Friday, July 16, 2004

The Collective and their Virtues

I just looked at Devin's profile, cause he told me to, and he talked about a bunch of his friends on it.  I thought, I should do sounds like fun.  But then I logged onto my own profile, and I!  I like my profile!  so all I did was add the site of this blog, in defiance of Devin's friend-flaunting ways.  then I felt sad, cause I'd sold my own friends out. So I decided to remedy the situation here.  Now if this isn't a reason to check out my blog, I dunno what is, because in this entry, I am going to stroke the egos of every one of my close friends.  (except Brianna!  jk!)  neways, here we go.
(in no particular order)
Brianna--oh, Brianna.  you could say that you are the leader, the driving force of the Collective...but that would be stroking your ego!  which I already vowed not to do!  ;)  at any rate, you definitely keep things interesting, and when you're around, EVERYBODY has a lot of fun.  That is for sure!  You should know that Laura and I value you not for what you can or cannot do, not because you change to be what you think we want you to be.  We want you to be who you are, and whoever that is, rest assured, we WILL accept it.  We *heart* you!
Laura--ha ha!  the substance of the Collective!  you are who I turn to when I need an objective opinion, and when I need somebody to tell me the cold hard truth.  I value that in you, and I hope you are never too shy to do that for somebody.  I love your random obsessions (yeah, Jack Kerouac!), and the way you have no desire to conform.  You are a true individual.  You just don't accept the "norm" and you don't advertise that.  You don't need people to know how much of an individual you are, you just are, and I thank you for that.  Your honesty is refreshing.
Geoff--oh, my love.  my first in many different respects, my only in others.  you probably know more about me than any other person on earth, and that is not something I take lightly.  I hope you know the trust that entails.  You have such wonderful ideals.  I know sometimes I don't take you seriously, or I try to prove you wrong.  Just know that there will always be people like me out there.  But if you can ignore them the way you've ignored me, you may just stand a chance of fulfilling your dreams.  When you are mad at me, I hope you will refer back to the message I wrote in your yearbook this past year, because all of it is true, and will NEVER change.  I love you.
Monkey--the completing member of the Collective!  and my big little brother!  Don't forget, that means  I will always have the power to a) get you to tell me anything about your personal life, b) tell you if you're being a jerk, or if you are completely right  c) make fun of your gaming ways!  ha ha!  I hope you remember that whatever my status with Geoff, I'll always love you like the little bro I never had.
Gareth--you were the second friend I made at high school.  that puts you in the comfortable position of oldest friend excluding elementary school.  (besides when you're an adult, elementary school just doesn't count, and besides, I never hang out with my elementary school buddies anymore!)  you, of course, hold the title of wackiest friend, and how I value you for all your frog-loving, fairy dress-wearing, Mel-dating ways!  for sure you are one of my very best friends!  *oh yeah, and I'm sorry I grabbed your crotch when I was drunk!  no gaurantees on it not happening again! ;)*
Mel--my Melly! obviously my best friend that goes to another school (tied with Barbara).  definitely the best dancer I know.  Probably one with the best realistic ideals.  Did you know you are the very first person who has ever spent the night at my house?  crazy, huh?  you're so much fun, and I love your sense of humour.  you are definitely such an awesome friend to have, cause you're not afraid of telling me the truth about my problems.  Even if I don't really listen to you! *blush blush!*  You're also one of only three of my close friends who has had sex that wasn't with me!  that deserves recognition all by itself!  ha ha!  *k, that made me sound like a slut!*
Barbara--oh, Barb.  what can I possibly say about you?  how bout that you are totally randomly awesome!  if I went to your school, and saw you more often you'd probably be my very best friend.  I understand your personality, and you understand mine, which is a big thing with me.  It doesn't happen too often.  You, and Mel (not the Collective interestingly enough) deal with those children I live with the best.  I vow to increase the amount of time I spend with you by fifty percent in the next school year.  If I fail to do this, you can torture me on the rack.  Is it a deal?
Devin--hey, babe!  you are an interesting species of friend to me, because you have always been the guy I can flirt with, with no consequence.  You are, and will always be my first-choice dancing partner! You're the guy with whom I can talk about things that my other guy friends just don't understand, like clothes.  (gotta love pinstripe!)  I dunno, maybe it's a function of your sexuality, maybe it's the fact that you're an image-conscious person.  Either way, I value it, and I thank you for it.  Don't ever change, EVER, k, Dev, cause I love you exactly the way you are.
Kevin--Kevin, rest assured you are the most well-spoken, and glib of my friends! the rate at which enormous, and surprisingly coherent words flow from your mouth is truly astonishing, and believe me it can make some of the best sources of amusement for me.  I love that you have weird and obscure interests, and I'm sorry, Irish Pipe is THE best instrument in the world.  Drummers have the best reputation pop culturally as instrumentalists (come on, when you think drummer, what image pops into your mind?  I think Travis from Blink 182.  very sexy!) but the instrument they play is just not sufficiently awesome to qualify as the best instrument in the world.  Anyways...back to you!  I have some of the best conversations with you, and your van is for sure a road trip vehicle (not me!  nobody rides me all day and all night!  NOBODY!)  hopefully there are some really great p-tays, and memories to come before you leave for Taiwan.
Brad--Hey Brad!  I haven't hung out with you over the five years of high school as as much as I should have.  You're a great person to hang with, and believe me, there was a helluvalotta reason (what a fun word!) for me to like you.  For instance you are probably one of the MOST talented person I know at what you do.  I love your songs, and I really love to watch you play one of the myriad of instruments you know how to play.  You're very thoughtful, and obviously can hold up your end of a conversation with Kevin (seeing as how you've been best friends with him for a long time)  the way I sometimes can't.  I hope the best for you, Brad, whatever that is; you definitely deserve it!
Caitlin--you, my dear, are the VERY FIRST person I made friends with at high school.  From finding out about our mutual interest in Mercedes Lackey, to playing non-competetive volleyball in Nicola's backyard a little while ago, you've been such an awesome friend, and have been one for such a long time.  You're the most athletic of my friends (no contest!)  and, enviously, the hottest.  I'm so happy you've gotten what you wanted with Josh, and am impatiently awaiting the details!  (can anybody say girl sleepover at Laura's!)  I hope I know you for much longer than the last year of high school we have left.
Nicola--hey, girl!  you're my dancing friend!  you're definitely better that me at ballet, and I love to talk to you about dance.  It's so much fun to hear about your latest celebrity crushes, and to watch a scary movie with you and watch you gasp and scream.  The Ring will always be the scariest movie in the world, and I'm glad I watched it for the first time with you!  You've always been the granola factor and always will be.  But never fret!  That's a good thing!  You and your disapproval of my language and conduct (dirty bubbles!) will keep me in line for years to come, I hope!
Kourtenay--Kourtenay, maybe I haven't spent as much time with you as I should have.  I don't know why I haven't, because making that movie with you in tenth grade was absolutely tons and tons of fun.  (yeah, Chinese store owner!  Making you Death with makeup was certainly my esthetic triumph.  what do you say? film and television makeup artist?).  All those original parties from so long ago, with LCD, and makeovers, and the card game. (who would you rather give a blow job to?  A) Jake, B) Mr. Jossul, or C) Brendan???  ha ha!)  those were so much fun, and will always be fond memories of an innocent time never to return, a time spent with you.
if you don't see your name here, it's not cause you're not in my heart.  my excuse is that, in the interest of time, I included only my closest friends.  I love you all, though, and you know who you are!

1 comment:

Brianna said...

Yeah i'm awesome!! btw, your blog is the bloggiest blog in the whole blog world.