Sunday, September 19, 2004

linkie linkie

it's that time of blog again! for Pinto to imply everyone's ass into realizing that NO ONE HAS SHOWN HER HOW TO MAKE PERMANENT LINKS YET!!!!! I am proud to admit it! I am an HTML retard! save me from my own deficiencies, please!

Sean -- Sean is my new boyfriend of AWESEMITY! he bmx's all pro-like, and has been featured in magazines before! that's how cool he is. He likes to discuss the physics of dating short people in his blog. w00t!
Laura --Gator, one of my two bestest friends! One third of Collective, and the coolest person on the planet. Theatre-y, and part of the actual singing group, The Collective.
Brianna --Beebur is a homework nazi now that she's back in school. Other third of Collective, and copious amounts of fun always. I wish I had her laugh. I am developing her cackle, though...
Barbararara --the sweetest girl in the world! she's going to play Annie, and be the best one ever! better even than the one who played opposite Victor Garber! Adorable red hair, and gives me information about mouth herpes.
Llowyn --DATING the sweetest girl in the world! the second newest audition to our crown, Llowyn hails from Vancouver, which Collective also seems to be taking over. It seems Nanaimo was simply not enough to satisfy Collective. Llowyn plays violin, and likes to drive trains in his spare time with sadistic old veteran bastards who compare the size of their elderly penises by driving their trains recklessly.
Kevin --how I miss him! He is in Taiwan right now, spreading the Collective disease. Taking over China with his stunning good looks, and sudden loss of hair. Kevin and I spent the whole summer together, going places in the club wagon, taking multiple pics with his handy dandy digital camera, and meeting new people. I hope he brings the same joy to the lucky Taiwanese he is interacting with!
Brad --B-rad, the Piano Man! Welly Choir's fabled accompanist as well as grunge rock musician extraordinaire! throws kicking parties while amiably allowing people he doesn't really know to attend! Tall as trees, and cool as anything, Brad rocks my f***ing socks off.
Amay --just recently started getting to know Amay, although I've always known who she was. I mean, come on, it's kind of hard not to know, when she has an identical twin! Amay is a piano playing, Mormon-born snap pea (who's tagboard isn't working! *tear!*), who has delightful turns of phrases, and entertains me with her wittiness, and amusing nicknames! Can't WAIT to sing "The Garden" with he rand Amanda!
Bethany --Amay's twin, the formidable Green Bean. likes to bully snap peas into submission. has garnered the name Beefers because of this. Bethany is also Mormon (obviously), also piano-playing, and has troubles with her choir teacher who likes to steal her page-turners from her. Never give up, G.Bean! Never surrender! dates Chip, who takes amusing pictures while half-asleep.
Sasja --Conchita, the beautiful Matriarch of the Tropicana nightclub. Welcome to Havana...Sasja is awesome, and quite younger than me, and yet, oh-so-much taller than me. Ridiculously gorgeous, and quite the horny little bugger. Bisexual, and owns the most lovely jazz voice ever. And it's natural, too! You should pwn Emma Love, Sasja, you should pwn her good.
April --April became my friend this past semester in The Festival of Mime and Commedia dell'Arte. We came together through our mutual hatred of certain rat-like creatures that try to teach us acting, and mutual exasperation with Tony Bernardi, who has played love interests to both of us. urgfh, Tony, urgfh. Amazingly talented at hair and makeup, I remember in Grade Eight she did my hair and makeup for the PNE Talent Show. Awesome girl, hysterically sarcastic.
Amanda --Appulorgee-Us! The third pea in that pod with Amay and Bethany. Loves her neice so. Going to Malaspina now, studying music! She's in the chamber choir now, but forgot to tell me so I could come too. *sad face!* just she wait! Next semester I'll chamber choir her!!!
Ted --Littlest brother of B-rad. Likes video games, and got beaten up by a pop bottle at the Lake House. Also fell off the dock, and into a tree while scooter-ing on the dock, cause he's "talented". Plays every instrument imaginable just like his big brother(s). I wonder if he'll continue the family tradition of accompanying for Welly choir after Brad, and Little Brad are gone? Likes to describe items as "crap fricker things". This amuses me.
Nicole --I'll give you Nicole...(and the "bend over" is implied). k, so that one didn't work. but w/e!!! met her this past summer, and she has turned into an AWESOME friend! Hanging out with her and melly belly that one day was freaking sweet, we laughed ourselves silly! *Silly walks everyone!* Molesting Dan at his house. That was awesome. I like how I just barged into his house, and flopped onto his bed. And no it wasn't as comfy as you guys said it would be. *shrug* Prettiest girl ever, Nicole is the epitome of the adjective, "lovely."
Geoff --my ex. need I say more? well, in the interest of diplomacy, I shall. we had a great year together that unfortunately ended badly, but during that time I learnt a lot about him, such as he falls in love with every girl he tickles almost; he is somehow able to get through the entire Silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkein without going blind, which is a feat and a half; he is unnaturally obsessed with KD; he doesn't like people seeing his baby pictures; he likes to beat his bed with a stick when he's frustrated; he knows more about akido then he probably should...; he is cuddly; and he is extremely sentimental. All in all, a good character.
MattyRob, Stephanie, and others --more Vancouverites! these ones are hard-X-core Christians, and love theatre ALMOST as much as Collective does! woo-hoo! One of them is quite deep, and likes to post song lyrics a lot, and another is OBSESSED with trains, and has a car named Speedy Reidy. quite fun, still waiting for a chance to infect them with "Island cool", as MattyRob so eloquently puts it!
Spencer --My dear is the sweetest girl ever. Biggest brownest eyes you ever did see, and loves to have fun. Went skinny dipping, and even took her bottoms off! woo-hoo! then Lewis promptly wore them on his head. errmmm... Is Aden's little sister, adn is surprisingly young. She's in--Grade Nine. It's bewildering, cause she acts more mature than I do sometimes!!! yikes. you know you're sad when...
Ty --hasn't posted in FOREVER!!!! went underground. I've only seen him at school like four times since it got back in. However, he has joined choir so we ought to be seeing more of him! Ty is extraordinarily deep, and a very good friend, as shown the night he stood in the pouring rain with me, and held me while I wept on his shoulder about Geoff. I didn't think I could do that with anyone, not even Collective, but Ty proved me wrong. Thanks, Ty!
'lexis --another one who I became friends with this summer! good friends with the foodle, likes to go swimming, and attempt to do backflips off the low dive as taught by Ryan Litke. Also enjoys jumping over people's gardens, and tackling Foo. (as do I!) quite in love with a certain someone who does NOT deserve her in any way shape or form, judging from the way he treated me. and no, I am not referring to Geoff.
Foo --w00hoo!!! Foodle is awesome! quite the bad influence on poor, misguided Pinto, but now that school is back in, there is no more of that! Likes burning things, gin, and the idea of a grow op in his closet. even made me research it for him! but then he went and cut off all his hair...burn.
Niki --Former Welly choir Soprano goddess! Now is studying at MalU, and being a McSlave! Haven't seen her around lately except for today at the panto auditions. If we both get in, I'll be seeing a lot more of her. I';ve known Niki since I was in Grade Eight, and she was in Grade Nine. In fact in that time, she was one of my very best friends. Unfortunately we drifted apart. At least we still talk from time to time!

