Sunday, October 31, 2004

trick or treat!

it's Halloween! And I am JUST getting over my hangover from last night. bully for alchohol. I have decided that I have no desire to drink alchoholic beverages for some time to come. (*we are here! I am safe. I'LL DRINK NON-ALCHOHOLIC BEVERAGES TO THAT! licorice...gwop.*)

ANYWAYS! I am at Sean's right now, and blogging on his computer, because mine is being a stupid peice of crap. For quite a while it wouldn't let me sign in to anything, and then I figured out that Sherayna had done some bastardly tweaking in order to "reduce the number of viruses that my blog-surfing is giving the computer" which is lunacy because EVERYBODY knows that blogs don't give computers viruses, and everybody agrees with me, so my sister can just shut up. So at any rate, I had to go into Internet controls, and tweak tweak tweak until my computer would let me sign in to things again. Honestly, it wouldn't even let me check my email! The only thing it would let me sign into was Messenger. And now, I have my sign-in abilities back, but for some reason, my stupid computer won't publish my durn bloggeroos! I've lost two very good, entertaining Pinto-esque blogs to my crap-ass computer, and I am ANGRY.

So, anyways, the doorbell is ringing left and right with Trick or Treaters. I don't think I've ever beeen on this side of Trick or Treating before. huh. I am sad, no free candy for me. However, cheap candy is going to be in evidence to an extreme degree tomorrow as stores frantically try to get rid of their Halloween candy stock. And I am going to be all up in that action, yo. I desire cheap candy times a million. except for the fact that I am SO nauseous right now. ho hum.

just keep swimmin' just keep swimmin just keep swimmin swimmin swimmin...

holy fuck

so fucking druk rght now. nhopefully, this'll post because I am onnsomeone else's computere. I can tell how amused I'm going to be at mybspellig tomorrow. ayways, hopevfully thi'll publish be4cuse it's on someonre else's c omputer. see ya tomorrow. I love Sean....

Thursday, October 28, 2004

I am filled with ravioli...

stuffed with it in fact.

you know what? I don't care about spyware. I just don't care. I want to sleep off my ravioli binge. I feel angst, and tiredness. I actually really don't have much to say.

Today was fun. I went to almost all of school for a change. Drama was pretty good, I am pretty sure I am getting the "drunk" role. Peer tutoring was peer tutoring. I gave notes. Shelby finally started treating me like a person. Socials was spent working like a crazy mofo, for I am super behind. Math was actually pretty good, because I found out that I got an ok mark on my test last week, and have brought my mark up to a low C. for now that is good enough for me! I shall endeavor to improve it, but not until I am caught up in Socials. Choir was great. I was totally hyper. we got student cards today, and apparently my new name is Allean. From now on I forbid anyone to call me anything other than Alien. I shall just not answer to anything else.

After that, Melly and I caught the bus downtown, cause she had Gondoliers at the Port, and I was goign to see Sean. We sat at City Centre, and laughed many times about ridiculous things. Then we went to Thrifty's and Mel bought fig cookies, and Purdy's Hedgehogs! I got three of my VERY OWN PURDY'S HEDGEHOGS! I am so priveledged. I saved one for Sean. Along the bus ride to Sean's house there was a very bad accident on the Parkway. one car had the entire front end ripped off. it was completely totalled. Traffic was backed up in either direction for over a mile. I hope no one was killed...

At Sean's house, we hung out, and talked, and cuddled, and we had an UBER TICKLE FIGHT in which I tickled him all the way across his room, ended up totally pantsing him, then chasing him into the bathroom, where for some reason he tried to drag me out, and I clung to the counter top for dear life! Afterwards, he flopped me down onto the couch where we laughed until our spleens ached! it was a belly-achin good time! (ha! get it? BELLYACHIN? *hard drive! CPU!*)

After that, we went upstairs, and made dinner which was insane amounts of ravioli, and strawberry milk. Sean's Mom gave me half a pomegranate! I love her! She's got braces now. She just got them put on. Sean wore her pants was really amusing! Somehow, he looked really good in them! Very That Seventies Show-esque.

Now I am home and very tired, so I think I may go to bed. goodnight now. *love love Alleah love*

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Will says I am shmort--but Will likes to play female roles, so I am not sure how trustworthy his word is...

I don't remember why I started this post. But I like the name, so I have decided to finish-ish it.

Today was pretty boring. I went to every single ucky bit of long, torturous school. I drew many cartoons in Math class, of the kind that made me giggle out loud, and draw needless attention to myself, resulting in embarrassment. In Socials, we watched Farenheit 9/11, and I was sickened, just as I was the first time I watched it. Lunch was jazz choir which was okay. Trickle Trickle is starting to get on my nerves, especially ebcause Laura says I sing it wrong, but I don't think I do. Peer Tutoring was ok, Drama was ok. In Flander's Fields is REALLY starting to piss me off. Thank goodness I won't have to deal with it after Wednesday. Unfortunately though, it comes right after the choir sings The Prayer, and that song has breath marks, and sustained notes that work out in such a way as to make me hyperventilate everytime I sing that song. So hyperventilating into choral fantasticality, then going and being terribly profound with Flander's Fields is going to be unhappy. I was really actually pretty pissy today. After school in MuTh, I got super-nazi-ized at the guys for aiding and abetting the super-suck of The Telephone Hour when we did it on stage. So, yeah, te boys were scared of me.

So then, I...went home. Weird, huh? I don't think I've been home this much in a two day period in ever. Quite strange. anyways, I am off now, din-dins. buh bye!

PS: my mum is an odd one. today I got home and she got mad at me because she lost her game. so I got super super angry at her, and rushed into the kitchen, and did some angry-cleaning; it's the best kind. Everything gets done so much quicker with angry-cleaning, and with much more elbow-grease than is necessary. Anyways, then, not two hours later, she fell asleep in her chair, watching tv, and slept with one finger dipped in her sherry. I woke her up to show her this peice of absurdity, and in her bleary unawakeness, gazed at her OTHER hand trying fruitlessly to see what was the matter! Of course I squealed with delight and told her that it was her other hand, and she amused me intensely. So yeah...I didn't really have a point in telling you that, it just seemed noteworthy to me. I'll go now... *blush*

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

a forgotten fwuff

yes, Amay and Bethany, I have stolen your word! Anarchy! Disruption! How disturbing to your vegetable hearts. I don't care! ;)

anyways, yes I am a forgotten fwuff indeed! Not a single comment has been posted on my bloggy blog since YESTERDAY! Not only that, but I have no emails, and no one has left me a messageabout my quizzes, and only ONE person has voted on ONE of my quizzes! I realize that I haven't been an school for a couple of days, but am I so out of the loop that no one even talks to me on msn anymore? *tear*

moving on now. now it's time to rage about how apparently the residents of South Nanaimo believe that jeans, sneakers, a jacket and packsack are appropriate attire for a prostitute, because coming home today, I had to take the number nine instead of the number five six, because the number five six left before I could get on it! *outrage* stupid Nanaimo buses. anyways, the whole reason I don't take the number nine bus home is because I have to get off in possibly the very worst part of town, and walk to my house, which is in a VERY slightly better part of town. And along this bad stretch of town, it was after dark, and apparently I must have resembled a whore, because a bunch of guys in this truck called out to me, while driving slowly along the road, and promptly got fingered and called names not printable in a polite atmosphere. You all know how paranoid I am about being mistaken for a prostitute. Well, when it happens, my reaction is not pretty. My fury was visible for miles. I am surprised you all didn't hear it, sitting in your comfortable, safe, North Nanaimo (ish) living rooms. I got pretty incensed. I suppose they were joking because all the lobotomized apes did was laugh and drive off. That made me seriously want to run them down and poke their eyes out. NObody mistakes ME for a whore, and gets away with it. Unless they are in a vehicle. And I am on foot. Which is basically everybody. Shut up.

other than that, I have nothing to say. I was very close to just quitting panto today, because I am sick of feeling exhausted in the mornings. but then I got there, and I couldn't. I cannot give up, or I'll never forgive myself. Please remind me of this stupidity when I am lying in a heap on the floor after I burn myself out and have a nervous breakdown in front of everyone so that I can remember to never listen to myself again. Grade Twelve is killing everyone. Literally. Barbara is burnt out and depressed, Nicole is burnt out and depressed, Mel is burnt out and depressed, Laura McNought is stressed out of her mind, I am going crazy. I don't know how anyone is going to survive this year. Or even this month. Because I am ready to shoot myself. And I'm slacking on half of the stuff I should be doing. I can't even imagine what Laura and Mel must be feeling, cause they've barely been slacking at all. And what slack they've been taking, they totally deserve. I'm just a lazy, undisciplined loser, and I don't think I have a right to give up on anything. If I was stupid enough to get myself into this mess, then I am GOING to see it through. If I can't, then I am more pathetic than I ever thought before.

You know, I am feeling much trepidation about these next few months. When panto picks up, I am going to be insane. Last year at the same time, I had a fraction of the stuff I have this year, plus I lived MUCH closer to the school, and to panto, and I could walk anywhere I needed to, and I still almost had a breakdown just because Mom left for four days. Can I even do any of this? Should I just give up on the idea of being in the arts? It's not like I have nothign else, I would do fine in management. I will never lack for something to do. And it would probably be easier, even if I don't ever accomplish what I told everyone I'd do, and if I don't love it as much as performing. Honestly, what is driving me to make myself this crazy for something that I may never even succeed in? The arts are SO hard to make a living in, let alone succeed in, and if I can't even get lead roles in amatuer theatre, how the hell will I ever be able to aspire to professional theatre? I know I have the ability to. Given the chance, I could make money in theatre. Or in recording, or in film. But I don't even know if these chances are ever going to come. For singing, I thought the Collective was my chance, but it doesn't look like it'll ever just get down to business, let alone work hard and long enough to succeed. What the Collective does is my dream, not the girls. I can't depend on them to help me realize my dream. I probably shouldn't rely on anyone. If I don't NEED anyone to help me succeed, then it'll never set me back when people let me down.

anyways, I'm done with this now. I believe I shall talk to my boy, and feel loved. Because I want to to. :P nighty night, blogger-roos!

