Thursday, September 02, 2004

the following will be amusing to a select number of people

Last night I had a dream about the Vancouver people Collective has been interacting with lately... You know that skate shop down in the old city quarter? I dunno what it's called, cause...I'm not a skater. But anyways, I dreamt that one of these people from Van, Stephanie owned this skate shop. Except she was about thirty years older than I think she actually is! So one day I walk down to this "skate shop" in the old city quarter, as it is reasonably close to my house, and I go in. And lo and behold, it is NOT a skateshop AT ALL, but a trinket shop. Stephanie apparently sold things like wind chimes, and figurines, and other Collectibles (hah, L + B! The Collectibles! oh that was funny...). Anyways, so I went there one day with Gareth. And he was really hungry, so Stephanie offered him cereal. Gareth travelled to some unseen "back room" and I didn't see him again for a REALLY long time. I stayed out in the front with Stephanie, and finally, I asked her: Do you have a blog with a team member named Matt? and she just looked at me like I was this psycic leper who had hobbled up to her on the street. She said, "yes...that's kind of weird" in this voice that said she wasn't entirely amused about it. So then I said, "hi, I am the Nanaimo person who comments on your blog all the time! Pinto!" (*I don't know why I specified Nanaimo because obviously in my dream SHE was a Nanaimo person as well*) But then the saddest thing happened! She just gave me this weirded out look, and walked away! I was so sad!

Anyways, I am hungry, I need food, I shall post again later.


Stephanie said...

WOW, THAT'S SO FREAKIN' COOL!! YOU HAD A DREAM ABOUT ME ALL THE WAY OUT IN NANAIMO!! I'm flattered. Especially since you dreamt that I was a shopkeeper and shopkeepers are the coolest people and a shopkeeper of TRINKETS AT THAT!!! WHOA.

One thing though: I would NEVER give you a weird look. I'm usually the one getting the weird looks. :D

Stephanie said...

P.S. I'M SO SHORT TOO1!!!!!! I'm like, 5'1" or 5'2" just BARELY and Matt and Dyllan and Andrew and everyone looms high above me, up in the sky. I don't mind being short though. It's not so bad. You end up relating to people who live on Islands!! YAY!

MattyRob said...

Holy Crap, you guys are honestly the most freaking entertaining people I have ever met on the internet in my life! This is so cool, I've given up all Tv just for reading these comments... Wait, world cup is on, I'm not giving up TV!