is CRAWLING on the floor to get into it as well. That made me foam at the mouth, but w/e.

Afterwards, we headed to Sean's Mom's house where we all opened more gifts! I gave them their gift which was sad, and pathetic, especially compared with how badly they spoiled me (more details later!), but at least it was heartfelt! I got them a family of snowmen, because it's kidn of their Christmas theme! They have tons of snowmen, even though Bonnie says she doesn;t collect them! Sean and I had a gift that Ian wanted us to open at the same time! It turned out to be MATCHING PJ pants that he sewed himself, and matching SpongeBob Squarepnats watches!!! lol!!!!! One of the coolest gifts I have EVER gotten! I am wearing both of them right now! After that, I got to open my gifts from them, which was crazy, and I felt kind of guilty cause there was a ton of them, and I was the only one opening gifts...

They spoiled me so badly!!! In all, I got a fleece blanket with frogs, and pigs, and cows on it, pink slippers with Hip Hop frogs on them, which is so perfect, cause I LOVE dancing hip hop! lol! I also got a SpongeBob nightie, which is somehow crazy sexy! It's off-the-shoulder, and goes to midthigh. With no pants on underneath, it is actually very sexy!!! I adore it a lot, and am wearing it right now! I also got a scarf with froggies on it, a Franz Ferdinand CD, a frog tealight holder which is amazing because I used to have the EXACT one before the house burned down, and I love it SO MUCH!!! When I saw it, I just about had a fit with joy! I also got a three-scent candle in berry scents which is so pretty, I love it to death! His mom bought me this beautiful charm bracelet with my name on it, and a puppy cause I love dogs, and a Princess charm cause Sean calls me his Princess, and my birthstone, and a frog and the drama masks! I love it so much!!! Also, when she went to Vancouver, there's this special kiosk in Port Coquitlam Mall, where you can "Build-a-Bear" and she made a little mini-Sean for me to carry around when I can't have my boy! It's so wonderful!!! I love him so much! His name is SAM, for Sean Alexander Mantta! (literally, he has a birth certificate, and everything! it says, he was stuffed with love by Bonnie!!!) He's such a beautiful bear...Then there were the gifts from Sean! *sigh!* First of all, there was the egg, of course that I opened Christmas Eve. Then, he also bought me a discman!!!!




I don't deserve him. Not at all. I have been listening to Franz Ferdinand on it all morning! lol! But that's not all. He also bought me a diamond necklace!

......!!!!!!!! That is the hugest reason why I don't deserve that wonderful boy! He said he saw it, and it's mounted on a silver wishbone, and that's why he said it caught his eye, because I wish on EVERYTHING that is possible to wish on! It is absolutely the most wonderful thing I have ever recieved! I can't even bear to take it off for panto, that's how much of a goob I am! lol! I LOVE IT SO MUCH! (oops, didn't mean to Caps lock, but it's true, so I'll leave it! ;D )

I have been running around showing everybody who'll listen! Apparently there was this rumour going around panto that because it was a diamond that it meant I was engaged! LOL! And one of the children's chorus came up to me yesterday, and she's like, "Alleah...don't you think you're a little young to be getting married?" and I just burst out laughing, and was like, "I'm not engaged, you know!" and she was lie, "oh! ok, then!" it was so funny!

So that night, I ate a second Christmas dinner at their house, which was extremely yummy! There was a huge Christmas cracker fiasco, cause they were homemade, and no one could find the cracker part! lol! (come to think of it, there was a fiasco at my house too, because Sean cracked his before anyone else, and scared us all! I scolded him.) In my homemade cracker, made by Ian, I got Froggie soap! Oh, how themed and lovely! lol! So we ate, and I worked my way through another huge pile of mashed potatoes, which was again SO yummy!!! I DIDN'T drink wine this time, and I CERTAINLY didn't get any bit of a head from the JUICE that we did drink! lol!

Afterwards, we sat around, and watched Elf, which was funny! Apparently, I was regressing, because the burping scene reduced me to a giggling pile of Pinto on the floor! I couldn't even breathe! After that, Sean put on the third LOTR extended version, which I made it through about an hour and maybe a half of before I konked on Sean's chest! It's a four hour movie, and it was one in the morning, gimme a break! So he put me to bed lovingly, and I slept soundly until he woke me up with a kiss the next morning (oh, yeah, I forgot to tell you, Mom let me sleep over at his house!!! I was so happy!), and we cuddled until eleven when I went home to get ready for Panto.

Mom and Sherayna and I (plus Kaelyn; the rest of the kids are in Sooke with their great-grandparents for the rest of X-mas vacation!) had a nice relaxing morning until it was time to drive me to Panto, wherein it got much worse. I was late, so I was yelling for Mom to hurry up, who was lookign for soem important reciept inside the house, and she came out to the truck, and totally picked a fight with me cause she was so pissed off. I was mad. But it doesn't matter. I went to Panto, and our first show was super low energy, although we had a great audience. One of the girls in Children's Chorus apparently has the stomach flu or something, cause she threw up backstageThen Mom was supposed to pick me up, and we'd go Boxing Day shopping, but she NEVER DID! So I called Sean, and Ian came to get me! (I swear, it's super super like they are family now! I even was calling his Mom "Mom" when people asked who was coming to pick me up at the end of the night.) We spent a relaxing hour or two together, doing nothing but telling each other how much we loved each other! It was energizing, and wonderful, and I love Sean Mantta with ALL MY HEART!

