Sunday, December 31, 2006

ok, so that was more like five minutes later...

that title only makes sense if you've read all the comments on the post below. :) which you should, because there's a sweet birthday rap, and some dead pets! :)


I had SUCH a great time you guys! Lee came over early and gave me my b-day gift, which was a glass flower...he said he tried to find me the same one that I have a tattoo of...but unfortunately failed miserably! lol! It's ok, Lee, I still love it! Amber and Kaitlyn had to go to the post office for something, so I stayed home with Brianna and Laura (who came over after Lee) Jake, and "anonymous friend" of Jake's. He was the weirdest one knew who he was, he just came over and hung out with Jake while I danced like a crazy person to Kiltlifters, getting myself pumped for the night! Kaitlyn Lee and Amber arrived home, bringing me a case of coolers! WOO! They shall be drunk tomorrow night while at work! :D

Thank you Brianna for dinner at ACME! Me, Brianna, and Laura had dinner there, (I had wings) and had a good ole Collective get together, which was awesome. I would have felt incomplete if I didnt chill with Collective at least once on my nineteenth birthday. Not the best service though...the waitress didn't even look in on us, and had no idea it was mybirthday until Brianna paid, and she asked us what our plans were for the rest of the night. At that point, I pretty much shrieked, "IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!" (this was a recurring thing throughout the night--obviously) and she laughed and gave me a free shot of B52... thus begins the madness! :)

So then I returned home to get ready with AK, and the rest of the b-day crew! While I was at ACME, Martha turned up to help me celebrate! I got home to a couch full of happiness, with Martha, and Jake, and Amber doing stuff on the computer. Amber burned me a birthday CD, which I love A LOT, and shall be listened to until I hate it, which will be never! So we pumped that super loud and all got prettified (me and Kaitlyn wore dresses! and Amber sexified herself with a really cool jacket that somehow I've never seen before. She even busted out her amazing cleavage for my super sexellent nineteenth!), and while we were doing that, Kylan arrived, toting a gigantic TV for AKA House! NO MORE TINY SCREEN! It doesn't even fit in our entertainment center, it's so big! So that was super cool...

So the boys were whining about being hungry, but AKA wouldn't leave without busting out to Sexy Back, as is tradition! Seriously, if we didn't dance to that before we left the house, the world would end...I'll never be able to go to the bar ever again if I don't get pumped up with the song first! Finally we left for Fast Eddies, with Lee and AK in one car, and Ky, me and Martha in the other. Allen met us there, and we all had dinner! (my second of the night, lol!) I had prawns. They were sunshine in my belly. :) While we were there I had a porn star fishbowl, my first Priarie Fire shot (oh dear christ it hurt me), during which Ace called me and Ky gave him a play by play while I took it, lol!, and a muffdiver! Hilarious! I'm pretty sure there's a picture of me with whipped cream all over my face floating around out there, which will be added to the file of Sexiest Pictures of Alleah Ever Taken--NOT! So at this point, I'm three shots and three ounces in. Allen bought me my prawns, (without telling me! sneaky boy...), and we headed off to go bar hopping!

So, between Fast Eddies and the bar, we lost Ky, Martha and Allen, but I called Biff, and he met us at The Foundry, which I had never been in before. Geoff was there before us, and when we rolled in, he bought me a shot of that tasted like doom! But at least we made some Anchorman jokes, so it was worth it! :D thanks Geoff! Lee tried to win me a stuffy with a do rag, but failed--three times! I was so looking forward to that! lol, it's ok, it's impossible to win those machines, and the magic of my birthday just isn't strong enough to change that! At the Foundry, Kaitlyn bought me a rum and coke, Biffer bought me a beer and gave me the one he got on the house from Dan, and I got another muff diver on the house because I was obnoxious about it beign my birthday, lol! So at this point, I've had four drinks, and five shots... Yes, I actually fell into drunkeness at the Foundry. It was a funny drunk though. It was literally like...sober one second and drunk the next...there was no buzzed! Good times! Kaitlyn and I had bathroom girly chats, and I'm sure she felt as spiffy as I did, strutting to the bathroom and back in our dresses and boots! The towel dispenser confused me, but I pwned it eventually... that made me mad in my drunken state...why would you have a complicated towel dispenser in a pub? lol, silly bathrooms! Dan (the bartender) and I fought over who was going to take Biff home that night (again, Alleah's birthday + drunk = obnoxious), and then we headed off to the Globe.

The Globe was lame, and where the party was, and as such actually had a bouncer, and I didn't have proper ID, so I couldn't get in. No hard feelings, though...I know it's just because the cops were ten times more likely to show up because it was packed and if I got caught without proper ID (birthday or no birthday), it could get them a big fat fine. Poor Biff, though...he got in ahead of me, and got a glimpse of titty before we had to turn around. Lee didn't get any titty at all. I apologized profusely to the boys before we headed off to 70...

which ROCKED, as always! It was busy enough to be fun, but not so packed with lamecores that I wanted to go home. This deceptively young-looking lesbian hit on me, and bought me a drink, which I think was a muff diver...but I don't remember; that one might have been on the house... but yeah, I had my third muffdiver there, and a Breezer, a Gladiator drop-shot (I LOVE them now! thanks Kaitlyn!), and a Long Island ice tea, which was also super yummy! So after 70 Below, in total, I had... six drinks, and seven shots. :) I. Was. Happy. lol!

At 70, I danced a lot, and Sexy Back came on twice, and they played some actually good dance music, even if the X-fades kinda sucked a little, and I had fucking boatloads of fun before we finally headed home. We walked back to the cars, which were parked at the Foundry, and at the parking lot, Bartender Dan called Biff, (cause he could see us out the window) and told him to smack my ass for him, so Biff did, and I was super confused until I finally figured it out in my pathetic drunken state, lol! And of course we got stopped by a road block and I had to seriously restrain myself from acting like a obnoxious idiot on my birthday (which really was what I was!), but finally we got through the road block and got home safely, with no mishaps, other than being turned away from one lame ass strip bar.

Once home however...we were all chilling, Amber on the computer, Kaitlyn and Lee on one couch, me and Biffer on another, when the doorbell rings and I answer it, and it's this weird fat drunk guy covered in blood...apparently he slipped and cut himself, and I gave him some paper towel and a plastic glass of water, and tried to look at his cut, but Lee thankfully stopped me before I contracted AIDS or something...after that, all I remember is Lee peeking out the blinds...or something...I don't know...

Shortly after I went to bed!

So that is the story of Alleah's SUPER FANTABULOUS NINETEENTH BIRTHDAY!!! It was seriously such a great night! The only thing that would have made me more happy would have been if the Jordan's and Lisa had been there...I missed you guys so much that night! But even so, everyone who spent some time with me on my birthday helped make it one of the most awesome nights of my life! Thank you all so much! :D *biggest smile in the WHOLE world!*

And to complete the story of wonder and joy, tonight on my way home from work, I discovered Amber had waited up for me (until four in teh morning! urg..) and she needed a girl talk, so we walked to sevvie and discussed things, and I bought smokes for the first time EVAR! NO BOOT NEEDED!!! I finally feel like an adult. I can do--WHATEVER I WANT!

except get into the Globe on busy nights. shut up.

:D <3

Friday, December 29, 2006


It's like eighteen years and three hundred and sixty four days of a vice-like grip around my heart has finally been eased...


FUCKIN RIGHTS! As of this moment, if I wanted to, I could go buy my OWN mother fuckign cigarettes! NO MORE NEEDING A BOOT! Fucking FINALLY!

Now I am going to go eat a samosa and enjoy the feeling of being free of the restrictions of youth. :)

Sunday, December 24, 2006

merry christmas to all

...and to all a safe night!

So, A Christmas Carol is finally over. I somehow managed to survive Hell Week with a minimum of damage...only a very very drunken pass-out which involved Lee and Amber taking care of me while I threw up and almost fell asleep with McDonald's cradled in my arms. The shows were pretty good. Small houses the first two nights, and an acceptable turn out on closing. I'm happy to say that everyone who saw it thought it was good, with the notable exception of Lee...but then Lee is all about the making fun of things! Everyone else thought it was cool.

I was very proud of my performance of Tiny Tim...somehow, during three lines and a small movement peice, he managed to steal the hearts of the audience like he always does! :) Probably because my Tiny Tim was the most shamelessly retarded ever played! ;) Who needs a Tiny Tim with dignity? He's a cripple! Let's make people laugh instead! I was very disappointed to see no helmet by my makeup closing night though! I totally would have worn it onstage.

As Caroline, me and the Biffer gave Matt Baillie the know that smiley feeling you get after a chick flick? Well, Matt said that was him during me and Biffer's scenes! :D I was pretty jazzed about that one.

And as the Ghost I know I was scary at LEAST once--it was during a dress rehearsal, but whatevs! lol! I think I nailed it on the last night, though, Amber said my hands had a lot more power in them, and when I point offstage, she said she always had to hide because it creeped her out that I was pointing at her! The thing about playing the Ghost is that, while it looks easy to just kinda stand around and point, it's actually very difficult to stand motionless for long periods of time. Not only that, but the only way I can convey emotion is with my hands and body, because the cloak completely obscures my face. There's very big differences between when I was in the Zone and Ghostly and when I was just doing it. I mean, to be completely motionless, I had to concentrate on bending my knees, so I didn't pass out, breathing deeply, but not hyperventilating, and using my diaphragm so that the audience couldn't tell I was breathing. I only did that really well on the dress. Ky said I actually didn't move at all, and was much better than other nights. Not only that, but the cloak was such a bitch to work was SO heavy! And I had to tack up my smock underneath the cloak about fifteen times to keep myself from tripping on it. I tripped twice on opening night, and on the second night, my glasses fell from my pockets and like three people stepped on them, lol...but the last night was super!

Anyhoo, the shows went well, and we will find out how much we made on the twentyeighth, thank goodness...I hope I can make my rent next month without being short, or having to wait for my student loan.

Then yesterday, i had Christmas with my family early. I got lots of gifts, more than last year or the year before, and I felt so bad because I hadn't been able to get anyone gifts myself. That was really the only bad thing about this Christmas. Was that it was early and too rushed and I wasn't able to get anyone anything. I love Christmas because I am almost always able to find everyone something that they absolutely LOVE. I was so sad that I didn;'t get to do that this year. Hopefully though, I'll get a good enough settlement that I can have a late Christmas with the roomies, the friends and the fam. That'll be fun for everyone!

