Saturday, August 14, 2004

my hair is looking surprisingly good lately

know what I just realized? in roughly three weeks, our beloved "Grade Nines" will NO LONGER be grade nines! they'll be grade tens!!! oh how frighteningly progressive! and you know what else? if they are in grade ten, that makes myself and female Collective+Gareth GRADE TWELVES!!!!!!!!! as in Grad! yikes!
I don't wanna grad. I vow to regress this entire year. Immaturity, here I come.
oh, god! today is the fourteenth of August. I have roughly twentyfour days plus maybe a month to make two hundred and thirty three dollars. goddamn grad fees. fuckshitters.
hey, yesterday, while surfing Kevin's old website, I found the most intensely amusing link EVER! I laughed so hysterically.
I love this website SO MUCH! it's so so good! The article "Moving Suck II: The Coveted Whiskers Corner Fuck You Award." gave me such an education in creative cursing than I hjad ever imagined possible. Like, take for instance, the best paragraph in the world, as follows:

"This still boggles my mind. As I was talking to Mr. PenisClown, how did he confuse "please don't cash my check" with "I want to donate that check to your multibillion dollar corporation?" How much fecal material must a person's head contain to make this kind of mistake? I realize that I have a SUPER SEXY VOICE, and King Anus must have been playing with himself, but if you can't jack off and do your job at the same time, then as far as I'm concerned, you're an incompetent fucktard."

fucktard is totally my new word. right after fuckshitters. I sometimes *heart* profanity!

1 comment:

K said...

Hello Alleah. I hope you don't mind if I explain some rudimentary html to you in front of everyone. You wanted to know how to make links for text. First of all, there is a BUTTON for it in your posting interface. It's the little globe with a paperclip button.
Also, use can just write the straight html:
(a href="PUT URL HERE")THE WORDS FOR THE LINK(/a). EXCEPT... you must use <> brackets instead of () brackets. kapiche?

That way it'll be good, more like this: click here for Brad & Kevin's music!