Saturday, October 02, 2004


yesterday rocked! I am so excited for everything ever!!!!

at school I was in such a good mood, cause I finally got my drama textbooks in D Block, and I am just so jazzed about that! I chose like four different monologues that I wanted to do, and there's one that I am excited to do for class. It's a Joan of Arc monologue. I haven't memorized it yet, or started the character work, but just doing read throughs makes me SO happy! plus Mr. A gave me this other monologue to maybe do for my CCPA audition (coming up in January! YIKES!!!). It is so funny, it's about this nine-year-old vegetarian who is so full of herself! It's absolutely hysterical! *oops, I forgot to give Mr. A back his book. crap.*

then in C Block, I got a lot of random stuff that had to be done done. AND, joy of joys, I switched out of Entreprenuership!!! Yay!!! Now I'm Peer Tutoring grade eight drama. I am so excited, Mrs. Tinnion sounded so excited to have me do the peer tutoring which is WEIRD because she has hated me in every single class we've ever done together, especially last year's. Anyways, the group is totally ridiculous and not very well behaved, so I am really nervous about finding the right balance of friendliness, and authority. Mrs. Tinnion said she wanted me to approach this like a directing, or student teaching opportunity, so I am going to have more authority over the group than a normal peer tutor. And she's going to let me direct some things, and run some activities! This is going to be great practice for if I ever decide to actually open that school that I want to have.

So that totally brought my mood up to fantastic heights, and I was in such a good mood, then Gareth wanted to go to Subway, and I realized that I still had two dollars, and a bunch of nickels and dimes left from my money stash. So I bought--A SUB FOR LUNCH! I mean, come on, that is the height of contentment, seriously. Lotsa drama, no Entreprenuership, have gotten into every single thing I hoped to get into this year (haven't heard about jazz choir, but that's a no-brainer, I am positive I got in) and a MEATBALL SUB??? Heaven on Earth. Then in the afternoon, I went to my academics for the first time in like a week, and everybody was happy to see me, I even made new friends with this random guy who kind of reminds me of Sean when his hair was long. I can't 'member his name, but he amused me, so it's all good. He sits near me now, with all my ultra cool Grade Eleven friends! I ate my sub, and went and talked to Mr. Strachan about ahving been away for so long, BEFORE he had to coem and seek me out, so i gained good favor for that. (brownnoser) Then I picked myself an essay topic, and it took me about ten minutes to prepare my notes for my essay this weekend which is going to be so easy it'll take me like a half an hour! Then I went to Math, which was super-easy, and I finally figured out something that has been plagueing me for two years! (*I am an inverse!*) Helped Sam/Gimpy get to her locker (she cut off the top of her toe last night. :S) and gave her some of my water to wash down her painkillers with. Felt quite humanitarian for that! lol!

Then I got to go to MuTh!!! Woo-HOO!!! A little disconcerted that Sean wasn't at my locker before we left for the bus, but I didn't think anything of it, cause we hadn't ever made any definate plans for meeting. I figured he'd meet me at Dover. Which is what he'd been planning on doing until his mom took until like five to get home. Over MuTh, I got more and more and more discouraged about him being able to make it on time. However, I did get mucho compliments from Devin, and we hung out, and he guarded my stuff, and helped me figure out my turns. I also learned a whole new dance to Livin--crap i can't 'member the rest of the title. Livin' Something, anyways... WHOLE LOTTA LIVIN TO DO. That's it. Learned that dance, which makes me feel very feminine, cause that arms, are all fifitiesh and stuff! *giggle, blush* Also, I got hugs from a lot of people and had a no-legs race with Martha. I won! *air five!* After MuTh, Sean STILL wasn't there (I called him like four times, and made whiny sounds that i am NOT proud of over the phone to him about his absence.), so I sat down and opened my textbook to wait for him. I guess people thought I looked sad, cause Marcus-Warcus-Walrus came and sat down beside me, and announced that I looked like I needed someone to sit with. Also, even more people gave me hugs, either because they were leaving, or because I looked like I needed them, which made me ultimo happy! People are AWESOME. Especially people that I know!

