Sunday, October 03, 2004


today has started as a hum-drum day indeed. Last night was Spencer's party which was enjoyable if not scandal-laden, or particularly eventful. I missed the last bus home, so Geoff gave me a ride home. He told me a long drawn-out story of schenanigans while newly "N"-ed. He also paid absolutely no attention to his driving whatsoever, and we went the wrong way like three times, he almost stopped at a green light. And he was making fun of other drivers!!! Oh, Geoffrey! *shakes head*

but that was last night. today is totally dull. I woke up, and immediately got drafted for cleaning for relatives visiting today. It's Great Uncle Bob, and his wife coming to visit, I am so excited!!! I love Uncle Bob, he's awesome. woo-eee, speaking of which, they're here! now I gotta go be all hostess-y, and stuff.

bye bye

1 comment:

K said...

oh, the people who get their Ns & right away they can drive / drive people about... I feel somewhere between 'irk' & 'ack' when I think about it. But that's my parents for you. meanwhile I'm getting plenty of not-driving pracise and am spoiled by the nice transit system.