Monday, October 25, 2004

guess what I did???

I made myself my very own quiz! You have to take it now!

give me a break, though, I know it's short, and kind of dumb, but it was the very first quiz I ever made ever! They will get better.

wheeee! *throws popcorn*


Anonymous said...

I was somewhat distressed to see that you called yoruself and your friends 'fwuffs'. That is a name purely made-up by and for fub and i. Unless of course you also made it up yourselves which would be (wierd! :o)

VivaLaPinto said...

no, Bethany I got it from you two, however what IS pretty weird is that I once heard somebody call you "Beebur" which is strange cause everyone knows that that is my name for Brianna! How curious!

Beth-a-knee said...

well to be perfectly honest, i didn't know about the beebur thing until i was told, and haven't used it since.