So I sat with my beloved Joan of Arc monologue, and mulled over technicalities, like accent and pauses, and rythm, and that made me overjoyed to be alive! I love monologues! And finally Sean showed up! YAY! I gave him his "bag of tricks* and he was quite entertained for much of the evening. Especially with the head thinger. In all, I got him a head band with antennae which had sparkly bobbly things on the end; a whoopee cushion *blush*; a teddy bear; four random toys, a fish, a snake, an octopus, and a pink spider, which Sean scared the wits out of his mum with; a bunch of candy, including this weird soother-thing with fake buck teeth on the end, popeye sticks, nerds, and double bubble gum; and an inuitions card with handsome prince stickers all over the inside!. Woo-hoo, Intuitions! They are my favorite brand of cards in the whole wide world, I swear! No gift is complete without an Intuitions card. Especially one that I got for twenty-four cents instead of two-and-a-half dollars!!!! That's right! 24 CENTS! Carlton Cards had a closing out sale. It is really too bad I didn't find out about it in time to tell my mummy cause she would have had an anurism and died in pure joy! ninety percent off ALL cards! I am afraid to tell her about the great deal I got those cards for, cause I know she'll start beating me, and I will never be able to emerge in public, for the damage will not be pretty!

So he was very entertained, and happy with his random gift I think. Then we went to go see Resident Evil 2, a very cheesy zombie movie, and went out for dinner. hehe! In the food court! How romantic!!! lol! whatever. We saw Chip and Bethany again! Sean whipped out the googly head band thing, and got strange looks for it, as I am sure he was aiming for! After that we went home, and just hung out and listened to music. He gave me the nicest massage in the whole wide world, so I gave him one back. He told me the funniest story ever about sleeping in a giant sweater, and I giggled hysterically all the way up the stairs. Seriously, the story just made me crack up so bad! (*haha! crack!*) and we made many an inside joke. Seriously, I couldn't stop laughing so many times, it was fantastic!

then Ian drove me home :( and we discussed party ideas. For some reason Ian really wants Sean or I to give a party! strange. I totally want Sean to have a party, I think it would be great party. And soemtime int he next while I may use Ian's idea that he told me about. It would be a retro cartoon dressup party where you had to dress up like old cartoon characters! There is so much possibility with that, too! Seriously, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Power Rangers, Looney Tunes characters, Raggedy Ann and Andy...the possibilities are ENDLESS! So I may actually have a themed party soon, which I had previously vowed never to throw, or attend but look how quickly the latter vow died off!

when I got home what did I find waiting for me? a nice computer, and a celebrity magazine to rot my brain with!!! JOY! Mom tried to give me hell for coming in late cause she thought it was a school night, but she was shut down when I told her it was Friday! lol! (know what's cool? Mom is doing this job for a guy she knows who is the father of Kim Cattral from Sex and the City! isn't that cool? btw, that's the only reason why she bought that celebrity magazine, was so she could show me who this guy's famous daughter was; she couldn't remember her name! shows how pop cultured MY mom is, hey???)

I am so exited for all the things that are coming up for me! Panto rehearsals are going to start in earnest very soon, Babble Rap auditions are on Tuesday, possibly directing some grade eight drama, CHOIR and JAZZ CHOIR!!!, my very first Dover musical, CCPA auditions, singing "The Garden" with Amay and others, all the Collective shows coming up (hey! Amanda, give me information about that fundraiser! is the Collective on the bill???), everything with Sean EVER! I am so happy, and excited! I feel like cleaning! And dancing! And singing!

so that was my ultra ultra ultra fantastic day of awesemity!!! The one thing I didn't tell you about was the TWO completely sweet emails Sean sent me that I died over! However, I couldn't sit, and reread them as long as I wanted to cause Sean was in the room when I looked at them, so I think I shall go do that now! :) yes I am a nerd. and I don't care. cause life is good!


VivaLaPinto said...

I am so sorry to hear that, Georgia girl! and hey Devin, Sean and I found your cheese! Rat! hmm, my bum cracked...

Kahloke said...


tashalaughs said...

omg, i got through about half then all the words started to melt together. it might just have been because it's 2 am, but i dunno. ummm i liked resident evil, but that's cause i'm lame. the forgotton was way better though. werd.

VivaLaPinto said...

for sure! The Forgotten was such a fantastic movie! But the trailer gave away way too much. I can't wait to see Ladder 49!

K said...

what's this? alleah of the average 11 posts/week going for over a day (it seems like two here) without saying anything... is she all right? Well, to avoid hypocrisy, I must post anew first. but then, watch out for those comments :p

VivaLaPinto said...

no, it wasn't my fault!!! blogger was down! DOWN I SAY!!!