Monday, October 25, 2004

when I fall in love, it will be forever...

today started very badly and ended fantastically! how strange...

I got up, and planned to go to school and stuff like normal, but ended up getting into a fight with the mom because my laundry wasn't done. My laundry had been waiting downstairs in the laundry room since last Wednesday, but hadn't been put in, because both the dryer and washer were full. Now I barely have time to do my own laundry let alone everyone elses, so at the time, I just set my basket down, and asked Mom if she could remove the clothes in the dryer, and switch the load over so I could come home and put my laundry in. She didn't. And didn't. And didn't and didn't and didn't all weekend until I got up this morning with no clean clothes to wear. Now at the time the basket had been sent down in the first place, I had lots of clean clothes to wear. But not anymore. So I refused to go to school because I didn't have clean clothes to wear, because no one had moved the clothes that were in the washer and dryer in all that time, and I hadn't had a chance to do my own laundry. Well Mom and I ended up getting into an enormous fight in which she called me all manner of unpleasant things, she slapped me for telling her I didn't want to live on Welfare, and the fact that I did so much out of school was necessary if I wanted to ever get into college (not that it's doing anything anyways, seeing as how I haven't gotten the roles I needed for scholarships), she told me that I didn't have the strength of character needed to survive being fired, and that I shouldn't begrudge her the few things she saved from the fire, because she lost a whole lot. Just so all of you know, I lost everything. Absolutely everything. My clothes, my pictures, my memories. It is ALL gone, and she says that I don't have the right to tell her to let go of some stuff. I don't even know how the conversation got on that topic. But basically I got completely sick of listening to her, and walked (note, walked not stomped, or anything else ridiculous, and childish) upstairs to my room, closed and locked the door, and tried to be by myself. At which time she came upstairs, told me to unlock the door or she'd break the door down, and then proceeded to tell me that I was alienating my family, and my pet because I was never home, and because I was never home I was not "worth it." Because I'm never home.

That is when I locked myself in the bathroom and proceeded to have an emotional breakdown of sorts. I hate the term emotional breakdown, because so many people use it as a sympathy ploy, but technically, it seems the correct term to use to describe what I did. I sat in the bathroom, and wept until I started hyperventilating. Then I got control of myself, and hid myself in the den. I could not have gone to school even had I wanted to at that point, I was completely depressed. I couldn't even have spoken to anyone had they attempted to speak to me. My eyes were bloodshot, and sore, and stayed that way til three in the afternoon.

Anyways, I was home until about twenty after two when Sean finally came on msn, and I talked to him. He asked me if I wanted to come over, and of course, being me I leapt at the chance! Mom let me, for some reason, so his mom came and picked me up. On the way there, she told me that Sean acted happier since dating me, and how he got up in the mornings, and acted nice, and happy all the time, and how he was more motivated to do things on his own like go to the doctor's, or take the bus, and how he cleaned up around the house more. All since I had been around! And my day turned right around! I felt so great about that!

When I got there, Sean was doing dishes, and I was still a bit funky so I just kind of sat and rubbed my eyes while he finished up. Then we went downstairs, and talked and kissed and cuddled which felt very very nice. I can't remember if it was before dinner or after, but we talked about a lot of stuff, like what we were both self conscious about. Somehow that turned into me warning him about my crazy thing with commitment. Some people can't commit. Me, when I commit, I COMPLETELY commit. You can't get rid of me when I commit. Which is why it was so hard to let Geoff go. I had commited like that to him. I always intended to grow up, and marry Geoff, and bear his children, and all that junk. I was totally in it to the end, and nothing was going to change that for me. Not the way Geoff acted, or anything he did. I guess he didn't understand that, or maybe he just didn't want it. Or maybe he just didn't want me. But at any rate, when he rejected that, it was just impossible for me to believe. 'I couldn't even imagine my life without him, how could he have possibly imagined his without me', that kind of thing. ANYWAYS, I warned Sean about that, and it turned more from a heads-up into, a vow of sorts! But it was all true. I am not to that point yet, but if I get to that point, (and I can feel it starting) then I am totally in it to the end, and he needs to know that. When Sean heard that, he just said, "I feel like crying right now..." and I felt totally accepted by him! I hope I do start to feel that way, because he is so important to me. I love him so much!

Brianna is right, my theme song is When I Fall in Love! *when I give my heart/it will be forever/or I'll never give my heart...* a restless world like this is...

guess what I did???

I made myself my very own quiz! You have to take it now!

give me a break, though, I know it's short, and kind of dumb, but it was the very first quiz I ever made ever! They will get better.

wheeee! *throws popcorn*

*giggle* made another one!

this one is much better. because I am a random smurf, oh yes I am. :D

Saturday, October 23, 2004

*sigh* what an evil four days...

The impossible has happened, Bloggers. Pinto has been silenced. Well, over the past four days, she's been silenced. Silenced by a foul, undiagnosed illness of enormous proportions! My mummy thinks it's flu, Sean thinks it's stress, I think it is unpleasant. It has actually kind of mutated itself over the past four days.

On Wednesday, I had a bit of an earache all day which made chewing, talking, and basically existing a bit of a challenge. It wasn't that horridly bad until the evening when all of a sudden it just increased in agony and persistance. My mom and I decided to try that home remedy that April-Katherine suggested to me, but it didn't do a thing but coat my ear with icky-feeling olive oil. Then I got quite pissy and angry with the world, and went to bed.

Thursday morning, I woke up with the ear ache having grown exponentially in badness, and my cruel, heartless mummy forced me to go to school anyways. She stuffed me full of Tylenol Eight Hours, and sent me packing no matter how much I complained (which is a feat to be mentioned, cause BOY did I ever complain!). However, this may not have been a smart thing to do, because she also gave me a package of Eight Hours to take during the day, and my ear hurt so bad that by first block, I had already taken four. (you aren't supposed to exceed eight in a day, let alone four in a half an hour). So basically, all day Thursday I was medicated out of my tiny little mind, and it actually made me high. I had the worst balance you could imagine, and I was falling over constantly. It was pathetic. However, that evening my ear ache was gone, but it had been replaced by evil evil cramps of nastiness. And I ended up taking even more Tylenol Eight hours for them. I think in all, I had ten pills that day. Which is bad bad bad bad. I also had some serious mood problems that night, too. I was totally pissy, and my mom was holding the baby. The baby had just been eating, and usually, I try to keep my distance from him if he is super-dirty (which he ALWAYS is after he's been eating), and Mom was joking around with him and me, and gave him a fistful of my hair, which is not something I enjoy at the best of times. Well, I turned around to try and pry my hair out of his grubby little fingers while berating my mom for having the audacity to make light of something she knows bothers me, and no sooner had I done that, but NICKY THREW UP ALL OVER ME! And then Mom started LAUGHING!!! *outrage!* So now, I am medicated out of my wits, filled with cramps, and bad humour, plus covered in baby vomit. I flipped at Mom. Absolutely flipped. I started screaming at her, and held my head under the faucet and even rubbed icky harsh hand soap against the fouled-up strands of hair until obvious traces of baby puke was gone, and she didn't even care. She was doubled over, holding her stomach in spasms of hilarity, and couldn't even breathe let alone talk! And of course this made me even more infuriated. I took as much time as it takes to say goodbye to Sean on msn, and then went and got into the shower. That made me feel a bit less angry, but no less sick.

That night I went to bed, and around 12:45 I got up, and ended up throwing up my entire dinner. And then every half an hour from then to ten'o'clock the next morning I threw up. I got absolutely no sleep, and it hurt really really bad. I could not keep anything down. I was totally dehydrated, and after each time, I would drink like three glasses of water, feel marginally better, go back to bed, start feeling vomit-y again, and try as hard as I could to hold it in, but then end up up rushing to the bathroom anyways. (heehee, this blog has turned from Fun with Pinto into Graphic Details of Pinto's Vomiting Sessions! LOL! I may just change the name of this blog to that, right now!!!!) anyways, I got no sleep that night, and it hurt so badly that I did what I haven't done since elementary school, and ended up crawling into bed with Mum for comfort. She, of course, was totally supportive, and proved this by waking up and mumbling: "don't breathe your germs on me." gotta love my family, hey?

***k, this is now Sunday. it is taking me a looong time to finish this.***

k, where am I? so anyways, Friday, I vomited late into the morning, and felt absolutely horrid from both nausea, and lack of sleep. Entirely an unpleasant feeling. However as disgusting as I felt that morning, I still got up when everyone else did out of a feeling of necessity to cancel with Sean so that he didn't take the time to come all the way over here, just to find me bed-ridden. So I got up, phoned him, and ended up waking him up. (oops!) I felt awful about cancelling our plans cause we hadn't seen each other for a few days, and I was excited to spend time with him again, but no, I had to be sick. Why? *cause Jesus doesn't love me* lol!

anyways, I drank some water, and a small tentative glass of apple juice (I was very dubious about anything flavored) and chewed some Gravol tablets which intimidated me ridiculously and ended up talking to Sean on msn for about fifteen minutes until I completely ran out of energy and left to go sleep on the floor in front of the fireplace. It was very surprisingly comfortable, and I slept almost the whole day. I got up againat arouhnd five, talked to Sean for another twenty minutes, then went back to sleep. I felt heartened by the fact that I had managed to keep my apple juice down, and got part of a bowl of soup into me before falling asleep again at eight. it was a very relieving day after the craptaculosity of previous days, but laughing hurt and that disappointed.

