Monday, October 18, 2004

*sputch!* hmm...your ejaculate tastes like eternal devotion!

today was ok. neglected first and second block, as par usual. Went to school, jazz choir was great, except, I realized that I didn't know the entire last half of Trickle Trickle because I was away the day sopranos learnt their part last week. So I sight read it, and it was passable! Yikes, hey?

Well, I FINALLY performed St. Joan, and blew. Not kidding. Absolute crap. I YELLED in the beginning! Can you beleive that? *erm, I'm Pinto the Fucktard, and I can't retain nine years worth of theatre long enough to remember to PROJECT, AND NOT YELL!* (fucking retarded, that's what I am.) I got ninety five percent on it, and yes, I am going to turn into Emily White, and say that that ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH. I can do better than that. My character was off. I was cheesy. Irritating, soppy, bad-acting cheese. Plus, the fans were on so there were clarity problems. I am reperforming tomorrow, as well as performing the scene that Sampson asked me to do with him. (know what's icky? I have to KISS him! well I don't actually. I'm supposed to, but I declared freeze and end-scene right before the crucial moment. because I'm a bitch. and have no desire to foul my lips with Sampson-ness.)

so I am unhappy with that. peer tutoring was alright, gave some good notes, taught a few kids stage directions. Bye Bye Birdie was pretty tedious, we were learning the Telephone Hour dance, which is maybe five movements in all. Easy easy easy. Then I went to Mel's and watched the Secret Garden. It was great! I especially enjoyed all the young animals frolicking, and being silly. Very comedic in a cutesy-but-not-cheesy way. (there were many c's in that sentence; and yet no alliteration! curious...)

and in other news, a certain Pinto has fallen HARD for a boy named Sean! Love has been flying through the telephone wires, via emails of joy! After he was hit on Saturday night, Sean wrote me an email which I replied to which he then replied to, which I replied to, and so on, and I just cannot contain my excitement and love! I realize I am sopping up my blog with syrup, and happiness but I cannot restrain myself! I--am a hopeless romantic. So there.

anyways, it's late, so I am going to write an email, then go to bed. For I must be up at five thirty. blech!!! goodnight, all! :D


Tim Banky said...

Ah Plebea,

You are lucky to be so in love. Were that everyone were so fortunate.

"For love is a sweet tyrany, as the lover endurith his torments willingly"

Good luck with that. I too find myself largely happy with my current situation, but I do hope you manage to hand on to this, Don't burn out.

Megan said...

I hate you for having a choir! Bah! If it weren't for the fact that I get lost in your circular school I would go there! Ok maybe not...but...well yea...

amyleigh said...

I too have had the oddest urges to sing in a choir...sigh