Wednesday, December 28, 2005

goodbye depressing post of doom

I decided I really n eed to update so everyone knows that I'm still sane. Although...the way work has been going it might not be that long. The day you open up this page and see DIE DIE AVALON DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE is when you'll know I've finally cracked.

I seriously cannot take work anymore. I have zero patience for stupid fat people who don't bother to read our signs, and then complain that we don't have any. Or fat retards who freak out and shriek obsenitites because I put three squirts per layer onto their popcorn. The other day, as soon as all my customers were gone, I went and hid in the back room until my shift was done. I wanted to sit down and cry so badly.

So other than work, I've been as ok as I can be, considedring. I live by myself now in a big old house with three dogs and a cat. It's lonely. I wirte a lot of emo poetry. it's kind of pathetic. But I get out fronm time to time with Ace.

For the week after my mom died, just aout my entire family (with are various and sundry) flew out for the funeral. Great Auntie Eloise and Auntie Barb flew out the day after, Quinn flew out the day after that (which was wonderful; it's been three years since I saw him.) He stayed with me at the house, and we spent pretty much every night staying up until three in the morning, just shooting the shit, crying, whatnot. Cousins Tracy, Soren, Nicole, and Auntie Pat drove out and arrived the day after she died.I had to work the day Ucre flew in, but I finally got home, and got to see little Tori, who is the sweetest thing in the whole wide world!!! bI just adored her. Buckshot arrived that night, after driving up from SeaTac. I spent many many hours with all these people until the funeral, which was on the nineteenth, exactly a week after she died.

The officiating was a weirdo. For instance, she was talking about Mom's favorite song, Man in Black, but she kept calling it Men in Black, and then she kept saying that the lyrics were about people who had bad things happen to them, which is kind of what it's about, but not really, and by not really, I mean not at all. And then she said, "I've never heard the song--but I think that's what it's about." I couldn't believe my ears! What kind of public speaker would ever say something that makes it so blatantly obvious how unprepared my sister waqs to plan this funeral? Anyways, I just llooked at Ace, completely shocked that she would say something like that, and he looked back at, as if to say, "I dunno" and we both started laughing, and Sherayna thought I was crying, and grabbed my hand to 'comfort me' which onl;y made me laugh harder.

As for how I'm actually doing, emotionally, well I dunno. I think this is the closest I've ever come to not being able to handle it. I keep doing everything I need to do, dayd to day, b7u8t everytime I get stressed out, like at work, my dealing-with-it skills just evaporate. They're just completely gone. I was so riude to every single customer today, and the worst thing was, I didn't even care. I \find myself getting mad at things that never used to bug me before. And after that three hundred pound psycho bitch yelled at me the other day, I nearly broke down in the bakc room.

Anyways, life sucks, but big surprise right? I'll deal with it. In the meantime what I should be worrying about is how to pay my rent. I have to apply for orphan benefits, and stuff. I might be able to get monthly supplements, which really is the only way I can survive, because I make eight dollars an hour, part time. It isn't exactly easy to pay nine hundred dollars amonth rent making that, let alone dog food. Probably the easiest thing will be paying for college. This semesters tuition is basically paid for by the student loan I already have, and I can apply for more student loan money for living now that I live on my own. Plus there arre grants and bursaries galore for poor little tragedy stirken girls like me. College will be the easy part, what will be hard is finding the money to survive while I'm in college.

It's struck me now, more than ever how responsible I am for myself now. I have plenty of family and all of them are ready to help out at a moments notice, not to mention my incredible friends, but even with all that: if I won't help myself, no one else will. I am truly on my own, and I am sure not a kid any more. scary thought.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

i am an orphan

Marilyn Mattson, my mother
September 1, 1950-December 12, 2005

rest in peace

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

why, oh why did I ever choose the Vagina Monologues

shoot me now. please.

I have two papers to write tonight before the library closes at ten (it's eight) and my brain just isn't working. I've written half of my intro paragraph for the theatre history one, and I just don't know what to say. It's the lamest assignment ever. V-day should die.

I have cramps. They hurt like a bitch. They woke me up this morning, and I ended up missing the first aid course because I medicated myself to fall back asleep, and ended up sleeping through half of it. I threw up all day long, when I was supposed to be finishing research for both my papers. (both of which are late, btw)

I am such a lame college Pinto. I am a bad student. why can't I just work? I seriously wish that there were agents, and talent scouts at every performance ever, cause then I would know that I'm not succeeding because I'm just a bad actress, and I could change my career path. Then I wouldn't have to be sitting in this freakin library right now trying as hard as I am to write a stupid theatre history paper!

my back hurts. I'm hormonal and pissy. I want Ace.

Oresteia auditions are tomorrow. Jordan Gregoire wrote me a monologue to read for it. I'm so excited! Well, not for the auditions, but to read Jordan Gregoire's monologues. Friday, I somehow have to get up early for a This is a Play meeting, and do an English exam, which happens to be during the time when I'm supposed to be working. And I'm pretty sure that all my other exams fall during shifts, too! SUCKY! I don't know what I'm going to do! I have to call the office, and tell them that they'll prbably hyave to get someone else. They're going to fire me, I know it. I also have to sing for the auditions. Not looking forward to that. My voice is extrem-o substandard.

Hey, I made an msn space, and finally found brianna's! go me! I'm gonna go post on it. go procrastination! here's the link:

ok, off to finish my paper. before I wrote this paragraph, I did a bit more researching, and found this fabulous article by Betty Dodson that inspired me to do a whole new thesis! go me! unfortunately, there's this huge picture of a vagina, and a vibrator at the top, and when I opened it up, I thought it was porn, and nearly died, cause I'm in the campus library!

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

brain melting...

college is eating my gray matter. I canna handle researxch papers, and professors, and college! I just can't deal. I wish I could stay in bed forever, and only get up when I felt like it.

oh lordy lordy lordy.

Sean and I just had a rather volatile msn conversation. he wants all his stuff back. And by all his stuff I mean every photo we ever had taken together. not fair. why does he just want to forget it ever happened? it's not as if he's incapable of moving on. from what he told me, he's already well on the way to forgetting about me. why make me miserable, and give me a massive headache like right now. I almost started crying in thye campus library. the only reason why I didn't is cause Ace is right over there, and I didn't want him to see me crying. especially in a public place.

life sucks

Thursday, November 10, 2005

feeling guilty

about so many things. firstly how bad a student I am. I get home at night, fully intending on writing one essay, or another, and the minute I sit, my head is on the ground, and I am asleep. some would call that exhausted. I call that lazy! I am going to fail all my classes, and have no right to live. I have not turned in a SINGLE thing in English, OR frickin theatre history. And my big term project is due next Tuesday. oh, lord.

the second thing, which I don't feel quite so guilty about anymore is Sean. I called him yesterday, and invited him out to lunch, or whatever, so that we could talk, as his last comment on my blog quite upset me. I talked it over a long time with Ace, and although I don't want to go anymore, I am going to. All I want to come of it is understanding on both our parts, and I'm so scared that that won't happen. I don't know what I'll do, if he begins to hate me like Geoff did. (if I may digress, Geoff gave me a hug yesterday and said he didn't hate me anymore, and even apologized! w00t!) I read his blog today, and read all about his life since we ended, which made me feel a bit better. Apparently, Tuula has a new kitten, which is SO COOL! Also, he feels closer to his beliefs, which is wonderful. I'll not deny it, I was holding him back from that.

On a happier note, The One Act Festival has begun. Last night was auditions, and I may or may not have found my actors for This is a Play (which I am directing). I have yet to speak to Jess, my director for Philadelphia, which I am stage managing. And I somehow managed to be cast in three different plays, which is two projects over the maximum that we're supposed to be allowed. I am playing Marcy, the dope-smoking slut in Jack's Pants; Mimsey in Plaza Suite (a nice easy one liner); and I have a role in What Colour Animal Are You, though I don't know which yet. The director Ashley is going to get her first choices together for a reading next week and then it'll be cast. I'm hoping for Jill, the lazy hardware store inheritee who loves windsurfing. I have a feeling Ashley might have me in mind for Bonnie though, which is the main character, so that would be cool, too. I was also offered the role of Arboghast in Geoff's play, which I turned down, because it was a trifle too large.

So I am very busy, to the point of neglect, and may I just say, I HATE Voice class. Also on my plate is an arrangement with Collective to learn a bunch of Christmas stuff (maybe with boys, maybe not) and go caroling (maybe for money, maybe not). Ace says he can probably get us the stage at Mal for a full-length performance is we ever want it, and as President of Satyr Players, he has the ability to promise that. I don't think we will though, not for this X-mas. Maybe in the spring, I think that would be sweet!

Anyways, I have actors to accost, and promise sexual favors to if they do my play, so I am off. Happy blogging, faithful readers!

Monday, November 07, 2005

puke cute

^^^ is me. ok. LOTS of news!

The Crucible was fantasmically orgasmo wonderful! I'll post some pics if Kevin Nearby will help me soon. I played Mary Warren! A lot of people will think, oh, that's not so great compared to Abigail (who I wanted in the first place) but seriously, she's a WAY BETTER role. For one thing, she's dynamic, and goes through a huge journey over the play while Abigail doesn't. Static static Abigail stays mean, and nasty, and doesn't change a bit! For another thing, stage time! When you think about it, Abigail really isn't that great of a character. She has the big Act 1, which is mostly just setting the stage for whats about to happen in Acts 2, and 3. Act 1 is her biggest part, and she only really commands three or four units of action there. In Act 2, she's darkly hinted at, then in Act 3, she has small, but pivotal role in the action, then in Act 4, Arthur Miller does away with her entirely! Mary, on the other hand is in Act 1 breifly, then has a huge peice of exposition in Act 2, which was nice cause it was the only time I got to play not-hysterical. Then she exits, and later in Act 2, she's brought back for a small peice of action, and then again later after everybody else exits, where there's this dramatic peice of theatre where she gets thrown to the floor!!!! Totally climactic, and wonderful! Act 3 is practically all about her. The attention shifts from others to Mary, then back to others, then back to Mary, then back to others, and then back to Mary again, until she gets this huge gigantic mental breakdown on stage, and has ANOTHER climactic moment!!! woo-hoo, theatre-gasm! Thankfully, she's not in Act 4, cause if she was, no sane actress would be able to play her. It is one monster freakin play.