I slept a good twelve hours before finally waking up Saturday--wait...yes, Saturday! lol--morning with a smile on my face because I finally felt better! and by better, I mean all I had was a headache, and dizzy spells. And if you had felt the way I felt before that you would know that that WAS much better! (was that yesterday? yes...yesterday was Saturday. honestly all day yesterday I kept thinking it was Monday. then I finally stopped but I thought it was Sunday. now for some reason I am thinking today is--Tuesday? my brains are scrambled.) anyways, I called Sean (wait, was yesterday the day I woke him up, or was Friday? I CAN'T REMEMBER!!! AAAARRRGGGHHH!!!) and made plans with him right away because I missed him so much! A bus turned out to be convenient for a change, so I got right off the tele with him, and caught it. We hung out for a while, noteably NOT kissing, for I am paranoid about giving him what I had if it is indeed the flu. I would feel horrible if I gave him what I had! I met his stepdad's parents who I know only as Granny, and Walt! They are very very sweet people! Apparently they were quite excited to meet me!Then the twins called, and it turns out Sarah Grounds was in town, so we went to the twins house and hung out with them, Sarah, Sarah's boyfriend Logan (from Courtenay) and three people and a baby I have never met before. We played Boggle!! Which I surprisingly DIDN'T come in last at, event hough they wouldn't let me have Yemen. Stupid proper nouns. blech! Then we all went to Woodgrove, where I lusted after New York Fries and stillettos, and Logan almost bought fuzzy pants from Le Chateau. That made my day. They weren't there, but if they had been Sean was going to try on a pair, and model them for us. If that had occured, boy that would have equaled endless amounts of amusement! but it didn't. *sigh*

anyways, then we went back to the twins house, and Sean wanted to get out of there, I think cause he was hungry. So he called his mom, and we walked up to Country Club to meet her. we stopped in Timmy's where I bought a MINISCULE cappacino! (I can't believe I wasted a dollar and a half on that dinky thing!) and I got Sean a donut. as we walked to Country Club I started getting a headache again which pissed me off. By that time I was HEARTILY done with being sick. It turned out to be my Febreze hat which was just too tight, and was cutting off my circulation, I guess. After I took it off, I felt much better. Anyways we met his mum there, and we went to Save-on and bought some groceries for supper. They bought two rotisserie chickens, and I APPROVED! mmm, I love deli food!

when we got home, almost everyone had to go out again, so me and Sean made some dinner for ourselves, and went downstairs to watch The Day After Tomorrow, which was very good, if ridiculously formula. I seriously predicted like half of it, which is pretty sad, but I still enjoyed it. After that, we "watched" The Last Samurai, but mostly just made fun of the movie, whenever the sound got loud enough to distract us from cuddlage!

***btw, it's now been another day in between trying to finish this post***

That was pretty fun. Then I think I went home. I am prett sure nothng special happened after that. And I really hope nothing did cause I am really sick of this entry. And today (it's taken me since Saturday--Saturday? I think it was Saturday--to write this...) I am really unhappy so I am going to go now. goodbye.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

I suppose it must be that time again...

I should really get around to sending Brad my template, huh? I bet these linkie posts get annoying.


Sean--my sensitive blog boy!

Babrabrabar--or, you know...Barbara *blush*

Brianna--my best friend!

Llowyn--cool cool cool.

Kevin--in Taiwan! I miss him!

Brad--Brad the Piano Man! gonna be a rockstar one day.

Tim-Tim--Gator's bf of awesemity!

Amay--a very cool twin, who also happens to be a snap pea.

Bethany--the other cool twin! green bean.

Chip--dates Bethany. buys chocolate. I approve!

Nicole--MINI LEADER UMPA HITLER! I am her umpa nazi.

Laura McNought--coolest choreographer of fantasticality there ever was!

Megan--biology shenanigans! what more could you ask for?

Mel--mwa-ha-ha! we have turned her to the dark side! BLOG!

Will--fun new MuTh friend! woo-hoo!!!

Tasha-Splash--gradded last year. angsty. like me two posts ago!

Geoff--my ex. listens to Drew too much.


Laura-Gator--forgot her password. don't expect much.

April--my acting friend!

Amanda--music at Malaspina! cool girl! Appolurgee-Us!

Ted--Brad's little brother. must have--a life, or something. huh...

Matt+Steph--Christian Theatre peeps from Vancouver.

Spencer--interesting girl.

Ty--skipped jazz choir today. grrr....

Alexis--hairless heep.

Foo--kinda myblog, so the fact that "he" hasn't posted is kinda my fault...

Niki--maybe she has been posting, and I just haven't been checking...

Sherayna--my sister. urgfh.





Dr. Smooth Comics--my craaazy friend Brianna's web comics that she did on Paint! lol! they're great!

Which Collective Member Are You?--Find out if you are Me, Gator, or Brianna! woo-hoo!!! slightly stereotypical...but w/e! Barba made it, cause she's COOL!

Which Dr. Smooth Comic Are You?--I was the Apple. Do you love me?

DW Productions--Devin, who is the best director/editor there EVER WAS! Working on two projects right now, Sean Mantta being one of them! YAY!

Amay and Bethany's Site of Tuna--these girls are so funnAY! and super talented at HTML!

Whisker's Corner--of AWESEMITY!!!

do do do, boredom sucks bigtime.

Beware of Dog

You are Alleah! A crazy midget like girl. You are obsessed with boys and blogs. You also like boys. And blogs. You have a tendancy to be hyper.

bwa-ha-ha, I got myself!!! Wow, is my mommy ever pissing me off. DO YOU WANT TO EAT SOME BABIES??? Caitlin, you are my hero!

bah humbug

for some reason, today sucks. it may have something to do with my family freaking on me from BEFORE the very moment I woke up. I was up at a nice normal time, ten after eight, which IS normal today because they're on a field trip, and I forgot to get my permission slip in, so I am home right now, and I am going to Math in an hour.

But at any rate, I woke up, and Mom came storming into my room, freaking out about towels of all things, and because I had a pile of them sitting, getting their little towel-y selves ready to be washed, she went postal on me, figuring that I had all the towels in my house hidden in my room, for absolutely NO other purpose than to confound her, and solely her. And maybe Sherayna. A little. But anyways, I freaked out at her right back, and my day was started bad right away.

Then I came downstairs, and I always check blogs, and post a few comments right away after getting up, right? It's normal, it helps me wake up to some extent. And this time, SHERAYNA comes in and freaks on me, saying that I shouldn't be on the computer ALL the time, and saying all these things about my motivation. (now if you know Sherayna, you know how ridiculous THAT statement is; that girl gives me a strong urge to punch things). She also told me that I didn't have my priorities straight, which is retarded. It's not like she's the most industrious cookie, when there's a computer to be on! I'm never home, which is why I haven't been contributing to the cleanliness of my home, but she has no excuse! She takes the kids to school. What else does she have to do that REQUIRES her to be on the computer, and not taking care of business? So she can just shut up.

Then Mom freaked out at me because I refused to use the number that she took down for me off of a phone message, because I couldn't understand it, and I had chosen to use the information April was going to send to me (this is for the ten dollars an hour acting job). So she got steamed at me, and forced me to look at her message, and decipher it with her (because clearly, I am a handicapped three year old, with NO capabilities of making my OWN choices that involve MY life), which turned out to be a message for a DIFFERENT job, which I can't do anyways, cause I CAN'T DRAW! And then she got mad at me because I wasn't going to call them back, and said that me, being interested in business, should "have respect for business etiquette" and all this crap.

By this time, I was in tears, because I had been yelled at all day. Now all I have been trying to do all day is have some alone time before I have to go back to school. God forbid that I should ever have time to myself. Sherayna was like, "you're a part of this family too, you know, you're never home, and when you are, you won't even play cards with us, and be sociable." give me a freaking BREAK already! I am out literally all day everyday, and when I get home, is it such a bad thing to want to relax, and be by myself? Obviously, so! No, I don't get alone time. When I'm home I have to pay attention to my family, because they are incapable of living without a game of cards, REGARDLESS of whether or not I even LIKE playing cards, WHICH I DON'T! And it doesn't even matter anyways, because you all know me, when I detest something, I never hide it, so I always end up ruining cards, anyways! And of course, they're too good to play two-player Brag, or even Crib, so if I don't agree to play cards with them, regardless of homework, sleepiness, or disposition, AND pretend to enjoy it, well I guess that gives them the right to bitch, and whine, and moan and drip and complain to me, because CLEARLY, I am the devil.

I feel angst.

You and me, Barbara, you and me.

Monday, October 18, 2004

*sputch!* hmm...your ejaculate tastes like eternal devotion!

today was ok. neglected first and second block, as par usual. Went to school, jazz choir was great, except, I realized that I didn't know the entire last half of Trickle Trickle because I was away the day sopranos learnt their part last week. So I sight read it, and it was passable! Yikes, hey?

