Saturday, September 04, 2004


sorry, I am in the RANDOMEST mood EVER right now! p-tay at Brad's house was kickin, as expected! lotsa people there that I don't normally hang out with, like Ben Couterier (spelling?) (*I have to escort you off the floor!* haha), and Hadar Haddou. At least I THINK it was Hadar Haddou.

FINALLY met the sephagus! For which I was happy! But then we didn't talk very much, and I was intensely sad because I was so looking forward to talking to him in a non-blog setting. *sigh* shoulda invited him to Barb's tomorrow night, although, actually no. I think a skinny dipping party might be the wrong place to get to know a Mormon! hee hee hee! In the good news, he played piano quite beautifully, and even played the drums with Brad. Maybe he can fill in for Kevin in his absence?

In other news, the incomparable Llowyn was in attendance! and I was overjoyed! he even picked me up and swing me around when I first saw him!!! and I kicked Geoff! (by ACCIDENT, people, be nice!) Anywho, we hung out for some-ranging-to-a-lot of the night. It was more than some of the night, but not as much as a lot of the night. Me and Brianna, and Gareth, and Llowyn, and Devin, went and were "mellow" on the deck away from everybody else. That was quite fun, as we were discussing aliens. Barb and I were supposed to keep each other under check, but it didn't turn out as well as we had hoped. It's not our fault! Certain people happen to be phenomonally awesome! Luckily, we kept ourselves distracted by listening to the ever-talented B-rad, and his fantastic songs of awesemity!

So yeah, we did a lot of singing, hanging out, jumping on each other, being hyper, discussing fun things, eating yummy bad-food. We finally watched Kevin's farewell video that Devin made for Kevin, and also gave Brad for his birthday! Which was awesome, except for a couple really BAAAAD shots of me! Actually, my favorite shot is of Brianna and Laura waving hi to Devin in Boston Pizza (Choir year end party), and me noticing what was happening, and pushing my way through both of them to wave hi as well. I think that shot is absolutely typical of things with Collective.

I noticed something tonight, that struck me. Looking at all the women who were in attendance, I saw the inherent beauty in EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. I am not kidding. Every single female at that party was absolutely beautiful to me. And I am not saying that in a sexual sense, or anything else. It's just that I could see every single girl in the best possible way, and I noticed each specific girls' individual beauty, the thing about them that made them them. It kind of touched me, and I got to thinking about my own looks. And then I got melancholy!

lol! no but seriously, I did. Maybe other people are going to tell me I am wrong, but I don't think I am able to just BE beautiful they way every single girl at that party was beautiful to me. I always try at it, and that saddens me. I feel that that is why I am not particularly successful with my self-esteem, because I am always trying to be pretty or whatever. So when people tell me that I am, I feel like I am undeserving of that compliment because I worked so hard to be worthy of it. It's like I should be able to just BE, and not have to WORK to be.

I dunno, maybe I am just crazy.

Hey! Sorry for getting all weird, and stuff! This Fun With Pinto, not Pinto's Self-Esteem Issues! The party tonight was AWESOME!!!!! And there's going to be an even AWESOMER one tomorrow! w00t to the pro w00t hack! I mean...

yes, I am in quite the mood tonight! Brianna and I fell off the bed in Brad's room. We were laughing hysterically about something, I don't even remember what, but Brianna flopped onto me, and lost her balance, falling off the bed, ad dragging me down with her! Unfortunately this put us in a compromising position, as I fell, and landed with my face in her boob (*blush*), but was laughing way too hard to get up! It was embarrassing, but quite funny!

I also met Laurie tonight! She is Olive's girlfriend. She used to live in Ontario, but she moved here. She is a theatre/choir person, so she gets on fine with all the rest of us. In fact, she's living with Lewis right now, who I met while I was dating X. I don't remember much about Lewis, except for his aweing hilarity factor. I am sad I didn't become better friends with him. Maybe now that I know Laurie, who is cool, and lives with him, I might get to know him better!

In other news, my hair is now officially, unaidably fried. Seriously, tonight, I pulled out ALL the stops. Intensive Blends shampoo, AND conditioner. Five minute deep conditioning treatment. Intensive Blends LEAVE IN conditioner. And it is still frizzy, and course where I bleached it. only course of action left to me? chop it all off.


seriously! how distressing! I like having long hair! it gives girls this amazing sex factor (maybe not me, but--we've been throught this!), and I like feeling like that, even if it isn't true. But if my hair dries into this amount of yuck, then I don't see as I have any choice left. I probably won't cut it all off, cause I despise short hair now. However, I shall cut a LOT of it off. Get something that is easier to style. I like the idea of bangs. Maybe I'll try that out.

hmm, this blog has gradually floated away from the topic of party, so I'll just say this: B-rad has kickin parties, skinny dipping is going to be awesome, Llowyn is THE COOLEST, and I must have another p-tay at my house. hmmm...what say--Panto party? auditions are coming up...once we know who got in, I'll throw a big bash in celebration of that special time of year! When the theatre in all of us comes out to play! (that reminds me, I should see if that Offspring music has downloaded yet; stupid slow computer)

Now I am off to see if other people have blogged about tonight yet. Bye all! I want pizza...


barbara_mary said...

You were laughing about the looks that we thought Brad and April were exchanging. I vote we keep each other in check more at the skinny dipping party. God knows it'll be harder.

VivaLaPinto said...

no freaking kidding!

VivaLaPinto said...

w00ty w00t w00t! that could equal endless amounts of cool! I would enjoy attending these jamming sessions at Brad's house with new personelle on the drums! and yes we should DEFINATELY hang out, post haste!

bradfurd said...

That was a sweet entry Alleah. Thanx for complimenting my party. and thanx also for coming and for the funny card. hehe I'm not trying to make you look bad....maybe a little. jk. well maybe see you tonight, if not, I'll c ya at school and choir starts back up . w00t.