Tuesday, August 24, 2004

I'll be your bottlecap over troubled plasma

wow, I just found out that Collective would both rather kiss me than each other! strange. Barbara found that out at Geoff's today.

have you ever noticed that Barbara is the most difficult name in the world to type? I always end up typing Brabarbar, or something ridiculous like that. It is so defiant of my poor typing skills, with its mere three letters, and it's deceptive simplicity to vocalize. grr... That's it, I vow to just call her Babar for the rest of her life. Or Barbarwa. Or Babrabar. Or however the hell else I happen to mis-type her name. I defy you all.

Hopefully, there shall be a p-tay coming up soon in time for Llowyn's passing through town on his way back home. It should be really fun, although I have a notion that scandalosity may be brewing between a couple of my closest friends. I hope it does not come to a head at the p-tay. That would suck big time.

After all, this p-tay is partially to relieve the extreme suckiness of life experienced by all lately. I mean, think about it: Laura is sad because of Kevin/(*). Brianna is sad because of Aden. Aden is sad because of not wanting a relationship, but wanting Brianna. Geoff is sad/mad, cause I'm a douche. I'm sad/mad cause Geoff's a douche. Foo is being exiled to evil private school of shittiness. Babrabar is sad cause of (*). Life just generally sucks a whole lot! And the evil evil gloomy dismal weather of unhappiness is not helping matters any, so a p-tay shall hopefully lighten moods! It's what we all need, I say!

grr... nobody goes to the Foo + Alleah blog. No comments! None at all! Meh, whatever, it's not that interesting a read. Except for possibly the whole stoned post part. That has some amusing parts...

Why does Geoff have to be so tunnelvisioned? I'm having yet ANOTHER argument with him, and he's all like, I am right, you are wrong, there is nothing in the world that can ever make sense other than what I SAY can make sense! He has no basis in reality! Not to mention the fact that not a thing I have said to him all night has actualy sunk in, and all my attempting to get him to understand my point of view has been completely in vain because he's like, I'm right. End of question. He won't pause to even consider that I may even have a POINT!

grrr. anyways, I have to finish up this ridiculous fight with Geoff so I can get to bed, and maybe get up on time tomorrow. What a thought, hey? ttyl, bloggers.


Anonymous said...

update on the me + Geoff situation at time of conversation termination? Well, I dunno about him, but he has turned me into a festering pit of enraged bile that happens to be on the verge of a crying fit that shall last for days. Days I tell you, days!

I am so depressed now, and that is the truth.

Brianna said...

everyones mood seems to fit right in with the weather. How strange.

Anonymous said...

I'm not mad, In fact I think I'm the sane-est one of you all muahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahayh *cough* ha
Love you all!

barbara_mary said...

*scoff* Yeah, deffinate potential for a scandal within our small little friendship world.

- Barbararararararaw

K said...

Unit, I think it could be construed as slightly arrogant to categorically state "I'm not tunnelvisioned. I'm the only one who sees the whole picture." What about the buddhist monks who walk the streets of Taipei, not saying anything (with their ABJECT LACK OF HAIR)? Or some other random, neutral third party, such as Ralph Nader? Unless of course you & Alleah represent the two-party system and loathe consumer rights.

Anyway, hope you guys are all having fun in not-overly-hot Nanaimo. So far I haven't encountered any music stores... although everyone to whose house I've been has a nice piano, I have only seen one Yamaha store, and nothing else, in the time I've been here. Luckily though, a cheap acoustic guitar is only $3000-4000 NT, yay. Also, I'm supposed to be promoting "international peace & understanding," but it sounds like those things are a little deficient on an interpersonal level.

nyar har


VivaLaPinto said...

I agree, I think you kinda shot yoursekf in the foot with the statement "the whole world has gone mad", there Geoff. anyways, I refuse to get into it. I had a blast yesterday hanging out ALL DAY with FOO!!! defiance, and rebellion.