Well, I FINALLY performed St. Joan, and blew. Not kidding. Absolute crap. I YELLED in the beginning! Can you beleive that? *erm, I'm Pinto the Fucktard, and I can't retain nine years worth of theatre long enough to remember to PROJECT, AND NOT YELL!* (fucking retarded, that's what I am.) I got ninety five percent on it, and yes, I am going to turn into Emily White, and say that that ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH. I can do better than that. My character was off. I was cheesy. Irritating, soppy, bad-acting cheese. Plus, the fans were on so there were clarity problems. I am reperforming tomorrow, as well as performing the scene that Sampson asked me to do with him. (know what's icky? I have to KISS him! well I don't actually. I'm supposed to, but I declared freeze and end-scene right before the crucial moment. because I'm a bitch. and have no desire to foul my lips with Sampson-ness.)

so I am unhappy with that. peer tutoring was alright, gave some good notes, taught a few kids stage directions. Bye Bye Birdie was pretty tedious, we were learning the Telephone Hour dance, which is maybe five movements in all. Easy easy easy. Then I went to Mel's and watched the Secret Garden. It was great! I especially enjoyed all the young animals frolicking, and being silly. Very comedic in a cutesy-but-not-cheesy way. (there were many c's in that sentence; and yet no alliteration! curious...)

and in other news, a certain Pinto has fallen HARD for a boy named Sean! Love has been flying through the telephone wires, via emails of joy! After he was hit on Saturday night, Sean wrote me an email which I replied to which he then replied to, which I replied to, and so on, and I just cannot contain my excitement and love! I realize I am sopping up my blog with syrup, and happiness but I cannot restrain myself! I--am a hopeless romantic. So there.

anyways, it's late, so I am going to write an email, then go to bed. For I must be up at five thirty. blech!!! goodnight, all! :D


yesterday was all in all pretty great. Panto was ok. Children's Chorus learnt our song, and our dance all in about an hour. Way too much information to process! Even I was having serious troubles with my coordination after a while! Then we went through the blocking of the scene that the song is in. I have been acting boy like, and sitting near the girl who plays Mary so as to be thought of as a possible Tom. I prolly have no chance, but I'm about the right height! lol!

however, our dance sucks bean stew to extraordinary lengths. Last year, I was cast as a dancer, and I got to know Anne McInuity-Gogo (our choreagrapher for this musical, too) pretty well. She's a wonderful person, but wow is she ever a boring choreographer. I have been spoiled by Laura and her awesemity! Even Mrs. Price in Singin in the Rain with her chorus lines, and fake tapdancing was better than Anne's choreography. Of course, I suppose it's partly because I am part of the Children's Chorus, and therefore am screwed for good anything anyways. But still! You'd think she could TRY to avoid box-steps, and head rolls! (yes, that's right, you heard me: HEAD ROLLS! *takes out gun, and puts it to head*)

Well, after that, Barba gave me a ride home, and I got changed, and finally did the stuff my mom had been asking me to do. I felt I kinda owed it to her, especially after her not getting mad at my blatant disregard of her wishes, and the fact that she was allowing me to see Sean that night IN SPITE of grounded-ness. Then I headed out, and picked up some stuff for Sean. Some candy, and an Intuitions card. Goodness, I love Intuitions!

Then I went to his house, and found him hibernating under a blanket with videogames! I did some more attempting to convince him to go to the doctor's and report it to the police, but most of it was in vain. I shall continue trying to convince him to go to the doctor's. He was acting concussion-y last night, and that makes me nervous. For instance, his pupils were doing some funky stuff. But at least he isn't broken in any obvious fashion! That's a good thing.

Anyways, we "watched" Men in Black, and snuggled all night. I'm so glad I got to spend some serious alone time with him. I have a strong feeling that I won't be seeing him much this week. And that makes me totally sad!

We had some very comforting conversations about things that needed to be talked about, and I felt much better afterwards. In fact, the whole night was totally filled with this wonderful atmosphere of love, and (oh, I am a goob) it made me so so happy!

Well, I am late for school again, so I think I am going to go jump in the shower, and run along! And think of Sean times a lot. laters!

Sunday, October 17, 2004

I am a fwump-a-lampa! FAIL!!!

my boy is INJURED! In insane quantities! Well, I actually dunno about his injuries, but he got flung several feet after getting hit by a drunk driver last night, so I am assuming he has been injured!

I feel so bad. I didn't want to leave him last night at all. Yesterday, my mom had forbid me to go anywhere that day, cause she wanted me to clean. But Sean had already left for the bowl, and I was supposed to meet him there. I totally refused to let him hang like that, so I made my mom let me go to the bowl to tell him that I couldn't stay the rest of the day. Then when I got there, Devin was there, and we all agreed that my mom was stupid. Then Devin peer pressured me into staying, and I totally melted cause I have no resolve. So we filmed a bunch. I fell right on my ass in the bowl. Then we walked to Devin's and watched the footage, and ate lotsa food! After that, Devin's mom gave us a ride to Barbara's, where we found out we were two hours early! lol! Barba was barely dressed. I had some fun with that! *wink!*

Then everyone got there, and we had a fun-taculous Girl's Night. All the girls hid in Barba's bedroom, reading Cosmopolitan. Everytime we found a trick we wanted to try out (that wasn't TOO raunchy) we called the boys in and tried it out on them, and then got their opinion! That was intense fun. Then we all sat in the same room (the "shunning" of the boys totally failed *FAIL!*) and Mel read us out things, and the boys were supposed to determine if they were sexy or unsexy! That was tons of fun! We got some interesting answers, actually! Especially from Tim-Tim the Debatorb! "I agree with the activity, just not how it's worded!" lol!

Anyways, I was extremely nervous about going home, because I was sure that I would be dead times a million. Remember that when I went to the bowl, it was supposed to be so that I could tell him that I couldn't stay, and then go right home. And at that point, I'd been out all day! And had only called home once (nobody answered).

So Sean walked me home, and allowed me to wear his shirt for I was cold! This left him in the comromising position of wearing short sleeves. But according to him, he was fine. And he never started shivering, or anything, so I assume he actually was! How chivalrous! My boy is fantastic!

After he left, however, he was riding home, and got hit by some drunk guy with his headlights off. Apparently he limped home in a pain-filled rage, and then typed cusswords furiously to Devin. He also sent me an email telling me what happened which is how I knew. Tonight, I cancelled filming with Devin, and I am going to Sean's tonight to make him un-depressed. I feel awful for him!

Anyways, I'm actually not supposed to be blogging at all, because my sister is a freak, and thinks that me blogging is giving the computer viruses. Dumb-ass. If anyone else is getting viruses from blogging, lemme know. If not, let your silence deafen, for I shall use it to prove myself right. ttyl!

Saturday, October 16, 2004

then they started fwumping and he sputched in her sqwunch-hole, creating enormous blasts of happy goo!

Nick 2.0 recently adopted a ska spider named Permordia Skabert. We love her/him/it. And my imaginiary penis has been identified as double chocolate cookie dough. It's my hooky penis dough!

(nobody is supposed to get that but Kelsey, and Nick, never you worry.)

I don't feel like blogging about my day. Most of it was good. Parts of it were bad. Sean, did we move up a base today, or not? I can't tell. Talk to me tomorrow...

I am off. Cause I am interested in other people's lives. jeez. *idiot!* lol, Napolean Dynamite. speaking of, Brad, and Chris Ruiz dressed up as Napolean Dynamite today and came to school dressed like it!!! It was totally sweet--except for the fact that it was pajama day! lol!

anyways, bye.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

hmmm, something smells like my childhood. do you smell it? do you smell my childhood?

Today was ok, in such a bland, un-unique, typical, everyday way. Know what I did? Absolutely nothing of any importnace. Except attend every single class. How boring of me.

I got to school ten minutes late, and rushed to Drama, cause I thought I had to perform my monologue today, but it turns out, only Devin's group went. They were good. I didn't get their scene at all. I was irked at Ashley and Joanne for taking my textbook without asking, but I merely retrieved it while glowering. Then I did something else, and returned to my place to discover Don had taken it, and my self control dissolved. I flipped at him. It's not that bad a transgression, but man was I pissy this morning. Honestly, I was Nazi Pinto times a really enormous number. It was insane. Then I finished my character work, and handed it in. Today was the absolue last day I could hand it in, and the Storyline Analysis was confounding me, so I just ignored the last page, and welcomed my seventyfive percent with open arms. Which is retarded, cause I did more work on that stupid thing that anyone in that class. Seriously, I have the reams and reams of notes to prove it. Pages and pages of double-sided printout with hi-liter, and pen covering it plus pages of drafts, just to produce three measley pages of character. I am a pathetic human being.

Then was Peer Tutoring which brought my mood up. Mrs. Tinnion had to yell at them for like ten minutes in the very beginning and threaten them with a fifteen minute detention (which is surprising even for her) before they would calm down. I told the class that I believed in them, and they all looked at me cheery-like. Then we began doing some scene work, and again, the class seemed cheery, and accepting of this diminutive upper classman in their midst. I actually felt like I accomplished something in that class which made me feel happy. Also, during Peer Tutoring, I realized that I had never gotten anyone to watch my monologue, and give me notes on it. Which was prolly cause I didn't even finish the character work until that day. But at any rate, I talked to Mrs. Tinnion about it, and she offered to allow me to do it in front of the Eights! woo-hoo! though a bit frightening a notion. but it'll prolly make 'em feel smart to give me notes on my performance instead of me giving them notes on theirs like usual. So that's coming up first thing tomorrow morning! And the next block after that, I'm doing the actual performance!!! yikes!

Lunch was okay. I got beat on by Brianna. Laura bought me a chocolate cupcake which brought me joy. Gareth called Brianna an arrogant hypocrite, and meant it. Which intimidated me. I think they are spending too much time together. I also think Brianna is getting very close to spending too much time with Mel. Mel, and Brianna can get very catty together, and this is fine, because Mel confines it to the conversation itself. But Brianna has been getting bitchier and bitchier, and just plain mean lately, and I think it may have something to do with bleed-over from Mel-Brianna-nasty-gossip. Not that I think they shouldn't spend time and have bitchfests together. But Brianna should make certain that she contains her bile to those bitchfests. She's turning into a big ole meanie, and that makes me sad.

