Monday, August 23, 2004

do do doo, boredom sucks big time.

today is a nothing day. the sky is nothing, the ground is nothing, the chair I think I might be sitting on is nothing. boring boring boring. I am bored. bored bored bored. derob. that's bored backwards.

I keep thinking about certain people. Rather curious to know the opinion of recent events from one person. Hoping that another person finds out nothing about me ever from anybody.

cleaning (kind of) the den today, and found (ooh, cheery day) a newspaper clipping from when my house burnt down. how happy-making. *happy talkin talkin happy talk, talk about things you like to do.*

watched a cool movie last night. The Shipping News. involved nightmares, and ghosts, and pirates, and incest, and curses. woo-hoo. and journalsim. clap clap clap.

explained rudiments of astrology to Barbara today. also finally got a shelf into the back room so that we can organize it. Foo just told me that if someone had told him about someone named Alleah, the person that he would imagine would be me. great. I am an Alleah.

Foo really needs to get out of his house really badly. He just worked out the number of years between every palindrome year. Apparently there are 110 years between 1991--OH!! his plan is foiled! Cause the next palindrome year after 1991 is 2002! hahaha! twenty years! not 110! burn on Foo.

ok, maybe I need to get out of my house, too.

in other news, we have now established that Llowyn is the coolest Collective newbie on the PLANET! Anybody who can hang out with a roomful of Collective for the first time and still be able to act out a tip from the Kama Sutra in front of a houseful of total strangers is AWESOME.

crap. it's raining just to spite me. it isn't raining where Foo is. that is NOT fair.

wow, am I ever bored. I am even too bored for coherency.



Brianna said...

strange you

barbara_mary said...

Ahem. There was more than the collective! There was me, and Gareth... and, uh, Brianna and Laura weren't there... :p

amyleigh said...

yeah, and YOU talk just like everybody else! haha c'mon now, if you aren't original, it's raining elephants and cherry pie. (witch would be nice, yet terrifying...)