Tuesday, October 05, 2004


blogger is WORKING again! that brings such joy to this little heart of mine!

this little heart needed some joy too. for two whole days, blogger would neither allow me to sign in to my account at all, let alone publish, NOR post comments on other people's blogs!!! I have had so much to say, but have been unable to say it!!! :( censorship sucks.

anyways, updates on Alleah's life look melodramatically bleak. I am late AGAIN for peer tutoring which makes me feel unbearably sad, for today it is for the mere reason of sleeping through my alarm ONLY! I feel awful! My tutees "depend on me" (oh I'm a goob) plus I'm on "trial" for attendance, so if I am late again, Tinnion will fire me for sure, and my glorious glorious directing opportunities will be gone for sure.

and I can't see Sean at all this week. I am so sad!!

that's my insatisfactions of the moment. I also feel for my poor mummy, because she is injured in extraordinary amounts. A few days ago, she was attacked by a Labrador, and has enormous lacerations and bruises all over one side of her body. And then like yesterday, she burnt her arm on the fireplace really badly, and she has this huge angry red burn on her arm that is like three and a half inches across by two inches tall. She is in such pain, and I so feel bad for her... :(

so I have to go place shoes on my tiny feet in preparation for slinking off to school with my tail between my legs. have fun, all.


Tim Banky said...

Ah... plebiena....

Well, I hope PT goes well, even if late. I used to do that and really enjoyed it. Although I peer tutored for a good teacher...

Morning are hard for some of us. I am home sick and it sucks. Hope your day improves.

Pineapple Princess! said...

HEY!!!!! i have a blog! come see me at www.danceoftheflamingpineapples.blogspot.com !!!!! geez, Im behind!

punkerface said...

Well look who it is... I’m very disappointed in you, I think your octopus is still on the sealing haha...