Also, know what makes me a little irked? The fact that Barbara's Girls Night she had planned for this Saturday has turned into a COUPLE'Y-TYPE NIGHT, but NOT, because the couples aren't even allowed to see each other! This I believe is complete anarchy, for this is a girls night. And if it is a girls night, there should be NO BOYS ALLOWED. However, it worked out that Llowyn had to come over this weekend, and so Barba invited Gareth to keep him company, and then Martha wanted to come, and she told Tim, and Tim wanted to come, so Barba gave up, and told me to invite Sean (which I have done), BUT STILL! It is neither fair to Brianna to impose our couple-y-ness on her, because she'll actually be the ONLY single one there, nor would it be true to the concept of girlhood to have ANY males around on girls night, and Llowyn is going to be there ALL NIGHT LONG! urgfh! know what that means? NO GIRL TALK FOR US!!!! THIS IS NOT FAIR!

So, I am sorry, boys, I do love you all dearly, but I must make my opinion clear: I vote for boylessness on Girls Night! All those with me? SAY AYE!

At any rate...where was I? oh yes. Lunch time. So that was fun. Then I attended BOTH of my afternoon academics, liek a good girl should, adn in Socials, I worked so hard, I got ALL my homework done in class. (though I am still ridiculously behind; I have forty seven percent! yikes!) and in Math, I felt very very good about myself because I understood it all very very well, and felt very confident while doing my quiz, but then the bastardly bell had to go so Mr. Gordan said I could take my quiz home and finish it, because I had choir and had to go.

So, then I went to choir, and it rock-s0red! We were on the stage, cause the band had borrowed the choir piano for a gig. I was in the back row with Emily, and April-Katherine, cause I am sillay, and wanted to sing with them. And because we were not on risers, I couldn't see Sharon's directions (wow, it is impossible for me to think of her as Mrs. Sinclair anymore! must be hanging with Amanda the other night! lol!), and so I stood on my chair! It amused me. I have a feeling that Sharon felt this made my voice stand out too much, but she didn't say anything, because for some reason whenever the entire choir was singing, the ONLY SOPRANOS YOU COULD HEAR WERE ME AND APRIL! Literally, I am not even kidding! Gareth, Laura, back me up here. Especially while learning the new part of I'll Be Home for Christmas. During that, April kept talking, and as a result she didn't know where we were in the music, so I was LITERALLY the only one singing. When she worked with the sopranos by themsleves, it was practically like she was working with me alone! Which is a good thing, cause I got some good notes, that I could actually apply to my own voice, and singing. One Tin Soldier sounded okay, though I am seriously going to shoot whoever it is that makes that same mistake over and over and over in the chorus! Whoever it is, they're SINGING IT WRONG! They are not singing what's in the music, they're singing it the way they think it should be, and if they continue doing it, I swear I'm going to break their arm! Especially if it's that retarded Lee kid. Cause he actually makes me want to breathe fire and brimstone. I'm going to eat that kids' spleen one day in angst, and malice. Then we worked on I'll Be Home for Christmas, which was, like I said, basically me and other sections. lol! Nah, jk, it was good. We learnt a new part, and I like it except for the fact that it makes NO SENSE RYTHMICALLY! It confounds me badly. But then we worked on the prayer, and I was SO SURPRISED! Cause I did it SO WELL! It was ridiculous! Nary a stray note, nor a mistaken phrase! I looked at my music in the right places, and watched for cutoffs in the right places (for some reason, I must be the only soprano who understands direction; cause seriously the other girls--and Lee the prepubescent freakazoid--would either trail off on the sustained notes or ignore Mrs. Sinclair when she cut us off, and hold as long as it pleased them to! That was very infuriating.

After choir, I took the bus home with Megan Coots. I normally don't like busing home with anyone because it's my "alone time." It is literall;y the only time I get to myself. At home there are always kids or Sherayna or Mom or Ken there. At school--well, it's school. So transit has become my yoga. But for some reason today, I thought it was going to be a bother, but then it wasn't. We ended up talking and I didn't mind it so much!

Then I got home and ate copious amounts of Pringles while sitting on top of the shed that Mom is building. It was fun!

Now I am here organizing a big drinking party when my sister-in-law comes out to visit! She wants to see if I can drink her under the table, lol!! Now I am bored. I feel like reading other people's blogs. ta-ta for now!

Do You Love an Apple?

You are the Apple!
You ask too many questions, and I would like to eat you.

I am an APPLE!
What Dr. Smooth comic are YOU???

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

today I heard a broccoli go 'plop'

today was--interesting. (shhhh! don't ask me why! I'm typing as quietly as possible in hopes that my mom who is asleep in the living room doesn't hear it and wake up and rage on me.)

I went to school usual. *blush* I went to the mall with Kelsey instead of going to Socials. Then after, I took a bus to Sean's house, but Ian was there, so I chickened out. Then I went home, and told everyone I was sick. And funny thing was, while I was there, I actually did feel sick! It was kinda creepy. Anyways, then Sean signed on, and we talked and he told me to go to his house, so I did. I told Mom I was "attempting school, and rehearsal." She gave me a six-thirty curfew. I just got home. It's twenty after ten. :S

Sean's was fabulous, as usual. When I got there, he was in the shower, so Ian (who was heading to work) told me to let myself in, and wait in the living room. So I did. I enjoyed it immensely when Sean came up the stairs with no shirt on, and just froze like a deer in headlights when he saw me! It was funny. We decided to watch a movie, and I picked Monsters Inc. which was funny. I had never seen it. I laughed during it many times. Then we sat on the couch and kind of talked about stuff/kissed/cuddled until his mom, and Tuula and Ian came home. We ate stir fry, and strawberry milk which was DELICIOUS! Then we went downstairs, and talked/kissed/cuddled some more.

And now I am tired, and afraid of my mother so I am going to bed.

btw, for those who did not know, yesterday, I hung out with Amanda Rossiter. We went to her house and looked at pictures, and then I sat in on a part of her band class. That was ultra-confusing. I'm such a music-nerd. I love it so, but I know nothing about it. anyways, does that make you feel better, Amanda??? lol!

anyways, night night! *cower, shifty eyes*

i wish i was a sex lizard...

so yeah, that was quite the dream I had last night.

I was hanging oput with Sean at his house, but somehow he had my bed. Which is a yucky twin-size while he actually has a queen. We were hanging out, and things got interesting. In my dream. Then I started reading a Bible (WHILE things were interesting) and I opened to a passage about sex. But the passage was filled with nonesense words! It was like, "Then they grumpled and began fwumping, and God was garbled." And I started laughing in the middle of what Sean was doing.

The the dream changed to me and my grandparents, my mom, Ken, and Sean out at Smoker's Point except Smoker's Point was in Australia, and right by a huge swamp thing. And the chemicals in the swamp made all the colors like highliter colors. And then a dingo/kangaroo thing came hopping up to us, and we all cooed at it until more of them came up to us, and eventually we had like five kangaroo/dingo things cuddled at our feet. Then Ken tried to hug me and I pushed him away forcefully. Then we ALL went to school, but school was somehow down Nicol Street. So we were all walking on Nicol Street when Gareth came walking, also to school, coming from the general direction of Haliburton or Irwin Streets. I told him about the passage in the Bible with the sex, and the fwumping. And he said he knew what I was talking about.

Then I woke up. Cause Mom opened the door. So yeah. I'm a freak. No mopre Chips Ahoy before bedtime...

Monday, October 11, 2004

mmm--good, you. explain me.

lol! that made me laugh so hard...I almost peed!

Tonight was Thanksgiving at Gator's with Brianna, and her mom, and Tim, and Sean, and Mel. It was fantastic! great food, fabulous company, and many many many games to entertain ourselves with! Before dinner, the girls and I ran through our set for the fundraiser (which may or may not be cancelled, no one knows, ask Amanda) and people gave us feedback on which songs to sing. Our set list may be entirely wonked around because of that. But again, no one knows. For some reason I sucked extremely badly, especially during I Will Follow Him, and Lonesome Road. There was a very stubborn persistant frog stuck in my esophagus that was especially determined to frustrate me a lot. My solos blew walrus guts far distances. However, Sincerely was awesome. As usual. :D As was One Fine Day which is why I want to open with IT, NOT stupid icky bad irksome evil I Will Follow Him.

After that, we ate yummy turkey and yam and corn, and potatoes, as well as special vegetarian dishes for the three strange ones. It was very very very good food. And there was much talking and joking across the dinner table, and much laughing. I enjoyed it a lot. It was like that was my true family Thanksgiving, cause it was with the people that I most enjoy being with. All the people I could have wanted there were there, and we all ate good food, and were good company and laughed many times, and I was totally happy! I like my friends... *warm glow*

after dinner, we played Pit, a game of screaming, and malice while trading groups of cards. I won not a once, but it was okay. I was mostly there for the screaming! lol! After that, we ate the BEST PIE IN THE WORLD! There was chocolate pecan pie, and pumpkin pie, both of which were orgasmic, and blueberry pie which I did not sample for I was busy scarfing chocolate pecan, and pumpkin pie at the same time. Yes that's right. At the same time. So there. We also had very very very yummy tea, and related various parent-related movie laughter, and drunk stories. I think I embarrassed my mom, but not too bad, cause it was mentioned later during another game, and she just laughed. Then we played that funny octopus/category/blinking light game. It confounds me a lot. It's not so much that I forget people's categories, but that I am so slow thinking of one before they think of mine. Not usually. But today. Today I am exceptionally stupid. Hmmm... After that, we played yet another enjoyable game, this one involving odd bits of turquoise-colored technology. These included a beeping timer thing, and a disk that showed you a word or phrase. Whichever thing you got, you had to explain it to your teammates without saying any part of the word, or saying what it started with, or saying what it rhymed with. I turned outt o be surprisingly good at that game. I enjoyed the whole explaining thing, cause I usually caught on to a clear way of explaining it tha wouldn't take up too much time quickly after seeing the word. I was proud. My team won! :D

Then people had to go home. Sadly. Mel forgot her keys, and we had to bring them to her. The ride home was filled with discussing me beating up my cousin Justin, and Sean maybe beating up Drew. It was interesting to say the least.

