Monday, December 06, 2004

wheee, what a fun-gi!!

this is the infamous Blog Ho who posted a DIRTY COMMENT on Barba's bloggeroo...I bet he thinks she's hot! Anyways, I liked this, so I have decided to showcase it.

"Pass the Pork Chops

I can picture a world where Atkins rules the table, where egg yolk is scooped up with bits of fatty steak and gravy is sopped up with pieces of ham (not honey baked).

In this world, all men remember longingly the erotic suck of a lollipop and all women remember the subtle taste of chocolate.

In this land all are skinny, but the Metameusel Man is king."

-written by Blog Ho, at

Ah, how refreshingly blunt, with a dash of wit! I do so believe I shall get kevin to add him to my linkies! I am assuming he is a he. Will you verify that, Blog Ho, should you stumble across this blog?

In other news, I have had quite the interesting weekend! In all, over the past five days, I have had maybe twenty hours sleep. (not counting last night.) Thursday, I got to bed super super late, and had to wake up super early. Friday, the same thing. Saturday, I actually did get in a couple hours sleep during the day, but that was only because I was all relaxed, and warm from taking an almost-all-day bath. Then Saturday night, I had the closing show, which I was on call for from five. The show started at seven, and ended at nine thirty. After, me and Sean got a ride to Stage-Manager Jen's place for the official cast party, which was really great in a laid-back kind of way. I mostly sat on Sean, and just observed.

I was extremely tired, and not really in a party-hard kind of mood, so I was totally happy when all the loud ones went to the kitchen, and The Orange Edition came into the living room to play a small impromptu acoustic concert. Well, it was more like a set, but with no other bands to make other sets. Anyways, they played their cover of Eleanor Rigby, which I had nt heard, but had heard OF from other people, some who love it, some who hate it. I actually quite liked it, but mostly because it fit my mood beautifully at the moment. I'm sure, had I been in a party mood, I would have found it a little stagnant. But as it was, I was very tired, and quiet (not in a bad mood), just very content to sit and listen to music. So I was happy with that. Then they played something of their own.

Then Shane and Brady left to go do other things, so everybody started trying to get James... (the really super sexy Goth bass player who is INSANELY amazing at bass. I remember the first time I saw him, I totally fell in love with him. mostly because he had looong blond hair then, but also because he was the BEST DAMN BASS PLAYER I HAVE EVER SEEN) (anyways, don't worry about him, Sean, because I wouldn't be able to date a hardcore Goth. and why would I want to when I have the studliest, sweetest, coolest FUN-GI on the planet??? lol, *kiss*)...trying to get James to play "The Campfire Song." I had absolutely no idea what that was, but James seemed really reluctant to do it, and kind of embarrassed about it, so I wanted to see what it was. His very reluctance to do it totally intrigued me. So finally after much heckling, and Nolan making a super fool out of himself (more later), James finally gave in, and played it. And it was SUPER SUPER FUNNY! I don't know why. It was mostly him playing a couple chords, then "singing" a lyric like, "I love--to make love--by the campFIIIIIIIIRRRREEEE" in this hysterical voice that wobbled, and trembled! It was seriously one of the funniest things all night long!

The other absolutely awesome thing at Stage Manager Jen's place was Nolan singing the "Fuck Song." I guess it was a song from somebody's metal band, which was the story of a guy kill8ing a girl, while being very mad at her. So pretty much, Nolan volunteered to make a fool out of himself, so that James would play the Campfire Song. Now, you must remember that this was an acoustic song, so here Nolan (the drummer of TOE) was playing a metal song on bongo drums! And James was on acoustic guitar! You also have to remember that Nolan is insanely small, and skinny and has the funniest blond curly hair, that he recently shaved into a mohawk for cancer. Now he is so small, that ***I*** can pick him up, and toss him around. So Nolan starts this crazy fast beat and starts SCREAMING "fuck" at the top of his lungs, as per the metal genre. And he starts screaming these lyrics, assumably about how he'd like to kill this girl, but you can't understand anything but the word "fuck!" Now, everybody is absolutely in STITCHES by this time, and then, Nolan made it EVEN FUNNIER by doing the female line as well! Which was pretty much a high-pitched girly scream!!! And when he did that, absolutely everybody almost shit their pants laughing SO HARD!!! It was seriously the funniest thing I've ever seen! Sean said he had never seen me laugh so hard.