So anyways, I played Mary the Great! And (sucks to your ass-mar, Tinnion), I got great reviews! seriously, the campus paper said I was one of the three performers who stood out the most, Ross gave me all these I-would-trust-you-if-I-ever-had-to-act-with-you compliments, which was super nice, and Ace said some amazing things!


yeah there's some stuff to be said about Ace, as well, but I'll get to that later.

So anyways, the run is over now, thankfully. This was seriously some of the craziest work, I've ever done. In addition to having a super-great role, I also helped build the stage (we ripped out the front seats in MalU Theatre, and built a second stage, and then built risers with seats all around the stage like a arena, or boxing ring;The Crucible in the round!), and Ross decided that because it was in the round, instead of having the actors come out from a backstage like normal, we would all sit on the sidelines, and watch the play like the rest of the audience. Now, we're talking about two-and-a-half hours of Arthur Miller naturalist political commentary being watched from an unpadded bench in a ridiculously tight Puritan costume (think bonnets), and doing so every day for two weeks, sometimes twice a day! I think MalU Theatre Program is AMAZING just for having the stamina to get through all that!

Closing was insane. I had to work that day, then go do our last show, and then right after, it is tradition that no one involved in the program leaves until the entire set is stricken. That means that we have to destroy everything we built for the show before leaving the theatre that night. So the show starts at eight pm, we go until ten thirty, and then have to rip apart a stage that be built ourselves, risers we built ourselves with audience seats screwed to them, take down the lighting truss, and remove the giant cross chandelier strapped to it, put all of the lumber and shit away and screw all the seats back in where they belong before leaving. Then we party!

So we were there until two thirty in the morning before we were allowed to leave, and then everybody went to closing p-tay at Carolyn's. I was feeling pretty darn queasy, so I didn't go, instead, I crashed in the green room.

So, the Crucible was amazing. I am no longer dating Sean Mantta. Yes, I know I've been ridiculously bad in posting, because broke up with him over two months ago. He asked me to marry him. I said no.

And one big reason why I did it is my next topic of conversation; Ace Martens. I've been dating him for like a month and a half now. Before I broke up with Sean, I felt very attracted to Ace, and I tried to fight it. I even told Sean about my 'little crush' because I thought if I was honest, it would keep me from doing anything terrible. It was a good plan, except then Ace drove me to work and we talked for an hour in his car, and then only a couple of days later, we stayed until 3 in the morning in the green room at the college just talking. I got to know him, and that was my downfall. I realized that what I was feeling was incredibly unfair to Sean, so I made the decision to break up with him.

I felt so terrible for what I put him through. But it was the right decision. Over the past while, with Ace, I've felt so happy. He's so different. What bugs him is different, what he doesn't mind is different, the way he treats me is different. I love being with him. He opens my car door for me, and pouts if I take the tab. And even though we are so happy together, we both understand that this is a time in our lives, and eventually that will change, and we'll be in a different time in our lives when we might not be so great for each other as we are now. I love that. I don't feel the pressure of thinking I am going to be with this ONE person for the rest of my life.

We do so much fun stuff together. I've come to realize that I need a boyfriend who is friends with my friends. I need to be able to party with my boyfriend, not just drag him along, and hope he'll enjoy himself. I love that Ace and I go out and do fun things together. He takes me on dates, and we get dressed up, and go to restaurants, and go for drives, and talk and laugh, and cuddle. I love that he has his own place. He is so independent. I got to meet his parents, and I didn't feel like I HAD to make them like me, because if they didn't like me, my whole life would be miserable! Not coming into contact with your boyfriends parents all the time is a relief (even though I did absolutely love Bonnie, and Ian, and Tuula).

Anyways, I have a class in fifteen, so I'll be going now. I am so happy lately!

Friday, October 14, 2005


no one reads my blog anymore. shame.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Yes, SIR, Commander Safety, SIR!

so college is SUPER FANTABULOUS! It's filled with classes I like with lectures I UNDERSTAND, and people who make me dance with joy! The first week of classes we had this awesome mixer, which up-to-date Barbara has surely filled you in on. My impressions were largely obscured by the abount of alchohol I consumed that night. Yes I'll admit it, I was the obnoxious drunk girl. But I could still read by the end of the night, and got Caitlin (from Vancouver) and myself home safely with help from Leon (the second year Theatre History prof).

The projects coming up are quite daunting, but I'm still happy. For acting, we have to do a movement piece to music that I am terrified of. I had an ideza, but I am going to scrap it, and try and come up with something else. In Theatre History, we have to pick a play to study, then get together with other people who picked the same play and present a virtual production. You don't have to understand what that is, I barely do, and I REALLY REALLY HAVE to! lol. We might get to do the production on the radio here at Mal, which is cool. In Stagecraft, we have to put together an oral, and written presentation after being given five backstage terms to research. In Voice we have to put together a monologue that we'll use throughout the course when we do accents, and stuff. And in English we do a lot of lecture and discussion! No projects as of yet, THANK GOD!

The bad news is, my life outside school, work, and boy is officially over. I have classes Monday through Friday from ten-thirty in the morning to ten at night (three thirty in the afternoon on Thursdays). Starting the twenty sixth of this month, I'll have evening rehearsals for The Crucible on weeknights. Friday, I either set build all day, work, or spend precious time with Sean. On the weekends, I'm usually working. My free time is from eight to ten-thirty in the morning, and 3:30-7 on Tuesdays. Seriously. I thought last fall was bad!

The good news is, the people in my program are SUPER FABULOUS! Out of the second years, there's Pam, JC, Carolyn (sp?), Ace, and Sarah Fee. Some of the cooler first years are Jordan Davies (better known as Trish's Jordan), Biff from B2B, BARBARA, out-of-towners Amber and Caitlin who sing Broadway at every opportunity (Amber gave me an arrangement by George Emerson of Ain't No Mountain High Enough for SSA!), Chris Hewitson who is from Woodlands and sings in Jesse Janzen's band--we did the liquor run for the mixer and had lots of time to talk--, Lisa from Dover, Michelle from Cedar who knows Liz from work, and lots of other super-fun people!

Ok, I have to be done now because I still have to do Stagecraft research, and go eat a burrito with time to digest before Choir. Look at how responsible I am!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

a word to the a-holes out there

Advertising within a comment is NOT COOL! I have discovered no less than two in the past half hour. Stop invading our lives with your mealy-mouthed buy-my-product CRAP, and try being a human being for once.

Friday, July 29, 2005

look out world, Pinto is behind the wheel!

and quite illegally, I might add! It all started a couple of weeks ago when I was bitching about how I needed to get my L to my mom. She was driving me to the bus stop, and asked sharply, "How much time tdo you have before your bus comes?" I said, "About five minutes, why?" Of course, she doesn't answer, just pulls sharply onto this little side road that isn't really a road, shuts off the engine, and snaps, "Get out." Well, maybe not snap. But that's what she said, anyway.

So poor bewildered me gets out of my seat, and I see her coming around the back of the truck with this mischeivous expression on her face! I swear I thought she was going to curb stomp me! No, I'm just kidding. That's when I figured out what she was up to. I got all excited, and jumped into the drivers seat.

My first lesson was basically me stalling twice. Not too exciting, hey? But w/e. The next time we went driving, my Mom went down to the Co-op by our house to trade a Crossword (lotto ticket). We sat at the back of the parking lot while she scratched it, and it turned out it was a twenty-five dollar winner! So in celebration, she let me drive around the parking lot! (which is perfectly legal, because a parking lot isn't a real road, so anyone can drive on them, and they can't be charged) Of course I stalled a bunch, but I finally got going! It was tres amusing because as soon as the car started moving, all I wanted to do was STOP! lol! But Mom wouldn't let me, and growled every time my foot got near the brake (*GET your foot off the brake! TURN, dammit! slow down!*) So I did many figure eights around the parking lots, and I maintained 2000 RPMs for almost eight minutes, went over speed bumps, turned sharply, and ran into NOTHING! woo-hoo! I was doing so well, that mom even let me shift up into second gear--and I did it without stalling!!!! (this was my second time driving EVER in a STANDARD no less! I think that's pretty dang good!) So I'm bombing around the parking lot at probably forty miles an hour (all I know about it was about 2500 RPM's. That's all mom would let me look at), and finally we stop and I drive all the way up to the Co-op, and park WITHOUT stalling! hee-hee-hee! All the excitement must have dulled Mother's wits, because she bought me a Caramel Aero bar to celebrate, which is now my favorite chocolate bar EVER!

Yesterday was my third ever driving lesson (still very much illegally), and this time, she took me back to the road I had my first one on, and parked at the bottom of a gentle hill. This time the lesson was, if I didn't maintain RPM's up the hill, I'd stall the car, and gravity would make it roll backwards in a terrifying terrifying way. SO--keep the RPM's up!

Well, the lesson ended up being, let the clutch out gently when starting up. Again, I stalled many many times before Mom took my seat, and made me place my feet over hers to feel how gentle I was supposed to let the clutch out. It didn't do anything right away, but somwething must have clicked, cause the next time I got going, I got going! I went up the hill, and made the car shudder pre-stall-like a couple times, but finally managed to get it up. (HA! get it up...)

ANYWAYS! We were fast approaching an actual legal road, and far be it for my Mom to break the law, so she made me pull into the driveway of the school that is by my house. And this was a real small entrance! Very intimidating, for someone who drives in the very middle of a two lane alley cause she's afraid of the shoulder! But Mom got me on the right side of the road, and when I pulled into the driveway, I made it without hitting anything, and drove through the parking lot very smoothly, going over another speedbump successfully. I pulled out, and went right back down the hill, which also scared me, because of--you know--gravity! But I still haven't hit a single thing! I'm getting good!

So now that I've had many driving escapades, I think I'll go get my L. I got paid today, so I have the cash All I need is the book to cram on, and the Mom to find the place for me! Then post-haste, am I EVER going driving! I'll have my N before you know it!!!!

