Monday, October 18, 2004


yesterday was all in all pretty great. Panto was ok. Children's Chorus learnt our song, and our dance all in about an hour. Way too much information to process! Even I was having serious troubles with my coordination after a while! Then we went through the blocking of the scene that the song is in. I have been acting boy like, and sitting near the girl who plays Mary so as to be thought of as a possible Tom. I prolly have no chance, but I'm about the right height! lol!

however, our dance sucks bean stew to extraordinary lengths. Last year, I was cast as a dancer, and I got to know Anne McInuity-Gogo (our choreagrapher for this musical, too) pretty well. She's a wonderful person, but wow is she ever a boring choreographer. I have been spoiled by Laura and her awesemity! Even Mrs. Price in Singin in the Rain with her chorus lines, and fake tapdancing was better than Anne's choreography. Of course, I suppose it's partly because I am part of the Children's Chorus, and therefore am screwed for good anything anyways. But still! You'd think she could TRY to avoid box-steps, and head rolls! (yes, that's right, you heard me: HEAD ROLLS! *takes out gun, and puts it to head*)

Well, after that, Barba gave me a ride home, and I got changed, and finally did the stuff my mom had been asking me to do. I felt I kinda owed it to her, especially after her not getting mad at my blatant disregard of her wishes, and the fact that she was allowing me to see Sean that night IN SPITE of grounded-ness. Then I headed out, and picked up some stuff for Sean. Some candy, and an Intuitions card. Goodness, I love Intuitions!

Then I went to his house, and found him hibernating under a blanket with videogames! I did some more attempting to convince him to go to the doctor's and report it to the police, but most of it was in vain. I shall continue trying to convince him to go to the doctor's. He was acting concussion-y last night, and that makes me nervous. For instance, his pupils were doing some funky stuff. But at least he isn't broken in any obvious fashion! That's a good thing.

Anyways, we "watched" Men in Black, and snuggled all night. I'm so glad I got to spend some serious alone time with him. I have a strong feeling that I won't be seeing him much this week. And that makes me totally sad!

We had some very comforting conversations about things that needed to be talked about, and I felt much better afterwards. In fact, the whole night was totally filled with this wonderful atmosphere of love, and (oh, I am a goob) it made me so so happy!

Well, I am late for school again, so I think I am going to go jump in the shower, and run along! And think of Sean times a lot. laters!

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