Wednesday, August 11, 2004

my pores are swollen

and my eyes are swollen, and my face is greasy, and my muscles ache. and my hair is dirty. and I've got scratches and bruises that I don't know how I acquired. and I'm not sure how much I remember from last night...
*big sigh* I'm such a whiny baby.
I'm a really weird person because...I like who I AM, but I don't like my LIFE. isn't that weird? I mean I like being Alleah, and being all the things that Alleah is. But the things that happen to Alleah tend to suck a lot of ass. (except for that hot DJ! haha!) (*refer to in uniform--The Virginia Trip for an explanation*)
anyways, HITF Productions meeting tomorrow. I suppose I shall committ to this endeavor. I reserve the right to not be surprised if it doesn't work out, though. I dunno, all the people who are in on it are fabulously talented and all, and there's not a thing wrong with any of them, but alas, I've been in on about three too many "projects" that were going to "work out awesomely" and didn't for me to succumb to the excitement of another. however, I'm impressed with the number of people who are terribly excited about it. good job, all.
my forearms hurt.

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