Saturday, July 16, 2005


tis been far too long! I'm sorry I missed the second annual skinny dipping p-tay @ Barbara's, but I found myself off work early with an hour to wait for the bus. I get home at five after midnight, and to stay on the bus all the way to Barbara's would have put me there at about quarter after. That was too late to drop in, I thought, as you guys could have already went, and stuff. I want to know how it was though!

Anyways, I just submitted most of my British Columbia Student Loan application. My username is the oh-so-witty PintoGoesToCollege. Just thought that needed mentioning. Gotta get my mom to finish her part of it, too. A lot of it was really confusing, and I'm nervous that I'm doing it wrong. However, after you get past the am-I-eligible-or-not junk, it gets pretty straight-forward.

Work has been going really well, lately. We got our privelidges (uh-oh--I forgot how to spell it!!!) suspended for two weeks which sucked beans (not you, Bethany!), but now they're back, and I spent my shift yesterday gorging on Screamers, whilst Amay called me a beast. A big, fat, acne-ridden beast. I am so gross even, that my car-accident scars have started to be covered by zits! EW! Look away! I'm hideous!

If it wasn't two-thirty already, I'd take a trip up to Dover to see the Suessical crew--but it's also Saturday. Bummer. Did you know, once this coming week is over, I'll have worked every day but two in the past two weeks! Isn't that h-core?! It's also really cool, because those two weeks are the two that my July 29th paycheck is going to be based on. This is good, because my paycheck this week was shockingly pitiful. I did the math myself, and I KNOW I made more money than that, so I'll ask for my paystub, and if everything seems normal, I'll interrogate Kelly about it. Cause I know how much I was supposed to have made.

KEVIN'S BACK!!!! I talked to him on the phone last night over my break! We spoke of many thing, though I didn't remember most of them for shock of hearing his voice again. There's a p-tay for him topnight, but unless someone can pick me up at work, I can't go. no buses. I tried hard to switch my shift to matinee, but no one could, and I don't like to call people at home. Other than Jordan. I have to call her today about something slightly work-related, but more BathTub Weekend related. ANYWAYS!

Speaking of BathTub weekend, I'm going to see the Sat evening show of Suessical, and then I'm going to swim to the bridge for the fireworks, with the rest of the crew, just like every year. Hopefully this year, my current significant other, won't be so douchely about things (see here for details and eye-hurtingly unspaced paragraphs). Then I'm going wherever the party is, and--entertaining myself. Uh-oh, I can feel the disapproval already. Not only Amay, but Kevin, too, now that he's back!

Updates on the Brianna-Rob situation, anyone?

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

in the interest of fresh content

I have the opportunity while Sean butt-heads (that's the verb of being a butt-head) to blog, so I shall do so. Yeah. So Sean's being a butthead. I hate it when we're both snappy with each other, as now. It is something that must be stopped. Or at least refrained from.

Today I worked my first straight-through, with Amay in the morning. and others in the evening. I've never worked with Amay alone before, and it was awesome! We talked of boys, and movies (big surprise), and I screwed up the popcorn many times. I don't know why I suck at it so. I think it might actually be the oil pump though, because half the time, I'm utterly positive I flicked the oil switch, and the oil bucket is full. But no-one else does it, so maybe I'm just a lunatic. That's cool, too!

Amay tried to teach me ice cream, but it was not to be. Customers kept interrupting, and you can't ignore the popper. When it beckons, you obey--or else! But at least I learned how to make a sundae, and a pretzel! Only a few more things to go, and I'll be able to be a full-fledged ice cream person!

It occured to me while ordering a wrapzel, how Gator cannot order a single thing at the ice cream stand at my work. If it doesn't kill her (ice cream, cheese), it'll send her to hell (meat). Or at least make her feel guilty, for all the poor slaughtered whatever-it-is-that-is-in-pepperoni's.

So yeah, I had a seven-hour shift, and I breaked NOT A ONCE! I am an industrious Pinto. There was also a screw-up on next weeks schedule, so I might be getting a scheduled break double! WOO-HOO! This week I have nine shifts, and if I get the break double next week, I'll have six. Hopefully, my budget will pan out for Sean's b-day present, and tuition deposit. I'll have ZERO spending money, though, and if I do, it'll be spent on augmenting Sean's gift. I'm so excited!

I was thinking today, how cool it would be if one of my sisters married a Jew. Sherayna was interested in a Witness for a while there. She's so prudish, I think she might as well date him. Though I wouldn't enjoy being told I was going to hell daily by TWO different family members. That would kinda suck. But yeah if one of my other sisters married a Jew, it would be sweet! But Tina married an agnostic who she's on and off with, and Trish had two kids with some black guy I've never met. He COULD be an Ethiopian Jew...but I seriously doubt it. lol!

Ok, I'm random. I feel like cuddling a certain pigheaded boy. I do love him so!

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

ack! I have become high maintenance!

that's right. income=vanity. Pinto is a'goin to hell!

In other news, I am now graduated and mature. ffff-ch, yeah right. but I am graduated, despite many grad fee problems and a missing text. I have to sort that out this week, cause I KNOW I returned everything.

Dry Grad was fantastic. Tim won many unneeded dollars, as did Taylor Kulai. Tim I can forgive, Taylor can go to hell. But on a lighter note, everything was super cool! I went swimming, and skating, and ate a whole ton of food. I tried a bunch of stuff, like minigolf, and the fun thing that shoots you backward on a bungee rope. SUPER awesome! I also got my butt whipped by boy Spencer on the inflateable duelling thing. There was foosball, but I didn't partake. I wish there had been airhockey. That would have been sweet! There was also a psychic who told me that my plans for the future with Sean, and my career seemed over-all positive. This came as good news to me, because I'd been unhappy with me and Sean's relationship lately. One of the tarot cards was about letting go of small problems, and since I've started doing that more often, I've been a lot more happy with Sean. (except for yesterday when he was an hour late meeting me, and we only had an hour to spend together. that kinda ticked me off.)

Other than that, I've been working like carazay, and wasting my money on eating out and makeup. I've got the bar-none BEST idea for Sean's birthday, though! I can't mention anything here, because of course, he reads this, but suffice it to say, I'm aiming on the best birthday ever, and now that I have an income, I can supply it! I'm sorry, Geoff, and Chris, for being poor while I dated you. That made our relationships much crappier while they lasted.

I'm still obsessed with getting married. And the bad thing that's encouraging it all is that once I get my ICBC settlement from the accident, I can make that dream a reality! Scary hey? I was reading something on Barbara's blog about how we're all growing up, and moving away, and how weird that is. Imagine if I got maried! Wow.

It still hasn't hit me yet that I'm gradded. I won't be coming back. NOT EVER.

It's been almost a year since I finally wrote Geoff off. I don't know why that came up, but I just thought of that. I hope one day we can be friends.

So today, me and Sean are going to see Mr. and Mrs. Smith. I am so excited to be in a different theatre! Although I know I'll be watching the way they make the popcorn all scrutinizing like! I'm such a psycho. So I better finish this up, so we can go do that! I'm off!!!

Thursday, June 16, 2005

wow am I ever bored

and now I will post everybody I know with more than one blog. oh man...

  1. me
  2. Brianna
  3. Laura (if she EVER accepts my Collective invite, which she will cause she has to!)
  4. Barbara
  5. Mel
  6. Megan
  7. Martha
  8. Kevin Taylor
  9. Stephanie
  10. Glenn
  11. Cora
  12. Nicole
  13. Llowyn

I think that's it...please someone, entertain me?!

it's a bird! it's a plane! NO! it's the Collective Blog!

yes that's correct. it had to happen sometime.

on to other news. I feel like getting married. As in within the next year. I've been obsessing over it long enough. I want it to happen. There is a small possibility of getting my settlement money (from the car accident) before I'm nineteen, and I'm supposed to be getting an amount somewhere in the two-three thousand dollar range. With a yearlong engagement, and monthly savings from now to when we actually need to buy the stuff, that is enough money to pay for a wedding. but, uh...I should probably discuss this with Sean first, hey? Well, if we spend any private time together in the next bit of forever at all, that may happen. It's funny, everybody thinks we're engaged, anyway. I think we should just prove them right. But that's me.

So, I know of a few people in the Theatre program at MalU next year, and I shall list them here. If you're in it, and not on my list, please tell me! I'm very curious!

  1. me
  2. Barbara
  3. Geoff
  4. Jen Schaper
  5. Laura-Gator is in choir with me, but not in the theatre program

and I think that's about it. hmmmm.... I'm surpirsed that I can't think of any Dovers in the program, cause they're super drama. Laura McNought probably would have been, but she's going to CCPA, instead. And Mel, and Brianna never even applied. tsk tsk. blog is all double spaced now...and not by my doing!





huh. k, that's weird. ok, I'm gone! ttyl!

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Michael Jackson is scary

apparently he is innocent, which I think is crap. anybody that fucked up who has children is his bed at night is not *actually* sleeping with them. He's messed, and if Martha Stewart can go to jail, then he needs to, too.

Whatever, I don't really care about the whole thing. I am more concerned with my stupid blog troubles. The concerned posts have gone back to centre alignment! This is seriously going to make me scream!

I work tonight. Remembered my cup, this time, so I won't have to borrow Holly's. Yesterday, she told me that Tuula told her that she'd convinced Sean to buy me an engagement ring--but this was at the beginning of second semester, so something tells me, she didn't really convince him. Too bad. Bully for me.

I had really weird dreams last night, and this morning--right up to when my Mom woke me up with coffee. But I don't remember them.

I kinda wanna call Sean. But I use the Career Centre phone way too often. I would just leave, but by the time I got there, he'd be leaving for work. Damn work. Ruins everything.

btw, girls, I remember why I *ruined* Thanksgiving! It's because I waved my bra around, and manhandled the salad!

...yeah, I don't really get it either.

So this post is all over the place. It's because I actually have nothing to say. Some might think that that means it's time to stop talking. But me? No. Not me.

hum hum hum. I am going to go read other people's blogs.

