Saturday, October 09, 2004

'that girl' indeed

Thanks, Drew for ruining my life once again.

"My best buddy and lead lefty guitarist, Geoff, is in a deep blue funk tonight. Poor guy. He's listening to the devilspawn, the Bitch of Belsen, the Madame Mimm of Wellington. God I hate her, and I'm not afraid to say it. She couldn't be better at turning happy people into miserable sonovabitches. I hope she dies painfully."

a lot of you know Drew's story. a lot of you don't. suffice it to say that Drew lied to me about one of the most important things to happen to me thus far. Then he blamed it on me and Geoff, and friend-divorced us. for what? cause he couldn't stand sharing Geoff with me. might I add that at this time, Drew was one of my very best friends, and I valued him so much. After Geoff and I broke up, Drew, I guess, drifted back into Geoff's life. I have nothing to say on that. if Geoff chooses to surround himself with people like that, then I am not surprised he's depressed. Now all I find is hatred in some one who was once my best friend.

my question is this: seriously, what did I do? I thought I was merely being cautious asking Drew if he had a problem with me and Geoff. It turned out I was right. since then I have had NO CONTACT with him. what have I done? and Geoff, yes, I DEFINTELY want your comments on this one.


Tim Banky said...

Hm... I have met Geoff briefly and quite like him. He seems an interesting person and an intelligent one.

I also have a great deal of respect for Plebea (Alleah), as I respect her and value her feelings. I can see where what is said could be rather hurtful, on both counts.

I don't really know Drew. I have heard a few things about him I am not altogether impressed with, but it seems to me he is standing behind a friend. Not so innoble an idea, but I feel it has not had a valuable effect at all. It seems like a painful way to stir things up.

It strikes me that Plebea would be a hard person to get over. In addition to that, is follows that her personality could be rather vindictive afterward. The question would be, to me, does Geoff want to be friend with Plebea or does he want nothing to do with her? If the latter is the case, then distance yourselves. If the former, then as supportive as Drew may be as a friend, his words are not helping.

If I even knew what sides were, I might take one, but this seems like the sort of thing that is likely to fester if it isn't sorted out. Someone owes someone an "I'm sorry". Do we all have too much pride for a little civil kindness?

I feel I am being a little padantic and perhaps a little out of place. Feel free to ignore my comment, but I assure you it comes from a good place. Some comments do not.

Brianna said...

okay, you guys are just all crazy and should never be in the same room together EVER! And i am pretty sure everyone is sick of the Alleah-Geoff-Drew hate triangle, so give it a rest, will ya?

VivaLaPinto said...

Brianna, do you even understand the effect reading that had on me? can you please take SOMETHING seriously for once? maybe you don't care about emotions but some of the rest of us have them! respect that!

Brianna said...

Oh I have feelings. I have plenty of feelings. But seriously, this has been going on FOREVER. What do you care what Drew says about you?

And dont say I dont take things seriously. I take *important* things seriously.

K said...

Those are quite some words Mr. May has there. (Speaking of words... "pedantic" & "ignoble.") I think you all know my feelings about Drew. Personally, I think 'talking smack' is generally un-called for [unless one has demonstrated extreme elite-ness or is looking to start a fight] & childish. Really now.

tashalaughs said...

Well i like you and drew so... i've seen both your not-so-nice sides. Which are rather scary. Drew's comments were uncalled for and so was Alleah's retaliation. And I think maybe you both need to grow up a little, and put it behind yourselves, even if that means never speaking to each other again. Seriously people, you are 17 and 18 and I'm getting really sick of the fucking highschool drama AFTER I graduated.