I think the thing that made my gifts better than other years is that almost everyone got me stuff that I actually like! There was a distinct LACK of makeup bought for me this year, lol! And some really sweet gifts, instead! I got this really pretty plant with rocks and a glass container. I set that up in the back window by my room today. I got this set of four big mugs with hot chocolate and MARSHMALLOWS! I got this beautiful set of bath products that I'm super excited about! Itr's this crazy plum vanilla flavor and the hand cream smells SO good I can't wait to use the rest of it. It also came with body lotion, shower gel, a bar of soap, body butter, bath salts, bubble bath, FOOT SOAK (no more stinky feet, whee!), and a couple of loofahs and whatnot. SO excited to use it! And it all came in this big brown leather carrying case that is easily my favorite thign in the whole world! I also got two pairs of slippers, Spongebob pajama pants, Ken gave me a mickey of Crown Royal with two shot glasses in this pretty tin, a random spongebob dvd and kids book, lol, a poster, and a bunch of socks! Thank goodness, lol....that was seriously all I asked for was socks! Sherayna got me a twentyfive dollar gift card for thrifty foods! I was EXCITED for that, let me tell you! Courtney got me this pretty candle with this poem about sisters on it, in this really pretty box...she's so obsessed with Hallmark, lol! My aunty Pat got me a beautiful black cordouroy vest with silver stitching on it! It was seriously the first peice of clothing bought for me for Christmas that I've LIKED in like five years! And then of course I got chocolates, and stuff like that, like every Christmas, lol! My grandparents are hilarious! They bought me a calendar, like they do every year, but this year, my grampa opened a bit of the packaging on the side and slipped a twentydollar bill INTO the packaging! He laughed like an idiot when I couldn't figure out why I couldn't touch the bill for like ten minutes! (I was hung over, shut up!)

I'm pretty sure I got more stuff than just that, but that's all I can remember off the top of my head...I was pretty darn happy, though, I'll tell you that much. I can't remember the last time I had such a good Christmas, as far as gifts go, lol! Then we had a gigantic dinner like we do every year, and I stuffed my face! Who knows when I'm going to get another meal like that? Oh man, it was soooooo good!

I ended up missing the Whitfield show, but Biffers went and got sauced and called me at two in the morning last night, waking me up, lol! I tried to call him back, but he wouldn't pick up. I called him back this morning, and he was all like, omg I'm so hungover, and told me all about it! I was sooooo jealous when I heard about his night! It sounded like such a blast! I won't even tell you the best part, but let me just say I am now FRANTICALLY trying to get the thirtieth off work.... you have no idea how bad I want this night off, now!

And now, I'm just sitting in my house going through apres-closing blues. When you can't stop movig around because it feels like there's somethign you should be doing, but there really isn't at all. I HATE that!

Anyhoo, I'm gonna go finish cleaning the kitchen and then my bedroom. Amber's going to Qualicum today to have X-mas with her fam, so I'll be alone and bored tonight and tomorrow. My bro might come over later, or might not, he's not exactly reliable, and Gregoire I think is alone for Christmas too, so I might call him up and see if we can't get into some trouble. Biff said he was going to ask his parents if I could spend X-mas eve with them, so I might do that tonight. I'm not sure yet.

So basically, all Im REALLY positive of, is that I have a basement full of rat poison and needs to check it for carcasses. So laters!

love pinto

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

my nephew is a homicidal maniac

so, funny story, I'm at my sister's right now, just had dinner, everything's cool. She's in the middle of putting the kids to bed. Rob's bedroom is downstairs close to the kitchen where I am and I can hear him singing while he puts his pajamas on. So he's singing away about some girl named Melissa and I'm thinking, "awww, he has a little crush," when all of a sudden he goes, "Melissa, Melissa, YOU MUST DIE"

o O

holy jesus, my sisters raising a psychopath!!!!!

I just thought you might enjoy that little story. that is all.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

happy camper what I am! And in celebration of this fact, I am going to copy Amber! YAY! I am a happy copycat camper. Say THAT ten times fast!

I like my new coworkers, I like my castmates, I like theatre, I like audiences and how they're different each day, I like philosophy, I like thinking about acting, I like talking to people I haven't met, I like people, I like my life, I like me, I like my friends, I like my friends' opinions of me, I like religion, I like animals, I even like the little mousy that has found it's way into our house and shall be caught and sent outside...or it will be poisoned, I like camping, I like dogs, I like hot dogs, I like eating, I like sleeping, I like music, I like dancing, I like daydreaming, I like my walls, I like my memories, I like my mirror, I like my eyes, I like massages, I like being cuddled, I like me and Biff's scene in A Christmas Carol, I like Whitfield, I like the shows I'm doing right now, I like promoting the shows I'm in right now, I like my sister, I like my whole family, I like where I feel I'm at in my life right now, I like where I'm goign with my life, I like feeling like I've earned what I have, i like feeling on top of things, I like being busy, I like blogs, I like people reading my blog, I like the people who do read my blog, I like my laptop, I like cooking, I like being content, I like central heating, I like baths, I like cleaning, I like things being clean, I like the fact that I cleaned the inside of the donut rack today at work, I like that I liked work today, I like my rings, I like my tattoos, I like being spunky and courageous and NOT timid and limited, I like green, I like pink, I like movies, I like sports, I like playing, I like dressing up, I like getting paid, I like people liking the work I do, I like making people laugh, I like making people feel good, I like making people feel GREAT.

hmmm....I think that's it for now...I'm sure there's more... wait, hang on.,'s coming....

I like Dave. I like Amber and Kaitlyn, I like the way we coexist together, I like having parties, I like empties money, I like financial security, I like architecture, I like astrology, I like emotions, I like personal growth, I like money, I like chili, I like the sea, I like islands, I like sun, I like heat, I like clothing, I like road trips, I like eating bad food on road trips, I like sleeping in cars on roadtrips, I like having adventures on roadtrips, I like going to Vancouver with Brianna, I like trucks, I like four-bying, I like beer, I like coolers, I like Jack Daniels (he is my friend), I like 70 Below, I like Kylan, I like rehearsal, I like cuddling at night with boys, I like waking up next to a boy, I like pajamas, I like big beds, I like sprawling, I like grass, I like tag, i like wrestling, I like late night mishes to sevvie with Amber (sometimes! :P), I like emoticons, I like when my computer doesn't die long enough for me to post on my blog!

On that pragmatic note...

(I like pragmatism)

Thursday, November 30, 2006

shameless plug

WHAT: A Christmas Carol to the Rock Stylings of Whitfield, Youth Genius Productions
WHERE: Malaspina Theatre, 900 Fifth Street, Nanaimo, BC
WHEN: December 20-22, 2006, 7 PM
HOW MUCH: tentatively at $10 a ticket. We will also be selling Whitfield band merchandise at $10 per CD, and $15 per t-shirt. All prices are tentative as of yet, and there may be a student discount.

Ok, buddies! Above is the important info! Here's where I promote the sweet-ass band we are working with! Whitfield is an incredible group of four guys, originally from Kamloops and the UK respectively, based out of Vancouver, which played at Malaspina on the 24th, and loved it so much, they just wanna come back to Nanaimo! Various ideas are being thrown around at this time, a couple of which involving additional live performance, and I would be willing to bet that if this show is a success (which depends on YOU!) they would be more than happy to come back to Nanaimo and do another performance! If you weren't lucky enough to catch their show here in town on the twenty-fourth, you can listen to a taste of their sound at their Myspace, which can be reached through their official website! As you can see above, their CD will be available for purchase at A Christmas Carol, so if you missed out on buying one at their last gig, they will be here for the taking once again at A Christmas Carol!

A Christmas Carol is a Youth Genius production, directed by Ryan Levis, of Hey You Improv Club notoriety, and produced in cooperation with Malaspina Theatre. Everyone involved with the production are locally based, and chances are, you're going to be seeing a lot of familiar faces! Liberties have been taken with the script, and it has been placed in a 1980's setting, with the classic Scrooge character the CEO of a multi-billion dollar corporation in downtown Vancouver!

In conclusion, the success of A Christmas depends on YOU, so come see a timeless Christmas classic, with a modern spin provided by the mellow sound of Whitfield! This is going to be a party and a half, so come out on December 20-22, and tell your friends, family, and the guy who delivers your mail to come, too!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

I will never get tired of this

the one at the end will make you pee your pants!

I wanted the love letters...

damn you Amber...damn you...

one month

...until alleah is nineteen!! who's excited? *raises hand* their pants? *raises hand even further!*

yes Alleah will finally stop bugging people for a boot! I will be able to buy my OWN substances!!! Unless we go to the States, in which case,'re coming with me. Not only will I be able to purchase substances, BUT I will be able to get a credit card, and make my accident claim, and GET MY LISENCE, also! NOW WHO'S EXCITED!!!!

*the crowd goes wild*

So now that we have established that I am the coolest person ever for turning nineteen, I will ack that fact us, with Levis' new plan for A Christmas Carol! We're doing it to the music of WHITFIELD!!!!

*Jill creams in her pants*

Are you excited yet??? I think you should be! And...if everything works out the way I'm hoping it will........well, we'll see. Let's just say it will be the most rocking play of all time, the likes of which have never been seen by MalU before...never to reappear again! It should be a good time, that's for fuckin sure!

Other than that, Alleah's boy troubles (knock on wood, so as not to jinx it) seem to be over! Well..hopefully. It's looking up, that's for sure!

Anyways, I have coffee to drink, so I shall leave yo0u to your rounds. Cheers!

Monday, November 27, 2006

you, me, and the windshield

reading everyone's morning after posts has got me thinking...about mortality! Quite the cheery topic on a snow-blanketed, wintry morn.

(yeah, that's right. I said morn. like it bitches!)

Yesterday me and Davies and Kaitlyn and Jill were in a car accident that could have been a whole lot worse if Davies wasn't extremely prepared, and good at driving. Thankfully the only injuries were some cuts on Jill's hands (closest to the shattered window), possibly a little whiplash, and four shocky theatres. Basically, we topped a blind hill, and saw a back ho making its way onto the road, with it's bicket raised. When we realized it wasn't going to stop, Davies braked and the car started drifting. It drifted to the side, but kept coming at the backho straight on. That feeling of complete helplessness and only being able to watch and KNOWING what was going to happen is the worst feeling you could ever have.

