Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Pint-Sized Pinto Braves the Crowds...

today I went school supply shopping. yes! that's right--school supply shopping. with crowds comparable to the Christmas rush! It was misery! Misery, I tell you!

Ok, so I am exaggerating. Although, I did go on a quest for stupid pens, cause I couldn't find the ones I wanted. This quest spanned two malls, about eight stores, three buses, and a multitude of stupid people. I never did find my preferred brand. Now I may be stuck with living with substandard pens, or paying idiotic prices for ridiculously expensive ones that my mom will make me pay for myself because she is cheap.

Speaking of my mom being cheap, I am sad because I would like to get B-rad Nielson an awesome birthday gift for his birthday coming up, but my silly mother is confounding that notion. She is already aggravated at me for existing, and having the nerve to require school supplies while I am at it. *sigh* I need a job.

again, I put forth the plea: handsome chivalrous prince needed for prestigious position of "boyfriend". Previous experience desired (*the boys need not apply!*). White steed, and shining armour required. To start immediately. Sorry about the whole failry tale theme. Ever since me and ALL my girls (not just the Collective ones) had our Princess Party, I have been enjoying that fantasy. Who knows? Perhaps a handsome, witty, quirky Prince of some random country will just fall into my lap? not likely. but a girl can wish.

*wish wish wish wish wish wish*

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