Wednesday, September 08, 2004

ready, set... silly walks, everyone!!!

today was awesome, again! school was ok. (OMG! THE EATER IS IN MY MATH CLASS!!! and he sits practically RIGHT beside me! this semester ought to be quite the interesting!) got lost looking for my enterpreneurship class. well, really I just lost the class, I did actually know my way around my own school! however, finally I found it. nothing much to report on that front. actually, in my ent. class, we're allowed to fiddle with the computers while the teacher gives the lesson, so I am planning on msn-ing, emailing, and blogging the semester away! Amid lotsa work-doing of course! But hey, it's enterpreneurship. If I can't get a good grade in THAT class, that I'll never get good grades again!

Bye Bye Birdie rehearsal was FANTASTIC, and all we did was go over the course outline! oh, GOD, I am SO excited for this musical! It seriosuly doen't even matter that I am chorus, even to lead-starved me, just ebcause it is Dover which means it is going to be AMAZING, especially since the girls and Gareth and I and other fantastic people are in chorus, making the best chorus EVER, and as we all know the show is only as good as it's weakest actor! And if that is in fact the case, then this show is going to be AWESOME!!! the dynamic with their teacher, Mr. A, is SO different from Welly drama! There is always this huge undercurrent of tension in Welly drama,a dn it's all because everyone hates Mrs. Tinnion. You don't even notice this undercurrent until you go to drama with someone excellent like Mr. A! The difference in the feel of the room is ACTUALLY palpable. wow, I cannot wait!

anyways, had a LOVELY conversation with Sean tonight! yeah, I know, big surprise. I found out that he bikes for contests, and sometimes wins money, and junk! Also, there have been magazines from Vancouver that have come to interview him, and photograph him! I demanded to see these magazines, and he said he'd dig 'em out for me! *happy!* So yes, it seems this boy I am interested in is QUITE the talented! I am impressed. Everybody knows that ability is a huge turn on for me! He may be going/moving (?) in December for this biking thing, and that makes me unbearably sad. He asked me when I asked him, "why sis someone going to miss me?" and according to my sister, I started blushing! I NEVER blush! urgfh. Pinto's brain is turning to goo. It's all Sephagus' fault! Blame him! Storm his tagboard with comments from people demanding the old clever witty Pitno back!!! Also, he can play the piano which makes things EVEN BETTER!!!! I also found out that he has a mere ONE sibling. I am assuming older, cause he said something about having to do a lot of chores now that "people are not around as much anymore" or something along those lines. This Friday, he is coming with Gator, and Gareth and me to watch Bye Bye Birdie the movie at Gator's house. ought to be good! ooh, I cannot wait!!! And things are going to be sweet-frickin-o, because I'll be all dressed up for picture day, then I have announcement tryouts which I shall be pretty for! yay! then--I have date with Sean (is it actually a date? I hope so, cause I am calling it that. mwa-ha-ha.), which I shall ALSO be all pretty for! It all works out! I am thinking if the girls and I practice enough this coming week we can perform at the Folk Connection next Friday, and I can invite Sean to go. w00t! life rocks.

but it doesn't rock for Geoff. He feels bad. I vote we all make certain to hug/give an encouraging comment/compliment/boost his ego in the next week, k? just cause it would be nice. even if he is being a lamer.

k, that's my good deed for the night, cause there is nothing ANYONE can say that will bring me down, cause I am that jazzed with life!!! woo!

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