Buddy tried to raise the bucket, but the bottom clipped Davies roof anyway...and when I say clipped, I mean crunched the roof inwards, shattered the back right window, and narrowly missed killing Jill. If it had been lower...the force of the impact would have thrown Jill into the bucket when the car hit...

If Davies hadn't swerved, the car would have slid straight on into the bucket, and it would have gone through the windshield, killing or severely injuring me or Davies. What if we'd been going faster? What if the guy hadn't raised the bucket? what if what if what if...

It all comes down to how lucky I feel today that those what ifs didn't happen. It happened the way it did, and everyone is ok. But only a tiny change in the events could have meant huge consequences. We are all so would take such a small thing to change our lives drastically. What if Jill wasn't here anymore? What if Davies wasn't around anymore? What if I wasn't around anymore?

If I ask one thing of all of you this Christmas season, it's to BE CAREFUL! It is so easy to get yourself into a life-changing situation. Please don't leave me one friend short...

enough is enough

My patience with you is GONE.

You are immature. You are spoiled. You are rude. You are a control freak. You are mean, and self-centred, and I am FUCKING SICK OF DEALING WITH IT!!!!!!

You think you can just DELETE what we say that you don't like? Grow some fucking balls and own up to what you do that is wrong! How dare you censor me with your super-wonderful MOD powers!!! Just because I said something that you don't want to hear, you cover it up as if it never happened. Well, guess what? You can't censor me here! And everyone who reads this is going to read your attitude towards me today. Which I cannot handle any more.

Me, Kaitlyn, Jill and Davies were in a CAR ACCIDENT today! No, no one was hurt, thank god, but when the hell did blood and guts make for the only car accident that means anything? And for that matter when was the last time you gave a shit about me being hurt? You make jokes about me, and everything I have done/gone through everyday all day long and you can't even fucking tell when it actually HURTS! You insensitive prick.

And then you have the balls to be pissed off when Kaitlyn and I won't do what you want us do on your command? You know what, if you want Barbie dolls, we'll get you some, because I sure as hell am not your play toy to be ordered about by you!

And because you thought I was rude to your family (when it wasn't even me for god sakes) you come home, insult everything me and Kaitlyn have done and then go hide in your room! WHAT THE HELL!

I called you first when we were in that accident, because I thought that you might be able to stop thinking about yourself long enough to give a shit about your roommates safety. Obviously I was wrong. I just never knew you were that selfish and pigheaded as to come home and completely ignore us.



I cannot believe you.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

leon is neat-o!

Acting rocked my socks today! We scrapped the Edward III play and did on camera work instead! We also got handed out scripts for our new semester end projects, which is totally sweet! And we impersonated each other for almost all of the class, which was hilarious! needless to say, it was one hell of an awesome class! According to Leon, the most important thing to me right now is money, because of where I put my emphasis when I tell stories!

I also met Dave today...good. fuckin. times. We watched King Kong at his house after he took me out for some dinner, which was totally great! Yeah, it was a pretty good night!

Pinto's life is rocking pretty hardcore right now. Except for my essay. Which will be pwned before the end of the week. Sounds good!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

oh, listen! I can hear the ocean! Where is that coming from???

Ryan Crowder is the dopest shit going! And the source of above quote!

Don't you freakin love it when things just start working out? Today has been sweet! Shortly after I posted below, I went to 711 with the Amber, and checked my bank account for shits and giggles and discovered fifty extra dollars!!! AWESOME! Let's just longer niccing!

Tonight's rehearsal was really really productive and didn't make me nearly as sore as previous ones, so I must be getting into much better shape, thank goodness. It's those muthafuckin stairs! They're brutal! And the centre work actually started to help with my character and make sense...Ryan works with a very technique-oriented style, using very actor-y shiz-nit to produce the effect he wants. Most of these techniques don't do crap for me; example, the Alexander technique just makes me want to fall asleep like Leon in the ULTIMATE RELAXATION STATE! (lol, second year acting class!) But the centres have started to actually make sense, and in some cases help. We've also been concentrating on breathing techniques more than any show I've ever done that I wasn't also singing in! Those two things have been helping me so much with the Ghost of X-mas yet to come....gotta love it!

Then afterwards, most of us were so hungry, we were doodling pizzas in our scripts so me, Crowder, Biffer and Jen Schaper headed off to Timmies, where I promptly applied for work (urgh, I'm nuts). We ate the most satisfying chili ever, while discussing variations of the 69 sexual postitions as well as telling Brad 2.0 stories, and having a footsie orgy under the table. It was hella fun! Afterwards, Crowder drove me home, and we had probably the most awesome talk I've had since that hours-long conversation with Dave a couple nights ago...we talked about dogs, and Brazilian girls, and age was freakin sweet.

Also, while I was at rehearsal, I got a phone call from my sister telling me that she's come into some extra $$$ and decided to randomly pay my $150 phone bill!!! AWESOME!!! That, in addition to the fact that our hydro isn't nearly as much as I thought it was and should be almost entirely covered solely in empties money, just makes my life totally sweet!

I haven't heard from person #1 (at the last party) in almost a week, so I guess that solves that, and person #2 (not at the last party, but Gregoire drunkenly screamed at the phone I was talking to him on) just keeps seeming better and better as time goes by! All condendrums are being solved as time goes by, and as busy and broke as I am, things seem to be taking care of themselves! I FUCKING love life!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

not that I don't love your womanly parts, but...

^^^Amber, on my voicemail warning me not to be naked when she came home today!

I have a tiny little wrist...and that's cool. And my tattoo is gorgeous! Everytime I look at it, it surprises me that I can run my fingers overtop it and not feel anything...I love my tatties! Also when I bend my wrist, my tattoo gets squished...and that's awesome!

I really don't have all that much to say, I just figured to was time for a new post...

I'm starting to burn out. I missed stagecraft today. I should have gotten up and even if I didn't go to class at least worked on my essay...but I didn't. Instead I slept until one thirty, and I still don't feel all that great, so it wasn't even that worth it to sleep in that long. I did have an interesting dream though. Oh and I lost my only day off forever tonight! I didn't have Urinetown tonight and thought Christmas Carol wasn't rehearsing on Tuesdays until Dec 8th, but apparently Levis is a crazy mofo and is having five day a week rehearsals anyways (which I may remind him is against our contract). So now I've lost one of my only days off in forever. And the rehearsals themselves are brutal! Five hours long with warmups alone lasting fortyfive minutes, an hour! The friggin show reads about thirty five minutes, we're not doing fucking Sophocles here! We don't NEED this much rehearsal time! Plus they are intensely physical, worse than the U-town choreos, so I'm sore as hell all the time...AND they're held in the Cabin which is pretty much at the top of every single stair on the campus (which if you didn't know is on a MOUNTAIN FOR FUCKS SAKE!)

And it doesn't help that I haven't had more than two cigarettes in two days. I'm practically quitting against my will! (shut up, I know I'm nicing a little bit right now...)

Whatever...I need a shower. Then I'm going to try and get some research in before my five-fortyfive call for Christmas Carol. urgh

Saturday, November 18, 2006

The New 15

1) This is goodbye. I loved you very very much, and allowed my life to revolve around your for far too long. You taught me some incredible lessons and for that I thank you. But you have hurt me for the last time. I'll miss you very much, but I'm also going to move on and experience what I've been missing while I was focusing on you.

2) I love you lots, and want the best for you, but sometimes cannot control my temper...especially lately. I'm pretty sure you know this, but just to reaffirm, I value you tons, and want to see you do good with your life, and if I find your little idiosyncracies irritating, I'm sure you find mine just as bad. We're all rooting for you m'dear, so go get 'em!

3) Wowzers, you're damn cool! I think you are super pretty, and I think you and he will have good times together. You;re also a shitload of fun to party with and have been so since the first time I saw you rolling around on my floor at ten in the evening! ;) love ya tons, babe, just no more pantry adventures for you, k?

4) It seem like your life is really pulling've got the girl, the gig, the car. JAWSOME! Now all you have to figure out is where to go from there. And don't forget to bring some porn the next time you stop by AKA House!

5) You're the fuckin BEST! Seriously! You are so much fun, all of the time, and genuinely a really nice person! You always bring the party, and riding your man saddle is always on my mind! ;D Sometimes I wonder though what it's like for you when you're not in the crazy party head space. Don't forget to let a little of that out to, when you need to. much loves, my darling!

6) Wow, confuse me a lot. Is the switch on, or off? Make a decision, or I'm going to move on.

7) I was reading old blog posts the other day and I found a comment from you about how much you missed me during the summer and how seeing me made like your whole week. And that made me realize that, as mean to me as you are, you do still love me, and I'm not silly for trying to be your friend. I love you lots, and I want you to be super happy (even though you burn me all the time, and we don't get along in your crazy SM mode). This is me giving you a super hug right now!

8) I love that you're so involved in my life this year...we were friends last year but I think we have grown so much closer and I love that. I'm sure things about me annoy you, but thanks for being so easy to deal with. It's always really easy to solve problems with you, and I love that! Don't forget you deserve the best my dear, and if certain people aren't treating you like the Irish Princess that you are, kick 'em to the curb and find someone who will. You are entitled to the very best.

9) I don't know what to do about you...I am extremely interested, but I have a dilemma. I don't know why this always happens right when I find a guy I'm really into...but there's another one too. And now I have to choose. You and him are exact opposites and I'm not sure what I need right now...whether to go for the maturity aspect, or the common age aspect. Just know that I am not going to get serious with anyone until I know exactly what I'm going to do.

10) K, you're yucky, I'm sorry. You are so socially incapable, it pains me to be around you. When I heard your tone speaking to *our* director the other day, I nearly fell off my chair. Only you would ever act so rude to someone who was PAYING you for your *ahem* ..."skills." We all know about your fucking award, and don't give a shit about it, so stop thinking it means anything.

11) Sometimes I think you hate me. And sometimes I think I deserve it. But is it so wrong to pursue what I want instead of settling for something for the sake of being nice? I don't think so.

12) You are so tall. Wow. But I like it...and our sign-in switch was the shiz-nit! I hope you and I become good friends in the near future, even with your paint-splattered disease feet!

