Sunday, September 19, 2004

good luck to me!

today is panto auditions! huzzah!!! However, When I Fall in Love is not sounding as primo as I'd hoped so right now it's a tossup between that, and Dream of Now. (yes, I am going for an Elina castoff, but I DON'T CARE!!! I'll make sure I remember all the right intervals like she didn't. However, I will have to restrain myself from launching into Lida Rose at the end!!! lol! If I start doing that bastardly voice-losing thing (which i doubt I will) I'll go to Dream of Now cause it's lower. However, the problem is, I know the starting note for When I Fall in Love, I DON'T for Dream of Now. Not having a set starting key equals possibility of very bad death times three. But--I sang my audition song for Dick Whittington in the wrong key, and even cracked for my troubles, and I still got in. And that was WITHOUT previous panto experience. I don't think it'll be a biggie this year.

hmmm...Pinto is being a tad arrogant is possible that I won't get in at all, not even as chorus. I would in fact be forced to kill myself in that event. I suppose it all depends on who else is auditioning. Admitedly, new people from Dover who are amazing are auditioning, and even Melly Belly in her amazingness didn't get in last year, so it's really unpredictable. urgfh, now I'm nervous. great. i wasn't before either.

anyways, lets talk about something cheerier. Like Sean! woo-hoo! (*Laura and Brianna roll their eyes*) yes, I know, I am quite the obsessed little Pinto. But it's all good! Last night, everybody else cancelled :( so it ended up being just me and Sean :). We watched Hook, which I have never seen before, and yes I giggled hysterically the whole time. Then we went upstairs and ate dinner which Tulla (sp?) cooked for us. It was really great, however we took a long time to get upstairs so it was cold by the time be got there. But somehow, still delicious! It was chicken cordon bleu, and spinach ravioli, and carrots, and salad, and this crazy awesome ice cream creation for desert! She even set the table all fancy-like!!! I was quite the impressed, and entirely bewildered as to why she did that. (hehe, that reminds me of when my brother enlisted me to be a "waiter" at his four month anniversary dinner with his girlfriend Donna *yuck*. lol, good times) After dinner, we watched the Butterfly Effect, the director's cut. Which gave it a different ending! There's like three or four different endings, and we watched all of them on the special features. In the director's cut, instead of going to that party, he went to inside his mother's womb, and drowned I guess... it was creepy!

During dinner for some reason we just could NOT stop laughing. I don't even know what we were laughing about! I think it started with bodily functions, actually...cause you know, we're really mature! And then after that I just could not stop. It continued after the movie. For some reason, everything he said almost was hysterical. It didn't help that he was being entirely random, either. And then we both got tired and the conversation just degenerated into one of us saying something, then just trailing off, and the other one just not understanding what was going on. There was like four times when he was sayign something, and I was looking at him, and I thought I was listening, but by the time he was done, I would notice that he was waiting for me to say something, and I had absolutely NO clue what he had just been talking about. I just zoned out like that about three or four times. Probably more. *blush*

It was all because of the insane dancing of Friday. It was SO FUN, but goodness, it had such a bad effect on my poor out-of-shape body. I stretched at Sean's and it was the most painful thing I've ever done to myself ever! That's how crampy and stiff my stomach muscles are! That's it. Tomorrow at Bye Bye Birdie, I am doing a serious warm-up before I do anything. I should start working on my abs at home. It can only help.

Wow, you can tell the difference between summer posts, and school posts, hey? Summer is all fun, and sun, and glory, and school is like: rehearsal. Auditions. More rehearsal. Shows. Choir. Urgfh! Well, hey, at least I make time to post anymore, UNLIKE Brianna, and Laura. They are blog neglectorbs. I am the blog Queen of the Universe! mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!

...k, I'll stop now.

alright, I am doing nothing but rambling, and besides, I have to plan which bus I am taking to auditions. And guzzle some serious tea. Colective needs to host a party really soon. And the Vancouverite Christian Theatre peeps need to attend it. And Llowyn. Who is now OFFICIALLY dating Barb. w00t!!! crapdammit, I am babbling again! urgfh.

it's cause my life is just so interesting.

yeah right.

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