After though, I had to go back, and do the evening show, which turned out FABULOUS! Great energy, GREAT audience, everything was bang on! Dean was thrilled, and was profuse with his praise during intermission. It was validating, in spite of the fact that I know darn well the praise is for Jeremy, and Jen, and Elina, and Sarah, and Devin, and everybody who IS doing amazing. Not that Children's Chorus isn't doing well. But, (in my very humble opinion, don't be mad at me Barb) we don't do enough to have earned such effusive praise. We did well, and we added to the overall quality of the show, but the real praise goes to the characters who have made this show a joy to watch. They were the ones who did fabulous last night. There are people, myself being one them, who are just along for the ride at this point.

*runs from computer to Panto, frustrated at inability to continue blogging*


*triumphant return!*

sorry, panto was calling, and when panto calls, I must answer. in other words, I just went to the Bailey and did a matinee. now I am back,a dn ready to continue the story of the wonderful X-mas! Where was I?

After the night show, they were quite late picking me up, and I felt very guilty for that. We went to their house, and Sean and I had another very mellow few hours. We just sat and cuddled and talked until one in the morning. He told me a story about a boy who met a girl on the computer of all places, and met her and fell in love with her. At the end of the story the boy asked the girl to marry him. I said yes.....

dill pickles are so yummy!

No one was coming down to take me home, so we pretty much assumed that I was to spend the night again. Sure enough, Bonnie came downstairs, and half asleep, told me I could sleep over again if I wanted to. So Sean again, tucked me in. He's so wonderful, and loving! He takes such amazing care of me; I am so lucky to have him. I really have no idea why he picked me. It makes no sense in my brain. But I am SO GLAD he did!

So I fell asleep, and had strange dreams of performingness. I don't really remember them, only that they were about performing. This morning, I came home amid a beautiful sunrise. The air was so clear, and Sean lives up by Westwood, so coming down the hill, we could see the Rocky Mountains across the Straight of Georgia, and they were breath-taking. I have never seen a lovelier day in Nanaimo. Mom and I and Sherayna drank our morning coffee together when I got home. Kaelyn is very quet without her brothers around.

I blogged until about eleven thirty, wherein I was late for Panto if I took the bus, so I started calling around for a ride. No one could give me one! *sob* But it was ok, I took the bus, and saw Sherayna's new boyfriend-ish type person, who is a bus driver, and looks very respectable, and nice. I approve of him. I found a five dollar bill on the ground at City Centre! SCORE! I got there ten minutes late in time for a very entertaining warm-up. The show was good.

I notice an alarming trend in myself lately, of self-consciousness. I never used to be this self-conscious, ESPECIALLY not around my friends. But now I always feel like soemone is judging me, or like there's someone around who doesn't want me there, or like I'm making a fool of myself with the things I'm saying, but I just can't seem to stop because I get nervous and more stupid things come flying out of my mouth. I also notice an alarming trend in myself to not enjoy theatre as much anymore. Maybe it's just that in Panto, I don't really have that much to do, and Babel Rap and Mime was just a plain old crappy show, because I had lots of fun in Bye Bye Birdie. But I find myself coming down off of shows being like, "meh. That was alright. good audience. good energy. we messed up here and here and here." It's like there's no passion there. I want that passion back. To some extent, I've been trying to regain it by being goofy, and having fun, but I'm not sure if it's working. I hope I don't start to hate theatre.

Anyways, now I'm here, and SUPER sick of typing. goodbye.


VivaLaPinto said...

lol! thankee, Martha, same to you!

K said...

now THAT was a post! hooray. This reminds me of the time when I thought I got Laura a diamond necklace, but I was just faking myself out because I cheaped out and got the non-diamond one. Took me a while to figure out though:p

anyway things have been rocking here, glad your Christmas was merry, my extended season has been though the day of involved nothing at all, lol

Unknown said...

I woke up at 10 on christmas!!!! TEN, christmas is over by ten!

amyleigh said...

wow alleah, this post is intensly entertaining. I first read it thinking i'd read a little and save the rest for later, but I actually couldn't stop! I congradulate you! also, I am so glad sean has you, who are so appreciative of his goodness. he has been a boy who hasn't been appreciated enough. and vice versa of course, although i havn't known you as long as i've known serseph. aaaaaaaanyways...*cough* that's my opinion :)

VivaLaPinto said...

ack, Alana, that's crazy! I don't understand that kind of sleepiness...I just don't understand it.

bradfurd said...

Woah alleah. substantial postage. Why wouldn't someone like you; that is the real question. Don't think about people judging you. Even if they are, it isn't worth worrying about. Your friends won't judge you and that it what truly matters. :D

K said...

Anyway, my watch says it's the 29th where you are, so I am posting a comment to say:


Did you know your birthday is on the same day as my class leader's? I made her a card & gave her a bracelet I made in 'culture class' (while playing Worms: Armageddon w/ Scott).

VivaLaPinto said...

lol! Thanks, Kevin!!!