Monday, September 27, 2004

so tired, I am a waste of human being

bllaaaeerrgghh. that means tired-ness in the parlance of sleep-deprived Pinto. Tonight was the pirate party, as well as hanging out with Sean and Devin, and panto read through. panto read through: meh. boring, I didn't get a script, I learnt of extra casting ops that I will probably not benefit from, basically a total waste of time, when I would totally rather have been with Sean, and Devin watching Sean rage on annoying little buggers at the bowl. I got to see footage of it later on, and it amused me so!

then Niki gave me a ride to Devin's house where I waited ten or twenty minutes for Sean, and Devin to show up. no biggie, it was actually quite enjoyable in a mindless kind of way. We watched the Lakehouse vid (first people ever! how priveledged we are!), and the "day in the life of welly" vid that a quarter of my head was in for half a second. joy. then I watched all the biking footage, and was sad that I wasn't there. they are filming again tomorrow, and I am really excited!

Then I took the bus to Gator's for the Pirate party, and Sean went to seminary-for-adults thing that his mom was apparently forcing him to go to. Then later on, during a very malicious, hate-filled game of LCD, Barba, Llowyn, and him showed up, and I was happy! the three people I had been looking most forward to seeing showed up at the same time, and it was so thrilling that--Gareth stepped on my toe. gotta love being me.

Gator's basement smells like dog pee.

I am still at the Pirate Party, but now I am exhausted, so I have decided to be antisocial. I actually went down here, merely to change my msn name, but the lure of bloggy blogging has kept me here. Pretty much everyone has left except for Brianna, Aden, Lauren, and Mel, so now we're just hanging out drinking tea, and insulting each other. (*get back or I'll fart on you!*) yes I realize that's not an insult. get back or I'll fart on you.

I am the only person ever who would actually say that on the internet. doesn't make you feel great to be my friend?

yikes, I am random. it's cause I am tired. maybe I'll just give up now. nighty night, all, I am off to jump on Brianna. cause I wish to.

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