Sunday, October 31, 2004

trick or treat!

it's Halloween! And I am JUST getting over my hangover from last night. bully for alchohol. I have decided that I have no desire to drink alchoholic beverages for some time to come. (*we are here! I am safe. I'LL DRINK NON-ALCHOHOLIC BEVERAGES TO THAT! licorice...gwop.*)

ANYWAYS! I am at Sean's right now, and blogging on his computer, because mine is being a stupid peice of crap. For quite a while it wouldn't let me sign in to anything, and then I figured out that Sherayna had done some bastardly tweaking in order to "reduce the number of viruses that my blog-surfing is giving the computer" which is lunacy because EVERYBODY knows that blogs don't give computers viruses, and everybody agrees with me, so my sister can just shut up. So at any rate, I had to go into Internet controls, and tweak tweak tweak until my computer would let me sign in to things again. Honestly, it wouldn't even let me check my email! The only thing it would let me sign into was Messenger. And now, I have my sign-in abilities back, but for some reason, my stupid computer won't publish my durn bloggeroos! I've lost two very good, entertaining Pinto-esque blogs to my crap-ass computer, and I am ANGRY.

So, anyways, the doorbell is ringing left and right with Trick or Treaters. I don't think I've ever beeen on this side of Trick or Treating before. huh. I am sad, no free candy for me. However, cheap candy is going to be in evidence to an extreme degree tomorrow as stores frantically try to get rid of their Halloween candy stock. And I am going to be all up in that action, yo. I desire cheap candy times a million. except for the fact that I am SO nauseous right now. ho hum.

just keep swimmin' just keep swimmin just keep swimmin swimmin swimmin...


Megan said...

Blogs giving you viruses? I belive if you do something enough you'll get a virus on your computer. Same with cancer, I mean anything can give you cancer if you do it enough. *rolls eyes* I blog all the time and I have no viruses. My parents have blocked all chat rooms and such things as that and they get viruses all the time on their's. It's just cause the internet world likes me better...

VivaLaPinto said...

aw! stupid you, and your favorable internet relations! I am envious.

K said...

Hooray for Hallowe'en. I was on the handing out end of the candy flow one year & it wasn't so bad. Of course the next year Brad & I were missionaries & guitared/sang our way into people's houses out of the cold. But yesterday (being the 31st here) it was NOT cold. In fact, I got a sunburn. grr
also I left for school 6:40 AM, returned home 7:10 PM
that's a solid 12.5 hours of schoolage/traffic
but at least 2 hours or so were choir

nyar har

VivaLaPinto said...

yeah, Kevin, don't complain, because when I go to a full day, they are often seventeen hour days. with many many hours of busage in between. so be quiet.