After that, a whole bunch of us headed over to Tidey's place for the unofficial after-party! The one where all the little kids had to go home and go to bed before. The one where...WE ALL GOT RAGING DRUNK!!!! ok, so I am lying just a little bit. I didn't get particularly drunk. I kept getting this absolutely nauseous feeling everytime I took a very large gulp of my Smirnoff, so I decided to only drink a little. So pretty much, we sat for a while, me taking slow sips of my drink watching a certain someone get totally smashed on her Sour Puss. That was the funniest thing ever! Everybody said it was like watching TV, cause you could just sit, and watch her, and she'd do something funny, and everybody would just start laughing at her! However, I was a little worried about her because she was drinking on an empty stomach, which usually equals painful-death hangovers, so Spencer made a food run for everybody, and went and got Pita Pit. However, this certain girl doesn't like pitas, and she was very drunk by the time Spencer got back, so she was flailing her arms complaining about how she hates pitas, and I swear she hit me in the face like three times. And totally just flopped upon my person many many times. I am covered in bruises from that girl. She's DANGEROUS while drunk, I swear! Unfortunately, I cannot reveal her identity. Just be content with the fact that she is CARAZY!!! Especially when drunk.

Anyways, I hung out with her, tried to get Martha to stop being slutty with Gareth, as she had asked me to do earlier in the night, but that was to no avail. I hung out with Will, Stage Manager Jen (who was insisting she wasn't drunk, even though she was drinking gin, which packs a HARD wallop if you're not used to it; however, she was singing MuTh songs at the top of her lungs in a very drunk voice, and was sporting quite the flushed cheeks, so she was in fact quite inebriated.), Tasha, and Brad Mackey, who was relatively sober, somewhat like myself, and Shane. According to Brad, if I were a character from That Seventies Show, I'd be girl Fez. Now that CANNOT be true!!! It IS NOT true!!! Is that true? I demand feedback.

So being as exhausted as we were, Sean and I crashed at about three, or so. Then we got woken up at about four by Martha, Gareth, and Will's antics, antics which were added to by Tidey, and Spencer* these antics are best described by the msn convo I had w/ Gator last night, which I shall show to you now, because I don't feel like typing it all out again...

Gator: only the good die young says:

Gator: only the good die young says:
how's it going?

Pinto: Will--"Hey guys, I'm FUCKING straight edge!!!" says:

Pinto: Will--"Hey guys, I'm FUCKING straight edge!!!" says:

Gator: only the good die young says:
how was last night?

Pinto: Will--"Hey guys, I'm FUCKING straight edge!!!" says:
it was fun! I didn't get very inebriated, and so I remember pretty much everything.

Pinto: Will--"Hey guys, I'm FUCKING straight edge!!!" says:
It was very very funny, especially (*insert name here*)!!!

Gator: only the good die young says:
that's cool, tell me about it

Gator: only the good die young says:
oh, she ended up going?

Pinto: Will--"Hey guys, I'm FUCKING straight edge!!!" says:
yep, she did. And got very VERY inebriated off of a thing of Sour Puss.

Pinto: Will--"Hey guys, I'm FUCKING straight edge!!!" says:
She beat me severely for telling her to eat her pita.

Pinto: Will--"Hey guys, I'm FUCKING straight edge!!!" says:
I have the bruises to prove it.