Monday, June 13, 2005

irk irk irk irk irk irk irk irk irk irk irk irk irk

I really hope whoever did that is not my friend, because whoever did do it, is NOT in my good graces right now. Pranks like this really piss me off. It's like someone finding your diary and writing stuff in the last pages about who you like, that you only find when you get to those pages, and you know someone read your diary like six months ago, and has been reading it since.

The difference with this is, I like people reading and commenting, but I despise people messing with my shit. Tampering in my world is a capitol offense, and demands retribution. So I really hope whoever did this, did it out of spite, cause I'd really hate to be super angry at someone who did it as a funny ha-ha joke. Cause I am really angry.

I basically had to go into every single post displayed on my page, and change the font color, and the alignment. I couldn't figure out how to change the text, so the font is still messed, as are the titles, which are HTML crap which I can't do! Plus, I had to change my password so now Kevin can't help me even if he wanted to. And I was perfectly happy with my DAMN password!!! I DIDN'T WANT TO CHANGE IT!


ok, whoever changed my font is going to get their testicles ripped off their body


Ok, there was my big freakout. I swear if this posts stupid, I will kill someone. I hate it bad enough when my template fricks up. But this (I am pretty sure) is someone actually going into my account, and SCREWING with my settings. I don't care who it was, I am going to kick you. I hate it when people do stupid things like this.
Anyways, I used to have things to post about, but I don't really remember them. Ok, I'm just going to give up, and post this to see if it works, or not.
*rumble grumble, mutter, grump...*

Friday, June 10, 2005

um...I dunno about that. which one was the slutty one again?

jk! lol!

What Beatle are you?

Paul McCartney

You have a soft heart. You love animals, nature & quite evenings with good friends.

Personality Test Results

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Alumni Choir!

ok, I know this is my third post in an hour. shut up! yesterday, I called Sean three times in an hour just to hear him say his own name in the voicemail introduction, then leave a retarded message. I seem to have backslided into a new degree of patheticness.

OK. I have a proposition for everyone, and anyone who is, or has ever been in the Wellington Choir. For those of you who have been part of an amazingly awesome year (read: last year), then had to lower your standards for a new group of annoying grade eights (read: this year), you obviously understand how much Mrs. Sinclair hates it! So, we have been throwing about the idea all year of an alumni choir.

No one is quite sure how this would work, and in fact, it's not *officially* even happening yet. But I'm sure with a good response, Mrs. Sinclair would do it. After all, look at the people she's lost to Grad in the past five years! Some ideas about how it would be, is that it would be a separate choir, not affiliated with Wellington (although, I hope we keep the name). We would practice probably at night, and arrange our own performances. Nobodys said anything, but I'm almost positive that for the first few years, we'd all have to pay something--a membership fee or something. And I'm pretty sure Mrs. Sinclair intends on making it audition only. At least she should. There is a tiny miniscule chance that has been brought up, but not discussed, that she would make it interschool. So anyone graduated who wants to join. But the basic idea is those who have been in choir with Mrs. Sinclair for a number of years.

So, I'm not going to say that this is definitely happening. But I think that with a good response, it has a super good chance. So, Kevin, Geoff, Niki, Amanda, twins, twins' sister Sarah, this year's grads, anybody who has graduated in like the past five years (because I'm positive Mrs. Sinclair would LOVE people like Mike Olsen, and Wilson Pascoe to come back) you should ALL make multiple repeated HARRASSING phone calls to Mrs. Sinclair urging her to do this! Because the only way it'll succeed is with a large number of past students, and a tonne of commitment. Now I am going to die if I never have Mrs. Sinclair again, because honestly, I am just not ready to let go of her choral apron strings. So, all should come and talk to her about it! Spread the word!


I'm in a self-pitying mood.

My life sucks. I'm poor, and I live far away from the school. I don't work enough hours, I don't have enough time to spend with my boy. I wish I had more motivation, and discipline. I wish I could get up in the frickin morning. I wish I was in a play, and at the same time, I'm glad I'm not. I WISH I WAS IN ARTS ALIVE!

In fact, I wish I was in Arts Alive, did a fantastic audition, got Gertrude McFuzz, and showed up everyone with my awesemity. Unlikely, and selfish, I know, but I miss having lines! And dances to learn! And feeling important!

I wish I wasn't the super-ugmo-est (ugmost, if you will!) person at my work. I wish I hung out with more people. I wish I didn't have gigantic scars all over my face, and that my nose wasn't bigger than Laura's entire head, and that my teeth could at least pretend to be nice looking for ONE DAY.


I wish I didn't have to worry so much about my dog hurting something (Kirby, Nicholas; yes she started loking at him the other day as if she was going to attack him the way she attacks Tika. I am so worried that I'm going to have to put her down)

I wish I wasn't so damn morose. I'm a whiny pathetic nothing.


I am going to fail Biology, and it is the City of Nanaimo's fault!

It is not fair! It is not fair! I look like a total slacker, and for the stupidest reason! It is eleven'o'clock AM, I have a (VERY IMPORTANT) class, which I am missing because I JUST got to school.

What on earth could possess a public transit system to change an already pathetic system to one where half it's routes only run every 1 and 1/4, to 2 hours?! Honestly? If I have a class first thing, I MUST be out of the house by 7:05 to catch the 7:19 number 6 bus to the new downtown exchange which gets there at 7:33, where I have to wait for twenty minutes for the 7:50 number 1 (because retard number 2 just decided not to go to Country Club anymore! douche!) which gets to school at 8:19! An actual hour in bus travel time ONLY! WTF????? For days when I have a spare first, I have to catch the 8:14 number 6 which gets downtown at 8:53, or 8:55, or some such, to catch the 9AM number 1 to get to school at 9:30. And if I don't...well then! The very next bus after that is--9:39!

Not to mention going to work! I live as far south as I possibly could, because my mother obviously wants to ruin my life, I go to school right smack in the middle of the city, and go to work as far north as I possibly could!!! Who up there HATES me?!

It makes me look like a slacker, because I work evenings after school, which means I get home at midnight (exactly; 1 Downtown leaves Woodgrove at 10:50, arrives downtown at 11:34, the 5/6 leaves there at 11:40, arrives at my bus stop at 11:48, and it takes me ten to fifteen minutes to walk home), and I almost always fall asleep before remembering to turn on my alarm. That means that I sleep in every day, by accident until--quarter after eight. Which means the only route left to me is the aforementioned bastardly 9:39 bus.

Actually that's a tad bit of a lie. I live close enough to South Parkway Plaza to walk there: but it takes a half an hour to walk there, and the buses don't go up to Country Club half the time. The only one that is remotely convenient means I have to leave at ten after seven to get to Country Club by ten after. The next one that actually makes it up to Country Club gets there at ten after nine.

For those of you who think that I'm whining, or actually am lazy,
go here, and then tell me I'm wrong. I defy--no I INVITE anyone to prove me wring, because I will only appreciate it, if you can show me an easier way to get to school!

The whole system is retarded. Whoever wrote it is retarded. And I don't a rusty fuck if the drivers don't like it either, and shouldn't have to deal with our bitching, because they don't actually have to deal with it. In my opinion, the only person who should ever write a bus schedule, or devise a route is a person who takes the bus. Anyone else is NOT QUALIFIED!

That is my decree, and when I control Nanaimo, it shall be so.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

they wear great big platform shoes, on their nasty little feet!

don't walk on short people...

don't walk on short people...

don't want no short people 'round me!

(what a wonderful world)

short people have nobody...

short people have nobody...

short people have nobody to love

(what a wonderful world)

don't walk on short people!

don't walk on short people!

don't want no short people 'round me!

short people have no reason...

short people have no reason...

short people have no reason to live!

(what a wonderful world)

another post, because I am a slacker

I just mistakenly typed post as poast, as in toast. I quite enjoy that. Anyways, I just wanted to say, I am STILL reading old posts, and I think all verbs ending in I-N-G should have an eight inseted in them. Such as "kill;" that should be kill-8-ing. Or "roll" should be roll-8-ing.

Actually scratch that: only verbs ending in double L's.


I hate the word 'scald'

it sounds like a mixture of bald which is icky, and scalp which is icky. what an evil word.

just a thought.

anyways, work is super montabulo-wonderful. I don't know where that word came from, but I enjoy it. certainly more than the word, 'scald.' According to one of the oldest girls there, I learn super quickly, and because of that, she trained me on till, three shifts earlier than you're supposed to! I was so excited! She also taught me how to make wrapzels, and I got to make one for Jon, one of the guys I work with. He didn't die, so I assume I'm not too bad at it!

So, now I know how to make popcorn, serve popcorn, clean the popper, serve drinks, clean the drink machines, serve nachos, make Wrapzels, use the cash register, ring up people's orders, and fill up the ice buckets! Aren't I a good little worker?!

The other day, this other guy I work with, Garrett, who talks about doing drugs all the time found a corn plant growing underneath one of the tills!!!! It was hysterical! I wanted to put it in a little pot, and keep it as our mascot, but I think he threw it away, instead. bummer.

I don't have to work until tomorrow night, so yesterday, I spent the afternoon with the girls plus Mel learning more on Mr. Sandman, which is turning into a debacle. Brianna doesn't want to learn the other parts for the other verses, and just change the words, and sing the lines we already know, but it requires changing keys oddly, plus it feels slacker to me. Then we tried actually learning the lines, and they are super hard. So I dunno what we're going to do about that. But at least what we know sounds super good! We're learning it for testing in choir, next week. If it works out, it'll be really really awesome! We tried to sing the bum-bums (you heard me) for Jen Porteous (sp?) yesterday, and she said, and I quote, "that's the most fucking awesome thing Ive ever heard!" or something along those lines! I thought that was cool.

Afterwards, I went to Zellers to look for a purse, didn't find anything, and then deliberated over spending my grad money from my grandparents on makeup or not for a half an hour. I was planning on taking the bus up to WalMart to examine further, but I missed it, and just went home. There, I watched Pocahontas 2 (joy upon joys) while Sean worked night shift (eleven AM to ten PM; it sucks bean poles!), and then read a book for a long time. It was a very relaxing day.

