Tuesday, August 31, 2004

All in all, a typical party, with the addition of Zed

So, last night was Gator's party of goodbye-summer-ness. *sob* I have to go school supply shopping today. How distasteful.

The party was pretty fun, when you factor out random bad feelings. Barbara was feeling bad aboutt he fight she'd had with one of her Barsby friends, Trish (whom I wish so badly would hang out with us more, because I do so enjoy her presence). I feel so horrid about that whole situation, because part of it is about how Barbara is constantly so wonderful to her Wellington friends, and yet is a total witch oftentimes to her Barsby friends. Now I understand Barb, because I have a habit of doing that as well. And understanding her behavior as I do, I am inclined to defend her, and say that in some ways her behavior is a very strange compliment because if Barb is anything like me, than her semi-bitch behavior is indicitive of the fact that she is comfortable with them in a closer way than with us (yes I realize I said the word "behavior three times in that sentence!). The behavior that Barb describes to me is very much like behavior between sisters, and in that way, I am inclined to advise Trish to attempt to view it as a compliment. I know this because I do the same thing with my girls. When I get stressed out, the people who suffer are my family (my mom especially), and my girls. A while ago, it was also Geoff, but not anymore. Now Laura, I think is understanding of this (lucky for me), but Brianna doesn't really think of it that way I don't think and when I become a witch, well she retaliates right back. This creates battles of epic proportions! But back to the subject...I understand Trish's point as well, and hopefully there is something I can do to help Barabar (crap) to get out of the witch habit. I don't want Trish, and Barb's other Barsby friends to be threatened by the Welly crowd. In fact, there have actually been parties at Barb's house that involve Barsy people + Welly people, and oftentimes, they just don't work out! The Barsby people are in one room, and the Welly people are i another. And poor Barb is caught in the middle! I feel kind of intimidated by them, because it feels like they are always thinking how strange we are in a bad way. I mean, I am no stranger to being thought bad of, but when I am attempting to be friends with new people so that my good friend doesn't have to split her friend groups in two, well being thought strange in a bad way is kind of debilitating. And I think they feel threatened by us because we are SO DIFFERENT from them, just being theatre people. It's kind of like we are "the other woman", and the Barsby crowd is Barbara's wife. And I feel so bad aboutt hat! I wish we could all get along!

Anyways! Back to the party! I was feeling odd, and wistful all night. I had assumed it was because of unsavory singledom, but it may have had other, unrecognized components. In any case, I do not feel the need to analyse my own feelings today...just everyone else's! Brianna apparently was also feeling like she was missing something. She doesn't know what it is, either...life is very odd for Collective right now. I don't know what to do with it! Maybe with the imminent return of school, and order, and schedule, things will calm down.

So, it was a normal party, with going to Uplands, and Spin the Bottle, and Truth or Dare, and the usual people coming with the addition of Zed, Lisa, and Nicole. I have never hung out with Nicole before, and the first time I met her, I dunno if she was in a bad mood, or whatever, but she didn't really acknowledge me the first time, so I had this preconceived notion of her that she didn't like me. But then I was very pleasantly surprised last night, when she showed up unexpectedly, and jumped right in with the Spin The Bottle fun! It's a good thing she's a theatre person cause she walked in right in the middle of Brad and Zed making out! (yes because of Spin the Bottle!) And in Truth or Dare, me and her talked a couple times. Oh yeah, and I made out with her. lol! What an introduction, huh? Oh well, those are the occupational hazards of being a Lower Branch of the Collective Tree! *the boys need not apply!* But anyways, my point is, she's just this beautiful person, a ton of fun to be around! She has this huge enthusiastic laugh that just enamoured me of her. I understand Geoff's interest in her now! I also found out all these interesting tidbits of information, as well... Such as Zed's awesome sexual experience, which I am not allowed to divulge. And the fact that Sasja Towe had a crush on me a couple years ago. That made me feel so good about myself! I dunno why other people are creeped out by that, but in my opinion you have not experienced life until you have been the crush of a bisexual/homosexual person. Ok, so maybe that was a little creepy. But w/e! I defy you all! Ok, back to the tidits of information, I also found out that Lisa likes Geoff and apparently, according to Geoff's blog, he reciprocates. I hold my reservations though, knowing the pitfalls of Scorpio/Gemini relationships. If Geoff bucks up, and comes to me, I can give him a few heads up, but I am not going to volunteer anything especially if he's all "eerm, I want distance..." Also--crud. What was that other thing? oh yeah, Kelsey and Jesse smoke. Jesse also told me that "l" names are sexy. Giving Laura, Llowyn, Lauren and Lisa MUCH sexier names than mine, even though mine has TWO l's! I knew my mom should have named me Leah. I just knew it!

So the party was fun, but not as much fun as is possible to have at a Collective party. Anyways, I drove Zed, and Babbara home, and because have a three seater truck (including driver, which I was NOT!), Barb had to sit on Zed's lap! hahaha! Whatever, they made jokes about it the whole way home, so I don't think there was any problem with it on either side.

When I got home, Llowyn was on msn! He was supposed to hopefully be at the party last night, but he didn't make it, for reasons understandable to me when he told me. His radiator cap blew up in his face, and now he has second degree burns over HALF HIS FACE!! isn't that awful? Well, anyway, other than the horrible news, we talked for anout an hour and a hlaf, andwe discussed such important things such as whom in Nanaimo he would ask out, given the chance (he lives in Vancouver). He was stubborn stubborn, and refused to tell me. Must have a Tuarus Ascendant or something silly like that. But I did finally narrow the group of individuals down. He is interested in the important ones (you know who you are), but I doubt that he is going to make a move himself, you two, so you're going to have to buck up, and take the initiative. Good thing though, he is SO adorable, and sweet! He said all these things that made me squeal like a silly little school girl! Like for instance, he was all like, "thank you for being patient with my insanity" or something like that, and I was like, "no problem, I could say the same for you," cause I'd been grilling him about the girl situation for like an hour at that point. And he was all like, "It's not a matter of patience, but of pleasure," and I was like, !!!!!!!!! awwww! yay! He also said other things that were sweet. Like at the beginning of the Great Inquisition, I was like, "but I am cute, and you want to tell me things! *sweet smile*" and he just said, "under other circumstances such as you being present, that oh-so-sweet smile might melt my resolve, but as it stands, your curiosity shall not be relieved!" So yes, let it rest at, he was extremely adorable all night long!

heh heh, I told interested parties about said conversation with Llowyn, and now she is interrogating me about it! haha!

Anyways, that is when I went to bed, which brings us to now. Hopefully I am going school supply shopping today, maybe with the Gator-Bator. I am off now. Goodbye, bloggers!


barbara_mary said...

*dies* Good luck to my other half!! And thanks for listening to my whole Trish-fight complaining... I'm extremely glad you understand...

Brianna said...

L names are so unsexy ( no offense gator) but neither are B names. B names are the opposite of sex. Lucky for me, i like my name anyway.

VivaLaPinto said...

um, Brianna? explain to me your logic...how are B names the opposite of sex???

K said...

No, no, it's all about the L names. Did you know I've only gone out with girls whose first names start with 'L'? the letter L is where it's at: Laura, Lucy, Leah, Lisa, &c. glad there was another fun-taculous party.