Wednesday, August 18, 2004

tonight's starring guest...Brad's Vein!

wow. am I ever fucked.

I am so interested. totally totally under the spell, I've been thinking about him this entire night. concerned friend #1 is going to kill me. but seriously. I am so totally up for anything that *may happen*. (read: mother-freaking WILL happen if I have anything to say about it!) In fact, not only am I up for it, but boy oh boy, do I ever WANT it to happen!

I have not been this--well, I have to say it--attracted to someone other than Geoff since Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Caribbean! I dunno what came over me...just I found him totally irresistable! What an pathetic girl I am. I mean seriously, he IS the most unsuitable creature this side of mutant goat pigs from Jupiter, but somehow, that just means nothing to me. Too young, different interests, different maturity levels...survey says: MISMATCH. Libido says: something else!

not to mention Concerned Friend #2, who is intensely disapproving of any potential...well...fling, simply because it isn't with him! I mean, jeez! I don't even want to go there anymore. I did it, we did it, that is that, thank you very much. Let's both experience some other stuff, grow a little bit, find out a little more about who we are before trying something again that we already KNOW won't work. make sense, right?

I dunno. I don't know what I need. I don't know what I should do. I definitely know what I WANT. but it is totally possible that those three things may be one and the same. or maybe that's just me being irrational, and silly because of some interfering hormones. silly hormones.

but oh--with the hair, and the muscles...*sigh*. not quite smitten, but definitely...interested!


In other news, Kevin's farewell p-tay was tonight. Tons of videogames, jamming in Brad's room, food, mad orgies...the usual. Foo thought he broke his finger, playing drums, cause he was playing them with his hands, and not the actual sticks, but really he probably just had a bone bruise. poor Foo. Devin got some seriously awesome footage, and is going to finish Kev's goodbye video hopefully by the end of the week. I am SO raring to see it! I cannot wait! At the end of the night, I gave Kevin mad hugs (he probably won't be at Lake Day) and we took tons and tons and tons of pics with his digital camera. I expect to see a bunch of those up on blogs and websites, people! I demand it!

Geoff and I reached--an accord. So to speak. He is only allowed to mention stupid things that I do once, after which the topic becomes off-limits, or any argument that ensues is his fault. Also he has to tell me everything about his relationships, and he is required to tell me I look like a million bucks WHENEVER I see him, even if I am wearing seaweed, and dog crap. (which he forgot to do tonight, even though I looked pretty good! bastard! this demands retribution!) as for rules for drugs or sex or alchohol. or sex while drinking alchohol or doing drugs. yeah right like that'll happen. maybe the no drugs, but don't hold your breath on the other two, sweets.

anyways, Bradley! (even though your name isn't really Bradley!) are you happy with the new format? ooh! paragraph breaks! special! I dunno, readers...does it make it easier to read? or maybe nothing makes it easier to read. maybe my writing is so convoluted and un-understandable that to all people ever, it just looks like Martian babble. do I talk alien speak? report back at once! beam me up Scotty.

off to bed, now. I am aroused. muscles...and hair. mmm.


VivaLaPinto said...

yikes! that sounds ominous!

Brianna said...

Hey, you know we both say "in other news" all the time? And yeah, why didnt you mention frivoulous friend # 1, who thinks the whole escapade is hilarious?

Anonymous said...


bradfurd said...

Hey alleah. You make your blog nicely spaced, but then you rant on and on about unspecified guys. :| I didn't even know what day "lake day" was, otherwise I would've came. it wasn't like i was doing anything else. w/e. c ya

bradfurd said...

Let's make this like some sort of guessing game show/mind game. My guesses as to who lies behind the three doors are as follows: "concerned" friend #1 - none other than kevin J dobson, concerned "friend" #2 - G-unit aka G-mod aka Jesus Moddle aka Geoff and for the final slam dunk, Alleah lusts for the infamous Foo/Colin James Dobson. hahaha. *note the quotes around concerned for Kevin, I mean, maybe disapproving, but 'concerned'??? i dunno. What a hilarious entry! post again if I am wrong.

K said...

What's this about muscles & hair? I might be VERY disappointed in you if you mean who I think you mean and you do that which you seem to want to do... how come The Code doesn't apply to you grills? (If you know a guy for 24 hours, you can never, EVER, date his sister. [see 'mini kutcher' in butterfly effect] Likewise, you have known me for > 24h, therefore you ought not get down with the Foo) Anyway, if you do smoke, or Foo smokes, someone is going to be severely beaten with a stick. gar.

or should I say, NYAR

Anonymous said...

Cmon, doesn't anybody else find this whole endeavour amusing???. I mean first foo, and now mini-paddy. That is "uncool" in all senses of the word. Not that I have anything against older girl, younger guy relationships, but just random single serving indulgences of lust. (with friends' siblings/friends' friends). *cough* x2 random foolishness. Plz, other ppl, share your thoughts on this.


VivaLaPinto said...

gah! who are you, Kurt? and how do you know about last night? gah! maybe you're Foo, and you're just trying to bamboozle me. It won't work! It won't work, I tell you!

btw, I sincerely apologize for possible lack of communication on all fronts over the next couple days, because I amd well and truly useless. sleepy time, here I come.

VivaLaPinto said...

btw, Kevin, no, not once since evil day of badness with Foo, and gin have I smoked any cigarettes, not even in the past 48 hours of life-ruinage. And gar was a better word, cause it just seems much more threatening. gar! fear me!