Today, I neglected school, and bought some Asiatic hybrid lilies at Buckerfields, whilst missing bus upon bus upon bus. Mom's truck broke down in the very CENTRE of an intersection (it flooded) and wouldn't start again until she'd made a fool of herself to no less than two different Good Samaritans, and pissed off no more than three bus drivers. It really sucked, so once it started again, we went and got coffee.

The Career Centre is quite loud, currently.

I won an award of excellence for Career Prep! How cool is that? I get to get out of English this Thursday for the celebration! That's pretty cool; I'm assuming Mr. A nominated me, cause he's who I used for Work Experience hours.

Today, I feel ambivalent. About everything. Ambivalent is a word that describes Mr. Poppy's attitude towards ghosts in the Bastion. Equivocal is, also. I read an article about haunted Nanaimo buildings around Hallowe'en. It talked about the Occidental Pub, the Bastion (where Mr. Poppy was quoted; he's the bagpiper there every summer), and Beban House. The Oxy is the coolest pub ever, because it has a frog painted on the wall.

I am le random. Anyways, I'm off, so Brad can visit my newly updated blog. goodbye!

Friday, June 03, 2005

in the cookies of life, you're my chocolate chip!

oh, Alana is so cheesy! But I think it's cute! I love watching her and Brad in Bio, they are so adorable.

Moving on now, I was reading my old posts from July of last year (wow almost a full year!) and I was such a loser. My writing style was annoying (I said "haha" after EVERYTHING!), it was all about Geoff, I swore a thousand times more than I do now, and I posted like fifteen times a day! No wonder he broke up with me, I was incredibly uncool. I hope I have changed.

So this post was for the sole purpose of writing that title, because Alana is a sweet nerd :D, but now I am going to resume reading old posts. I wonder which month I posted the most in...?

PS: if Geoff reads this anymore, there's a conversation I posted of ours in July, and some of the things I said were truly brutal. I'm sorry.

Lyrics suck

I know I've posted about this before, but I just have to say it: I HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE POST LYRICS! I know that some people find it a release, with words they maybe couldn't find themselves, but still! They're still words written by somebody else! I think the clearest you can get is when you describe what you're feeling the best you can in your own words. I feel mean by saying this, but when people post lyrics, I just don't even read them unless it's really worrisome. In my opinion, when you post somebody else's words to express something you are feeling, if you mean it to be a message to someone, that someone never picks up on it. Or, they're confused by it, and don't know what it means. I never know what people are trying to convey when they post song lyrics, especially because to me, a song is meant to be listened to, not read.

But anyways, that is my rant for today. I missed Bio today, and went to the bank to open an account. It took forever, and the lady enunciated everything she said as if I were a drooling retard. T'was bothersome. I now have a bank card for the first time ever! All I have left to do is get my driver's license, and I will be a real, live, documented person, and my wallet will prove it!

Last night was the District Awards night. I won a $600 bursary from the Canadian Federation of University Women. Yay, having ovaries! Laura won the same thing, but for $1000. Brad Durvin from Welly won the biggest award, the $2500 one from Superpages (yes, the phonebook) for writing an essay on wheelchair junk. I wasn't really listening! *blush* There were lots of people I knew there, like Laura McNought, and Barbara, of course, and Tim, Steven, Lisa Vezina, Matt, my Spongebuddy, and others. It was long and boring, but super exciting when I recieved my award. Just before mine was called, there were a ton that called up like seven or eight students at a time, and then mine was called, and it was awarded to only me! Which made me feel special! And the lady even almost pronounced my name correctly! Woo-hoo!

Anyways, tonight is work, and before that I need to go to Value Village, and buy black pants and shoes. I don't have appropriate shoes, and my choir uniform still has blood all over it. I have to write my thank-you note now, so I'm off! Kirby is adorable, good bye!

Thursday, June 02, 2005

urgfh--less than Brianna

I am worth $1,736,570 on

ok, this is really super bothersome

as you all probably know, my profile pic has not been working for some time now. I just changed it, and it's still not working! How irksome! If anyone can help with this dilemma, please?!

anyways, last night was our Spring Choir Concert. I cannot believe it was my last. At the end, we gave Mrs. Sinclair roses, and I forgot about this tradition, but then she turned around and offered all the grads roses. I was so happy! I love long-stemmmed roses, and it just about made me die. Laura was coming unglued at the beginning of We Rise Again, our last song, as was Mrs. Sinclair. For some reason, even though I'd never really thought much about the song, while singing it that last time, all of a sudden it just made so much sense, and suddenly, my throat closed up, and I had a hard time singing. We got a standing O, that was completely unhesitant. Everybody just stood right up. So, we did Hold Me, Rock Me as an encore, but from around the audience, instead of onstage. Laura sang only like half the song, cause she was crying the rest of the time, lol!

And of course, Sean brought the puppy! He caused such a stir at intermission, and after. Everybody was coming up, and gooing over him. His name is Kirby, and he is just the most adorable thing! You set him down on the grass, and walk away from him, and he just waddles right after you, wagging his tiny little tail! He is the most adorable thing on the planet!!! I love him so! rs. Sinclair nearly had a hernia over him, and came as close as she ever will to resembling me. And Kirby was a little scared by all the attention, terrified of the applause, but took to people petting him really well. When you set him down, he just ran right up to everybody for pets! He's so friendly!

Anyways, tonight is the District Awards Night, which I am so excited about! You wouldn't think I'd be looking forward to sitting on the stage of the Port Theatre for five hours, listening to other people's name get called, but I am! I get to get dressed up (albeit, in an old dress, NOT a new one; *sigh*) and I recieve $500 minimum in educational cash! How cool is that?! After that of course, I start working in earnest. Friday night, I work evening, and matinees on the weekend. I am working concession at the Avalon, as you know, so I expect you all to come to a movie this weekend, and buy popcorn from me, ok?

btw, my first training session went really well. He was fine with me missng Wednesday, and Thursday, and in fact, almost all the girls had to miss a couple days, which made me feel better. There's three other girls who are new, one of whom may or may not have been in Bye Bye Birdie, but I can't remember her...strange. We watched this movie with Rodger Lodge from Blind Date in it, that lasted for a million years! It had all this random stuff in it, like it told us not to arge with a customer, and for an example, it had this guy, after he got his Pepsi, wanting to change it to a root beer. The girl was like, "Are you sure? Pepsi's better," or something like that. And the guy was like, "Yeah, but I'm George and I want root beer," and it made me laugh so hard! There was this other guy who was acting the part of a kid, and he was basically wearing a beanie, leaning against the counter, and fingering a pile of change, while asking the price of EVERYTHING ON THE MENU! It was amusing in its absurdity. The same guy played someone else who spoke a different language, but all he said was, "Queak?" Suffice to say, it was rather amusing.

So I have no other news, other than that I am incredibly behind in English, and haven't been there for almost two weeks. According to Brianna, I'm getting away with it too, cause he thinks it's because of the accident! Also, I finally called MalU, and I AM in the theatre program! With Barbara, Jordan, Geoff, and others. I am excited! And finally, I am going for my L test, hopefully in the next two weeks. Wish me luck!

ok, I'm done. buh bye!

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

guess who's NOT an unemployable Welfare bum?!

that's right! it's Glenn!

no, I'm just kidding, it's ME! that's right, my unending quest has finally been realized! I am now a proud concession--um--person at the Avalon Cinemas!!! Fancy, eh?! I work with Amay now. Too bad Bethany has moved (I think) or I would work with her too, which could only end in buckets of fun!

this is so super ultra fantastic! You know what this means, right? It means long-awaited financial freedom! No more begging for scraps at my mother's table of moooooola! (sorry, the o beared repeating) I can now buy myself an eighty dollar pair of jeans, a three hundred dollar dress, a twenty dollar lipstick, AND NOT GIVE A DAMN! How fantastic is that?! I can take Sean out for dinner, or up to Parksville for minigolf, on a whim! For that matter, I no longer have to absent myself from activities from a lack of cash! Have you any idea how happy that's going to make me??? My mood just went up for the next hundred years, and you have Kelly from Avalon Cinemas to thank for it!

For some inexplicable reason, I have started jonesing over X-mas shopping. I started a list of things I would like to buy eventually, and at least half of them were for other people! Like a stone mortar and pestle set I found at a kitchen store that Mom would love and this t-shirt I found at Woodgrove for Brianna. I'm so silly that way.

Wow, this keyboard sucks, I'm making a million mistakes.

Other than that, Sean may or may not be actually buying a weiner dog! They have them at Paws & Jaws in Rutherford, and I should have pulled Sean away while I had the chance, but I didn't, and now he has his heart set on the little boy! We got to go into the back room, and hold him. He was just the sweetest little darling ever! His Mom is opposed to it, and my Mom isn't too happy because the puppy HAS to be at our house, which means Sean HAS to move in, which means Sherayna HAS to move out. I'm scared of it, simply because between where to keep him, how my dog will react to him, and all the other problems inherent with a new baby puppy, it could very possibly not work out. And I don't want that to happen, for Sean's sake. He deserves something he wants this much.

I don't know what to do about it, other than just try to keep out of it. I'm not opposed to it, but I know how much trouble it's going to be. Instead, I'm going to let Sean, his Mom, and eventually my Mom work it out on their own. I'm tired of being the go-between.

Anyways, I'm getting picked up in about ten minutes. I work tonight, hee hee!!! I am so excited!!! Even though, I know in a week and a half, I'm going to dread it with a passion. But at least right now I'm looking forward to it. Wish me luck, all!

Tuesday, May 24, 2005


The internet is working again! JOY!

Ok, it is ridiculous how much I have to blog about, because the internet has been down at Welly for over a week now, and so much has happened!!! First of all, I won third place in the Folk Song Festival--although, I think I may have already blogged about that...oh, yes I did. Well, the Honours Concert is extremely newsworthy, and I KNOW I didn't post about that. Here goes.