13) I wasn't planning on letting this become something...and then it did. I don't know if you would be good for me, and I don't even know if it's really what I want. But I am attracted to you. And I can't change that. We'll just have to see what happens.

14) You're so cute! And I always see you having so much fun at the parties! I hope we become closer before the end of the year, because that be cool. Yeah, so damn cool.

15) I have said it for're mentally unstable. .........not really, I just wanted to say that cause it's a Galaxy Quest quote! lol...but you do have some issues you need to work through. You know I;m there for you whenever you need it, the thing I can't understand is why you never think you need it! Accept some help before you lose friends.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

guardian angel

I think I have one!!! I walked to the downtown busstop today on my way to U-town rehearsal, but Jeremy called me and offered to drive me. So I started walking back, and while I was walking across the crosswalk where Pine merges into Bruce, I heard a screech and turned around and there was a car like a foot away from me! Seriously, I was a foot away from being hardcore smoked by a car today! Sure teaches me for walking around at night in the rain wearing all black with my head phones on!


Tuesday, November 14, 2006

"I took this town that formerly stank/I took this town and made it smell swank/I made flushing mean flush at the bank/I'm the man with the plan and so

whom should you thank?

Mr. Cladwell!!"

wooo! fun music. my computer seems to be working better lately...though I don't want to jinx it.

Ok...I really don't have that much to say (OH! I LOVE this song!!!) I met a cute guy on the internet, and I'm pretty interested in him. I added him but we'll see what happens.

I'm gonna go steal pics from all you Satyrs!

Monday, November 13, 2006

til then you better run, run-a freedom run, Freedom run away!

You'll get URINETOWN...away with you to's unisex at URINETOWN...all by design....

for the first time, in god knows how long, I am really REALLY enjoying being in a musical! Maybe it's the fact that I'm NOT wishing I could sing all four parts because the people who are singing the others suck, or maybe it's that as I go through my libreto, I keep finding my character name with really pretty solos, or maybe it's the fact that the score alone is bigger than any of the scripts I've handled since The Oresteia...but whatever the reason....I LOVE being in Urinetown! EVEN THOUGH I'm an alto trying to sing coluratura soprano, lol!

I LOVE the way Hilary rehearses...we waste no time in going over the lines, we have to sightread everything the first time, which I'm astonished, but I can actually kinda do! I mean, even WITH all the crappy six-flat key's, and natural notes all over the place, the time switches AND the bizarre rythm, which has ALWAYS been my weak suit! And she's harsh, too! "When Dean sings WRONG, you guys sing..." LOL! "HOW many of you people read music? Oh, all of you? You see that funny thing that looks like a zed? That means SHUT UP!" I love her SO much in this show! SHe made so much fun of me yesterday because the night before was one song we did last night, the music slows down a lot, and she looked straight at me and said "That should sound just right for you today, Alleah!" I laughed SO hard, holy crap!

And then Kelly Booker, the dance assistant, and fellow chorus member gave me a ride home, and we talked about B2B and the boys we mutually know the whole was funny I was talking about how Geoff was bitter about me during Honk, and she just burst out laughing, and screamed "YOU'RE the EX!!!!!" oh. man. SO much fun!

But yeah, now I'm sitting in my living room on this GLORIOUS day off, and practicing along to the soundtrack and Kaitlyn and Amber keep making fun of me... good times, good times. Brianna will probably be mad at me, because I refused to go to her house today to practice X-mas carols for the Elf gig on the first, but honestly I needed a day off SO bad. I can practice songs I've known since I was a child another day. Today, I am taking care of biz-ness! woo!

Anyways, I'm gonna dishes, or clean up my room or....somethin. I dunno. Just lounge around and love the fact that I don't have to go anywhere today if I don't wanna! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

(I DO NOT attack my keyboard when I type Amber and Kaitlyn! :P *raspberry*)

Saturday, November 11, 2006

day by day...

I don't want the Twelfth Night to be over!!!!!!! Tonight is closing, and the very idea makes me want to cry! I know I'm goign to be a huge loser tonight and ball like a freakin baby! I've just had so much fun with this show! It has been the PERFECT show to be in...I LOVE Jerry, and the whole cast, and crew are a beautiful bunch of lovelies, and our audiences have been spectacular (excepting that one matinee with like five people who were all taking notes...losers). I don't want this to ever end...

I suppose the pain is eased by jumping right into two more shows...I will get no days off for the rest of my life, I am SOOO busy! Tomorrow, as hungover as I may be, I still have a rehearsal for Urinetown I need to be awake for. I LOVE what I do!

I've realized that the only way I can be this busy and not go insane is to just take it day by day...know what I need to do for the next couple of days, and let the future take care of itself. That way of thinking is also being a huge help with the irksome boy situation...whatever, I shall conquer that too, just not now!

Anyways, I need to post this before my computer dies, but hopefully I'll get on a cimputer at school so I can post another fifteen statements. Should be a good time! Oh yeah, and tell you all about how fucked I was two nights ago! :P My bros in the States need to hear all about my college-y, substance-filled adventures! ;)

ta ta for now, y'all!

Monday, November 06, 2006

where is my Colin Firth? where?

yes, yes, me and the girls had a chick flick night...Jill and Davies joined us. Much laughter ensued...over making fun of Lindsay Lohan, and wishing we had a Colin Firth (or in Amber's case Tuxedo Mask)...OOOOOOOHHHH, Sailor Moon.

gotta love it.

Colin? I wish you were here. I love you Colin.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

with a hey ho and the wind and the rain...

I love us. :) Yes, yes I do! crazy SM Kylan, and all us crazy sweet actors, and Michelle, the best costumer ever, and our beautiful booth girls Meghan and Lisa, and Jerry the nicest pro director, with the best fake gay voice EVAR! The Twelfth Night is...(thinking...)....yeah, probably the best, most fun show I've ever been in! For the first time, I love all aspects of this show, from the casting to everything else. I am SO jazzed to be in this show!

The cast party sucked a little though...well opening was pretty ok, but there was two guys I'm interested in there, and somehow, they both got together and had this bizarre conversation about me where they both decided that, although I deserved a nice boy, neither of them was up for a relationship right now...did either of them think to tell ME??? NO! BAH! Well I'm glad THEY'VE got things worked out, but it sure left me a little bummed, thinking I had to make a decision when they'd already made the most important one for me, and together at that!

I ask you, how fucked up is that? So, now once again, I find myself without prospects for a while longer. I have to say, I'm finding this quite irritating. I keep thinking I have something that could be great going, and then it stalls without me even realizing it, and there I am again, back at square one.

I want a relationship again...I miss being someone's. That's pretty much the only thing that is keeping my life from being UTTERLY perfect right now. Is that bad? That even though my life is really going great, I'm still not satisfied? Typical Alleah, wanting it all on a silver platter, and wrapped up with a bow, too. Oh well. If I have to be content with the fact that I'm working at what I want to do...well, I suppose it'll do! ;D

Jk, jk, I LOVE that!!! I am a WORKING actress! Tomorrow is the first rehearsal of Urinetown, and in two weeks, will be the first rehearsal of A Christmas Carol. Levis' show will close in December, and then I'm into full time rehearsals of Urinetown...then in January, I'll be squeaking in at least two shows for the one act soon as that closes, Urinetown goes up for it's run, then as soon as that closes, we start the spring mainstage, and as soon as that closes, I'm in rehearsals for Know Why? and probably cutting my hair...eeek! I am scared and excited for that! So three paying shows, though how much remains to be seen, of course. At any rate, I've made some excellent contacts this year, and you can be sure I'll be auditioning for Jerry like a crazy person! :P I mean, it was the best possible thing, working for Jerry on this mainstage, because he's a professional who knows what I can do, and will recognize me the minute I walk in the audition room...which can only mean that if he HAS a role I could do, I would be a contender for it. (that is, if he doesn't hate me....which I don't think he does, lol!)

I have to say..I really love my life right now...And so what if a tiny little peice is missing? I don't need boys. I just want one because they are cuddly and warm at night! So BAH to them, I say. Watch me rock the socks off these shows and then I'll have a boy if I still want one...they're really just distractions, anyway.

:D Alleah is a fire, and she is going to burn, because goshdarn it, that's what a fire does!!!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

little betty twoshoes in da house! WHAT?

yes, Alleah's life just keeps rocking more and more! I got a callback from the Urinetown auditions today from Dean Chadwick, offering me the role of Little Betty Twoshoes! (man, I hate musicals) How fucking cool is that? So the Twelfth Night opens in exactly a week, U-town starts on the 5th, but I only have one scheduling conflict, which is the Thursday 9th double showing, and after that, I'm into U-town rehearsals, AND rehearsals for Levis' Christmas Carol, which begins right after TN closes. I still need to talk to Ryan about my schedule conflicts, but two out of five nights a week should be ok, as I'm only in pretty much one part of the play. A Christmas Carol opens December 21st, and Urinetown opens I think January twenty-something, and then it's one acts (which two directors have approached me with possible roles for), and then the spring mainstage, Art Wank '07. After that closes, I start rehearsals for Know Why?, Leon's lunchtime theatre, which is fucking GREAT! THREE friggin paying jobs in the same school year! And, as if all that isn't enough, at some point during all those shows, are auditions for Studio 58, and CCPA!

WOOO-MUTHA-FUCKIN-HOOOOO, BABY! Who needs stupid boys when I rock this much? :P



Alleah = teh best Viola ever!

Alleah = part of the sweetest crew in the whole world!

Alleah = interested (tonight's 70 group will understand)

Alleah = jazzed and a half, and in such a mellow ass mood

Alleah = pretty with my new spiffy-ass contacts!

Yeah...I'm doing pretty good right now. :)

Thursday, October 19, 2006

now that you've all given up checking my blog...

...I think I'll post! because I'm contrary that way, y'know.

So Twelth Night is moving right along, we have our dress in just over a week. SO excited! I'm almost completely memorized, for lines, so I've been getting actual, real live direction from Jerry, which is the most exciting thing EVER! Today, he creatd the msot beautiful scene from Act 1, Scene 1, with me, and the girls who play was gorgeous. We got outta there and just wanted to do the scene again, and CRY! It was so sad, and glorious.

Toda was auditions for Levis' A Christmas Carol. Not worried about those callbacks. Pretty sure I got Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come...not that I'm counting my chickens or anything! :P But come on, there were four ppl at the auditions I went to, Alex, James, some dude named Peter and me.

