Saturday, August 28, 2004

Swam like a fish tonight...

Did some serious hanging out with 'lexis and the Foo tonight. We went swimming down at NDSS. Big mix up about the time and place, I ended up waiting about an hour and a half for them to show. Didn't know it, but they got off at the wrong school! They got off at Barsby! Silly hobbitses. Anyway, I called Mom in a rage asking for a ride home, and just as we're pulling out of the parking lot, who do I see approaching on foot? None other than my esteemed offendees, Foo, and Alexis. So I jumped out of the car, and ran to catch up with them. Luckily I caught up, and to make up for it, Foo paid my way into the pool. Very gentlemanly, I thought!

So we go in, and we decide to get right down to this business of diving. Serious stuff, this "fun". We met Ryan Litke again (Australian boy from Bio 11; has twin named Nicole). Ryan taught Foo how to do a backflip. They tried to teach me, and 'lexis, but 'lexis couldn't do it, and I was too chicken shit. We had contests to see who could reach the end of the pool after diving off the diving board without coming up for air. Me and Ryan were the ony two who could make it the whole way. I even dove off the high dive! Adventurous me! It didn't hurt half as much as I thought it was going to!

We also got quite offended by these irritating little ten year olds who had obviously taken diving lessons who would do a fancy dive off the boards to show off, then as anyone else dove off screa, "You suck!" or something to that effect. We took extreme exception to that, and 'lexis issued annoying girl a small challenge, and it was not met. Being the victors, and having made our point, we moved on. Ryan met this girl that he kept hitting on. I thought it was cute!

Afterwards, me, 'lexis, and Foo waited for his mom to pick us up for quite a long time while mocking these stupid twink-ass preteens who were sitting in front of the pool getting drunk. The cops came, and we laughed meanly. This random group of rowdy guys also came and loitered around while we were waiting discussing important issues such as fire bomb whisky, and such. One of them singled me out: they had just arrived, and one of the boys asked another of the boys what time it was, and that boy said, "I dunno what time it is, but that girl," (pointing to me), "has been here for hours!" I just burst into laughter, looked at Foo, and was like, "OH! There is your proof! Waited and waited for an HOUR AND A HALF!" and he was just laughing. They also told Foo to cut his hair, and called him a hippie. However, they were harmless, and rather entertaining, so we just took it in stride.

Finally we just gave up on his Mom, and began walking to my house where Foo and Alexis would call their Moms. However, his Mom finally tracked us down, wehn we were about five minutes away. She dropped me off, which brings me to now.

Fun fun night, and about as granola-y as Foo gets. So all of you who think Foo is bad for me (*cough cough* Geoff *cough*), boo on you, because tonight was fun-filled, and substance-free! Oh how CAPP!

Off to wet my hair and begin my deep-conditioning treatment, cause my hair is beyond fried. ttyl!


K said...

Don't cough at poor old Geoff... or at least not exclusively at him. But I guess if you're having good clean (or chlorinated) fun, int's all good. Question of the day: Who in their right mind (or out of it) goes drinking at a municipal pool or a school? Seems like a silly question; however, I seem to recall certain people at a certain field, one of whom did some things which most of us choose not to mention ever again, that were a little bit embarassing to said person. but anyway


PS (good clean/chlorinated fun = not drinking, smoking, drugs or sex... which basically leaves rock & roll - try to avoid misdemeanours or felonies if possible)

rock on

VivaLaPinto said...

wait a minute! field? what did I do in a field? or--maybe you're not talking about there's a cringe moment!

VivaLaPinto said...

OH!!! I know what you're talking about now! hahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

wow am I slow.