After the day of the Folk Song Festival, I just got really sick, and I hoped it would be gone by the Honours Concert, but it wasn't looking like it. So Wednesday the 18th, (interestingly enough, what would have been me and Geoff's two-year anniversary), I stayed home from school, and administered two doses of something called Friar's Balsam, which is an herbal liquid that you boil on the stove, and breathe with your head under a towel for fifteen minutes. It heals your vocal chords right up, and it worked so well on me. So I basically spent the day resting up, drinking tea, and water, and using my Friar's Balsam. By the end of the day, my throat had almost completely healed, and with a good warm-up (which I would have gotten, because the choir was performing at the Honours Concert, too), I would have done really really well. Yes--I said "would have."

Mom left to drive me up to MalU, and we were rushing because I was late. I hadn't done up my seatbelt yet, as I often forget to do when I'm distracted. We had just left my house, and literally at the very first intersection we came to (Park, and Ninth; Park Avenue has right of way there, and Ninth has a stop sign that people ignore because Park is a no-exit about there, and there isn't much traffic), we saw a car pull up to the sign. He slowed down to a rolling stop, we saw him, he saw us--and the he tried to keep going. We would have hit him, but Mom slammed on the brakes, and swerved, avoiding him, but losing control on the wet pavement. Initially, we started to go into a spin, but Mom over-corrected, and pulled out. Then she started fish-tailing down the road, and finally turned suddenly. We slammed into this embankment on the side of the road. Remember, I wasn't wearing my seatbelt, but Mom was. She hit her face on the steering wheel. I flew into the windshield, impacting with my face; my knee slammed into the dashboard. The force of the trunk hitting the bank on an angle (most of the force was on the driver's side) made our truck slide around, and bounce out of the ditch, back onto the road, where we coasted backwards until the backend of the truck hit the other bank on the other side of the road, and that's where we stayed. When my face hit the windshield, I broke my nose, cut up my face pretty bad, and split my lip. My hand hit the door, and my right ring finger was strained. My knee ended up with this blunt force impact burn, and bruising so severe that I was on crutches for three days. They thought it was broken, but when they x-rayed it, it was ok. There were a few dings and scrapes on the rest of my body, and my neck had whiplash. Mom came away with gashes on her forehead and nose, and a pretty bruised ankle. She never got checked out thoroughly though, so it's possible there's other stuff wrong with her.

When the truck finally stopped, people ran over, and opened the door. I was freaking out, screaming about my knee and nose. I tried to get people to call somebody's cell from choir to tell them I couldn't make it, but nobody ever picked up. I was freaking out about that, so much that I made the paramedics yell at me. They put a neck brace on me, and got me strapped down on a stretcher. They took me and Mom to the hospital in the ambulance. In the ambulance, they tried to put an IV in, but they couldn't find a vein. I complained that I hadn't lost enough blood to put an IV in, so they just left me. When we got there, they unloaded me onto a bed in the Emergency. I asked the nurse if I could use the phone, and called Sean. I told him I'd been in an accident, and asked if he could swing by the college and tell Mrs. Sinclair. I guess he kind of freaked out, cause he told me later, that the minute he got off the phone with me, his Mom ran right out the door, and got into the car without her keys, or purse, and he had to run back in to get them, wearing one shoe, and putting the other on as he went! After that, the nurses put a medication IV in my hand (which hurt like a bitch) and took my blood pressure a thousand times. They took my pants, which sucked, and made me take off my jewelry.

In the Emergency bed, my memory is kind of crappy. I was basically drifting in and out of consciousness, and I remember events, but not the period of time that they entailed. Like for instance, I had thought the entire amount of time we'd been in the hospital was maybe an hour and forty-five minutes, or two hours. Actually, it was four and a half hours. I was pretty doped up, I guess. A doctor came in, and checked me for broken bones, and internal bleeding, but I was fine, so all he did was send me to X-ray. They took a million pictures, on this really cold bed, and then sent me back.

After a while of lying around doing nothing, they let Mom, and Gramma and Sean see me. I was ucky. They never even cleaned the blood off my face entirely, and Sean spat on a towel a million times and cleaned my face as best he could because he is the most incredible boy on the planet. Eventually, the doctor came in and told me that my nose was broken, but my knee was not. He prescribedTylenol 3's laced with codiene for the pain, and crutches, but didn't put anything on my face, and told me it would heal up on it's own. He also made an appointment with an Ear, Nose and Throat specialist for me, which happened this morning. After that we could go, but I still couldn't leave, cause Mom had to go get the crutches for me before I could walk. They put me in a wheelchair, which was creepy.

Finally, at 10:30 at night, we were finally allowed to leave. Sean's Mom drove us home, because, of course, we were stranded. There, I was falling asleep on Sean's lap before his Mom pried him away. That night totally sucked. The T3's did NOTHING. They didn't help my pain, and while Mom told me they'd knock me out, they didn't at all, and I laid in bed awake, and in pain until the wee hours of the morning.

Of course this came at such a wonderful time, too, with MusicFest two days away. The next morning, I got up, and got to school, but neither of my teachers would let me stay for their classes, even though I had a test in each. There was nothing for it though, I HAD to go to choir, because I was NOT going to be left home at MusicFest time. So, I sang the entire rehearsal with a broken nose, and a scarred-up face, which truly hurt, but apparently my voice wasn't too bad. So Mrs. Sinclair said I was allowed to go to MusicFest!

Thus ends the car accident story, and thus begins the MusicFest story!!! The next morning, I got up super early, and Bonnie came to pick me up (Mom still hadn't rented a car yet). Along the way, we picked up Megan, and headed to the ferry. I was on crutches, and it was tiring, but we got on the ferry, and all was good. On the ferry, me, Brianna, Laura, Mel, and sometimes Nicola and Sasja sat together talking and reading on the floor by a bank of windows. It was awesome, especially cause Brianna gave me a bite of sausage roll! Life is good as a cripple! lol! That was pretty much entirely how we spent the ferry ride to Vancouver. We got off there, and headed straight onto the buses. The bus ride to the church where we were to sing was about forty minutes, and boring-ish. We talked and laughed, which was good, and ate food without fear of Bus Nazi! We got there, and listened to a thousand and one choirs, some really really good, some not as good. They included the Pacific Christian School! They're the "Short People" choir of awesemity.

We were at the end of our section, and because of that, the clinicians decided to make us, the demonstration choir for the clinic! That extended our clinic from a half an hour to forty five minutes of pure fantasmicality! Our warm-up sucked because we were in the littlest, horrid-acoustic-ed, hottest room on the planet, and I was right next to Lee (the ball-picker), which threw me off, and pissed me off. He looks at his watch three times a song, and sings downward, not opening his mouth, while scratching his hand obsessively. It made me want to pick up a chair and throw it at him! I actually told him to pay attention during a song, which I wouldn't do normally. Usually a look does it. Not with this kid.

Anyways, then we were on. The church was crazy! It wasn't that huge, or anything, and the acoustics seemed ok, from when we were watching choirs. But singing up there is like trying to sing harmony from a hundred feet away. The altos sounded so far away, and I couldn't hear a single other soprano other than myself, and I was in the middle of the section. It was scary! It was a space to throw choirs off, that's what it was. One more thing for the judges to look for, and base a mark on. I may be wrong, but that's my opinion.

So our clinic was right afterwards, and the clinicians were AMAZING!!!!!! The one was little and funny, and outrageous, and goofy, and everything point he made was accompanied by an allusion. And the funny thing was they all made sense, AND entertained! He was the most fabulous person ever, I am going to capture him, and lock him in a box to train every guy singer I ever work with. THAT'S what I shall do. The other was soemone you knew you;d really respect if you had him by himself. Unfortunately, he was kind of overshadowed by the little one (irony!) but he was still really super good. They even paid us a compliment while we were up there! The little one, turned around and said to Mrs. Sinclair, "I love how easy to direct this choir is, everywhere I take them, they just follow right along!" and I was like, 'Score!'

AAAAH! The bell just rang, I'll try to finish up quickly!

On Hold Me, Rock Me, they did this really effective rythmic excersize with us, to make us feel the rythm of it, by making us walk around the room in time to the song (which is HARD when you're going down stairs with a limp!) The clinic ended like that, and it was seriously the best one I've ever been to! I'm so glad I got to go to MusicFest!

Ok, now I have to go to choir. Those were my crazy big news things for the week! I should like comments!!!

Friday, May 13, 2005


First of all, I wrote WAY TOO MUCH in the last post for only ONE comment! COMMENT OR I SHALL SMITE THOU!!!!!!

And on to the next item of business, Laura, I'm not going to audition most importantly because I'm not prepared. I never did go to Mr. Anderson, and ask him for good monologues, so I don't have any that I'd like to to do actually prepared. And while I could whip a song up pretty quickly, it wouldn't be doing justice to an audition as important as CCPA for me to just prepare something in three days. Plus it's today...! The other reason is, even if I did get in, I don't know if I could make it my entire life. It used to be like that, but I can't ask Sean to leave his job here and move with me down to Victoria, and I don't know if I could handle a long-distance relationship with him. I wouldn't ever ask him to wait for me, because it wouldn't work number one, and number two, it's rude and selfish. Plus, every single great performing accomplishment of mine has been as part of a group. And with the deterioration of Collective as a singing group, or even as a trio of best friends, I've been coming to realize how truly inadequate I am by myself. It is massively discouraging to think that all of your accomplishments have been because of other people, and that is not the kind of attitude you want to go into a place like CCPA with.

Besides, who knows? Malaspina will give me two years of theatre, while retaining my comfort zone. If Sean and I don't work out (God forbid) then maybe I'll have an opportunity to run off to Victoria at a whim. Even if we are still together then, maybe by that time, he'll be ready for a change of scenery. I'm just not ready for a commitment of that magnitude to the performing arts. And because of that, it's possible that I never will be.

Ok, that's done now. I shall now finish up my post for the original reason! I was checking my email, and I got this forward about 101 fun things to do in WalMart, and some of them were truly genious! Only the best shall I post here now, and I expect some of you to be h-core enough to do them with me!!!!

1. Take shopping carts for the express purpose of filling them and stranding them at strategic locations.

3. Set all the alarm clocks to go off at ten minute intervals throughout the day.

11. Tune all the radios to a polka station; then turn them all off and turn the volumes to "10".

20. Put M&M's on layaway.

21. Move "Caution: Wet Floor" signs to carpeted areas.

31. Take up an entire aisle in Toys by setting up a full scale battlefield with G.I. Joes vs. the X-Men.

32. Take bets on the battle described above.

35. Run up to an employee (preferably a male) while squeezing your legs together and practically yell at him " I need some tampons!!"