But I had such a good time, and I laughed so hard! I loved it! It was a truly truly wonderful night. I am joyous, except for the thought of going to school tomorrow. blech! blech, I say.

goodnight all!

my dogs pwn me at puppy-dog eyes--and I'm pretty good!

yes, it is indeed quite difficult to be disciplinary, and strict with a misbehaving Ahrodie-dowg when she looks up at me with lowered ears, and beseeching eyes, and says, "pleeeaaase, pleeeeaaaase don't be mad at me mummy..." then she stands, EVEN THOUGH I am commanding her to lie down, and places her recalcitrant little head in my lap begging for comfort and understanding, and I just cannot help myself, I must giggle in appreciation. After that, my cause is lost. She looks up, happiness filling her heart, and waggles her tail, and stands, overjoyed that I am no longer mad at her. Then she jumps at me, and stands in the lap that formerly gave her shelter and gives me many a kiss upon my cheek and chin.

:D she's so cute!!!

I have a great urge to consume eggs!

cheese is filling my life! this brings me joy, and good dreams. Sherayna just brought home an enormous bag of cheese puffs! methinks it is a day of cheese puff gorging. num num.

wow, that sentence reminds me of--Amay!

OMgoodness! Sherayna brought me home my very own candy pizza! I am a nerd, but one that has candy galore!

I am in such a great mood today! very giggly, and happay. Me mummy and I had many chickles, and chortles and chuckles over a comment of Barbara's (yummy, egg sandwich!) that she left on the previous post. that my desire for egg has been satisfying, I feel boredom setting in. must entertain myself!

know what's odd? Uncle Dave is still here! I had thought he had just come for a visit, but he has ended up staying here this entire weekend. I'm kinda out of the loop.

I feel like--webgames! bye all!

today made me happay!

What did I do you ask? well, in all, I gorged myself on ham (blech), sweet potatoes, broccoli, chardonnay, and pickles for Thanksgiving, then went to Sean's, went on the computer for a while, watched the Santa Clause, went to Institute with him (their church is ENORMOUS! I want to live there), then went back to his house and ate French truffles, and taco salad, and watched more Santa Clause and talked for many hours. Then he took me home.

It was a ton of fun! When Gramma and Grampa arrived, they brought with them embarrassing wedding pictures from Virginia, of me dancing with tall Marines. They also brought embarrassing pictures of me looking disapproving at Kaelyn's birthday. That amused.

When Sean came to pick me up, he was wearing a suit! From church, I spose. Ken and Uncle Dave embarrassed me by being "fatherly" and I blushed lots. Then we went to Sean's house where we had two rousing games of Othello. I won once by a large margin, and he won the next time by a not-THAT-large margin. Oh, thrill and excitement.

Then we put on the Santa Clause, cause I was in a Christmas-y mood. We tried out the new couch his mom bought, and discovered it was mega-comfy. During said movie, much cuddling was done, and many kisses were exchanged. That always brings up my mood!

Half-way through, we had to stop the movie, and go to Institute, which is like seminary for adults. Bethany and Amay were there, as was Chip, and Troy, and Sean's Aunt Wynonna (sp?) and Uncle Lee. Very interesting! I was very curious. In religions, we never got to study Mormonism, so i really know nothing about it's tenets, or worship systems or anything, so I was paying lots of attention trying to figure out things from what they were studying. This proved to be rather fruitless. I still know not much about Mormonism. However, I did discover that in their bible study they focus on religious figures more historically relevant, such as Joseph Smith, than Anglicanism does. curious.

anyways, that was interesting. after that, Sean took me on a tour of the church which is HUMONGOUS!!! I seriously want to live in that church for the rest of my life. It makes me want to convert to Mormonism desparately! It has a gym, and a stage, and about a hundred and one classrooms, and TWO nursery/primary type places. It was seriously astonishing. And the sanctuary-type-thing looks much bigger than St. James' but actually, I believe St. James' may actually be bigger. St. James certainly DOESN'T have better acoustics, though!!! So yeah, I totally want to move into that church and live there for the remainder of my life. :)

then we went back to Sean's house, ate some taco salad, and some AMAZING French chocolate. And Sean teased me about my milk connisseur-ness. *blush* It all came about one day when he gave me milk to drink, and I tasted it, looked over and asked if it was one percent. I swear, I could tell the difference! It was insane!

then we put The Santa Clause back on, and finished that up. Neither of us like the woman who plays the mom. She bugs me. And the stepdad reminds me of an alien-toad. He creeps me out times a million. blech!!!

after that was over, we just sat, and cuddled and talked about stuff. my nose began to run. I chased it. k, that was lame! but yes, I have a feeling I may be upset with myself in the next couple of days if I get sick. bah humbug.

I feel so Christmas-y!

anyways, at midnight, Sean said he wanted to get me home so that Mom didn't get mad at him for keeping me out all night, which I though was very sweet and chivalrous. So we went upstairs, and his mom took a really long time to get ready, during which time, we talked about things like skateparks, building one, sponser businesses, and whether or not Sean could ride for a living. I personally think it is right up his alley. But he didn't sound very committed to the idea. Too bad. I think he'd do really well.

Me and him are kind of weird sometimes. And I don't just mean in the whoopee cushion/dollar store tiara kind of ways, or the odd, immature inside joke kind of ways (my bum cracked!!!). Me and him are weird cause we seem to have both picked out features to like that the other one hates. For instance: today he said he really liked my nose. Well, all of you know how I feel about my nose! It is a malicious nob of cartilage that exists for the sole purpose of confounding me! I think his wonky elbow that he broke when he was a baby, and never healed right is cool because it doesn't straighten all the way. It bugs him a lot. Isn't that strange? I find it strange.

Phew! I'm pooped! Relating my big day to you guys tuckered me out twice as much because I lived it right through again! ho ho ho. that was a yawn, not a Santa impresonation. although...I am feeling Christmas-y! So I think it is off to bed I go. Merry Thanksgiving to all, and to all a good night!

Sunday, October 10, 2004


has anybody else noticed that I seem to be posting less and less lately? this rather alarms me. I shall not attempt to remedy that with this post because I really have absolutely nothing to say.

However, there is something I must put forth into the world. And if people are lazy and just don't read my blogs well I can't say they weren't warned.

I seem to be venturing back into the realm of nazi...

yeah, I know, this is a really really really bad thing. I am not, as yet, fully nazi-ized, but I can feel the potential for total bitch burbling, and bubbling within. I shall do my very very best to keep this evil inside, but let it be known that it is there, and it may come raging to the surface very soon. Right now, I am in the depressed stage of devoloping nazi-dom. When I begin to lash out at people (as I did last night to Geoff on msn) then the ball begins to roll. I will try hard hard hard to keep my ill feeling out of school, and choir, and MuTh, but if it should arise, please tell me. Just don't be mean about it. Brutal honesty I can take, spite is too much for nazi-Alleah to handle.

If anyone has any advice as to how to maybe avoid this nazi-ness altogether, please please please drop me a line, because there are many times when my self-control fails me. And last year sucked, mostly because of me. I DON'T WANT that to happen again.

well, Gramma, Grampa, Ken, and Uncle Dave are all here for Thanksgiving and Gramma and Grampa brought down this beautiful drawing of Great Gramma and Grampa Stevenson that is absolutely gorgeous! It took place of pride above the brownish couch shunting the sailing picture to in the front hallway. It's so pretty, and Mom was absolutely thrilled. I have already claimed it for inheritance. Rather morbid, I realize, but if I don't end up with that picture, I am going to pitch a fit. That picture and the painting that Auntie Barb painted that lives in my grandparents dining room. If I don't get those two pictures for inheritance, I will seriously die. And then where will you all be??? I mean, really.

so I am absolutely disgusting, and need to do some serious laundry before Thanksgiving pictures, so I am off to do that. Bye bye, all.

Saturday, October 09, 2004

that's right, Drew! kiss this!

You came from heaven. Your gole in life is to help
others and to make the world a better place.
Some call you weak, but in reality your soul is
very strong. If only more people were like

Where did you come from?
brought to you by

'that girl' indeed

Thanks, Drew for ruining my life once again.

"My best buddy and lead lefty guitarist, Geoff, is in a deep blue funk tonight. Poor guy. He's listening to the devilspawn, the Bitch of Belsen, the Madame Mimm of Wellington. God I hate her, and I'm not afraid to say it. She couldn't be better at turning happy people into miserable sonovabitches. I hope she dies painfully."

a lot of you know Drew's story. a lot of you don't. suffice it to say that Drew lied to me about one of the most important things to happen to me thus far. Then he blamed it on me and Geoff, and friend-divorced us. for what? cause he couldn't stand sharing Geoff with me. might I add that at this time, Drew was one of my very best friends, and I valued him so much. After Geoff and I broke up, Drew, I guess, drifted back into Geoff's life. I have nothing to say on that. if Geoff chooses to surround himself with people like that, then I am not surprised he's depressed. Now all I find is hatred in some one who was once my best friend.

my question is this: seriously, what did I do? I thought I was merely being cautious asking Drew if he had a problem with me and Geoff. It turned out I was right. since then I have had NO CONTACT with him. what have I done? and Geoff, yes, I DEFINTELY want your comments on this one.

from now on any signal I give you means "I am wearing a top hat"

apologies for soon-to-be lack of updates. my computers have issues. both of them. blech!

