Monday, October 11, 2004

today made me happay!

What did I do you ask? well, in all, I gorged myself on ham (blech), sweet potatoes, broccoli, chardonnay, and pickles for Thanksgiving, then went to Sean's, went on the computer for a while, watched the Santa Clause, went to Institute with him (their church is ENORMOUS! I want to live there), then went back to his house and ate French truffles, and taco salad, and watched more Santa Clause and talked for many hours. Then he took me home.

It was a ton of fun! When Gramma and Grampa arrived, they brought with them embarrassing wedding pictures from Virginia, of me dancing with tall Marines. They also brought embarrassing pictures of me looking disapproving at Kaelyn's birthday. That amused.

When Sean came to pick me up, he was wearing a suit! From church, I spose. Ken and Uncle Dave embarrassed me by being "fatherly" and I blushed lots. Then we went to Sean's house where we had two rousing games of Othello. I won once by a large margin, and he won the next time by a not-THAT-large margin. Oh, thrill and excitement.

Then we put on the Santa Clause, cause I was in a Christmas-y mood. We tried out the new couch his mom bought, and discovered it was mega-comfy. During said movie, much cuddling was done, and many kisses were exchanged. That always brings up my mood!

Half-way through, we had to stop the movie, and go to Institute, which is like seminary for adults. Bethany and Amay were there, as was Chip, and Troy, and Sean's Aunt Wynonna (sp?) and Uncle Lee. Very interesting! I was very curious. In religions, we never got to study Mormonism, so i really know nothing about it's tenets, or worship systems or anything, so I was paying lots of attention trying to figure out things from what they were studying. This proved to be rather fruitless. I still know not much about Mormonism. However, I did discover that in their bible study they focus on religious figures more historically relevant, such as Joseph Smith, than Anglicanism does. curious.

anyways, that was interesting. after that, Sean took me on a tour of the church which is HUMONGOUS!!! I seriously want to live in that church for the rest of my life. It makes me want to convert to Mormonism desparately! It has a gym, and a stage, and about a hundred and one classrooms, and TWO nursery/primary type places. It was seriously astonishing. And the sanctuary-type-thing looks much bigger than St. James' but actually, I believe St. James' may actually be bigger. St. James certainly DOESN'T have better acoustics, though!!! So yeah, I totally want to move into that church and live there for the remainder of my life. :)

then we went back to Sean's house, ate some taco salad, and some AMAZING French chocolate. And Sean teased me about my milk connisseur-ness. *blush* It all came about one day when he gave me milk to drink, and I tasted it, looked over and asked if it was one percent. I swear, I could tell the difference! It was insane!

then we put The Santa Clause back on, and finished that up. Neither of us like the woman who plays the mom. She bugs me. And the stepdad reminds me of an alien-toad. He creeps me out times a million. blech!!!

after that was over, we just sat, and cuddled and talked about stuff. my nose began to run. I chased it. k, that was lame! but yes, I have a feeling I may be upset with myself in the next couple of days if I get sick. bah humbug.

I feel so Christmas-y!

anyways, at midnight, Sean said he wanted to get me home so that Mom didn't get mad at him for keeping me out all night, which I though was very sweet and chivalrous. So we went upstairs, and his mom took a really long time to get ready, during which time, we talked about things like skateparks, building one, sponser businesses, and whether or not Sean could ride for a living. I personally think it is right up his alley. But he didn't sound very committed to the idea. Too bad. I think he'd do really well.

Me and him are kind of weird sometimes. And I don't just mean in the whoopee cushion/dollar store tiara kind of ways, or the odd, immature inside joke kind of ways (my bum cracked!!!). Me and him are weird cause we seem to have both picked out features to like that the other one hates. For instance: today he said he really liked my nose. Well, all of you know how I feel about my nose! It is a malicious nob of cartilage that exists for the sole purpose of confounding me! I think his wonky elbow that he broke when he was a baby, and never healed right is cool because it doesn't straighten all the way. It bugs him a lot. Isn't that strange? I find it strange.

Phew! I'm pooped! Relating my big day to you guys tuckered me out twice as much because I lived it right through again! ho ho ho. that was a yawn, not a Santa impresonation. although...I am feeling Christmas-y! So I think it is off to bed I go. Merry Thanksgiving to all, and to all a good night!


K said...

yeah Thanksgiving. Taiwan is America-oriented so nobody knows about Canadian thanksgiving, though some celebrate the later American thanksgiving. I had a random turkey leg a while ago but I probably won't have big-meal style turkey until december (me & some exchange students are organizing a dinner for over 50 people gack).

keep on blogging

barbara_mary said...

Aw, you guys are too cute for words or breathing. But hey, that's cool. I saw your mother and some man walking a dog earlier today around dinner time. COINCIDENCE??? I think not.

VivaLaPinto said...

that was my Uncle Dave, you perv!!!

Anonymous said...

Of course you guys like each like things about the other that the other doesn't like about him/herself (that was awkward). That's love, fool.

Anonymous said...

Crap, I forgot to put my name again. that was Laura. Just then I typoed (is that the past tense of typo?) my name as Lara. I wish it /was/ Lara; I would have turned out much sexier if my name had been Lara. Meh. You should watch Doctor Zhivago, but not with Sean, because you should see ALL of it.