Auditions for B2B's Urinetown are this glad they don't want us to work up anything. Just remind me not to lose my voice before then, ok? Sweetness.

In other news, Allen and I went on a date. It didn't work out. I was with him exactly three hours. Not the most exciting time, unfortunately. I dunno what to do...Alleah gets no boys ever.

That's about all I have to say for now. And yes, there is something on my mnd and no I don't want to talk about it. All Mal Theatres who read this, keep that in mind at school, k?

Love you all.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

ink me up!

alleah has TWO tattoos! TWO of them! One tattoo...TWO tattoos, AHH AHH AHH...get another and I will count them, AHH AHH AHH.

lol! I so excited! It is a Virgo symbol. I got tattoo fever, going with Geoff to get his, and made my appointment. It's a memorial for my mum, because she was a Virgo, and it's purple, which was her favorite color, and astrology was such a passion of hers, that there was no other way to represent her. It is on my wrist, which presented a problem, for the Twelfth Night, but I talked to the director and costume designer and both of them said it would be alright. Boy did Kylan ever chew me out though. He takes these SMing gigs very seriously, I think.

I'm unimpressed with Geoff right now. When I made my appointment, I asked if he would come with me and he said yes. This morning when I called him just before I left, he was like, "no way, I'm at class," and then proceeded to berate me for getting a tattoo now. I could have killed him, having just got a gigantic tattoo. And I don't care where his is, as opposed to mine. That's just not cool on so many levels.

but whatever. he's been acting odd for most of today.

AKA House is having a musical right now: it is called Dingaling. It's a Dingaling Singalong if you will! ;D Say THAT ten times fast! And then count my tattoos! There are two of them!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

hump day of hell week = night of shitty doom

so tonight, a few of us went to the gay bar for karaoke night. I kinda felt off all night because, although I got IDed, buddy let me stay because I told him I wasn't I think he figured if my birthday is in December, it'd didn't matter all that much anyway. So I was there, and singing and dancing and having fun, but there was no booze in me and when drunken Amber is in your face and you are sober, it's slightly less fun. Plus she was all over Emo Vesty Guy, which irrationally bothered me, but prolly because I kinda wanted him, too.

Anyways, blah blah blah, party party party, and we go to leave, and Jordan's car has been broken into. Kaitlyn, Jordan, and Devin's stuff is all gone. Everything. They all had scripts, Matt Damon's digicam and like 150 CD's all got jacked, Devin's wallet is gone. Life sucks.

So, being 911 girl, I call the police and give them all the info and then go wait for the car. Devin flipped. just started screaming. it was nuts. The cop gets there and takes down all the information, but of course, there isn't a whole lot he can do. I guess Davies will be scouring the pawn shops for his digicam the next few weeks.

I felt so bad...on the way home I just held Kaitlyn's hand and tried, weakly and ineffectually, to help her feel a bit better. After the cop left, Geoff and I just sat in his car and held hands...I felt so weird. Calling police and dealing with them brought back so many memories. Losing all my stuff in the fire. How panicked I was when my mom died. All the emergency vehicles at the car accident. There was a really weird moment for me, when I went to call 911 and Davies was like, it's not an emergency, you can't call that number and I was like...oh yeah...stuff happens that isn't life threatening...I kinda forgot that. And then I felt like a butthead but still couldn't stop images from my various shitty experiences from flashing into my head.

Sitting there, holding Geoff's hand, I nearly cried. I don't even know why. I just felt so bad for Davies and Kaitlyn and Devin...and even for myself, as retarded as that seems now that I reread it! :P

The world can be a very very bad place.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

leon has reached godlike status in my eyes

so...halfway through the week from hell! thank god, this week is almost over, I can't take much more of it. so stressed right now. between money issues and all my scheduling conflicts, and feeling shitty about shitty boys, Alleah is plain worn out.

Ace and I had coffee here this morning, and we were discussing my boy troubles and I think I figured it out. What I want is someone who I find more fun to hang out with, than to have sex with. Or at least, equally as fun. (it's funny, I'm having this epiphany now, because I bet ten bucks y'all are thinking "duh, Alleah!") But honestly, it used to be ok to date normals, because then I got to be the fun, exciting one in the relationship and I wouldn't have to worry about them finding me boring. But now...I want to be the entertained one. I want someone who can hold up their end of the conversation, keep it alive, and JOKE. Be FUNNY. I need to be attracted to them, and they have to be somewhat exciting in bed. But I want that area of the relationship to come SECOND. I feel like that hasn't happened in the past.

It has now been like seven months, since I was last in a relationship. I miss being in love.

I dunno. I'm obviously doing something wrong with this whole relationship thing. Too bad I just don't know what it frickin is.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

alleah feels cynical

am I setting my standards too high?

I've always had this thing where the choices I make regarding my future have to better myself, not bring myself down to a place I've been before. And that's true with boyfriends as well. Any guy I started dating had to be better in some facet than the guy I had before. But since breaking up with Gregoire I haven't found anybody that really makes the cut. And those I felt did, fucked off and hurt me. Like Dean disappearing and not giving me the benefit of the doubt, and then bootycalling me, like six months later. And Jon, claiming he wants a relationship adn then not putting in the effort to make it happen.

Am I that not worth it? Sometimes I feel like life is never going to get any better than this. That I've reached the summit of excellence. Now I know that's not true, but it sometimes really feels that way. And if this is the pinnacle, it's not even that great.

Friday, September 29, 2006

I'm the Man!

I GOT VIOLA!!!! WOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Alleah rocks, Alleah rocks, neener neener neener!!! *does happy dance*

I am jazzed and a half! Life is going mostly great right now, with enough of a small touch of suck mixed in to make me feel grateful! Party tomorrow, first rehearsal of The Trutch Street Women Sunday (for Theatre One), first rehearsal of Twelfth Night (I GOT THE LEAD!!!!) on Monday, and The Changeling goes up in a couple weeks! (which I ALSO scored the lead in!) Also I've been thinking about Know Why? quite a lot lately, and kind of thinking about physicality (I'm playing a young boy), and it's makign me even more excited for that! I can't wait for Leon to give me the script! Also, Alicia told me a little while ago that she had a role for me for the One Acts (also one with no lines) of this abused girlfriend...I'm so excited.

So, Twelfth Night is shaping up to be an EXCELLENT show! The casting is so second-year heavy! AKA House scored the three lead females! I'm Viola, Kaitlyn is Olivia, and Amber plays Maria! woo! Also, Brad 2.0 is my Duke Orsino, Alex is my bro Sebastian, Biffer got Antonio, Gregoire got Sir Toby and James got Sir Andrew (LOFUCKINGL!), Geoff got Malvolio, and Davies got Feste the Clown! My many second years! I cannot WAIT for the show!

And now we come to the suck...the smallest of my worries is that the first rehearsal of TN conflicts with my second rehearsal of TSW...I dunno what to do. I'm getting paid for one, but the other I have the lead role in! Amber thankfully is in the same predicament. I dunno what we're gonna do!

Secondly, my student loan was MIA this entire week, until I finally went to Financial Aid and found out I sent int he WRONG PAPERS! So I got the right ones sent in, and I'm not getting my $$$ until Wednesday of next week. Whcih means I'm going to be late on rent AND tuition, which means I have a ten percent late charge assigned to me. 200 extra frickin dollars to pay! MOTHERFUCKER. So that sucks a lot...not too impressed with my financial situation.

And the final bit of suck has to do with a lame boy. I was totally jazzed in the beginning of this week, because I spent some time with a guy who'd messaged me on nex and he seemed pretty great and he had asked me if I wanted to make this anything and I said yes. Things seem to be going well, no? Then..he doesn't call me for THREE days straight! WTF? I mean, I heard he was sick, which is fine, but I haven't heard ANYTHING from him. No messages, or comments on Nex, when I know he's been on, no emails, I left my msn on and nothing, I called him twice and both times his mailbox was full and he hasn't called me back. I haven't seen him on campus. I'd think he was dead, except he's been talking to other people on Nex...just not me. wow, that makes me feel like shit. whatever. I don't need some stupid boy to make me feel good, when I'm Viola! :D ;)

so that is my life right now. I kind of feel like crap now, so I'm going to send Garry Daveys an apologetic email, and then go read the Twelfth Night.

Jon, if you read this and give a shit, you should call me.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

for all you unimaginatives!

So, party this Saturday at AKA House of Hot Sex! w00! (did ya see that? I busted out a little l33t for ya there! ;D) And the theme is...Dress Like Your Favorite Song!!! So since, a few people have confessed to me they DIDN'T know what to do for it, i decided to solve ALL their problems in ONE FELL SWOOP! Basically, the idea is, pick a song, and dress like the title...this doesn't have to be hard! One guy is coming as Sunglasses at Night and what do you think HE'S wearing! :P I am going as All These Things that I've Done, and I'm just gonna write a bunch of names on a shirt!

...tee hee

So yeah, you get the point. Here is a list of ideas people could do. And DON'T forget! As soon as you choose a song, email the title to me and Amber and Kaitlyn so we can put it on the party CD of EXCELLENCE!!!! We have a surprise for everyone as soon as their song comes up!

1) The Luckiest--Ben Folds

Just wear a bunch of good luck charms! Horseshoes, four-leaf clovers, rabbits feet, lucky number sevens...ANYTHING!

2) Cryin, by Aerosmith

I would just paint a little tear on my cheek, mime-style!

3) The Shape of My Heart--Backstreet Boys

Take a t-shirt you don't give a shit about, and get someone to draw a human heart right over where yours is.

4) My Name is--Eminem

Wear a blank Hello My Name is sticker.

5) Geek in the Pink--Jason Mraz

COME ON! if you can't figure THIS one out, you don't deserve to come to this party!

So yeah, they don't have to be hard at all! And there WILL be a punishment for coming without an idea!!! I'm thinking default song!! And by default song, I mean TOPLESS by Breaking Benjamin! BURN!


PS: I hope you appreciate this post because it literally took me five tries to get my computer to stay alive long enough to post it! bitches...the things I do for you....

Monday, September 18, 2006

it hurts in a tender kind of way

*PUNCH* from Brianna! :P

Anyhoo, today has been busy and tiring. Had a meeting for the Changeling at noon today...I kind of realized how unbearably behind we are! Nobody has even starting writing a script yet! Ack! One reason I bowed out of both capture the flag, AND Sardines in the theatre tonight. However, I haven't started yet. Because I am a loser. Hokay.

