Saturday, October 23, 2004

*sigh* what an evil four days...

The impossible has happened, Bloggers. Pinto has been silenced. Well, over the past four days, she's been silenced. Silenced by a foul, undiagnosed illness of enormous proportions! My mummy thinks it's flu, Sean thinks it's stress, I think it is unpleasant. It has actually kind of mutated itself over the past four days.

On Wednesday, I had a bit of an earache all day which made chewing, talking, and basically existing a bit of a challenge. It wasn't that horridly bad until the evening when all of a sudden it just increased in agony and persistance. My mom and I decided to try that home remedy that April-Katherine suggested to me, but it didn't do a thing but coat my ear with icky-feeling olive oil. Then I got quite pissy and angry with the world, and went to bed.

Thursday morning, I woke up with the ear ache having grown exponentially in badness, and my cruel, heartless mummy forced me to go to school anyways. She stuffed me full of Tylenol Eight Hours, and sent me packing no matter how much I complained (which is a feat to be mentioned, cause BOY did I ever complain!). However, this may not have been a smart thing to do, because she also gave me a package of Eight Hours to take during the day, and my ear hurt so bad that by first block, I had already taken four. (you aren't supposed to exceed eight in a day, let alone four in a half an hour). So basically, all day Thursday I was medicated out of my tiny little mind, and it actually made me high. I had the worst balance you could imagine, and I was falling over constantly. It was pathetic. However, that evening my ear ache was gone, but it had been replaced by evil evil cramps of nastiness. And I ended up taking even more Tylenol Eight hours for them. I think in all, I had ten pills that day. Which is bad bad bad bad. I also had some serious mood problems that night, too. I was totally pissy, and my mom was holding the baby. The baby had just been eating, and usually, I try to keep my distance from him if he is super-dirty (which he ALWAYS is after he's been eating), and Mom was joking around with him and me, and gave him a fistful of my hair, which is not something I enjoy at the best of times. Well, I turned around to try and pry my hair out of his grubby little fingers while berating my mom for having the audacity to make light of something she knows bothers me, and no sooner had I done that, but NICKY THREW UP ALL OVER ME! And then Mom started LAUGHING!!! *outrage!* So now, I am medicated out of my wits, filled with cramps, and bad humour, plus covered in baby vomit. I flipped at Mom. Absolutely flipped. I started screaming at her, and held my head under the faucet and even rubbed icky harsh hand soap against the fouled-up strands of hair until obvious traces of baby puke was gone, and she didn't even care. She was doubled over, holding her stomach in spasms of hilarity, and couldn't even breathe let alone talk! And of course this made me even more infuriated. I took as much time as it takes to say goodbye to Sean on msn, and then went and got into the shower. That made me feel a bit less angry, but no less sick.

That night I went to bed, and around 12:45 I got up, and ended up throwing up my entire dinner. And then every half an hour from then to ten'o'clock the next morning I threw up. I got absolutely no sleep, and it hurt really really bad. I could not keep anything down. I was totally dehydrated, and after each time, I would drink like three glasses of water, feel marginally better, go back to bed, start feeling vomit-y again, and try as hard as I could to hold it in, but then end up up rushing to the bathroom anyways. (heehee, this blog has turned from Fun with Pinto into Graphic Details of Pinto's Vomiting Sessions! LOL! I may just change the name of this blog to that, right now!!!!) anyways, I got no sleep that night, and it hurt so badly that I did what I haven't done since elementary school, and ended up crawling into bed with Mum for comfort. She, of course, was totally supportive, and proved this by waking up and mumbling: "don't breathe your germs on me." gotta love my family, hey?

***k, this is now Sunday. it is taking me a looong time to finish this.***

k, where am I? so anyways, Friday, I vomited late into the morning, and felt absolutely horrid from both nausea, and lack of sleep. Entirely an unpleasant feeling. However as disgusting as I felt that morning, I still got up when everyone else did out of a feeling of necessity to cancel with Sean so that he didn't take the time to come all the way over here, just to find me bed-ridden. So I got up, phoned him, and ended up waking him up. (oops!) I felt awful about cancelling our plans cause we hadn't seen each other for a few days, and I was excited to spend time with him again, but no, I had to be sick. Why? *cause Jesus doesn't love me* lol!

anyways, I drank some water, and a small tentative glass of apple juice (I was very dubious about anything flavored) and chewed some Gravol tablets which intimidated me ridiculously and ended up talking to Sean on msn for about fifteen minutes until I completely ran out of energy and left to go sleep on the floor in front of the fireplace. It was very surprisingly comfortable, and I slept almost the whole day. I got up againat arouhnd five, talked to Sean for another twenty minutes, then went back to sleep. I felt heartened by the fact that I had managed to keep my apple juice down, and got part of a bowl of soup into me before falling asleep again at eight. it was a very relieving day after the craptaculosity of previous days, but laughing hurt and that disappointed.