Gator: only the good die young says:

Gator: only the good die young says:
tell me funny stories

Pinto: Will--"Hey guys, I'm FUCKING straight edge!!!" says:
I'll tell you more tomorrow though, for my mom is insisting I go to bed. (ok, I'll tell you a couple funny stories)

Gator: only the good die young says:
good, tell me

Gator: only the good die young says:
tell me tell me

Pinto: Will--"Hey guys, I'm FUCKING straight edge!!!" says:
I was exhausted so I pretty much passed out upon Sean at about three in the morning. But I woke up again at about four, and Martha was trying to keep Gareth out of her pants, vainly, I might add. I woke up to Martha screaming, "GARETH! get OUT of my pants!!!"

Gator: only the good die young says:

Gator: only the good die young says:
that's awesome

Gator: only the good die young says:
I'm going to say that to him ALL the time

Pinto: Will--"Hey guys, I'm FUCKING straight edge!!!" says:
and then everybody was setting up beds, and Tidey tried to get Will to move out of the big double bed in one of the side rooms out to the couch so that Gareth and Martha could sleep (as in actually sleeping) together, but he refused until Martha took off her top, and danced around the room, while Will stuffed her bra down his pants.

Gator: only the good die young says:

Pinto: Will--"Hey guys, I'm FUCKING straight edge!!!" says:
and they were bartering over how long she'd do it for, like she said five seconds, and then Will was like, "NO way, ten seconds" (both very quite drunk btw)

Gator: only the good die young says:
poor martha

Gator: only the good die young says:
so, did she do it for ten seconds?

Pinto: Will--"Hey guys, I'm FUCKING straight edge!!!" says:
Then Martha got mad at Will, and went to go sleep on the couch by herself, or perhaps with Gareth, I was half asleep at the time so I don't quite remember. Anyways, she was explaining to Boy Spencer what happened with Will refusing to give up the double bed, and she said his name, and like, EXACTLY two and a half seconds later, Will pokes his head out of the darkened bedroom, and says "I'm cool."

Gator: only the good die young says:

Gator: only the good die young says:
i think i actually need to go to bed, so tell me many more stories tomorrow

Pinto: Will--"Hey guys, I'm FUCKING straight edge!!!" says:
Then everybody started making fun of him, cause he wasn't wearing any pants, and Will defended himself, and tried to start a no-pants club, and he was urging everybody to join it. There was a breif part where he though Sean was part of his no-pants club, because it looked like he wasn't wearing pants because he wasn't wearing a shirt, but indeed Sean was wearing pants.

Gator: only the good die young says:
what? what?

Gator: only the good die young says:
remember EVERYTHING, tell me tomorrow

Pinto: Will--"Hey guys, I'm FUCKING straight edge!!!" says:
Then Will tried to get everybody to take off their pants, and Gareth started to, but because he was with Martha, Boy Spencer threatened him with death

Pinto: Will--"Hey guys, I'm FUCKING straight edge!!!" says:
if he took off his pants.

Gator: only the good die young says:
why did boy spencer care? huh?

Pinto: Will--"Hey guys, I'm FUCKING straight edge!!!" says:
cause he didn't want Martha being slutty and he didn't want to see Gareth/Martha sex.

Pinto: Will--"Hey guys, I'm FUCKING straight edge!!!" says:
they'd been making out all night.

Gator: only the good die young says:
oh, i see

Pinto: Will--"Hey guys, I'm FUCKING straight edge!!!" says:
it was gross

Gator: only the good die young says:

Gator: only the good die young says:
anyway, i'm going to bed now

Gator: only the good die young says:

Pinto: Will--"Hey guys, I'm FUCKING straight edge!!!" says:

So that was the hijinks that went on around from four to five in the morning. After that, someone turned out the lights, and most of us went to bed, except for apparently Gareth and Martha who probably stayed up making out, as indicated by the fact that Martha asked me if I "heard anything" around five to six in the morning. I also assume that because the next morning Martha was saying that she'd only had two hours sleep, and we woke up at about nine. So clearly she stayed up doing something, and what else do you do in a darkened room when you are sleeping next to a boy you are half-attracted to? I mean really...