Sherayna --my sister. the one I live with. with four kids. I helped make her blog, and there's all these weird things all over it that I wrote. mwa-ha-ha-ha, I am evil!
April --My sister-in-law! The Wiccan one! She teaches me about witchcraft, and things that you should never ever do. April taught me the most about spells, and finding the type of magic to practice that suited me the best. Too bad, even that just didn't work out for me. Me and my religion weirdness. jeez.

Devin's --this is the most fabulously talented amazingly awesome, defintely-going-to-be-famous, and is-going-to-take-me-to-the-Oscar's boy you'll ever meet. What does he do, you ask? Why video production, of course! He did the Welly choir vid last year, and it doing the grad slide show this year, as well as a video of my boyfriend, Sean! everybody is jealous of his mad skills, and well they should be, for if you should try to compete with his pro-ness, you will be pwned. Badly.
The Twin's --I saw this website, and laughed about different things for hours, I tell you. So many parts of this site just brought total joy to my little heart! This site only reinforces my belief that the twin's are awesome, and I want to get to know them better.
Whisker's Corner --LMFAO. that's all I have to say. LMFAO.

phew! I think that's it. have fun with those, guys. I decided to do something different with this post and give you all a reason to check out all these other blogs. Anyways, I am off to attempt homework. good luck to me. I'm going to need it. :S


barbara_mary said...

I like how me, in my awesemity, am fourth link in Alleahs link-list. :D Alleah, make Devin or Brad show you. I vote Brad, as he himself has permanent links.

amyleigh said...

haha i'm on the link-list....i am NOT beaten into submission by ANY green bean, thank you!

bradfurd said...

mmm. very flattering description of me. :D and quite an intriguing entry if I might add, for I can relate to parts of it. ask me sometime to help you with links or you can send me your entire blog template and I'll edit it for you. it would take all of... about 10 minutes. :D

Brianna said...


MattyRob said...

Haha! I don't LOVE theatre, i just do it because it's fun and better then boring classes in school. They just tell me I'm a good actor, but when I'm in the NHL, there will be no time for acting!

Yes! Must be infected with Island coolness! Just how do you get infected with Island coolness? I guess you probably need to be on the Island....

VivaLaPinto said...

yes, you do. so GET here! pirate party this Saturday, WOO-HOO! also, filming the Sean Mantta vid on Sunday, the dinner at Moxie's! excitement times eight!

Anonymous said...

Good journey and experience!