Thursday, October 07, 2004


* Llowyn laughs so hard in disbelief, his spleen erupts into fragments of joy and hilarity*

yeah, so anyways. I really have nothing to say today. up with God, down with French Crusaders. and yes, even Joan of Arc. who I am playing. BAH!

I don't think I got a role in Babble Rap, which effectively ruins my life, and I am NOT being hyperbolic here, I needed a lead role in Babble Rap for scholarships and since I haven't got one I won't be able to pay for college ending in death by finance for Alleah. *sigh*

in other news, I got my pictures today, and for some reason--they don't suck! go figure! my hair is all curly and golden-y, and my makeup DOESN'T look ridiculous! props!

today I had substitutes in every single class, so instead of doing any work in any of them, I did character work on Joan of Arc all day. I have twelve pages of notes with hi-liter and pen all over them, plus a list of even more things I have to research, and the very beginnings of my character sketch. It's pretty craz-ay. However at the end of the day, I reread my monologue, and all the added knowledge of Joan of Arc's story added this fantastic element to my voice that gave me much pleasure.

so that's all. I am apathetic today. and besides I must save my energy for homework, picture-list making, and missing Sean. see y'all later.


Kahloke said...

I have collected the remnants of my spleen following a bloody explosion that was visible from space...

I have one question, Alleah...

You are THE virgin????

amyleigh said...

you should post your picture for all to see and admire!

VivaLaPinto said...

someone should help me with that...Spence? you have a scaner, don't you?

barbara_mary said...

I asked what that meant. You WISH Alleah. :p

punkerface said...

WILL IS BORREDDDDDD, but theres a show tonight! WILL IS BORREDDDDDD, but theres a show tonight! WILL IS BORREDDDDDD, but theres a show tonight! [insert smooth bass line here] haha.....ummm ya, that sucks a bunch fer you hey, but i always ken Rap was going to ruin somones life in the end....but yas, can i have one of these golden haired pictures you spoke of?

VivaLaPinto said...