I slept a good twelve hours before finally waking up Saturday--wait...yes, Saturday! lol--morning with a smile on my face because I finally felt better! and by better, I mean all I had was a headache, and dizzy spells. And if you had felt the way I felt before that you would know that that WAS much better! (was that yesterday? yes...yesterday was Saturday. honestly all day yesterday I kept thinking it was Monday. then I finally stopped but I thought it was Sunday. now for some reason I am thinking today is--Tuesday? my brains are scrambled.) anyways, I called Sean (wait, was yesterday the day I woke him up, or was Friday? I CAN'T REMEMBER!!! AAAARRRGGGHHH!!!) and made plans with him right away because I missed him so much! A bus turned out to be convenient for a change, so I got right off the tele with him, and caught it. We hung out for a while, noteably NOT kissing, for I am paranoid about giving him what I had if it is indeed the flu. I would feel horrible if I gave him what I had! I met his stepdad's parents who I know only as Granny, and Walt! They are very very sweet people! Apparently they were quite excited to meet me!Then the twins called, and it turns out Sarah Grounds was in town, so we went to the twins house and hung out with them, Sarah, Sarah's boyfriend Logan (from Courtenay) and three people and a baby I have never met before. We played Boggle!! Which I surprisingly DIDN'T come in last at, event hough they wouldn't let me have Yemen. Stupid proper nouns. blech! Then we all went to Woodgrove, where I lusted after New York Fries and stillettos, and Logan almost bought fuzzy pants from Le Chateau. That made my day. They weren't there, but if they had been Sean was going to try on a pair, and model them for us. If that had occured, boy that would have equaled endless amounts of amusement! but it didn't. *sigh*

anyways, then we went back to the twins house, and Sean wanted to get out of there, I think cause he was hungry. So he called his mom, and we walked up to Country Club to meet her. we stopped in Timmy's where I bought a MINISCULE cappacino! (I can't believe I wasted a dollar and a half on that dinky thing!) and I got Sean a donut. as we walked to Country Club I started getting a headache again which pissed me off. By that time I was HEARTILY done with being sick. It turned out to be my Febreze hat which was just too tight, and was cutting off my circulation, I guess. After I took it off, I felt much better. Anyways we met his mum there, and we went to Save-on and bought some groceries for supper. They bought two rotisserie chickens, and I APPROVED! mmm, I love deli food!

when we got home, almost everyone had to go out again, so me and Sean made some dinner for ourselves, and went downstairs to watch The Day After Tomorrow, which was very good, if ridiculously formula. I seriously predicted like half of it, which is pretty sad, but I still enjoyed it. After that, we "watched" The Last Samurai, but mostly just made fun of the movie, whenever the sound got loud enough to distract us from cuddlage!

***btw, it's now been another day in between trying to finish this post***

That was pretty fun. Then I think I went home. I am prett sure nothng special happened after that. And I really hope nothing did cause I am really sick of this entry. And today (it's taken me since Saturday--Saturday? I think it was Saturday--to write this...) I am really unhappy so I am going to go now. goodbye.


MattyRob said...

Wow! Your alive! I honestly thought you fell off a cliff or something! What a relief for me to post this! Our blog has missed your posts too! We've totally brought it up to speed and added some crazy things. Spread the word! We're back in action! Glad to have you back from the evil sicknes

K said...

"...the twins house, and Sean wanted to get out of there, I think cause he was hungry..."

there's something fishy about that statement. I distinctly recall Chateau Twin (or des Jumeaux if you will) being a place chock-full of food, primarily of course to feed all the residents. In fact, I don't think Brad & I ever went hungry there & can recall sometimes having unwanted comestibles foisted upon me around my departure.

Is it possible to play boggle on the internet BTW? because I like it. But I'm not allowed to play at the Clarkes' any more, because one time they taught me to play, then I pwned severelay. 'nuff said for now though, glad you are back, & tell me when THE POSTCARD arrives.