After that was theatre history where we watched the most depraved, but excellent adaptation of The Revenger's was SO GOOD! Holy crap, it was excellent! It made me want to do another adaptation, maybe for lunchtime theatre, where all we do it sit around in a group and throw out improv ideas, and each of us rewrite a scene using one concept! Can you imagine what would happen if you took some of the ideas for LCD and applied them to something ridiculously boring, like Oedipus Rex? imagine Oedipus gouging his eyes out drunk in the rain! a Pink Floyd concert! a fish market? I dunno, it'd be crazy!

Anyways, after that, we returned to the theatre to discover Becky had gotten bored of Victoria, and returned to the PARTY that is Nanaimo! What made my day was watching her jump on Leon and wrap her legs around him! That was hysterical! She came to acting as well, which was the start of our Laban movement techniques. AWESOME. Basically we flopped around on the floor for an hour. It sounds all sophisticated and actor-y...but really...we just kinda flopped around! :D

After acting, there was errand runnign with Geoff, wherein I actually didn;t get anythign done, because A) I had no $$$ to put my camera in with, and B) the post office was closed so I couldn't mail away my student loan papers. :( bummer and a half. guess I'll just have to get up early tomorrow and do it. we got pizza (too much pizza!!! blarg) and picked up Brianna and co. from Port Place. We headed to Geoff's where we ate pizza and talked to his parents and visited his gigantic rat until we went to choir.

oh choir. glorious glorious chordgasm-filled choir! :) my life is complete once again! I am in the best theatre ever, taking lessons from the funniest most excellent professors in the frickin world. I sing with the prettiest choir that ever existed. And I don't particularly care that I don't have a boy to worship the ground I walk on. Rose-coloured glasses for me, my friend. That glass is DEFINITELY half-full. And I'll punch anyone who says otherwise! :P jk, I'll hug them.

Anyways...BACK to choir! It was...wonderful. :D Just hearing the full chordgasm by the boys in the beginning of Prayer for the Children just made me feel like a rainbow.


ok, maybe not. but it was still excellent. we also sang We Rise Again, Moon River, and Yesterday...did I mention I LOVE us? We are so supremely excellent, it's ridiculous.

*ten minutes and fifteen Chuck Norris jokes later*

Anyways...I have company. I'll finish this another day.

PS: I have helped eat eight pizzas in the past five days.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

he was such a sweet little fucker!

rest in peace, Steve Irwin. You were so damn cool.

So I'm sitting in my living room surrounded by hungover theatres, and a couple others. The party last night was pretty frickin awesome.

I've decided I am bored by this whole do what I want thing. It's just not very much fun anymore. Totally boring, in fact. I feel kind of bad, cause Ace showed up late last ngiht and I was already too drunk to socialize correctly.

(oh man, they're planning all their upcoming themed parties! ideas: fantasy party, hat party, D&D party, vampire party...yikes! I am going to spend this entire school year hungover, I can tell you RIGHT now!)

But yeah, getting back to being bored...I'm just really bored. I'm not unhappy anymore for the most part, I'm just bored with my life. Every party I do the exact same thing and it's starting to irritate me. Help me come up with stuff to do INSTEAD of finding a boy and a corner, k?

Monday, September 11, 2006

first library post...

...of second year! whee! So I just showed Brianna how to use the computers here and she's messing around with them. Geoff hates me, and has self-exiled himself to avoid me, which is going to kind of backfire, because...his life will suck even more!

So...I MOVED OUT! I live with Kaitlyn and Amber now in the House of Hot Sex, with condom escapades, and prom dress/landlord shenanigans! My room is BROWN. not kidding. entirely BROWN. and the window faces east, so the sun hits me right in the face in the morning with a cold splash of light in my eyes like water...I need curtains. All I ahve left to move in is my furniture. But hot landlord fixed my internet, so the basica amenities are all taken care of. :) I have a bathroom, a roof, coffee in the morning and internet. :) Couldn't be happier!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Thanks for staying for the obligatory consolation stage. I hope you feel better.

OMG! I am SO happy to be back at school!!!!!! WHEEE! Today was Theatre History and Acting with Leon, and yesterday was Stagecraft with Mike! I'm so jazzed about everything!!! Like seriously, this is going to be THE best year for me!

Today, in TH, Leon gave us the awesome lunchtime theatre project...basically we have to adapt a historical play (my group is doing The Changeling) to modern times, and then block it, tech it, and we go up in early October! WOO! Leon is determined for us to do as MUCH theatre as humanly possible this year...which is TOTALLY fine with me, lol! As well, Burton frpm Theatre One in town wants to use Mal Theatres for his little mini workshops that go up in December! So auditions for that are on Wednesday, and I have four things going for me: A) I've worked with Burton before. B) Burton LIKED working with me before. C) Leon is pretty much Burt's contact for this, and Leon LOVES working with me! and D) I'm the best ever? So, Leon gave us all monologues in acting today to study and do for this audition and he's going to help us all with them...I was one of like six who stayed after today to have him help us right away...he thought my slash and beating was good, but my verbs sucked (my words, not his, :P) so I gotta go back and find better ones...I need a verb dictionary! lol! My monologue is called Ashes to Ashes and it's about this lady who's husband took a cigarette and jabbed it into her face seventeen times. I picked it because of this one image in it that totally applies to my life:

People care only until they feel better. They seldom stay past the first good cry.

When I read that I was like, omg, so true...

So anyways, that's pretty frickin awesome. As well, I was in the bookstore and found this sweet play by Timothy Findley called Elizabeth's so good so far! I'm only about halfway through but it's all about the way Elizabeth, who had to reign the way a king would to keep the throne, dealt with her femininity, especially after condemning her former lover to death, and the way an actor who plays female roles in the Lord Chamberlain's Men (William Shakespeare's theatre company) deals with his impending death of syphilis, and how a man who has made a living out of acting like a female has to face mortality like a man. So far, it is excellent!

So I have to jet, because I have an old english-language play to wade through and think up some cool way to adapt, AND try to memorize some of my monologue, do some laundry, take a shower, and eat some dinner. :) my life is complete.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Pinto falls asleep

so I am THE tiredest of tired right I won't5 post too mcuh, except that the party was FUCKIN awesome, hanging out with Fraser and David was super-awesome the next day and now I am tired as hell!

Basically, the most sleep I've had in this weekend was my drunken pass out stage...which isn't real sleep, it's a comatose state.

I am so short.

Friday, September 01, 2006

and now, a badly written poem

I started a lump of wet clay
No structure. Just potential.
Shapeless to everything but the mind’s eye.

Inspiration, devoted careful sculpting
made me what I am;
Always patient, willing to try again
when my flaws made me difficult to handle.

So many times, the artist could have thrown me aside.
Useless, no value, not worth the effort.
But that was not to be my path.

Every turn of the wheel
Shaped me, gave me depth, strength,
Capacity to endure. And everytime
I failed…
The artist tried again.

And when I could be trusted
To stand without falling
To hold this shape I’d been given
Into the kiln, those gentle hands delivered me.

My artist is gone. I withstand the fires
That will keep me the way I was intended
To be. I remain a testament to the care
and patience it took to create me,
As my maker would have wanted.

Happy Birthday, Mum. You wolud have been fifty six today.

Sept 1, 1950- Dec 12, 2005

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

little ball of wretched

naw, not really...I pretty much titled this post the first thing that came to mind. So, the plan for Saturday is...Kelly (my Timmies manager) rock-s0rs, so she let me only work a half day, so I'll be able to clean my house and whatnot. I'm not coming into my shift at Food Co. that night...cause I don't wanna. Sucks to be them. And for the rest of the night, we shall all have much fun, drinking and whatnot. If people have fun stuff to do, they should bring it...just to have something OTHER than drinking games to play! I mean, come on, it's either that, or we all get nekkid, playing strip poker!

I am unimpressed with Brianna as I don't think she will be coming...if anyone else isn't coming, please RSVP! And Ryan (who is lame-ass and in Vancouver) gave me the brilliant idea of getting Libratorb Dave drunk and filming him making out with a theatre girl! So that is my devious plan for the evening. Amber, Donna I am counting on you two to help me make it happen! :P All y'all who are coming, feel free to bring randoms, cause there'll be some there anyways. And digital cameras are a MUST! I want excellent pics from the only party I got to host this summer!

So, in other news, I quit Food Co today...I felt so bad giving my notice to Sue!!!! Her face just fell, and she gave me a big hug and I nearly started crying! :( I'm going to miss working there so much...I chose Food Co, because I can't count on Marty to give me the right shifts off, and if it comes down to it, if I have to choose between a rehearsal and work, I'm obviously going to go to rehearsal. So, that was the basis for my final choice. Watch me regret it in two weeks when Pat decides to release her inner succubus now that I am trapped in Timmies' Hell.

Ok, I think that's enough post for you. Last thing: Ontario and Denver SUCK for breed specific legislation! They shall be annexed into my new country, called Alleah-Loves-Dogs-Land. Whereupon, all their laws shall be amended to say, "dogs must be loved" at the end.

Speaking of laws, did you know that it is ILLEGAL to ride your horse into Nanaimo's court house? what a freakin gip! I'm mad about that. And it's ESPECIALLY illegal to ride your horse into Nanaimo's courthouse and discharge a firearm while court is in session?

Now where's the fun in life???

Monday, August 28, 2006


BSL: Breed Specific Legislation. In ontario, pit bulls are being exterminated.

For being Pit Bulls.

As a staffordshire Terrier, that means if Quinn had stayed on Ontario, my baby Clovie would have been put down. Now all of you know Clovie...what has she done to deserve that? In Ontario, pit bulls, and all breeds related to them and all pit bull crosses are taken from their owners, stuck in a dirty, uncaring, cruel facility, left to starve, rot away from disease, beaten and mistreated, neglected until finally they are murdered. Family dogs, therapy dogs, even frigging police dogs are taken. Why? Because they are pit bulls and pit bulls are vicious child killers. Heads up: more people are attacked by other kinds of dogs each year than pit bulls. Why not just murder all dogs?