Sean and I were pretty much the last ones to leave Tidey's cause my mum was late picking us up. I insisted that we go to Tim Horton's on the way home, so we ended up getting coffee, thank goodness! When we got to my place, however, Ken was there *irk irk irk irk irk irk irk* and that spelled disaster. Just before me and Sean had to leave for Pantomime (I had a rehearsal, urgfh!) we were on the computer reading blogs. Ken came in and started freaking out about me being on the computer all the time, and having no sense of responsibility (wtf is it w/ everybody, and me not seeming responsible lately??? I haven't been amazingly good about stuff, but I am not THAT irresponsible!). Now you all know me and Ken, I refuse to take that kind of crap from him because as much as he thinks that he is a father figure to me, I do not, will not, and would never lower my standards to the point that I take on a poverty-ridden, unwashed, retarded alchoholic as a role model. So when he started yelling at me, I screamed right back at him, and the argument escalated to the point that he was screaming things right in my face, and Sean who was right there, though that Ken was going to hit me. Sean said later that if Ken had touched me in any way, he was going to punch him. So basically, my mood was ruined right then and there, and I got my stuff and stalked out to the car, where I sat, absolutely enraged, and unable to speak civilly to anyone. I felt horrible that Sean had to see that, and he looked kind of shocked at it. That is NOT the sort of stuff that a normal family goes through. Anyways, my mum came out, and we drove to Panto while half talking, half fighting about Ken and his role in our lives. She seems to think that because he is a friend, and older than me I should treat him however anybody else thinks I should treat him. I think that he DOES NOT, and has never deserved my respect, age and *wisdom* not withstanding, and as long as he tries to insinuate himself into a position that I do NOT want him to be in, I will react however the hell I want to him. He is NOT my friend. I do NOT like him. And I will NOT disguise that fact.

So anyways, Sean and I got to Panto during the vocal warm up (Ken had made me late with his idiocy). My lymph nodes are absolutely shot, so my throat is all swollen, and it hurts to breathe, let alone sing. So my energy was super super low the entire practice. Whenever I was not onstage which was most of the time, I kept falling asleep upon Sean. It was kind of ridiculous.

After Panto was over, it turned out that we had just missed a bus, and since Sunday buses suck anus, we had to wait an hour for the next one. So we decided to walk up to the Co-op to get munchies. We did, and then walked to Country Club to catch the next bus. Which we missed.


Needless to say I was super pissed. So then we went to the Food Court, and saw that the next bus was an hour away. Then the fucking mall had to close. I called Mom, but no response. Sean called Ian for a ride, but we had to walk up to Beban, and then Ian would only we able to drive us one at a time, because he had the YD car, which is only allowed two people at a time, because of insurance purposes. So was really really irked at how crappy the day had turned out.

But it got a little better as we walked up to Beban because began singing Christmas songs, and it was so much fun! We found out that we have the same favorite Christmas carol!!! "The Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire)" is both our favorite carol!!! I love my boy SO VERY MUCH!!! Then, my mood was improved just that much more because Ian decided to break the rules and drive both of us, saving quite a bit of mileage. Two trips from Westwood to Beban and back is very expensive, gas-wise...

We got to Sean's and he set up one of their Christmas trees, while we watched the beginning of Cheaper By the Dozen, a surprisingly satisfying movie, despite the craptaculosity of Hilary Stupid Duff. Then we had dinner, which I couldn't finish cause I am small and pathetic. After dinner, Sean's Mom asked me into her room where we discussed a couple of very interesting things...!