Uncle Dave is over! I haven't seen him in a long time. Don't wanna wait til tomorrow to see Sean. gotta call him and decide what we're doing. Practicing today was ok, though we didn't get very far, and Laura was pissy, and Brianna was antisocial, and I was stupid so it was a big old lack of afternoon. bah!

I am boring. and still hungry. URGFH! what's with this, already? why won't my stomach just fill and be happy already? I know. because it hates me, and wishes to make me fat. I'll get you for this, fiend.

k, I'm boring, farewell.

Friday, October 08, 2004

try not to marry a man named phlegm--or herpes.

above quote compliments of Sean's stepdad Ian, who was even more comical that usual today. He compared the way Sean's butt looked when he was a baby to a duck, and even imitated his walk! I guffawed many times. He also called Sean gimpy and told him he was shaped funny. For those of you who witnessed my bad mood today, you understand how well this behavior appealed to my current sense of humour and state of mind! (ack, I'm kind of talking like Ian! craz-ay!) I reduced Sean to a pile of giggling hyucks on the floor today by tockling him mercilessly! I do so enjoy doing that! He may be bigger and stronger than me, but "the bigger they are, the harder they fall". Or in this case, the more vigorous their laughter convulsions while being tickled.

Other than that, today sucked. Don't particularly want to get into details. Drama sucked, Math sucked, MuTh sucked (WEIRD!), life basically sucked. But I got a hug from one of my peer tutor grade eights! She just ran up to me and gave me a random hug for no reason! It was awesome! Other than that, the day was crappy, and useless, and I should have just skipped the whole day and gone to see Sean. except that he was cutting carpet, and couldn't pay much attention to me. mrrgfh.

k, I'm babbling. it's quarter to twelve right now, I am off to check blogs, eat some food, and then sleep. yay, sleep.

PS: I am rather emo right now, so watch out.

woo-hoo, Fetuses!

I adopted a cute lil' superman fetusfrom Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!

I adopted a cute lil' cow fetusfrom Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!

I adopted a cute lil' emo fetusfrom Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!

I adopted a cute lil' poison fetusfrom Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!

Thursday, October 07, 2004


I'm hysterical!!

why is YOUR livejournal annoying?

is this true, people? I demand feedback!


* Llowyn laughs so hard in disbelief, his spleen erupts into fragments of joy and hilarity*

yeah, so anyways. I really have nothing to say today. up with God, down with French Crusaders. and yes, even Joan of Arc. who I am playing. BAH!

I don't think I got a role in Babble Rap, which effectively ruins my life, and I am NOT being hyperbolic here, I needed a lead role in Babble Rap for scholarships and since I haven't got one I won't be able to pay for college ending in death by finance for Alleah. *sigh*

in other news, I got my pictures today, and for some reason--they don't suck! go figure! my hair is all curly and golden-y, and my makeup DOESN'T look ridiculous! props!

today I had substitutes in every single class, so instead of doing any work in any of them, I did character work on Joan of Arc all day. I have twelve pages of notes with hi-liter and pen all over them, plus a list of even more things I have to research, and the very beginnings of my character sketch. It's pretty craz-ay. However at the end of the day, I reread my monologue, and all the added knowledge of Joan of Arc's story added this fantastic element to my voice that gave me much pleasure.

so that's all. I am apathetic today. and besides I must save my energy for homework, picture-list making, and missing Sean. see y'all later.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

wait, a sec...isn't today Oct 6? I posted today already? no I didn'! ack!

k, anyways....

I am feeling melodramatic today. thats prolly why I am wearing a tiara! the tiara that Sean bought me! cause I'm his Princess!!! *blush* oh, I am a goob. goob goob goob.

anyways, the past three days rock-s0red! and by three days, I mean last night, and parts of today, but really I am too lazy to actually say that so i'll pick out a blind number, then spend more energy explaining myself then I would have if I had just said what I meant in the first place...


anyways, last night, I broke my down-with-Sean-up-with-homework rule by seeing A Shark Tale with him, and then going to his house for a short time. And I don't regret it one bit! nanananananaaaaaaa! I discovered he had thoughtfully bought me a gift! He stole my idea, and got me a big ole dollar store orgasm, consisting of 1) poo. yes. you heard me. poo. 2) a tiara! 3) a chew toy that brings me much pleasure. 4) a bean frog named Felix. Laura and I plan to use him to make homemade Intuitions cards with! *his name is Felix. we're friends.* 5) rose tattoos 6) a poopy hippo key chain. 7) a rubber havoc machine! it springs. that's all you get to know. and 8) a card filled with Princess stickers, and joy. that was my gift! :) it was wrapped in a bag that said love, so it shall henceforth be known as the love bag.

know what's strange? tomorrow (or Saturday, depending on how you look at it) is me and Sean's one month! WEIRD! it does not feel like I've been dating him for an entire month. I think that's a good thing...I am not sure. But I think it is. In anycase, I'm certainly not complaining!

also last night, before the movie, we went to a dollar store, and had EVEN MORE DOLLAR STORE FUN!!!!!!! crazay! We threw a ball around, and discovered the whoopee cushion choir. That made me unbelievably happy. In such an unwholesome way! Man, we are so immature! But I don't care.

also, after the movie, at Sean's house, he played me some new LOTR music he bought, which was very cool, except that it's accompaniment music. So he mentioned getting me to sing, and I was instantly embarrassed. I would be so shy, singing alone in front of him. I dunno, I'm a goob, I can sing alone in front of total strangers, but it's totally different with Sean.

Anyways, then today was boring, and rather frustrating. actually, frustrating is too harsh a word. it was--discouraging. Socials was mind-destroying, Math--well, I didn't go to math. That's a story all on it's own! Lunch was jazz choir, and enjoyable! *trickle trickle. splash splash.* Drama was frustrating. I did another readthrough for the Babble Rap part, which I am now doubting I'm going to get cause today I blew monkey ass out my nostrils in crapdammitness. Then peer tutoring was death in irritating grade eight form. MuTh was even more aggravating because of minute differences in the director's music and my music, that confounded Pinto the Retarded. Confounded her into insanity. How can one teeny tiny note create so much grief for one poor midget-y girl??? I ask you!

After MuTh, Gator came over to my house, and we sang on the bus, and were hyper at the bus stop, and played the word association game on the second bus, and all the way down the street to my house. We laughed hysterically. Especially when I said "heart" and she said "empty" but I thought she said "healthy"....snort! I mean. well, it was funny at the time! big meanies. anyways, at my house, we ate noodles, and talked to Tim on msn, who is now officially HEART-LESS! (mwa-ha-ha, Gator!) We also talked to other people, sang a bit in my wonderful stairwell of acoustics-ness. I showed her the beginning of the end of the song! lol! By that, I mean I showed her what I have of the last verse. I haven't finished writing it yet, but Gator is arranging what I do have. Pretty soon, Collective is going to be singing original tunes! woo-HOO! Although, considering they're mine, I dunno how good of a thing that is... *cringe*

Yeah, i have to go back to skipping Math, cause it was one of the most enjoyable parts of the day, today! Me, Jen, Kelsey, and Jake went to the mall, and just hung out. We sat on couches, and discussed bisexuality, tattoos, and naming our genetalia. (my area is now named Fenis; and yes that's an inside joke, and no you don't get to know) Kelsey's was going to be Frank'n'furter, but then she changed it to Adolf Hitler. Jen's was Liberachi. Jake was being shy. :P Then we went into Wall Street, and tried on trend whore clothes, and *terror* I found a dress that I would kill to own! I want it so bad, it actually somehow makes my ankles look better! paired with strappy heels, I would own the universe. if anybody feels the need the waste an extra fifty bucks, well call me up. Then we went to Bootlegger, and discussed how much we wanted all the underwear there. Then we went back to school.

So that was my past couple of days. Pretty fab. A little irritating. I have decided--that I need chocolate. Now. talk to yall later.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004


blogger is WORKING again! that brings such joy to this little heart of mine!

this little heart needed some joy too. for two whole days, blogger would neither allow me to sign in to my account at all, let alone publish, NOR post comments on other people's blogs!!! I have had so much to say, but have been unable to say it!!! :( censorship sucks.

anyways, updates on Alleah's life look melodramatically bleak. I am late AGAIN for peer tutoring which makes me feel unbearably sad, for today it is for the mere reason of sleeping through my alarm ONLY! I feel awful! My tutees "depend on me" (oh I'm a goob) plus I'm on "trial" for attendance, so if I am late again, Tinnion will fire me for sure, and my glorious glorious directing opportunities will be gone for sure.

and I can't see Sean at all this week. I am so sad!!

that's my insatisfactions of the moment. I also feel for my poor mummy, because she is injured in extraordinary amounts. A few days ago, she was attacked by a Labrador, and has enormous lacerations and bruises all over one side of her body. And then like yesterday, she burnt her arm on the fireplace really badly, and she has this huge angry red burn on her arm that is like three and a half inches across by two inches tall. She is in such pain, and I so feel bad for her... :(

so I have to go place shoes on my tiny feet in preparation for slinking off to school with my tail between my legs. have fun, all.