38. Attempt to fit into very large gym bags.

39. Attempt to fit others into very large gym bags.

42. Two words: "Marco Polo."

46. When someone steps away from their cart to look at something, quickly make off with it without saying a word.

58. While handling guns in the hunting department, suddenly ask the clerk if he knows where the anti-depressants are. Act as spastic as possible.

60. Fill your cart with boxes of condoms, and watch everyone's jaws drop when you attempt to buy them.

69. Get boxes of Condoms and randomly put them in peoples carts when they don't realize it!

78. Spend all your money riding on those little rides for toddlers. Fit the character; if your on a horse, then pretend that your a cowboy, etc.. And If a little kid comes over wanting to use it, start barking at them until they run away crying.

80. Excessively use anything thing that says "Try Me".

90. Put lingerie in the men's department.

91. Put super sexy lingerie in old men's carts when they turn around.

97. Walk up to a guy and say "Oh my god, is it you? Oh my god it is!!! I haven't seen you in so long!!!!" Then kiss him. Then slap and him say "Why didn't you ever call me??" Then walk away. Much more affective if you're a guy.

99. Start singing oldies songs in to megaphone.

**BONUS Attempt all of these in the same visit!

Ok, are those not fabulous?! If I ever see one of you in WalMart, and you don't notice me, expect a random box of "Her Pleasure" condoms in your cart when you go to the checkout!!! MWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HAAAA!

Thursday, May 12, 2005

bad (but victorious) Pinto

I really need to start going to school. *blush*! Since last week, I've missed Friday on. I went to half of A block on Monday, and nothing after that. Friday, and Monday I had a good excuse, I was moving. Tuesday was me being horridly lazy. Wednesday, I also have a good excuse for, I was at the Folk Song Festival, which is quite the tale! Today, I came to school, but I kept missing the bus (which only runs every hour), and so ended up missing C block; AGAINST MY WILL, I swear! And the worst part is, I ended up in a fight with Mom again this morning (she was driving Sherayna, who know owns a car I might add, to a place that is right around the corner from my school, and she still wouldn't drive me), and forgot to get her to write me a note. So now I'm in super trouble, especially in Bio, where I missed a big fat test, pl;us I have no note, for what was almost entirely excuseable absences.

Anyways, on to the fun stuff! The Folk Song Festival was interesting...! Pretty much none of us went to any school today even though we sang in the pm. I met Laura and Brianna right when they were arriving, and we walked up to the theatre for registration. Nobody was there, so we investigated the new building that the seniors were singing in. Then we came back to the theatre, and registered. There was a small bit of interest there, as Barbara weas marked down as non-vocal training, even though she entered the vocal training category. So she mentioned that to the registrar, and she said she'd pass the message along. So that was taken care of. (...) So we headed up to the coy pond to practice. That's our tradition; it is so calming, and relaxing there that it totally boosts your confidence. Plus people are always wandering by, and being impressed by the singing, which is an ego boost for sure!

Anyways soon after, we went back to the theatre (AGAIN) for the opening ceremonies, which were--meh. Except for the adjudicators forming a choir and singing Shanendoa (sp?), which was super great. I was a little confused though, because I kind of thought they went off time a couple times, which is crazy cause of all of them are super-trained, and super-awesome. But it's possible if you're not used to singing choral.

After the opening ceremonies, we all went to our rooms. Our section started with the senior groups, of which there were two. Of course both of them won in the end, but I have to say, the group who won second--the ones with the angel costumes-- they SUCKED! They forgot their words, they forgot their harmony, they were truly awful! They should not have won! The adjudicators are supposed to place awards only if they deserve it, and this group (in my opinion) didn't deserve it. The other group were these two girls from Dover with trained American-Idol-voices, but in spite of that, I actually really enjoyed their song. They sang Eliza Jane, and had some really super good harmonies. It was almost jazzy in a way, and I was happy they won first.

The solos were long and boring, because the only people I cared about hearing (excepting Mel, who went near the beginning) were all in the middle to the end. There were some really good ones that surprisingly didn't place, like Monkey's, and Megan Bayliss'. I do know why she didn't place though: she seemed to be nervous, and her voice was shaky because of that. It also made a few of her notes creaky, instead of pure. Her song was really great though. Mel's went really well, I don't remember anything bad about it. I feel bad about Nicole's performance; she missed the interval from the verse to the chorus of Green Sleeves and it threw her off badly. Her presentation was really great, though. Laura's was awesome. She blushed during her introduction, I'm assuming because it was so cheesy, and Mel and I giggled. Brianna's also went good, and I actually heard the English this time. With me, everytime I hear a song in a language I don't understand, I tend to just tune out the words and listen to the melody as if it's an intstrumental. It's just one of those weird things I do. But this time I actually caught the English, which was good. Barbara's was so great, I couldn't stop grinning throughout it! It was about gypsies, and whatnot, and made me dance in my seat. Her voice cracked once, but she recovered well. Unfortunately, during Monkey's I had to pee incredibly badly, so I ran to the bathroom. I heard most of his song from behind the doors, and it was good. Right after I got back, it was mine, and I suppose it went well. I kind of blanked it out, cause I was so nervous. I'm really weird that way; I never get nervous when singing with a choir, I don't get nervous when I'm singing with the girls, I don't get nervous when I'm singing a solo. But if I'm auditioning, or if I'm singing completely all by myself, I get paralytically nervous. I was so nervous about doing a solo, that I didn't even decide to actually attend the Festival until ten-thirty that morning! Besides which, I'd only practiced it that morning, and the day before! But I went up there, and I suppose it went okay. I remember wishing the high notes had been better, but other than that, I didn't really make any mistakes. According to my Mom my phrasing and depth were super good. But she's biased. Sasja's was super awesome!!! She picked the absolute perfect song, and she carried it off incredibly well. I swear she was the only performer there with any kind of stage presence, and hers was the only performance that actually entertained anyone. She was really great. Other performances of note were Crystal Cashmore's and Samantha Dubinski's. Yes Crystal has Marion Smith's 'tude, but I have to admit, hearing a classically trained voice was really nice. And Samantha I've always liked. Her voice is really low, and almost skritchy, but in this really good way. I love listening to her, and I'm actually really surprised she didn't place.

So then after our section was done, I called Sean a couple times, then headed back to the theatre to watch a million and one crappy little intermediates and the family groups which were TOTALLY FANTASTIC! Mel and her dad went first and I was so impressed! It was so super good. There were only a couple parts where I felt their harmonies could have been tighter, and their voices didn't blend as well as you'd think, them being family. But that's because they had different ways of pronouncing their vowels. Her dad's vowels were much wider than Mel's. They sang Come All Ye Fair and Tender Ladies, and it was just great. Niki and Sasja went up then, and again were super super great. For some reason, I can't remember if they sang She's Like the Swallow, or Shandendoa (somebody correct me!), but they were great! Their harmonies were really tight, and their unison was the most fabulous thing I've ever heard! Their blend was incredible! It was like they were one person; I was so impressed. Laura and her dad went up, and didn't do as well as expected. He forgot the words, and she hated the song. You should have seen the look she gave him when she gave him the note! It was like, "You have the note right, cause you don't have the note, I'll never speak to you again for the humiliation." Me and Barbara cuckled (...I meant chuckled but laughed too hard to change it). Then of course there was Jacqueline Jensen and her dad Jack, who are the most irritating people on the planet, for one simple reason. They sang the same annoying song, with the same annoying harmonies that they did last year. And they were arrogant about it, and dropped names ON STAGE. They were all like, "Oh, Jane Aspen asked us if we could whip something up for this" as if they were invited, and not just another entry. I suppose my irritation with them is a bit irrational, but please. If you're going to have some pretention to musical ability, at least learn a different song! If you're going to saturate an event with your person, at least make it interesting!


Anyways, on to the IMPORTANT part of the story; the awards ceremony! All the little kids won, and scampered across the stage, and Barbara thought it was cute, and it was all very nice and boring. The senior groups predictably won their predicted places (ooh, alliteration!) and I hate the group that won second, and I refuse to change my mind. Then came the debacle. For Senior Solo without vocal training, Brianna won third, Mel won second, and Barbara won first. The problem is, Barbara has vocal training! So poor Barbara had to go up their and try to refuse the first place trophy (which must have SUPER-sucked). They gave it to her anyways and said they'd sort it out later, which I personally think was dumb of them. They should have stopped and figured it out. Anyways, for the time being, it was Barbara in first, Mel in second, and Brianna in third. No me. Bummer. Then in vocal training, Gator won third (crazy!), Crystal Cashmore won second (crazy!) and Sasja won first! (CRAZY!!!). Sasja totally deserved first, she was great. I'm still slightly blown away by Crystal, and Laura's placings though.

After the ceremony was ever, we all waited for Barbara as she talked with Mr. Roszmann. Finally she came back,a dn she was crying, and I felt horrible for her. She said they were going to get the scoresheets to figure it out. Finally it turned out, that because Barbara got the exact same score as Crystal, and it turned out she was in vocal training, they tied for second! That meant that the winners in non-vocal training all got bumped up a place. That meant that Mel was in First, Brianna won second, and the person with the next highest score won third, which was--


When Doug finally said my name, Cindy (Brianna's Mom) just grabbed my shoulders and started shaking them, and everybody started shrieking! It was a really great feeling! I truly do wish the whole debacle had never happened though. All the stress poor Barb went through, and I have to admit it sucks to not have your name called up in front of everybody. Plus it would have been so much better for Brianna, and especially Mel to have been called for their actual placings! Hearing your name called for first, and having everyone applaud is ten times better than what actually happened. But at least it all got sorted out.

So that was my last Folk Song Festival. I'm kind of glad that there will never be another one. In the years I've been in it, I've won each place, and the manner in which I won them really shows me my place in life as far as performing goes. I don't think I'll audition for CCPA this Friday.

Anyways, I'm out! hope you like my renewed posting habits!