We, obviously, discussed what we were both getting Sean for Christmas. I knew that that was going to be a topic of conversation in our little hidden-away, girly chat. But then she started talking about how she didn't want to be a meddling Mom, but that she had noticed how serious Sean was getting about our whole relationship, and how she was noticing that every time, they were talking about soemthing, and she said something jokingly about how, "I dunno, I don't see a ring on her finger yet, so I don't think so..." and he would reply, "oh, there will be," just matter of factly, as if there was absolutely no doubt about it. And she said that she wanted to make sure that I knew how serious he was about me, and that I wasn't going to go in a month or a year from now, "oh, yeah, it's been fun, but I think I'm gonna go now" because at this point, if I did that, Sean wouldn't know what had hit him. She said that if that were to happen she thought that he'd be absolutely destroyed. And she said that, even though Sean's dad, Kevin, had had some concerns about how I wasn't a member of the church when I first started dating him, she had backed me up. She said that she had told Kevin that she thought that Sean couldn't have made a better choice when he picked me. She thought that we were a perfect match for each other, and aside from all the coupley handholding and kissing and hugging, that we were really good friends, and she didn't think that that was going to change. She also said that she said that to Kevin because ever since Sean has been dating me, he has changed, for the better. That he's much more independent now, taking the bus instead of asking for a ride, and going to parties, even though he doesn't know very many people there, and making a bunch of new different friends. She said a lot about how, she thought he was making the right choices, and that he was just acting smarter about things, what with his job, and how he was treating his money and stuff. She basically said that, if we were to get married, whenever we planned to, that she would totally welcome me into the family, adn that they would all be thrilled to have me, and how all of her family who had met me thought that I was just a great person, and how I was really good for Sean. And she also said that, if were to decide in a year from now or a couple months from now that we weren't right for each other, she hoped that it would be a mutual decision and we would both agree on it, instead of one of us being like, "oh I think I'm jsut going to go date someone else now," because at this point if I did that to Sean, he would be completely torn up. Because he is so obviously serious about me. I basically told her, that I was just as much in love with Sean as he was with me, and I was hoping that it would get to the point of marriage, because we had talked about it early in our relationship. And I had told him about how if I were to commit to him, I would be ABSOLUTELY COMPLETELY COMMITTED for the rest of my life. I cannot commit any other way. And although when I told him that I could start feeling like that, at the time I wasn't feeling like that, after a month or so, I did start feeling that commitment. And that Sean knew I was entirely committed to him, and marrying him if he asked me would be something that I would gladly do. I basically tried to tell her that she had nothing to worry about, because I have committed to Sean, and if/WHEN we get married, the idea of me saying, "well it's been fun, but no thanks" would absolutely never happen. And she got emotional, and we hugged, and bonded. I felt touched that she welcomed me into this family, even though it has not even been three months that i have been dating Sean. Apparently, I am doing something right with this family, because they all condone me and Sean spending the rest of our lives together. And I am terrifically happy about that! So Sean, I know you are reading this, so know that I LOVE you with all my heart, and that will never change. We will get married, adn I will be a part o your family, and we will spend the rest of our lives together, if you want it. I love you, sweetie!

ok, I am VERY VERY VERY LATE for school. I have to go right now, or Mom is going to rip out my liver, and place it upon her head. Then declare herself monarch of a foreign country and dance until her arms grow to extraordinary lengths.

...ahhh, Rejected, how I do so love you!

so good bye! I am late!

PS: *each and every mention of a "Spencer" refers to BOY Spencer, ok? Girl Spencer was not in attendance at Tidey's

1 comment:

Pineapple Princess! said...

hey hun. I'm glad that you had a fun (if laid back) time at the cast parties. I thought Nolans song was like the best thing I've ever seen, I'm not even kidding, like I may have reached my lifes pinnacle at that point. Although I hope not... *muses* however, I must bring up a point with you. A couple of the people here at Dover are kindof upset about the post on the suckyness of our singing and the way we run things. Dover has (arguably) the best "high school" theatre program in the district, and though constructive criticsm can be helpful, it can also come accross as offensive, and in this case, I believe it did. We invited/you asked to be part of this musical at Dover and I guess some people felt that you were being overly critical of something that you really have no authority over. I PERSONALLY have learned that you have to take your comments with a grain of salt sometimes, but as much as Muth students tend to be perfectionists, we also are problem solvers and realists, so when something has as many unexperienced singers, non-choral students and young people, you work with what you have. Theres nothing we could have done at the time of your post, and it made some people feel bad. I just thought you should know. Don't take offense or anything, I just wanted to let yah know!!!