Sunday, August 15, 2004

i shall be reincarnated as a maggot-infested turnip

phrase of the day ^^^. also, my special word, fucktard has now been replaced with the oh-so-vocabularly-amusing craptaculosity, compliments of Kevin! (who btw, spent an entire half an hour ranting at me about the dangers of drugs and alchohol.)
In other news, Geoff continues to be *Ye Olde Asshole*, having been unblocked at the behest of Brianna, Laura, and the aforementioned Kevin in the interest of diplomacy during upcoming events such as Llowyn p-tay, and Kevin's farewell p-tay. However, then he proceeded to somehow piss me off in the span of ten minutes, thus resulting in resumed blockage. I don't know, I really think it's better this way. I don't think about him as much anymore, let alone obsess over him like I used to. I can now think about dating other guys, and it's a good thing! I am happier while not talking to him, and while I don't want to be bitter, or spiteful, or look back upon our year and three months as anything other than the wonderful time that it was, I feel that it is past time to let go. And detaching myself from him through lack of contact is, I believe, the way to go. And that shall be that.
went blog-snooping again today. this time searching the database with key words. interestingly enough, the items you type into your favorite books, music, movies sections of your bios, and the interests sections of your bios become links to the profiles of others with the same interests as you. This is also true of your location. So I surfed through all the Nanaimoites on blogger (btw, why the hell are we called that? why not Nanaimers, or Nanaimians, or the Nanaimese? curious.), and found a couple interesting ones! low and behold, hours after commenting on his blog, I find a little popup on my msn, saying that someone who's email address I do not recognize has added me to their email! so this has happened quite a bit lately, the most cringeworthy of times was when I talked to my best friend since Grade One, Amanda Taft for about an hour before ever realizing who she was! (she had changed her email addy lately) so I just went along, and while chatting, looked up their msn profile. And I discovered Nanaimoite(ese) blog boy! woo-hoo! so we've just spent the past several hours talking. He likes old music! (thank goodness. after Lt. David, I got kinda worried) He gradded from Dover, lives in North End, works at the Woodgrove Save on Foods in the bakery. He can bake bread! lol. one might wonder why I am writing this at all, seeing as how we are blog buddies, and it can be assumed that eventually he will come across this entry. and assumably he already knows all this junk about himself, right? but w/e. he used to play drums in band. I didn't know Dover had a band! I suppose Welly is probably the most musical school in the district. But Dover is the most dramatic. (I am so jealous of Mr. A! I want to steal him for Welly's very own! And they took our beloved Mr. Beeston away from us! bastards! now who will discuss the "little shitheads" in his class with me? *tears*) haha! and L + B are stuck in Film and Television without him this year! sucks to THEIR ass-mar! oh, goodness, I just thought of something...who is going to "supervise" the Broadcast club? this is my grad year, I'm supposed to have the coveted Talent spot all to myself and one other! mother frick, everything is changing, and I DON'T like it. w/e, at least I still have choir. wonderful wondeful choir. *sigh*
I know I had a lot more to tell you, but I cannot remember what it is. OH YEAH! Brianna is being stupid. The Collective has had ONE scheduled performance ALL SUMMER, and she KNEW about it, and knew it had been confirmed since before school ended, and she's still flaked out on us! She's going to---well, if I told you I'd have to kill you beofre she killed me because it involves some sensitive information concerning a --gasp-- male that she is interested in. But suffice it to say, that it is NOT a good reason to fuck up the ONE performance we've done all summer! I mean, hey! She had Arts Alive. Laura had Arts Alive AND Naramata. I've had jack shit! I have done NO performing all summer, not even at my big bros wedding, cause my two California bros don't even know I sing! it's NOT FAIR! I mean, with the Rufus fiasco, she had some cause to be a flake. (not a whole lot, but some.) but this is nothing but a guy! as mentioned in a previous post, I thought Collective "stuck together against any mere male". I guess not. I'm sorry, I guess this means that the saying "chicks before dicks" has failed me. I am scarred.
however, I am too tired to be suitably enraged right now. the blinding fury can wait til the morning. home life has been better since horrid freakout two days ago. no fisticuffs, and no moving out so far. blue skies (*smiling at me, nothing but blue skies, do I see*) all the way.
Gator is finally back! I am hanging out with her and Brianna and Kevin tomorrow. Geoff was supposed to attend, but ran off to hide behind Alex and Erin instead. grrr. I'm feirce, and oh so intimidating, can't you see? Big, frightening four foot eleven me! (now THAT was sarcasm, Geoff) anyways, let's not get nasty, Alleah.
oh yeah, the title of this post is totally true for me as well as stolen from Gator-Bator! I went to this dating service that Amanda Rossiter showed me. And I started rating all these people's attractivenesses on a scale of one to ten! I was like, omg! I am seriously going to hell very very soon! I can't remember exactly how I described it to Jesse (Nanaiman blog boy), but it was funnier than this.
anyways, brain wobbling on rickety tracks, and is quite ready to fall into some slumber. must I have energy for lists? urgfh.

i wore: denim shorts, and a white and orange halter top. blue sandals.
i ate: coffee, noodles, pancakes, coffee and hamburger helper. (more than in a really long time!)
i did: a lot of hanging with the kids (Sherayna's) at the water park. Got itchy, irritable and parasite-ridden. refuse to ever return to cursed water park.
i like: my hair cause it looks good for a change!
i dislike: Haliburton yucky Waterpark with it's recycled water, and revolting insectoid wildlife. and big spiders.
brag moment: letting Tika chase me around the field at HyW. she liked that.
cringe moment: having to be the one who strolled the stroller home, thus making it look like I was the one who had a six month baby even though he's my sister's, while icky icky young ice cream boys leered. filthy ice cream boys. I rate them a two on the hotness scale. Hear me?! a two!!!!
granola moment: supervising kids at a waterpark, irritating as it was.
i plan to: sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.

goodnight, all in blogland.

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