Sunday, October 03, 2004


today has started as a hum-drum day indeed. Last night was Spencer's party which was enjoyable if not scandal-laden, or particularly eventful. I missed the last bus home, so Geoff gave me a ride home. He told me a long drawn-out story of schenanigans while newly "N"-ed. He also paid absolutely no attention to his driving whatsoever, and we went the wrong way like three times, he almost stopped at a green light. And he was making fun of other drivers!!! Oh, Geoffrey! *shakes head*

but that was last night. today is totally dull. I woke up, and immediately got drafted for cleaning for relatives visiting today. It's Great Uncle Bob, and his wife coming to visit, I am so excited!!! I love Uncle Bob, he's awesome. woo-eee, speaking of which, they're here! now I gotta go be all hostess-y, and stuff.

bye bye

Saturday, October 02, 2004


yesterday rocked! I am so excited for everything ever!!!!

at school I was in such a good mood, cause I finally got my drama textbooks in D Block, and I am just so jazzed about that! I chose like four different monologues that I wanted to do, and there's one that I am excited to do for class. It's a Joan of Arc monologue. I haven't memorized it yet, or started the character work, but just doing read throughs makes me SO happy! plus Mr. A gave me this other monologue to maybe do for my CCPA audition (coming up in January! YIKES!!!). It is so funny, it's about this nine-year-old vegetarian who is so full of herself! It's absolutely hysterical! *oops, I forgot to give Mr. A back his book. crap.*

then in C Block, I got a lot of random stuff that had to be done done. AND, joy of joys, I switched out of Entreprenuership!!! Yay!!! Now I'm Peer Tutoring grade eight drama. I am so excited, Mrs. Tinnion sounded so excited to have me do the peer tutoring which is WEIRD because she has hated me in every single class we've ever done together, especially last year's. Anyways, the group is totally ridiculous and not very well behaved, so I am really nervous about finding the right balance of friendliness, and authority. Mrs. Tinnion said she wanted me to approach this like a directing, or student teaching opportunity, so I am going to have more authority over the group than a normal peer tutor. And she's going to let me direct some things, and run some activities! This is going to be great practice for if I ever decide to actually open that school that I want to have.

So that totally brought my mood up to fantastic heights, and I was in such a good mood, then Gareth wanted to go to Subway, and I realized that I still had two dollars, and a bunch of nickels and dimes left from my money stash. So I bought--A SUB FOR LUNCH! I mean, come on, that is the height of contentment, seriously. Lotsa drama, no Entreprenuership, have gotten into every single thing I hoped to get into this year (haven't heard about jazz choir, but that's a no-brainer, I am positive I got in) and a MEATBALL SUB??? Heaven on Earth. Then in the afternoon, I went to my academics for the first time in like a week, and everybody was happy to see me, I even made new friends with this random guy who kind of reminds me of Sean when his hair was long. I can't 'member his name, but he amused me, so it's all good. He sits near me now, with all my ultra cool Grade Eleven friends! I ate my sub, and went and talked to Mr. Strachan about ahving been away for so long, BEFORE he had to coem and seek me out, so i gained good favor for that. (brownnoser) Then I picked myself an essay topic, and it took me about ten minutes to prepare my notes for my essay this weekend which is going to be so easy it'll take me like a half an hour! Then I went to Math, which was super-easy, and I finally figured out something that has been plagueing me for two years! (*I am an inverse!*) Helped Sam/Gimpy get to her locker (she cut off the top of her toe last night. :S) and gave her some of my water to wash down her painkillers with. Felt quite humanitarian for that! lol!

Then I got to go to MuTh!!! Woo-HOO!!! A little disconcerted that Sean wasn't at my locker before we left for the bus, but I didn't think anything of it, cause we hadn't ever made any definate plans for meeting. I figured he'd meet me at Dover. Which is what he'd been planning on doing until his mom took until like five to get home. Over MuTh, I got more and more and more discouraged about him being able to make it on time. However, I did get mucho compliments from Devin, and we hung out, and he guarded my stuff, and helped me figure out my turns. I also learned a whole new dance to Livin--crap i can't 'member the rest of the title. Livin' Something, anyways... WHOLE LOTTA LIVIN TO DO. That's it. Learned that dance, which makes me feel very feminine, cause that arms, are all fifitiesh and stuff! *giggle, blush* Also, I got hugs from a lot of people and had a no-legs race with Martha. I won! *air five!* After MuTh, Sean STILL wasn't there (I called him like four times, and made whiny sounds that i am NOT proud of over the phone to him about his absence.), so I sat down and opened my textbook to wait for him. I guess people thought I looked sad, cause Marcus-Warcus-Walrus came and sat down beside me, and announced that I looked like I needed someone to sit with. Also, even more people gave me hugs, either because they were leaving, or because I looked like I needed them, which made me ultimo happy! People are AWESOME. Especially people that I know!

So I sat with my beloved Joan of Arc monologue, and mulled over technicalities, like accent and pauses, and rythm, and that made me overjoyed to be alive! I love monologues! And finally Sean showed up! YAY! I gave him his "bag of tricks* and he was quite entertained for much of the evening. Especially with the head thinger. In all, I got him a head band with antennae which had sparkly bobbly things on the end; a whoopee cushion *blush*; a teddy bear; four random toys, a fish, a snake, an octopus, and a pink spider, which Sean scared the wits out of his mum with; a bunch of candy, including this weird soother-thing with fake buck teeth on the end, popeye sticks, nerds, and double bubble gum; and an inuitions card with handsome prince stickers all over the inside!. Woo-hoo, Intuitions! They are my favorite brand of cards in the whole wide world, I swear! No gift is complete without an Intuitions card. Especially one that I got for twenty-four cents instead of two-and-a-half dollars!!!! That's right! 24 CENTS! Carlton Cards had a closing out sale. It is really too bad I didn't find out about it in time to tell my mummy cause she would have had an anurism and died in pure joy! ninety percent off ALL cards! I am afraid to tell her about the great deal I got those cards for, cause I know she'll start beating me, and I will never be able to emerge in public, for the damage will not be pretty!

So he was very entertained, and happy with his random gift I think. Then we went to go see Resident Evil 2, a very cheesy zombie movie, and went out for dinner. hehe! In the food court! How romantic!!! lol! whatever. We saw Chip and Bethany again! Sean whipped out the googly head band thing, and got strange looks for it, as I am sure he was aiming for! After that we went home, and just hung out and listened to music. He gave me the nicest massage in the whole wide world, so I gave him one back. He told me the funniest story ever about sleeping in a giant sweater, and I giggled hysterically all the way up the stairs. Seriously, the story just made me crack up so bad! (*haha! crack!*) and we made many an inside joke. Seriously, I couldn't stop laughing so many times, it was fantastic!

then Ian drove me home :( and we discussed party ideas. For some reason Ian really wants Sean or I to give a party! strange. I totally want Sean to have a party, I think it would be great party. And soemtime int he next while I may use Ian's idea that he told me about. It would be a retro cartoon dressup party where you had to dress up like old cartoon characters! There is so much possibility with that, too! Seriously, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Power Rangers, Looney Tunes characters, Raggedy Ann and Andy...the possibilities are ENDLESS! So I may actually have a themed party soon, which I had previously vowed never to throw, or attend but look how quickly the latter vow died off!

when I got home what did I find waiting for me? a nice computer, and a celebrity magazine to rot my brain with!!! JOY! Mom tried to give me hell for coming in late cause she thought it was a school night, but she was shut down when I told her it was Friday! lol! (know what's cool? Mom is doing this job for a guy she knows who is the father of Kim Cattral from Sex and the City! isn't that cool? btw, that's the only reason why she bought that celebrity magazine, was so she could show me who this guy's famous daughter was; she couldn't remember her name! shows how pop cultured MY mom is, hey???)

I am so exited for all the things that are coming up for me! Panto rehearsals are going to start in earnest very soon, Babble Rap auditions are on Tuesday, possibly directing some grade eight drama, CHOIR and JAZZ CHOIR!!!, my very first Dover musical, CCPA auditions, singing "The Garden" with Amay and others, all the Collective shows coming up (hey! Amanda, give me information about that fundraiser! is the Collective on the bill???), everything with Sean EVER! I am so happy, and excited! I feel like cleaning! And dancing! And singing!

so that was my ultra ultra ultra fantastic day of awesemity!!! The one thing I didn't tell you about was the TWO completely sweet emails Sean sent me that I died over! However, I couldn't sit, and reread them as long as I wanted to cause Sean was in the room when I looked at them, so I think I shall go do that now! :) yes I am a nerd. and I don't care. cause life is good!

Friday, October 01, 2004


I am back in a good mood again, today! so don't worry all, come out of those closets and stop cowering, I am no longer rage-s0r-o-matic, and there will be no more long posts of bile and doom. I promise! no--no, come back!

k, well. to the smattering of brave readers I ahve left, hello all, I am quite the jazzed little one today. Strange because it's a bleary 19 minutes to seven o clock in the AM. but I have coffee, and a two-headed computer to befriend me, so no worries. k, you know I gotta start getting to school on time, when I start having nightmares about not getting the role I want in the last play I have a chance to audition for this season.

yesterday was very long and boring, and I snuck out of the house and bought stuff at a dollar store cause I didn't want to be in the house all day. got harrassed by Ken who I DON'T LIKE! wrote a long sappy email to Sean that apparently he enjoyed from the conversation we had that night. :) times a thousand! then our conversation was so filled with love and joy and dignity, that I got NO poke in the bum, just a multitude of good feelings! and my bad mood was effectively banished.

tonight I get to see him again, huzzah! he's coming to rehearsal, and then we're doing stuff afterward. if I had cleaned yesterday like I was supposed to, I could have him over here, cause he said something about wanting to come over, but I didn't, so that idea is cut. I am NOT having him over when the house looks (and smells) like this. Out of the question. But I didn't clean yesterday, I spent most of the day wrapped in a blankie, feeling dizzy because of cold medicine.

so I really have nothing to say except that I am feeling better today, so i better go harrass my mumzy for bus money cause she was lazy and didn't buy me my bus pass yet. and other stuff. like you know--haha!--dress. I think wearing substantially more than a house coat to school would be a smart idea.