Wednesday, October 06, 2004

wait, a sec...isn't today Oct 6? I posted today already? no I didn'! ack!

k, anyways....

I am feeling melodramatic today. thats prolly why I am wearing a tiara! the tiara that Sean bought me! cause I'm his Princess!!! *blush* oh, I am a goob. goob goob goob.

anyways, the past three days rock-s0red! and by three days, I mean last night, and parts of today, but really I am too lazy to actually say that so i'll pick out a blind number, then spend more energy explaining myself then I would have if I had just said what I meant in the first place...


anyways, last night, I broke my down-with-Sean-up-with-homework rule by seeing A Shark Tale with him, and then going to his house for a short time. And I don't regret it one bit! nanananananaaaaaaa! I discovered he had thoughtfully bought me a gift! He stole my idea, and got me a big ole dollar store orgasm, consisting of 1) poo. yes. you heard me. poo. 2) a tiara! 3) a chew toy that brings me much pleasure. 4) a bean frog named Felix. Laura and I plan to use him to make homemade Intuitions cards with! *his name is Felix. we're friends.* 5) rose tattoos 6) a poopy hippo key chain. 7) a rubber havoc machine! it springs. that's all you get to know. and 8) a card filled with Princess stickers, and joy. that was my gift! :) it was wrapped in a bag that said love, so it shall henceforth be known as the love bag.

know what's strange? tomorrow (or Saturday, depending on how you look at it) is me and Sean's one month! WEIRD! it does not feel like I've been dating him for an entire month. I think that's a good thing...I am not sure. But I think it is. In anycase, I'm certainly not complaining!

also last night, before the movie, we went to a dollar store, and had EVEN MORE DOLLAR STORE FUN!!!!!!! crazay! We threw a ball around, and discovered the whoopee cushion choir. That made me unbelievably happy. In such an unwholesome way! Man, we are so immature! But I don't care.

also, after the movie, at Sean's house, he played me some new LOTR music he bought, which was very cool, except that it's accompaniment music. So he mentioned getting me to sing, and I was instantly embarrassed. I would be so shy, singing alone in front of him. I dunno, I'm a goob, I can sing alone in front of total strangers, but it's totally different with Sean.

Anyways, then today was boring, and rather frustrating. actually, frustrating is too harsh a word. it was--discouraging. Socials was mind-destroying, Math--well, I didn't go to math. That's a story all on it's own! Lunch was jazz choir, and enjoyable! *trickle trickle. splash splash.* Drama was frustrating. I did another readthrough for the Babble Rap part, which I am now doubting I'm going to get cause today I blew monkey ass out my nostrils in crapdammitness. Then peer tutoring was death in irritating grade eight form. MuTh was even more aggravating because of minute differences in the director's music and my music, that confounded Pinto the Retarded. Confounded her into insanity. How can one teeny tiny note create so much grief for one poor midget-y girl??? I ask you!

After MuTh, Gator came over to my house, and we sang on the bus, and were hyper at the bus stop, and played the word association game on the second bus, and all the way down the street to my house. We laughed hysterically. Especially when I said "heart" and she said "empty" but I thought she said "healthy"....snort! I mean. well, it was funny at the time! big meanies. anyways, at my house, we ate noodles, and talked to Tim on msn, who is now officially HEART-LESS! (mwa-ha-ha, Gator!) We also talked to other people, sang a bit in my wonderful stairwell of acoustics-ness. I showed her the beginning of the end of the song! lol! By that, I mean I showed her what I have of the last verse. I haven't finished writing it yet, but Gator is arranging what I do have. Pretty soon, Collective is going to be singing original tunes! woo-HOO! Although, considering they're mine, I dunno how good of a thing that is... *cringe*

Yeah, i have to go back to skipping Math, cause it was one of the most enjoyable parts of the day, today! Me, Jen, Kelsey, and Jake went to the mall, and just hung out. We sat on couches, and discussed bisexuality, tattoos, and naming our genetalia. (my area is now named Fenis; and yes that's an inside joke, and no you don't get to know) Kelsey's was going to be Frank'n'furter, but then she changed it to Adolf Hitler. Jen's was Liberachi. Jake was being shy. :P Then we went into Wall Street, and tried on trend whore clothes, and *terror* I found a dress that I would kill to own! I want it so bad, it actually somehow makes my ankles look better! paired with strappy heels, I would own the universe. if anybody feels the need the waste an extra fifty bucks, well call me up. Then we went to Bootlegger, and discussed how much we wanted all the underwear there. Then we went back to school.

So that was my past couple of days. Pretty fab. A little irritating. I have decided--that I need chocolate. Now. talk to yall later.


barbara_mary said...

MY JAZZ CHOIR IS SINGING THAT SONG!!! Wellington is song stealers. Grrrr!

VivaLaPinto said...

DID NOT! besides, Welly jazz choir is cooler than thou so it doesn't matter. just think. if you went to Welly--you could sing that song with us! :P nah, jk, *loves*. but still--Welly choir RULES!