Sunday, August 29, 2004

Today is a freeway-driving kinda day.

I just wanna go go go go go.

Anyways, INTENSELY fun sleepover last night at the Gator's! It was our Princess Party! It was so great! Laura, me, Brianna, Spencer, Barbara, Mel, Lauren, Rose, Kourtenay, and Nicola all dressed up as Princesses, and when Gareth came, he got to be Prince Charming cause he was the only guy who had the confidence in his sexuality to attend! It was so much fun! Laura was Jasmine from Aladdin, Brianna was Glinda the Good Witch from, of course, The Wizard of Oz, Spencer was The Princess Bride, Mel was Snow White, and then Barb came later and she was Snow White, Rose was Ariel from The Little Mermaid, Lauren was Aurora from Sleeping Beauty, Nicola was Pocahontas (!), and Kourtenay was simply Queen Kourtenay because she wasn't really wearing anything but a tiara.

Anyways so we took a whole bunch of pictures with all of us dressed up, and then we watched The Prince and Me, and Ella Enchanted. The idea was to watch The Princess Diaries, and The Princess Bride as well, but we didn't have the movie-watching stamina to watch all of them.

Oh yeah! Who was I you ask? Well. I had forgotten that we were dressing up, so I arrived in my normal clothes. The first thing I thought of when I got in the door, and everybody was dressed up, was: "Give me a paper bag!" So, Laura-Gator's Mom made me up a paperbag dress, and a tin foil crown, and I was the Paper Bag Princess! It was funny, cause all the other "Princesses" had to had manners and such all night long, and I was all like *elbows on the table.* *chew with my mouth open* hahahaha.

So we watched our movies, and in between, we would have these question games. We played this oh-so-girly secret game where on person tells a secret that they know about another person, but as if the secret was about themselves. And whoever's secret it is, gets to go next. For instance, if I wanted to pass the turn onto Brianna, I would say, "I have a crush on one of my friend's brothers" and since it is her secret, she gets to go. It was so funny and girly!

After the second movie, we just sat around and talked for hours and hours and hours. We made this photo story of "The Birth of Collective". Basically the story goes that Barbara got hungry one day so she ate me. Then Laura and Brianna CONJOINED randomly, and out of their meld, birthed me. And Collective was born. If I can find a computer nerd who has favorable interactions with myself, I'll get him/her to scan it onto a disk so I can post it. It was the funniest thing in the world!

We just sat around talking until (I heard later) six'o'clock in the morning. I actually fell asleep at four thirty for which I felt like a wuss. I had strange dreams all night long...they involved me breaking glass windows, and floors, and then going to a subterranean theme park, and going on this slide that was supposed to last for an hour, but didn't. And then other random things happened. It was a very strange dream.

This morning, I woke up to Barbara throwing a pillow on my face. Joy! Then when she got me up, we went and jumped on Laura and sang annoying songs to make her get up, even though she actually never did. By the time I got up, almost everybody had left, and I hadn't even woken up! What a wuss I am!

Anyways, so that was my Princess Party Sleepover! I mean--I'm not four years old...*cringe*

1 comment:

barbara_mary said...

"Knock knock." "Who's there?" "Time." "Time who?" "TIME TO GET UP LAURA!!"