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

catch up post

it has been far too long, much has happened. but don't expect much coherency from me, nor interestingness because I am bone-tired. Since Friday, my life has been taken up with finally moving. Mom found a house way down south at the very end of Park Avenue. There are many trees and we have two acres, which is sweet. Also, the best thing of all is that Sean is moving in with us!!! :D No, don't be too scandalized, anybody, we have separate rooms on separate floors, and since he works and I have school we'll never see each other. And his parents (surprisingly) condone!

The shitty thing is, my retard sister sucks far too much at life to be able to take care of herself, and is living with us until she can find a house. That's right. In a two-bedroom house. Right now, we're living there wih me, my mom, my gramma (who is here to help us move), our two dogs, plus Sherayna, her four kids, and her dog. Sean isn't moving in until this weekend because Sherayna is taking up his bedroom right now. That means she has to be gone by Saturday. Basically, the only time his family has in the next couple of months to help him move is this weekend. I don't know what will happen if Sherayna is still there, which she will be, for no other reason than to simply piss me off. Today was the first morning we were all in the house together, and I lasted twenty minutes before we got in a fight. And it was about Sherayna trying to tell me what to do with my dog.

I have a job interview tonight. The A&W lady never called back, so that pretty much means I didn't get it. So tonight's interview is at McDonald's (please don't make fun of me!). After we finish moving, I have to go out resume-ing again. I also have to update my resume, cause I now have my Foodsafe.

Other awesome things about our new house is that it came with a couple of sheds that the landlord said we can do whatever we want to. So I claimed one of the for myself, for my crafts. The problem with mine is that it is set up on this rocky slope, with no path up to it. So I am going to gouge out a part of the hillside and put in stairs. Should be fun! Also, I have my lily garden to put in, plus the dog run has to go up post haste. Me and Sean will probably do that, because Mom and I fight constantly about materials, design, and everything else. So hopefully, while she recoveres from working forty-eight hours straight, Sean and I will quickly fence in the one part of the yard for the dogs. I also have a couple of tables my Mom wanted me to refinish with mosaicing. Those have to go on hold a while though, until I can afford the materials. I have the adhesive, but nothing else. So I have many projects to keep me busy after school ends.

If anyone wants to come see the place, let me know, and I'll organize a small cocktail thingy soon, ok? alrighty, I'm out. goodbye!

Tuesday, April 26, 2005


CHORDGASM!!!! Actually, there is no music playing so I am having no chordgasms. However that is the only word that comes to mind when thinking about the crazy CCPA field trip of AWESEMITY!!!

ok, so yes, Me and Jen had ridiculous amounts of fun the whole day and were like we should hang out more. Which we totally should. On the bus ride home, we were playing charades with Gareth, Julia, and this random guy from Woodlands named Josh Madge. His new name is Dr. Zoidberg. Because we decreed it. He took the news surprisingly well, despite non-theatre-ness... This guy was super good at hip hop dancing! He told us he'd never taken any lessons anywhere ever, and yet, when we looked in on the hip hop warm-up, led by the studly one, he was basically doing the whole dance perfectly after seeing it once! Granted it was easy stuff, but I definitely couldn't have picked it up that fast! So he was super cool.

I suppose I should answer some of the questions posed on the last post about this field trip...Jen the fact that Dr. Zoidberg rides a motorcycle is TRES COOL, and would make me want to jump him, except for the fact that my boy ALSO can ride motorcycles, and would if he owned one. Amay, I don't have a job yet, but I have a job interview on Sunday at A+W, which is cool. However, if you feel like tickling your boss until he calls me, that's ok, too!!! And that's all I can say until D block cause I have a class now, but suiffice to say, THERE WILL BE MORE TO READ!!!! I promise you...

Thursday, April 21, 2005

supah tired.

yep. So I have found the place where I am going to go when I die. Yes, I have found heaven. It is called The Canadian College of the Performing Arts and it is held in a church. That's why it's heaven.

Yesterday was the super-incredible-mondo-fantabulouso field trip to CCPA in Victoria. It's right smack in the middle of Oak Bay, just a few blocks down from Oak Bay High School. CARAZAY! I swear the students were--breath-taking. Absolutely awe-inspiring. And the most incredible thing is that this is something I could aspire to! I could be THAT!

So we got there, and watched a ballet warm-up, which was crazy. There were quite a few grerat girls, a few meh ones and quite a few studly boys who weren't that fabulous. But it was ok, cause they were in a ballet class. That makes it ALL better!

Then we went upstairs to this gigantically wonderful studio that looked like a freaking gym. It was huge. There, we watched a warm-up hiphop class with a very attractive teacher. There will be more about this attractive teacher later in the post...hee hee! They were super great. The guy was practicing this combo, and then once the class had the combo down, he just kind of busted out for a couple seconds, worked more of it out, then taught it to the class. I swear, they were doing it perfectly after five minutes. SUPER CRAZY!!!! And the best thing was, it was SUPER EASY HIP HOP! Like easier than what Welly dance used to do! crazy crazy crazy!

Then we had a huge discussion led by Morganna! Yay! I can't remember if it was before that, or after, but we went downstairs to this lounge and watched a movay about the CCPA. Then we went back upstairs and watched more practice, but this was actual practice for their show on the weekend. They were doing a review of a bunch of different shows, one of which was West Side Story. They were doing this fantastic couples dance. Halfway through the director "freezed" them, and they all froze in this position with their arms above their heads and their hands kind of hooked out and downwards. The guys were supposed to have their heads tucked against their right arms, and super-excellent hip hop instructor was in a position right in front of where I was sitting. He was scolding the guys around him to tuck their heads in, and somone was like, "He looks like he's smelling his armpit" and I couldn't control myself, I was like, "He likes it." And he turned around and glanced at me laughing. It was great!

Then we had lunch, where I went with Gareth Jen Schaper and Julia from Musica Man and Copa and we wandered the streets of Oak Bay looking for munchies. We found thi8s cute little deli where they ordered bagels, and breakfast croissants, and I made messes with my pita from 711. It was tres fun.

Me and Jen had this great time all day long. On both bus rides we were just hanging out the whole time, and making each other laugh hysterically. She was like, "Why don't we hang out more" and I honestly didn't know. It was great.

....the bell just rang, so I'll continue this later.

Friday, April 15, 2005


This period of time is unhappy. Very unhappy.

First, all my good news. My interview with the Theatre Diploma program director is on the 21st during B block. exciting! The other day, I went and applied for a job at nine different places. Today, I might print off a ton more resumes and go job hunting up at Woodgrove, cause I didn't the last time. I pretty much went jobhunting from Country Club south. So there's a whole other end of Nanaimo still to apply at! Carazay. I shall go and harrass the places I've already applied at tomorrow. Anybody got any ideas about how to do that, cause I'm not exactly sure. I'm getting a B in Bio, and I think a C in English. Film and TV isn't even worth talking about. I may be dropping it. I won't lower my GPA because Mr. Sinclair is too lazy to mark things, and leaves the burden of determining student's marks with their group evaluation. Mom's convinced that she should go on the rampage, but frankly, I don't care. I want to be out of that class.

Bad news now. It is so fucking difficult to find a house with a nine hundred a month maximum with two dogs. Yesterday, (in the midst of finding out I was getting kicked out of Film adn TV) I pretty much broke down in the counselor's office because we're getting evicted on the 22, Mom is too busy fighting Moni for the damage deposit to spend anytime looking for a house, which puts that burden on me, plus I HAVE to find a job before we move out, because I have to share rent with Mom. Literally, there is no getting around it. A lot of parents say to their teenagers, you have to start paying rent soon, just to get them to move out. But Mom didn't even ask. I actually, literally have no choice. Paying rent is in my near future, or I will be homeless. I am trying to get Sean to come share a place with us, cause he's making some considerable coin at a place he really enjoys working at. I think it's a great idea, but he's gonna have a job convincing his Mom of that. For that matter, MY Mom isn't too impressed with the idea either. There is one place in the paper that has three bedrooms and allows dogs, but it's a grand a month. I dunno how likely it'll be that I can afford five hundred a month just for rent, which is why I am trying to convince Mom to let Sean move in with us.

Anyways, I am sick and tired of complaining, so I'm going to go check my email. Or...something.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

I don't know what to do...

Ok, I had assumed my grad fees were paid for, right? Sherayna was nice enough in the beginning of the year to write out a check for the full $233. For some fucked up, only-could-happen-to-me reason, the fucking check just decided not to go through. Mrs. Peace wouldn't tell me if it bounced, or what, but apparently it didn't pay for what it said it would pay for. Which mean, I have to come up with $233 before the end of the year.

Now, that isn't the end of it. Yesterday, my Mom's truck got broken into, and a bunch of stuff was stolen. Right after that, we were served with a fucking eviction notice from Moni's pathetic little worm of a property manager, who kept trying to insist that he had nothing to do with us, and that he was only doing Moni a favor. Lets just say I expressed my displeasure with him to his face, and with NO doubt of my true feelings. Basically, the jist of it was that despite no communication between Moni and my Mom as to what rental arrangement we would take for the month of April, they just assumed we would pay our rent, and because we didn't cause we didn't know what to do, they are evicting up, PLUS slapping with an unspecified $300 utilities bill, which is BULLSHIT. I shall explain. We have to pay our own hydro, andour bill is run enormously up, because Moni has heavy machinery, AND computers running everyday in OUR basement, which is not only against the terms of our rental agreement (that the basement would be retained for storage purposes), but is also harrassment of us, because our guard dogs go insane at people coming in and out of our house all the time, and they leave things on, that are so incredibly loud that I can hear it in my room, disturbing our sleep, plus they leave the lights and computer running allt he time, which means we are paying for their employees laziness!

So basically, we are getting thrown out of our house on the twenty second, and the only rental properties we would have any hope of being able to pay for either will not allow dogs, or have already been rented. And you wanna know why they've already been rented? Because everytime I call that fucking company (Ardent Properties) they either have turned their phone line off, or are using the fax machine. It is just about impossible to get ahold of that fucking company. And God forbid, they should call back any of the millions of messages I left them.

So I ask you, how much worse can my fucking life get?