Friday, August 27, 2004

I need more coffee...brb

k, back, with a full supply of coffee. In the past roughly twentyfour hours, I have discovered something interesting...

my girls, who you all know refers to the Collective, both have comments on their blogs by people who I have never heard before. Interesting. In fact, Gator even has one who CRITIQUES her blog!!! I was so excited! I thought to myself, now that, that is exactly what you need, Alleah Poirier. You need a blog critic. Someone who DOESN'T know me. So I think this Matthew Vant person...He ought to be PERFECT for the job (have you noticed a slight tendency towards capitalization here?). Then I thought, it is possible that he may have found my blog through one of the links that Laura has put on her blog from hers to mine, in which case that would be perfect except for the fact that I haven't heard from him yet. is my plea. Matthew Vant! If you are out there. If you are indeed a real person, and not a silicon-based alien from a different galaxy masquerading as a human... If you are out there, give me a shout! Even if for no other reason other than that you said Laura-Gator had a "classy" tone and I totally agree with you!

Does anyone else detect a slightly frenzied tone in the previous paragraph? Great. Next thing you know I'll be tearing my hair and having convulsions.

In other news, I have poisoned my mother's vocabulary! Hahaha. She now talks like me like a crazy mofo! Seriously, I have never once heard her call Monkey, Michael, or Foo, Colin, even though those are their real names, and she knows their real names. Also, this morning when I discovered a dreadfully missed Celine Dion album in her possession and inquired as to why she had not given it to me, she replied, "Pure spite and bile," and gave me a *because-I'm-cute-and-you-want-to-feed-me* grin! Shock! Shock, and pride! That's MY look of unparalleled cuteness! Is this really MY mother who prides herself on grammatically correct speech talking like oh-so-grammatically-incorrect me? I mean, come on, I am the only one in my house who uses the word bile anymore. My influence is spreading! Today, my mother--tomorrow, THE WORLD! mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!!

Again, slight leanings towards insane babbling in the last paragraph.

Great, thanks a lot, Matthew Vant, now you've got me critiqueing my own blog. It's a mad house! A MAD HOUSE!!!

Anyways, I am endeavoring to cut down on my crazy run-on posts of elongated doom, so I shall run off now to rock in a corner repeating the word banana plant over and over now, ok? Have a fun day!

1 comment:

Brianna said...