Monday, August 02, 2004

Walking Laura's dogs is ridiculously easy.

seeing as how they're half the weight of my PUPPY, it was insanely simple to walk them with the mom today. while walking them, I discovered that Laura lives extremely close to Wilson Pascoe's old house which I thought was interesting. We walked her dogs on his street, and then found a tot lot behind his backyard.
after that, we (me and that woman who gave birth to me) went up to Woodgrove, and put a couple rolls of film in. They were both my sisters who takes the most boring pictures imaginable. They were all of either her kids, her puppy or flowers. How irritatingly cutsey. Then we searched for completing items for our wedding ensembles. I found the perfect cover, (the one that my stupid relatives insisted I wear) but Mom went postal cause it was--oh my fucking god, no--twenty four dollars. What a pathetic amount of money. Which was especially ridiculous cause she spent ninetyfour bucks on shit we didn't need at all, and the one thing that was specifically requested of me to have, she can't cough up the bucks? That is entirely retarded.
we also both got purses (mine white, hers blue straw), and pairs of shoes (enormous Oriental patterned wedgies; mine are red, her's are blue), earrings, makeup (body wash for me), and foot scrub. We spent a ridiculous amount of money that we probably didn't have to spare, but w/e. It's not my problem.
On the way home, we stopped by Amanda Taft's and I borrowed that red and white skirt that I wore in the fashion show that she made.
It was a nice lazy day, considering the mad cleaning we did last night (scrubbing, sweeping, tidying, organizing until roughly three in the morning, then my horrible horrible body had the audacity to wake me up at four-thirty to go throw up for NO good reason).

i wore: pink tee, and retro kids pants. and oodles of sex bracelets.
i ate: spaghetti for lunch, AND dinner oddly. and coffee.
i did: some more dogsitting, and dogwalking, and some stalking of Wilson Pascoe (maybe I shouldn't say that on the internet...*blush*)
i like: clothes. so sue me. I'm a consumer whore. and how.
i dislike: my stupid stupid dogs who were misbehaving horridly on THEIR walk today. I must have been spoiled by walking Laura's dogs.
brag moment: finding an entire column of awesome awesome shoes at Wal Mart for fifteen bucks.
cringe moment: the entire time I spent with Shane and Nolan and Dylan today when I ran into them at WalMart and acted like a total gorkus.
granola moment: packing. surprisingly enjoyable.
i plan to: sleep, in order to awake at a ridiculous time tomorrow morning for departure.

*I'm leeeeeeaaaavin' ooooon aaaa jet plane...I don't know wheeen III'll beee baaack again...*

1 comment:

Brianna said...

Why are you leaving?????? Youre going to miss the party where everyone whos ANYONE is going to be!!! oh man... When are you getting back, anyway?