Thursday, September 23, 2004


current state of mind ^^^. yeah, I know, intelligient, huh? Slept in today again (*cringe*), but I have non-academics in the morning, so it's all good.

last night viruses ate my blog. I was frustrated and sad. In fact, I spent all lot of yesterday frustrated. school was boring, and frustrating because of it. In musical theatre, we learnt lots of music, which was irritating because I was one alto out of three in a chorus of forty. Eeek!!! Seriously, it was rough, Rosie, Mel, Brianna, and Laura (the really loud ones) are all on the "adult" character line, and Nicole and Lauren, and other good singers are on the soprano "teenage" line, leaving, me, Laura McNought, Jenny (I think...what's her name?) and a couple of guys who have no idea how to sing period let alone sing harmony on the alto line. So I was trying really really hard to get my line, and although it's thirds, and supposedly really easy, the music teacher isn't very good at teaching harmony. And on top of that, Brianna, Laura, Tim, and Megan were all talking really loudly and irritatingly. I spent the entire rehearsal trying to ignore them, but finally, the alto line sucked so back that we had to go over it repeatedly with Mr. Irving, and that group was STILL talking loudly, so I finally released the song nazi within, and told them all to shut up. I had to specifically single out Brianna (even though it wasn't just her talking) before her group even realized that we wanted them to be quiet. That was extremely frustrating, and made me feel evil inside. Then Tim made fun of me for it after rehearsal, and it made me even more crazy. Just wait. They haven't seen anything from the nazi self yet!!!

(mmm, yum yum, my mummy just gave me a pepperoni cheese stick!)

then I went home and procrastinated, and talked to Sean for a long time, which was unbelievably nice! I--*giggle*--love him. :) Then my stupid computer decided to spurn it's internet connection (I guess the internet must said something mean that hurt my computer's feelings. I wish they would just play nice!), and my msn signed me out, and my internet explorer wouldn't conect, and I was saddened in the extreme. It took a half an hour, and a phone call to--someone to figure it out. It was during this point in time that my previous bloggy blog entry was lost to the frailties of technology. I finally got back on, and apologized profusely to all who I had unintentionally shunned. Sean's and my conversation got even nicer! (if that's even possible) and me and him, and Devin tried to figure out the logistics of Sunday. finally Devin and I decided to cut dinner, and do it another day. Which spells relief for fund-challenged me. Gotta get a job. gotta gotta gotta.

then to top of my (mostly) frustrating day, I didn't get a call from Dean Chadwick, and EVERYBODY else did!!!! :( Almost all the Griffiths family did, Jen Schaper got Robin, Elina got Marion *eye rolling*, other people got roles, and I have not had a call yet!!! I don't think I got in! :( and so that makes yesterday almost entirely a waste. Except for my lovely lovely conversation with Sean which just made me amazingly happy!!! Also I had my second conversation in a week with Geoff that didn't involve expletives!!! Woo-hoo! Though I can't say we didn't argue any. We pseudo-argued about something he said on his blog. But there was no intense offending going on (I was hurt about some things, but I was trying to be objective). hmm, I wonder if it'll be possible to actually hang out with him anytime soon. I am curious to find out.

my poor dogs. I suppose they are lonely. They have been acting very strange today. Sensei totally gave Ahrodie beats today, and that just NEVER happens. They were fighting over a stick as usual but usually Ahrodie just over reacts, and squeals to everything he does, but today, he chased her right up onto the porch, and started biting her neck really hard! The whole thing happened right in front of me, and I was screaming at him to get off, but he didn't notice me at all. Mom came to the window, and started yelling at him, but by that time he'd gotten off, and my STUPID sister, is like, "yeah, well, Ahrodie probably deserved it," and I was like, !!!!!! Excuse f***ing ME???? I was right there, I saw it happen, my dog did nothing! Sherayna thinks that just because Ahrodie didn't take to motherhood very well, and nearly rejected her puppies that she is just a bad dog in general. Well half the things that happen, I witness, and she doesn't, cause I am out there with them all the time, and my dog is NOT overly bad. She used to be mean to Tika, but now it is Sensei. Sensei must be feeling neglected because of his lack of walks due to the rain lately. He can be such a prick. So just now I spent about a half an hour out there with them just petting them all. It's so cute when they are all being good. Tika always comes and sits on my foot and bites me if I stop petting her, and Sensei yodels at me if I stop petting him, but Ahrodie just sits there looking cute until I start petting her again, at which point she waggles her little tail, and looks so joyous! I love her so!

yeah, you can tell I am kind of obsessed, hey???! lol! whatever. my dog is the best EVER!!! (btw, all newcomers to my blog who didn't get the lowdown on my dogs from my summer blogs, Sensei is my mother's dog, and he is a English mastiff/Belgian shepherd cross, Ahrodie is my dog, and Sensei's daughter. She is crossed with pitbull, and Rottweiler on her mother's side. Tika is Ahrodie's daughter, and my sister's dog. She is crossed with pure-bred Rottweiler, though she doesn't look it.)

k, before I forget, Laura McNought has a blog now!!! I hope that linkie works, cause I just typed in the address without checking what it was. :S as does Chip, Bethany's bf, there is a link to his blog on Sean's. also, Sean is making a new site, address is forthcoming on his blog, k?

on a closing note, I am endeavoring greatly to not turn into the same nazi I was last year, ok? Now I know I may have bad days, but when they happen, I ask people to not just assume that I am lapsing back into my old ways, and to tell me that I am being mean/a bitch/stupid, ok? however, occurences like last night's rehearsal episode generally do not come without provocation, so although I encourage you to take what I do with a grain of salt, also try to think about whther or not i have a point.

is that reasonable enough for everybody?

k, gotta go get dressed now. haha, I am so late! and sick. I am really starting to feel sick again. urgfh.

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