Friday, October 01, 2004


I am back in a good mood again, today! so don't worry all, come out of those closets and stop cowering, I am no longer rage-s0r-o-matic, and there will be no more long posts of bile and doom. I promise! no--no, come back!

k, well. to the smattering of brave readers I ahve left, hello all, I am quite the jazzed little one today. Strange because it's a bleary 19 minutes to seven o clock in the AM. but I have coffee, and a two-headed computer to befriend me, so no worries. k, you know I gotta start getting to school on time, when I start having nightmares about not getting the role I want in the last play I have a chance to audition for this season.

yesterday was very long and boring, and I snuck out of the house and bought stuff at a dollar store cause I didn't want to be in the house all day. got harrassed by Ken who I DON'T LIKE! wrote a long sappy email to Sean that apparently he enjoyed from the conversation we had that night. :) times a thousand! then our conversation was so filled with love and joy and dignity, that I got NO poke in the bum, just a multitude of good feelings! and my bad mood was effectively banished.

tonight I get to see him again, huzzah! he's coming to rehearsal, and then we're doing stuff afterward. if I had cleaned yesterday like I was supposed to, I could have him over here, cause he said something about wanting to come over, but I didn't, so that idea is cut. I am NOT having him over when the house looks (and smells) like this. Out of the question. But I didn't clean yesterday, I spent most of the day wrapped in a blankie, feeling dizzy because of cold medicine.

so I really have nothing to say except that I am feeling better today, so i better go harrass my mumzy for bus money cause she was lazy and didn't buy me my bus pass yet. and other stuff. like you know--haha!--dress. I think wearing substantially more than a house coat to school would be a smart idea.


barbara_mary said...

You don't need clothes for school! It's more fun to do it that way. Heh heh

K said...

if I could do it all again (esp. grade 12) I would be a lot more whack in the clothing department. There were far too few blazers & housecoats on my torso during the school year. Even if you wear clothes underneath..,. go for it. maybe the freedom to dress randomly means little, but once you have to wear a uniform it seems neat-o

amyleigh said...

hey! next time I see sean I will tackle him with the music for the garden, so you can get to know it and stuff..sound good??

VivaLaPinto said...

YES! I am excited for that!