Now what...what does this remind me of? hmmm, let me has something to do with death camps, and six-sided stars....

if you want to see something that will make you cry, go here:

if you don't agree with me and think BSL is a good idea, take a look at the photos above and tell me exactly what is so vicious about this beautiful, loving, obedient, devoted family member. give me a shoutout, whoever you canine-rascists are, and I will show you more proof of your own head up your ass than my dog being a child-killer, or most pit bulls, for that matter.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Pinto really IS emo!

oh no!!!!!! I have fallen into the Pit of Despair!!! HELP MEEEEEE!!!

BAH! I HATE emo people! I don't wanna be one! But I've noticed a distressing tendency in the past couple weeks to constantly bitch about how much my life sucks! And, yes it sucks. Quite h-core, in fact...but that's NO excuse for Alleah to sink as low as the beer-cryers and start moaning and dripping about it!

wtf is WRONG with me??? How the deuce do I FIX it???

I've burned no less than FOUR emo cd's in the past two weeks! Granted, one was for a friend for work, but it was nonetheless EMO, and did NOT portray me as the super-excellent partying Pinto of Awesemity that I am!!! It's all Modest Mouse's fault. The music is just so goooood, it makes me want to lie apathetic on a couch all day and listen to it, while thinking about how screwed up I am.

I need some Jefferson Starship. STAT! oh well...Feist will have to do.

EDIT** I went to see Snakes on a Plane yesterday w/ Geoff and Monkey and Kemal. good movie, although the band that sings that stupud song is THE ugliest group of people I've ever seen. And this is after four years of Jessica Scott and her friends! wow.... (haha! Laura--"it must suck to be that gross" you are the meanest ever!)

And party THIS Saturday night at MY place! Be there, or I will KICK you!!!!! Help save me from my own emo!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

I will be the richest of all

I was surfing old Failure post, and decided to redo this quiz to see if I beat Jordan Davies yet! lol!

Add up the things you've done.Scale of $1-$5, depending on how many times:
$0- never
$1- once
$2- 1-5 times
$3- 6-10 times
$4- 10-20 times
$5- 20+ times

had sex-- $5
only went to first base-- $5
smoked-- $5
got drunk-- $5
went skinny dipping-- $2
kissed someone of the opposite sex-- $5
had more than one bf/gf at the same time-- $1
fell asleep in class-- $5
cheated on a quiz-- $5
been expelled-- $0
been in a fist fight-- $1
stole something-- $5
done drugs-- $3
dyed your hair-- $5
done something with someone older-- $5
cried yourself to sleep-- $5
said you love someone but didnt mean it-- $2
been in love-- $5
got arrested-- $1
madeout with someone at the movies-- $5
played spin the bottle-- $5
"borrowed" something from a friend, not intending to give it back--$0
skipped school--$5
had a naughty dream--$5
bitten someone--$5
created a sex cd--$0
seduced someone, intentionally--$5
gave oral--$5
recieved oral--$5

YAY! I beat Jordan! $112!

...I can't believe stuff like had a threesome and slept with someone BESIDE YOUR BEST FRIEND isn't on here! Then I would be like, Bill Gates in terms of naughtiness!

PS: today was the worst day EVER. Today in a glance: worked with the most annoying two ppl at Tim Horton's; spilled a bucketful of dirty mop water all over myself; got blamed for breaking a tea pot, when it was smashed by the manager in full view of everyone; knocked over a bottle of ice tea, with a cutting board, and smashed glass and ice tea everywhere; and topped it all off by slicing my finger almost to the bone of the meat slicer at the deli. My fingernail, and self esteem is shattered.

Monday, August 21, 2006

mozart season

so I found a new band last night, whilst downloading some classical music. They're all scream-o and stuff, but they're actually prety good. They're from California. Anybody heard of them^^^?

I went nuts and downloaded a bunch of Modest Mouse, Elliot Smith, Sigur Ros, Motion City Soundtrack and some more Bright Eyes. I found one of my favorite songs by Bright Eyes, and immediately burned a CD, lol! I also burned a cd of indie and emo for a guy I work with, John. He also gave me a couple bands to check out. Between Us to Hold--Hayden, anyone?

wow, my computer is super slow right now.

in other news I love my boobs. Like...really really love them. :) They're just great! Just super you might even say.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

legal tender

I caught a fake bill yesterday! it was so cool!

me and Barbara had this conversation a couple weeks ago about checking bills, and how she checks all of hers. I thought, the only fake bill I've ever seen was a doesnt it make sense that I should check every bill I'm given? So I started checking compulsively, right? Whenever, I get a bill, I'll scratch the shoulder of the person on it, to see if they're raised, and if it's a ten or a twenty, I'll look through to see if I can find the face, right? It takes me ten seconds to do, an then I put it away. I mean, I get some pretty funny looks from people when I check their fives, but whatever. I mean we all have these little notes recently about checking large bills, so I just refer to that as my excuse.

well, anyways, one of Sarah's friends came through yesterday, and she gave me a five that felt smooth when I checked the shoulders! hello! so I tilted it, and I couldn't find the maple leafs, this time, my eyes were all wide, and I was like, whoa! So I took it to the UV light, and it had TWO bar codes!!!!! OMG! So I took it to Pat, and said, I dunno what to do with it, it's fake. So she took it out to the til, and said, we can't accept it, it's fake. The lady was so pissed, she was like, I got this from YOU this morning in drive thru! And Pat just looked at me, and I was like, I'm really the only one who checks small bills. I'm probably the only one who would have caught it.

So she was out five bucks, and I was in Pat's good graces! :)

My other klegal tender story is hat someone tried to give me a Euro instead of a dime, yesterday, and I was like...hey buddy? this is gold. I need real money. he laughed at me and found a dime.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

*love in a nutshell*

so, I've discovered I am incapable of having a good time at work before 1pm. that's about it. for six hours of my shift, I suck at everything, I fuck up orders, everyone gets mad at me, and I get mad at everyone else. And then from 1pm onwards, work is sweet! Everything I do is smooth like butta, all my customers love me, and I have so much fun w/ my coworkers...weird.

me and Whitney's awesome headset convo:

"Alleah where are you?"

"Far end of front. I'm sweeping, why?"

"Come to the freezer."


"You'll see"

I walk in, and she has this lump of chocolate chip cookie dough for me, and she's like, "your turn, I'm finished mine!" it was THE funniest thing!

then later, just before we got off shift, we were talking about acting, and she takes lessons from Adrian Hough, the actor I was in love with at the Being Frank workshop, and I confessed my huge crush on him, and she was like "he has a wife and kids you know" and I was like "I know" and pouted. We had a good laugh, and then served some customers. Apparently she's waitlisted for the program! WEIRD! I told her to go to the classes anyway, cause there'll probably be like three twinks who drop out...

I went to this crazy spot at the river way out past the Bungy Zone yesterday with Ace. It was sweet! Way long hike all the way down and back, but it was such a pretty spot. We bought a case a beer, and some chips, hung out for a while. Good times! We went back to Robin's, and I stayed over in his sexy ghetto van! :P I want him to come through drive thru again, so I can be like, "That comes to blah blah dollars and blah cents. You live in a van." :D

Oh yeah, I guess no one really knows...Ace's ex roommates suck, and stole his rent money, so now he lives in a van that his Mom bought him! BURN! He can never call me ghetto again! Also, Ace = Beef Dip. So it has been prophecied...

Friday, August 11, 2006


This is a plea for Brianna to start making comics again! I MISS them so! or...y'know...just POST...ANYTHING! Just let your online readership KNOW you are still alive!

it's like dark'o'clock when I'm woken by...

a retard alarm clock that I am growing more andmore convinced has had a lobotomoy! Somehow the stupid thing is running an hour ahead! So when the fucker woke me up this morning, I couldn't figure out why it was so dark out, but it read six eighteen and I HAD to get ready to leave at six thirty....long story short I finally figured it out by feeling sorry for myself about having to walk to work in the dark, when I remembered yesterday when I woke up, I slept in a little to six thirty but thought I'd slept in til seven thirty. Thta was thankfully not the case.

...I just realized there isn't a single one of you who needs or wants this much detail about my waking habits... :S

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

yet another stolen time-killer (this time from Donna)

1. We Want Fun--Andrew WK

2. but if they give medals for honkytonk wars/hell I'd keep mine in my chester drawers/with my RRSP bills and divorce papers and all that stuff

3. I Believe in a Thing in a Thing Called Love--The Darkness

4. Instant Pleasure--Rufus Wainwright

5. Hurt-Johnny Cash

6. True Blue--Bright Eyes

7. Do You Want To--Franz Ferdinand

8. Bowl of Oranges--Bright Eyes

9. Break My Stride (aka Gotta Keep on Movin) --Ace of Base

10. Anthem of a Teenaged Girl--Broken Social Scene

11. Little Black Backpack-Stroke 9

12. can't think/can't drink any more whisky/I coulda drunk a river dry/This old boat she's just sittin in the moonlight/catchin the gleam in her eye

13. All These Things that I've Done--The Killers

14. The Luckiest--Ben Folds

15. We Built This City (on Rock'n'Roll)--Journey

16. Stickshifts and Saftey Belts--Cake

17. Age of Pamparius--Turbonegro

18. Existensialism on Prom Night--Straylight Run

19. Lime in the Coconut-Jimmy Buffet

20. What Ya Waitin For-Gwen Stefani


PS: I've noticed EVERYone has different versions than me! the Ace of Base, Jimmy Buffet, Journey, Johnny Cash...jeez, peeps! what the deuce?

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

I am a raw exposed nerve. I am a gaping wound.

I am FUCKING pissed at Food Country. They are Ass Bastards of the HIGHEST caliber. They all must die. Suffice it to say, I think I'm quitting, and if they give me one mother-fucking excuse, I'm taking them to the labour board. And I'm talking ONE. One inappropriate comment, one check missing, ANYTHING, they're ass is grass. And I will make it as public and painful as I possibly can.

In other news, I'm reading the most excellent of books right now. It definitely deserves a mention, in this, my bloggy blog of wonder and joy. The main character kind of reminds me of Gregoire...if he was gay, and living in the eighties.

