Sunday, September 12, 2004

Pinto is a stalker.

today was tiring, but a good time. last night my Mom kept me up until late late late cleaning house in preparation for relatives visiting today. then this morning she got me up at an awful seven thirty to continue cleaning. urgfh! family came, and I had to interact with them. luckily, I snuck away, under the excuse that I had to practice with the girls.

hey, I am NOT mean! I actually DID have to practice! I went up to Brianna's and me and the girls went through all of the stuff for the Friday after next, then started learning "When I Fall in Love" from Sleepless in Seattle. OH! I LOVE that song, so much! hopefully, if Chatanooga Choo Choo is as bad by that Friday as it is now, we'll replace it with that. I can't WAIT to perform it! I get the big first solo, and Gator gets the middle awesome one with harmony that helps out, and Brianna gets the fun last one that has a different melody. We're all jazzed about that song, cause it's SO fantastic!!!

then I went home at about quarter after three, and I didn't get home until six-ish. I went on an insane bus jaunt that took me all the way up by Sean's house, just so I could stalk him. *snicker of evil!* the bus driver was the coolest guy in the world! I rode upfront so I could look at street signs in search of Sean's road, and they guy asked me which road I was looking for, and I told him, and he sent out a broadcast over the CB, asking other bus drivers if they knew where it was. then when we went past, he slowed, nicely, and let me look! he was so nice! I made sure to give him an extra big smile when I said thank you as I got off the bus...

now I am home, and boring and tired. I am going to eat soup for dinner, then finish my (single) math question that I had for homework. then--hit the sheets, most likely. I'll probably talk to Sean some more, then, that's it for Pinto. I am going to crash and burn. *sigh* I am sleepy.

my hair smells like yummy Herbal Essences shampoo...I can smell it from here! :)


barbara_mary said...


barbara_mary said...

Silly boy, she's right behind you!

Brianna said...

uhhh Alleah, I thought I told you I wasnt going Friday night

K said...

What's the weirdest thing you did all weekend? I ate Hong-Kong style chicken foot (with chopsticks & bare hands). Keep up the silliness.

VivaLaPinto said...

eeeewww! um, I had a pretty normal weekend, I spose. excluding the entire time I spent with Laura and Brianna, (cause that just doesn't count anymore! lol) I think the strangest thing that I did was talk to a creepy guy for about a half an hour, and say all sorts of things about myself, EVEN though he was freaking me out.