I have a big problem right now. I have not one single area of my life that brings me any kind of happiness or satisfaction. At all. That is not a good way to be, and may either be a side effect, or the cause of how depressed I've been lately. Like, debilitatingly depressed. It sucks. Work makes me want to throw things, and I only like the people some of the time. I have no boyfriend, never see my friends, and am getting more and more exceedingly unimpressed with my conduct at parties. I don't like how I treat myself. My home life has never been more unhappy. My roommates treat me like an errant child. The other day, Courtney got home from Vancouver a day earlier than she said she would, and because I hadn't cleaned up my camping-on-the-couch-crying-for-two-days mess yet, she threw all of it in my room on the floor, including a pizza box with leftover pizza in it, and a little container of ranch dip, which proceeded to explode all over my carpet without her noticing. I flipped, and she flipped back, saying, "Why should I have to clean up your mess" and I was like "You DON'T. We are roommates. I pay for this house too, so my shit has as much right to be lying around as yours does! Don't insult my intelligience and think I won't recognize spite cleaning for what it is!" I mean really, as if it isn't what I did every day to Sherayna at Hecate.

So there you go. Alleah is completely, unrestrainedly, overwhelmingly unhappy. As I said to Sherayna, life is more than just having awesome goals, or how likely you are to attain them. It has to be great RIGHT NOW too. And mine has never been more unsatisfactory.

What am I gonna do, you guys? Help...

Monday, July 31, 2006


so...I know a bunch of people are going to Phantom in Vancouver. Brianna's going at some point from the thirteenth to the fifteenth...I'm not going to the actual show, btu I am going with her to

I'm thinking fun Vancouver trip for all the Phantom ppl!!! That is IF our schedules coincide.

SO: all y'all who are going, leave your trip details here on my comments, and I'll see if I can figure something out....

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

nothing turns me on like a good thought process.... *EDITED*

Alleah's a bitch, she's a big fat bitch, she's the biggest bitch in the whole damn world!

^^^ my theme song. Ace *stole it from South Park* for me! So supportive, don't you think?

I am tired. And sore. And itchy. And slightly depressed. And by slightly, I mean very, but I'm not going to get into that because no one wants to hear about it.

Instead...JULY 28TH! HOT DONNA DAY!!!! We are going to go to the river! Whee!!!! I work a double that day, but I am going to try and switch both shifts around so I work tomorrow at Timmies, and Thursday at the deli, instead. Basically, I shall pull doubles Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. I make too much money. It's stupid. Even my supervisors at Timmies are like, WHy do you work so much? What's the point? All you're doing is making yourself sick. And I'm kinda like...You're right. But when it comes right down to it, I like Timmies cause it's better hours, and the shifts are so chock full of work, like there's NEVER any standing around time. But I like the deli, cause I'd have more time for a life if I worked there, plus I'm paid more there.

That paragraph totally morphed it's way around to bitching which is what I was trying to avoid, so here goes again...!

I'm SO excited to see Kaitlyn again! We talked for a long time the other day on the phone...just bitching about how much it sucks to work for a Tim Horton's. I can't wait for the shindig at the river! I'm trying to convince Ace to come, and I'm going to kick Biff in the ass until he promises me he's gonna come. Oh and all y'all in-towners, I'm DEFINITELY going to need a ride, so if someone could call me in the next little while, that would be STUPENDOUS! Not really, I just wanted to say stupendous, and then felt that it must be capitalized. But it would be pretty sweet. :)

Anyways, my tattoo is all raised and can't see the scabs yet, but it's just beginning to itch, so it's healing very nicely. :) It means I won't be able to swim on Friday, but I shall come and wear a bathing suit to show it off anyway...:) I'll just have to sit in the shade. I know I promised you all a pic, before but my bro's camera is a whoreface. It's batteries won't recharge. And Quinn won't try to fix it.

OH! Sunday was THE shittiest day EVER! I was supposed to work a double that day, but I was totally sick the day throwing up CRAZY ill, so I went home from work. The next day I got up for work, but then I was like, no...can't do it. Gotta stay home. So I called in, both places, and just vegged all day.

However a nice relaxing day of movies and eats was not was in store for me! Around eleven-ish, my brother's buddies Donnie and Ryan come stumbling in, in Ryan's crunched-up truck (you may remember them from the midnight 4-bying expedition--you know--back when my life was fun), and Donnie's all banged up, and Ryan's stumbling around and holding his head. Apparently they got into a car accident up in the mountains after drinking and 4-bying all night! *eyes rolling* Donnie was speeding ahead at seventy miles an hour, and Ryan was backing up at thirty clicks an hour, and they were stupid and ploughed RIGHT into one another!!!! Ryan had a concussion, and Donnie needed twenty stitches in his knee. So my bro took them to the hospital. And I went with to keep Ryan from falling asleep.

Afterwards, we all went back to our palce and sat around in the sun (except for me :( bummer) talking. Quinn ended up getting heatstroke like a fucker, so Jackie and Courtney nursed him while I made him food. They ran out to the Food Country to buy popsickles and shit, so I had to go in there. I didn't even know what I was supposed to do! I mean, you get heat stroke, you get headaches and nausea...They already covered him in cold wet towels and frozen veggies, so all that was left for me to do was force him to drink water every couple of minutes. It was so pointless.

Then he starts feeling better around nine-ishm, so we all head to the river. Quinn, of course, like a frickin retard keeps cliff diving, giving me and Court and Jackie heart attacks...and what happens?

He fuckin dives wrong, and practically sprains his neck! I was so irritated at him. We were only there for a half hour! I hadn't even finished one beer! I was like, you JUST got heat stroke, you KNOW you should pace yourself with diving because of your stupid bad back, OF COURSE you're gonna get hurt, you tard! SO we go home. *eye rolling AGAIN*

Lamest day ever. So the next day I got up and went to work. Halfway through my shift Marty fuckin calls and asks me to work that night at the deli, so I ended up doing another doubkle yesterday. Jesus Christ. I mean really. Hopwever the good thing about it was, I got a ride home with Tom, and didn't have to call a cab, or walk in the sun in a sweater or anything. :)

So I think that's all I have to babble about. I'm off to wash clothes and myself, and then go get Ace a tattoo, too! :)

Sunday, July 23, 2006

I am Jack's tender inky skin

Guess who is NO LONGER a tattoo virgin? Guess who has broken their body modification cherry? Guess who will have a glorious stargazer lily on their should for the rest of their life??!!!


Last night I got my very first tatto on my shoulder!!!! It is SO pretty! I will post a picture super soon, so all y'all can gaze upon it's splendor.

Is it just me, or do tattoos just up your sexiness level by ten thousand points??? I used to like my shoulders. Now, they are EASILY the bestest most favoritist part of my body! So skinny, and defined, and now permanently adorned with pink and green and black! :D

I am Jack's big cheesy grin.

(can you tell, I watched Fight Club yesterday? :P)

It's all tender and sore now, but in such a good way. The only time I really got nervous last night was JUST before he put the gun in my skin at first. He kept flicking the switch on and off, and I was like, ACK! *cringe*, scared scared scared. But then he started, and I was like...oh. This isn't so bad.

Actually it was kinda funny. He started in a fleshy part, so it didn;'t hurt as much, but then he went onto the bone, and that hurt like a bitch. But then he would go back onto a fleshy part and I would relax so much, and I would practically not even feel it. Once I almost fell asleep before he went back onto a bone, and made me go RAWR.

BTW..."he" refers to the bestest, most New Zealandist, HOTTEST fucking tattoo artist on the face of the planet!!! And he's not bad at what he does either! :P ;D With his sexy accent, and adorable eyes, and talent at cool-ifying my ex-virgin skin, well, I must say, I have a big girly crush on him now!

Ace, there is TOTALLY an ulterior motive to going with you to get yours done next week! :P

Anyways, no real news other than that. I have given up hope on my truck as I just don't have the bucks. Let alone the time, and pocket change to get it fixed up. Knowing Quinn, he'd make me do the work myself, and just help me along. :P

...but at least I have a tattoo! :)

Saturday, July 15, 2006

survey of Pinto the Emo-est! (emost if you will)

I've decided to take on an alter-ego for this survey. because nothing else will do. :)

Finish the sentence:
1. My ex is: a black exacto knife cutting chunks out of my shriveled heart.
2. I am listening to: the voices
3. Maybe I should: throw myself off a tall building. hopefully I'll land on someone who hates themselves as much as I do.
4. I love: nothing
5. My bestfriend is: the bleakness of my wasted life that is with me always.
6. I don't understand: what's not to understand? life sucks, and I am hellspawn.
7. I lost: everything
8. People say: stuff, but I can't hear it because of the buzzing in my ears from all the emotional torture I go through from the time I open my bloodshot eyes from the time I fall asleep, wishing I wouldn't wake up.
9. The meaning of my screen name: ****___~~~~*~**~^%#@&*(~~~***^$@#$^&#@%%^$^$^$%^DiEdIeDiE***%^$!~*()(&$@@!!~~~~~~****^&%&------#!~~~~!#%*())())()))(******************** the meaning of my screen name is that I am just too sad to say anything, so I express my emotions in symbol.
10. Love is: something only the priveledged feel. I have nothing but my envy and pain.
11. Somewhere, someone is: cutting out a little doll that looks just like me, with my asymetrical haircut, and all-black attire, and they are sticking needles into that poor little dolls heart over and over and over and OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER....again.
12. I will always try to be: like no one else...all those other little emo kids think they have it so tough, but they don't know what REAL pain looks like!!!! (I take back those exclamation marks)
13. Forever seems: too short a time for my pain to heartbreak, and misery will last long after my death and the deaths of those who have made me this way.
14. I never want to: understand your happy little world with your money and your friends and your family dinners. You need to watch your blood flowing in the streets to UNDERSTAND!!!! (again, I take back those exclamation marks)
15. My cell phone: is lonely--like my heart.
16. When I wake up in the morning, I: take five pain killers and cut myself so I bleed--like my heart.
17. I get annoyed: when people don't understand that to me, the world is black--like my heart.
18. Parties are: a cruel invention created for the sole purpose of making me feel like even more of a loner freak than I already do. I take the opportunity to take more drugs and cut myself with other people, because they won't remember why they're covered in blood in the morning. I'll tell them they spilt their vodka ceasar.
19. My Dog is: dead--like my heart
20. Kisses are the best when: mixed with my blood and tears
21. Today I might: write an epic poem showing through medieval metaphor and imagery how right my emo philosophy is and how one day all those who oppose me will burn in hell.
23. Tomorrow I will: die a painless death with any luck.
24. I really want: this hurt to stop (but not really)
25. I am: pure pain in human form
